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Gone Unnoticed: A Kate Reid Novel (The Kate Reid Series Book 3)

Page 26

by Robin Mahle

  Kate doubted how it was that she made it this far. Had Nick not stepped in, she believed she could have been one of the twenty-five percent. But she had worked damn hard too and needed to remember her part in achieving the goal. The grueling physical tests, the tactical training; all of it was something she had doubts about in the beginning, but by the end, had mastered. It wasn’t over, though. The final exams were tomorrow and Friday. She still had to pass and had been hitting the books particularly hard since the case was over. She’d had to regain her focus on the training.

  Will had been there to help and she was indebted to him. His friendship, although she’d nearly set it to ruin, had been invaluable. Now he sat next to her, waiting for this final speech from the instructor.

  “Those of you who are still here should be proud of your accomplishments. You’ve put in the hours, you’ve practiced, and you’ve learned. But this isn’t over yet.” The instructor started to pace the front of the room. The large screen behind him was on and showed the FBI emblem on a light blue background.

  “The next two days will probably be the worst. Your physical and mental strength will once again be put to the test. However, I’m looking at the best of the best and so this should not be a problem for any of you.”

  Kate was ready. This was what she wanted. If a shred of doubt remained in her mind, it had vanished when she saw Nicola for the last time. It had been weeks since then, but her memory hadn’t faded; in fact, it propelled her to work even harder.

  She was missing Nick, though. He’d been busy wrapping up the investigation and she’d hardly seen him more than a few times in almost a month. And when she had managed a quick lunch with him, he seemed preoccupied. Maybe it was better that way; she needed to do this last part on her own.

  “If you pass,” SSA Hawes continued, “then I’ll see you all at graduation. You’re dismissed.”

  Almost at once, the remaining NATs took to their feet and shuffled out of the training room. Kate made her way from the aisle with Will trailing behind.

  “You heading back to the dorm?” he asked.

  Kate looked at her watch. “I think I’ll grab some dinner first at the cafeteria. You hungry?”


  “Great. Let’s go eat.”

  It appeared as though most everyone had the same idea, as the cafeteria was packed. It was doubtful any of the remaining members in her class would be doing anything else tonight except for studying and getting rest, which was exactly what Kate was planning on doing.

  “It’s been a pretty incredible five months.” Will shoved a section of a large cheeseburger into his mouth.

  “You could say that.” Kate paused for a moment. “I really wasn’t sure I’d even make it to this point and I know you’ve played a part in my success. Thank you for that, Will.”

  “Please.” His mouth still half-full of food. “You did the hard stuff. I was just a shoulder.”

  Kate looked down at her food. “But it was more than that, wasn’t it?” They hadn’t once spoken about that night, but Kate felt compelled to explain her behavior because she didn’t want to finish this and say goodbye to him without at least acknowledging that while she hadn’t been ready for it, she didn’t hold him responsible for her actions.

  He put his burger down and held her gaze. “Kate, I’m not going to lie to you and say that it didn’t sting a little because it did. I like you. What can I say? But I understand that it is too soon. I get that. That doesn’t mean we can’t continue on as friends and who knows—maybe someday—when you’re ready… but in the meantime, I will always be your friend and when we’re finished here and we go our separate ways, I want you to know that I’m only a phone call away. Hell, I’ll only be an hour’s flight away too.” He smiled. “The last thing I want you to have are regrets about me.”

  “I would never…”

  Will raised his hand. “I’m just saying. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You needed someone. We all need someone. Give yourself a break, is all.”

  “Thanks.” Kate worked to keep the tears at bay because she had regretted it and it would be something she would have to find a way toward forgiveness. But hearing him let her off the hook, well, maybe she needed that.

  » » »

  “There you are.” Georgia walked into Nick’s office. “I’ve been looking for you for the past twenty minutes.”

  As she approached, Nick pressed a button on his keyboard and his monitor flashed to its screen saver. “I must’ve just missed you then, because I’ve been here for the last fifteen minutes. What’s up?”

  Georgia walked around his desk and kissed his lips, glancing for just a moment at his computer screen. “I just wanted to know if you felt up to grabbing dinner soon.”

  “What? No work?”

  “Nope. I’ve got a few consults heading my way, but nothing yet, so I thought it’d be nice to get out of here early tonight.”

  “Sure. I could eat.” He turned back to his monitor. “I’ve got a few emails to shoot out first. Can you give me, say, thirty minutes?”

  “I can do that. I’ll see you in thirty.”

  As she walked out of his office, Jameson approached. “Agent Myers, nice to see you.” He watched her begin to head down the corridor. “Heading home?”

  “Not just yet. Waiting for that guy to finish up so we can go eat. Care to join us?”

  “Maybe another time. I’m swamped right now,” he replied.

  “Okay. Goodnight then.”

  “Good night.” Dwight continued in to Nick’s office. “How’d it go?” He pulled out the chair and waited for Nick to reply.

  “Not great.”

  “Goddamn it, Nick. What the hell are you going to do?”

  “Wait, I guess. Nothing else I can do.”

  “Look, you know I got your back, right?” Dwight said.

  “I do.”

  “Whatever that asshole says happened, you did what you needed to do, and any of us would have done the same. They’ll see that and this will all blow over.”

  “I sure as hell hope you’re right, man.”

  “Did you tell Georgia?”

  “No.” Nick turned away and shook his head. “Not until I know for sure what the higher-ups plan on doing. No point in worrying her.”

  “Sure. I guess not. And what about Kate? She’s taking her exams tomorrow, right? Does she know?”

  “Definitely not. She’s got enough on her plate without worrying about me.”

  “This could affect her, though, you know that. Shit goes down the wrong way and they might not keep her here. Might ship her off someplace else.”

  “I don’t think so. All the assignments are out.”

  “Maybe so, but if they end up laying the blame on you for what happened out there, there’s no telling what else they’ll do.”

  “I’m not going to worry about that for now and neither should you. Like you said, I got plenty of people on my side, including you, who saw exactly what went down. I didn’t do anything wrong. They just need to make sure they got all their ducks in a row. That’s all this is.”

  Dwight nodded his head. “Okay, man. You’re right. I’ll let you get back to it. I’ve got a few things to wrap up myself before heading out. I’d better call Kate and wish her luck.” He stood up. “You should do the same.”

  » » »

  Her legs were burning, but Kate pushed on. Only a quarter mile more to go, but she had no idea of how much time she’d had left. You’ve done this before. Move, goddammit!

  The track was still wet from the early rains, but there would be no accommodations for the weather. Some parts of the track had puddled water and she worked to avoid them, which was throwing her off her time. She was more concerned with slipping and falling than running.

  The finish line was moving in closer now and she could see it. A few of the other female trainees were ahead of her, but she had no idea how many were behind because Kate refused to look back. Only a few more feet now. He
r arms and legs pumped hard; she would not fail this test. Come on. Come on.

  Kate crossed the line and she almost stumbled over her own feet as she came to a stop. Dropping her hands to her knees, she hunched over and pulled in as much air as her lungs would take.

  It seemed only moments when the man with the stopwatch approached her. “Time, 11 min., 30 sec. You passed, Reid.”

  Kate returned to full height and looked up to the sky, laughing. She’d done it. She’d passed the physical test. It had been a grueling day, but it was over and she made it.

  Her exam results were due to be ready by the end of today, including the academics portion. But she would have enough time to get back to her room and get cleaned up.

  Kate began walking back to the field where the other trainees who’d already run still waited. Will was among them. She threw her arms around him. “I passed.”

  He picked her up and twirled her around. “Yes!” He laughed. “Was there ever any doubt?” Will lowered her back to the ground and the other trainees clapped for her, even Hewitt.

  And with each classmate that approached, all had made it and all congratulated each other.

  This is my family now. Kate clapped along with the others, who were now more like brothers and sisters. They’d all been through hell and made it out the other side. But she tried hard not to be too confident. They still had to get the rest of their results.

  » » »

  It was late afternoon and the trainees waited inside the main classroom to meet with the instructor and it was Kate’s turn.

  “Reid, come on in,” SSA Hawes said, holding the door open to his office. “Have a seat.”

  This was probably not the first time he’d seen an apprehensive student, but Kate was downright terrified.

  “So, NAT Reid, you had some struggles early on, but I’ve been particularly pleased as to how you’ve handled them. I’ve watched you grow a great deal and I know it’s because you’ve worked very hard to overcome a very troubling time in your past.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Kate tried to hide her trembling hands and legs. In fact, her entire body was shaking.

  “And with the work you did for SSA Scarborough, you’ve shown exceptional ability. He has given you an outstanding recommendation.”

  Kate smiled and took a breath to steady herself.

  “I suppose you’d like me to get to the point?”

  A brief, awkward chuckle escaped her. “Yes,” She cleared her throat. “Yes, sir, please.”

  “Okay. Well, I won’t keep you in suspense any longer.” Hawes stood up. “Congratulations, Agent Reid. Welcome to the Bureau.” He extended his hand.

  Kate launched to her feet. A broad, irrepressible smile masked her face. “Thank you, sir. Thank you.” She returned his handshake.

  He held the door open for her and it was all she could do not to scream the second she walked through it. Instead, she clenched her fists and pumped them just a little bit.

  Kate arrived into the room where those who had already received their passing results waited. Will was already there and he began to smile and nod his head. As soon as she entered the room, classmates approached her, hugging, slapping her on the back, and shaking her hand.

  Will waited for her in the back row. “Congratulations, Agent Reid.” He held out his hand.

  “Congratulations, Agent Caison.” She reached for his hand and pulled him forward into a hug. “We did it.”

  » » »

  Kate arrived at the local bar near the edge of the base. Those who passed, which were all but three, were meeting there to celebrate. The graduation ceremony was on Monday and she’d phoned her parents to give them the news. She hadn’t been back to see them since moving to Virginia, but she’d gotten much better at calling and staying in touch with them. Both had been supportive of her decision, even if her mother was more than a little hesitant.

  Kate spotted a few of her classmates, who immediately waved her over. “Agent Reid!” one of them shouted. He’d clearly already started on the festivities. She greeted them and sat down. Kate ordered a beer.

  It wasn’t long before the rest of the group showed up and joined the party. In fact, Kate hadn’t realized almost two hours had already passed. She was feeling pretty tipsy.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Nick walking towards her. A little unsteady, she rose to her feet. “Agent Scarborough! Come and have a drink!”

  Nick smiled. “Well, it looks like you all are having a good time.”

  The others in the group called out his name and raised their glasses to him.

  “Have a drink with us, Agent Scarborough!” Will said.

  “Oh no. I’d better not. Still got work to do. Just wanted to have a quick word with Agent Reid.”

  Nick was answered with drunken boos, but he laughed it off.

  Kate tried to stand firm, but Nick had to grab her arm. “You all right?”

  “Oh yeah. I’m fine.” Her rosy cheeks betrayed her.

  “Uh-huh. Listen, I can’t stay long. I just wanted to congratulate you in person. You did a hell of a job, Kate, and I couldn’t be more proud of how far you’ve come. Marshall would be proud too.”

  The smile faded from her face at the mention of his name. “I hope so. Thank you for everything Nick. I wouldn’t be here without you.” Kate wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly. She had come a long way and it felt good. She felt good for the first time since Marshall died. “You guys are my family now.” Kate kissed his cheek.

  Nick gently pulled her away. “Okay, okay, let’s not get all mushy here. You’re a federal agent now. We don’t do that sort of thing.”

  Kate laughed as she wiped a tear from her cheek. “Oh yeah, that’s right. You’re coming to the ceremony, right?”

  “Are you kidding? Of course I am. You go on back to your celebrating. You’ve earned it. I’ll see you at the ceremony on Monday. Will your folks be there?”

  “They’re coming in tomorrow afternoon. It’ll be the first time they’ll have seen my place.”

  “Good. See you Monday.” Nick started to leave, but not before announcing his departure with a wave. “Remember, you all are representing the Bureau now.” He looked to the bartender. “Hey, don’t let these guys go too overboard!”

  The group booed him again. “I’m just kidding. Good night, everyone, and congratulations.”

  Kate sat back down and watched Nick leave the bar, the wide smile still plastered on her face. She turned towards Will and noticed he’d been looking at her. “What?”

  He grinned. “Nothing. Come on; how about another beer?” He raised the pitcher to her glass and poured.

  » » »

  The auditorium was filled with friends and family of the graduating class. Kate waited in the wings with the others, dressed in a suit. She’d spent the weekend with her parents, showing them around the base and taking them out to eat. There was never a time she could recall seeing as much pride in their eyes. So much had happened between the three of them and although their relationship had been on the mend for some time, especially when she’d stayed with them after Marshall died, this was different. She felt their pride and their love. Now, they waited in the seats with the other family members, ready to watch her receive her credentials.

  Kate peeked around the curtain and finally spotted Nick. Dwight and Georgia were sitting next to him. She was glad they were there. They’d all been there for her.

  The lights dimmed and the Director of the Academy stepped up to the podium and began to speak.

  “You ready to do this?” Will whispered in Kate’s ear.

  “You’re damn right I am.”

  In only moments, the names would be announced and she would walk across that stage and her entire life would have transformed once again. She was getting a second chance at a new life, just as those women she’d helped to rescue would get. Conflicting feelings arose; pride and sorrow, happiness and fear, they all swirled in her head, creating a cockta
il of emotion. But she was ready for this next chapter in her life to begin. She prayed it would see her through what remained of the pain and the memories, but had vowed not to expose them; not to let anyone use them against her. She had nothing else to lose.

  The director began calling out the names.

  The veteran agents waited for their friend’s name to be called. Agent Jameson, Agent Scarborough, and Agent Myers had helped to see her through one of the most difficult periods in Kate’s life and they were here for her now.

  “Looks like your protégé did all right for herself,” Georgia said to Nick.

  “I guess she did.”

  “Agent Katherine Reid.”

  Kate walked out across the stage and stood next to the director who handed her the badge and a certificate. “Congratulations, Agent Reid.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Kate continued to the other side of the stage, but not before glancing into the darkened auditorium to smile. She couldn’t see her parents or her friends, but she knew they were there.

  A few hoots and hollers erupted as they had for the other graduates and Nick put his fingers to his mouth and whistled.

  The rest of the names were called and, by the end, the director introduced the newest members of the Bureau. “Congratulations, agents, and welcome to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”

  The auditorium exploded in applause. Nick took to his feet with the other two following. “She did it.” Nick looked to Georgia.

  Dwight grabbed Nick’s shoulder. “Come on; let’s go see her.”

  The newly minted agents were walking down the steps to find their families. Kate found her parents and they embraced her.

  “We’re so proud of you, sweetheart,” Deborah said.


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