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The Sheikh’s Royal Wedding

Page 5

by Cara Albany

  He drew in a deep breath, wanting to go across to her and sit alongside her. But, he knew that if he did that, he'd provoke the same reaction he'd gotten when she'd locked him out of the bedroom suite they were supposed to be sharing.

  She was still insisting that he keep well away from her at night. And it was burning him up! The nights alone in his room had become interminable. Unbearable.

  They'd already had dinner at the place where they'd attended the grand opening of the new business premises.

  Zariq glanced toward the terrace. "Would you like me to send for a drink before you go to bed?"

  She lowered her head and peered at him for a long moment. Finally, she made up her mind. "Okay," she said in a flat voice.

  He lifted a phone on the table and ordered some drinks to be brought. Then they both made their way out onto the terrace. It was dark already, and the night air was cool. The scent of the desert beyond the palace walls wafted across the garden lawn and across the terrace.

  They stood at the balustrade, not speaking for a few minutes while they waited for the drinks to be brought. When they did arrive, she was surprised when she noticed he'd ordered champagne. He handed her a flute filled with the clear, bubbling liquid. She squinted at him. "Why the champagne?" she asked.

  He lifted his own glass, "Do I need a reason?"

  She laughed quietly. "I guess not."

  Zariq held his glass out toward her and she clinked her own against his. "To a very successful introduction to Qazhar society," he toasted.

  She nodded. "I suppose that's as good a toast as any. Even though I say so myself, it has gone better than I could have hoped."

  They both sipped from their glasses. Zariq placed his down on the marble balustrade and she placed hers alongside his. They both gazed out across the garden. Lights from the palace cast illumination across the luxuriantly landscaped greenery. It was like an oasis in the middle of a wilderness, he told himself.

  But, this palace had become something different since Dakota had come to live with him as his wife. It had become a refuge from the world. One he enjoyed returning to at the end of the day. Because, the truth was, that it wasn't only Dakota who'd found the intense media scrutiny difficult to deal with. Zariq had learned something new about himself. He valued his privacy a lot more than before. Especially since that scrutiny had become intrusive to such an extent that all he wanted at the end of a long day with Dakota was to return to his sanctuary.

  The only dark spot which remained was his exile from the matrimonial bed. And he'd wracked his brains for a way to overcome that barrier. But, nothing he'd thought of seemed remotely feasible.

  It seemed he'd have to wait and allow Dakota to come to him. Because he wasn't going to do anything to force the issue. They had a whole life to look forward to together, and he didn't want their future poisoned by a desperate act on his part.

  They chatted a while, going over the details of the day they'd just shared together. As they talked, he sensed her becoming more relaxed with him. She laughed at some of his observations of the crazier aspects of their day.

  Finally she laid the empty glass on the table. As he did the same, the back of his hand touched hers. She glanced at him as if the simple act of touching her had triggered a reaction in her. He saw thought flicker in the back of her eyes. A hesitation. As if she had been about to say something to him.

  "I better go upstairs," she said softly.

  But then she was walking away from him. He went after her and called out. "I'll see you to your room."

  Previously, when he'd suggested such a thing, her instant reaction had been to shake her head and refuse. But not tonight. His heart leaped as he saw her smile at him and nod. "Okay," was all she said.

  Zariq felt something tighten in his body. A familiar need flamed into life inside him. He drew in a breath, taking hold of whatever composure he had left after seeing her smile at him.

  They walked slowly up the stairs. She didn't say anything to him. Didn't even look at him. All she did was walk slowly alongside him. As far as he was concerned, that was good enough. It was more than he'd been able to coax out of her for weeks.

  As he walked alongside her down the corridor toward her suite, he wondered what had prompted the sudden change. Maybe all the hours they'd been spending together in full public view had altered her earlier firm decision to keep him as far away from herself as possible.

  They reached the door and she placed her hand on the handle, pushing the door open. He smiled at her and started to make his way across the corridor toward his own suite.

  Then he froze. He felt her fingers curling around his wrist. He turned and gazed at her, scarcely believing what she'd just done. He lifted a querying brow. Zariq knew he dared not say a word, in case it prompted a change of heart.

  The corner of Dakota's sweet mouth creased with an encouraging smile. "I was thinking," she said softly. "Maybe we've been apart too long."

  Zariq gazed at her and nodded. He didn't say a word because he wanted all of this to come from her. Because it had to be what she wanted.

  "You know we set this up inside here?" she said. "Like separate beds and all?"

  He nodded. "Yes, Dakota. I remember. And why we did that."

  Her brows furrowed slightly. He felt emotion flare inside himself. Was she changing her mind? Or, even worse. Was she just teasing him?

  "Do you think we could try and work that out?" she asked quietly.

  "You want me to sleep in there?" he replied hesitantly.

  She nodded quickly. "You can have your room in here. I think it's time, don't you? Apart from which it'll stop any wagging tongues about us sleeping in different parts of the palace."

  Was Dakota doing this because of a desire to keep up appearances? Or had her decision been driven by a change in how she felt about him? He couldn't say for sure. All he knew was that he wasn't about to refuse her offer.

  Zariq moved closer to her. He saw her body stiffen visibly and her eyes narrowed. "Separate rooms in here, Zariq," she said abruptly. She lifted a hand and placed it on the flat of his chest. He could feel her fingers curl slightly as she laid her hand on his torso. Was she still determined to keep him at bay? He glanced down at her hand and then lifted his head and gazed into her eyes. He saw the answer and it made his heart sink.

  He nodded. "Separate rooms, Dakota," he agreed.

  She turned away from him and he followed her into the suite. He hadn't been in here since before the wedding. It was just as he'd remembered. Marble floors; expensive furnishings. And two doors which led into separate sleeping areas. She walked toward her own door and pushed it open. She wasn't wasting any time, he told himself. The agreement had been made and she was making sure he stuck to it.

  She paused at the door and glanced back at him. "See you in the morning," she murmured.

  He swallowed, feeling the instinctive urge to go to her, to kiss her and claim her. But he restrained himself. That wasn't what he was going to do. She let him take one step closer, and that was enough for the moment. He'd just have to accept it, even though every nerve in his body screamed out for more.

  Then she stepped into the room. He had a brief glimpse of her bed and then the door closed. He walked to the other door and pushed it open. The empty bed awaited. He gazed at it, feeling the sourness and disappointment take hold of him.

  Then he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.


  Dakota was awakened by a sound from outside the closed door of her bedroom. She sat upright and clutched the comforter around her chest. She listened for a few moments and then rubbed the sleep from her eyes. By the bedside clock she saw that it was three in the morning.

  A noise, the sound of movement, drifted into the room again. And then, through her clouded mind, she remembered. Zariq was next door. She'd allowed him to claim the other bedroom. She asked herself why she had done that and concluded that it had been an impulse. Nothing more. It had felt lik
e the right thing to do.

  And, the truth was, there had been times during the last few weeks when she'd felt lonely. Some of her nights in the palace had been passed trying to endure broken sleep and restlessness. As she'd been walking up the stairs earlier, with Zariq by her side, the thought had come to her that she wanted to keep him as close to her during the night as he'd been to her during the many days they'd spent being Qazhar's favorite couple.

  It had just seemed right to ask him in. Just as it had been imperative to make sure he'd understood that her invitation didn't mean she was going to end up in his bed. She'd seen the disappointment on his face as she'd laid her hand on his chest. His mouth had dropped open and he'd looked as if her refusal had crushed all his new-found hope.

  Well, that was how it was going to stay, as long as she had anything to do with it, Dakota told herself. She had absolutely no intention of sharing a bed with the sheikh, no matter how tempting that prospect might be.

  Still, she had to admit the last few hours had been difficult. There was no doubting that Zariq was sexy. Incredibly so. He was the epitome of every woman's fantasy. Tall, dark, dangerous and with a body that contained unlimited promises.

  Well, they would be promises she would never know anything about. When the marriage had been agreed, one of her conditions had been that there would be no sharing of beds. And the meaning of that had been absolutely clear to both her and Zariq.

  No sex.

  She'd seen how hard he'd battled to accept that condition. They'd argued about it, and he had even threatened to call off the wedding because of her decision.

  It hadn't been easy, but she had stuck to her guns. In spite of the quiet little voice that murmured to her from time to time every moment she was in close proximity to Zariq. The truth was the man was astonishing looking. Sharing a palace, there had been moments when she'd caught sight of his body.

  Like, for instance, that time, last week, when he'd taken off his shirt in the garden, unaware she'd been watching him from the balcony of her suite. His olive skin, sweat covered, with a chest matted in dark hair, had ignited a forbidden passion in Dakota. Because she'd known he hadn't been aware she was watching him, she had indulged herself in a guilty pleasure. And she had enjoyed it. Every moment of it.

  Dakota had gazed in wonder at his powerfully muscled physique as he'd attended to a piece of fallen down tree trunk which he'd lifted onto a protective plastic sheet for later removal. The way his taut muscles had strained with the exertion had triggered a visceral reaction in her.

  He'd almost turned and seen her at just the wrong moment. But, she had quickly ducked back into the shade of the balcony awning, certain he had not seen her. Even now, just remembering that illicit pleasure was enough to create a warmth at her core. She knew how much power was contained in his body. And she also knew that getting too close to that forceful desire would cost her everything she'd fought hard to maintain.

  Dakota heard another sharp noise and then what sounded like the sliding of a door, perhaps the terrace, she told herself. Maybe he'd be out there, right now. Perhaps, like her, he hadn't been able to sleep. Could she trust herself to go out there and talk with him? She thought about it for a moment, and then decided she would. She'd make sure she'd keep her distance. There couldn't be any harm in talking. Could there?

  Sliding off the bed, she ignored the dressing gown lying on the chair by the wardrobe door. She was wearing a pale blue silk nightgown that covered her down to her knees. Dakota padded barefoot to the bedroom door and gently pulled it open. She stepped out quietly and peered across toward the balcony doors. Seeing them open, she realized she'd guessed correctly about the sound.

  But there was no sign of Zariq. That puzzled her, so she took a few hesitant steps toward the open doors. A cool breeze wafted into the room, triggering goosebumps on her skin. She wrapped her arms around herself as she advanced toward the door. The cool air made her feel curiously vulnerable. It was a reminder of the desert wildness beyond the garden walls.

  She took another step forward and then halted. Her heart began to hammer noisily and her pulse thudded instantly at the sight before her.

  Zariq had walked from one side of the balcony where he'd been out of view. Now he was in plain view. In more ways than one, she told herself as her throat tightened with an uncontrollable reaction.

  Zariq was completely naked.

  He stood with his back to her, leaning his fists upon the flat surface of the marble balustrade. Emotion swept through Dakota, and her first instinct was to turn and head straight back to her room. But she didn't. Because she didn't want to. Not right now, anyway. Just like before, she was tempted. Lured into relishing the sight of Zariq's naked flesh.

  His back toward her provided a perfect view of his most perfect rear. His broad shoulders were packed with powerful looking muscles. The angular sweep of his back muscles led her gaze inexorably down to the sculpted glory of his rear. His long legs were equally powerful looking. He shifted slightly, and that almost made her squeal out loud. But she contained her delight, not wanting to make him turn around and discover her furtively watching him.

  She leaned one hand against the sofa by her side and drew in a quiet breath. Her heart was pounding ferociously. Her throat was tight. Knowing that this moment couldn't last, and that it could end up dangerous for both of them, Dakota started to turn to head back to her bedroom.

  It was right at that moment that Zariq turned. His eyes widened and he stood facing her. She gasped and, for moment, thought about running, even if that would have seemed cowardly. But she didn't move a muscle. Her gaze drifted down the length of his body, taking in the sight of the ridges of his abs and then his fullness. She quickly dragged her gaze up to his face. He moved quickly toward her, stepping into the room. Shadows covered his nakedness temporarily as he continued to come toward her.

  Dakota knew she should say something but, right now, her mind had become an exquisite blank. She took a step back, but that only seemed to make him more determined to advance toward her. Another few steps and she found her back against the wall next to her bedroom door.

  Then he was upon her, pressing his naked body against her, crushing her with the sheer strength of his desire. She felt the firmness of his need press hard against her. She thrust her hands flat against the wall, exposing herself to him. She knew she ought to have done what she'd done earlier. Pressed against his chest, holding him at bay. But, this time, the thought hadn't even occurred to her. This time, she gave in to the one thing she had resisted only hours before.


  His mouth crashed down upon hers and she gasped. His breath was warm and he tasted sweet as his tongue probed her, seeking pleasure. She moaned and that only seemed to drive him on even harder. His kiss was fierce and demanding. She didn't want him to stop and she couldn't understand why. All she knew was that this felt good.

  So good.

  More than that. Every nerve in her body had flamed into life. Heat had ignited at her core as she felt him part her legs with a casual shift of his knee. His hands traced a course down the sides of her torso. And then one hand cupped one of her breasts, the touch of his thumb making her nipple pebble instantly. Ecstasy swept through her.

  She felt his firmness, naked and powerful, pressing against her belly. Thinking what that could do made her mind swim with conflicting thoughts. All she knew was that his body was unbelievably powerful, and his desire seemed unstoppable. His kiss went on for long, exquisite moments.

  Then she felt his hand drift down to her middle, his fingertips tracing a line across her belly. She felt him tugging at the delicate fabric of her silk nightgown, pulling the edge up from her knees, until he had it bunched in his hand. She knew she was exposed to him down there now.


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