The Sheikh’s Royal Wedding

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The Sheikh’s Royal Wedding Page 13

by Cara Albany

  It had seemed like the right thing to say, but Zariq could see Elena's cynicism written all over her face. This wasn't what she'd come to hear. She probably had the same list of dangerous questions tucked away somewhere. Elena was probably waiting for just the right moment to spring the trap. Which made it all the more curious that Dakota had invited the woman into the palace. What did Dakota hope to gain from bringing the woman here?

  Dakota lifted a hand. "I'd add something to what Zariq has just said. An important caveat. Any public appearances will only be for the next few months."

  Elena narrowed her eyes. "Why is that?" she asked.

  Dakota sighed contentedly. Zariq detected a hint of nervousness in Dakota's gesture. He peered at her, sensing her sudden unease.

  Dakota straightened and looked at Zariq. He saw emotion in her eyes. A new expression he hadn't seen before. Dakota gave Zariq a warm smile and laid her hand on his. "Because, Zariq and I are expecting a baby," she said in a soft voice.

  Zariq felt as if the floor had opened up beneath him. There was a sinking sensation in his middle. He was sure his face had turned suddenly pale. He peered at Dakota's smiling face. For a long moment, his mind was a complete blank. The air around him seemed to have become suddenly warm. He couldn't breath.

  "Sheikh Al Kharif, congratulations," Elena declared, not sounding at all pleased.

  Zariq glanced at Elena, seeing her own suddenly pale features. It looked like the news had affected Elena as much as it had Zariq. "Thank you," he managed to say.

  He peered at Dakota, whose expression was one of complete joy. He knew the cameras would be focused on himself and Dakota. Any viewers would be able to see the genuine reaction on his face and the delight on Dakota's features.

  Zariq forced himself to peer at the camera. "We're very happy with the news and can't wait to welcome out new arrival."

  Elena's jaw was tight, and she was staring down at her paper. Any notion of asking difficult questions had been banished by Dakota's dramatic announcement. Now, Zariq understood where Dakota had gone on her trip away from the palace. She must have gone to confirm the news about her pregnancy. Her mischievous nature had tempted her into telling him in the middle of a TV interview.

  It was just the kind of thing he'd become used to. He was starting to get used to her ways. To how she liked to keep him on his toes. He knew he would never be able to take this amazing woman for granted. Ever. She would be a source of delight and surprise to him. And that was fine, as far as he was concerned. It meant life with Dakota would never be dull. Never be boring. And now that they were going to be a real family, he knew he had so much to look forward to. His heart was filled with joy.

  The remainder of the interview passed in a haze, as far as Zariq was concerned. He couldn't wait until Elena left. And when she did, Zariq took Dakota out to the garden.


  Dakota followed Zariq out to the garden. Now that Elena was gone, Dakota allowed herself to relax. She knew there had been risks attached to what she'd just done. Not least of all was announcing her pregnancy to a clearly surprised Zariq. As she walked alongside him across the lawn toward the fountain, she glanced up at Zariq. Hadn't her hints been enough? She'd tried to let him know with some of her careful comments. And she'd thought he'd picked up on those. But, clearly he hadn't.

  She could see he was delighted, even though she admitted to herself that he might be justified in being annoyed with her about the way she'd sprung the news on him. But, it had been worth it. The media would now focus on one thing. The upcoming baby, and everything he, or she, would mean for Dakota and Zariq.

  She thought about the last few days. How difficult it had been to keep the news to herself. How she had agonized over the decision. More than once, she had almost told him. But something had held her back. If Zariq had known, he might not have agreed to making the announcement quite so public. And in the manner in which they'd just done it. Something had persuaded Dakota that the way she'd revealed the news would guarantee that she and Zariq would be able to be treated with respect by the media. The one final problem in their life would be resolved. She would find out in the coming weeks, but she was pretty confident that the clamor for Al Kharif scandal would die down.

  They arrived at the fountain and sat down on the marble seat which faced the wide pool of water and the tumbling rivulets. This was a place they'd made their own over the last few weeks. It was where they came whenever they wanted some private time. For Dakota, it was the one place in the garden where she could feel completely calm and relaxed. She needed that now, especially after springing that surprise on Zariq.

  Zariq looked at her. "That was some way to give me the news," he observed.

  "I tried to tell you earlier," she stated.

  "You did?" he asked, his brows lifting in quiet amazement. "You could have fooled me."

  "Seems like I did," she said and laughed softly.

  He shook his head and sighed. "You're always going to be a never-ending source of surprises, aren't you," he declared.

  She nodded. "If I can," she agreed. "Unless you want me to be a different kind of wife," she added.

  He turned and faced her. His brows furrowed. "Why would I want that? You're perfect as it is."

  She felt her heart warm as his gaze settled on her. "You think so?" she asked teasingly.

  He leaned forward and nodded. "I wouldn't want you to be any other way."

  Zariq kissed her and then lifted his head back. "When did you find out about the baby?"

  "A few days ago."

  "And you kept the news all to yourself? I thought we agreed there wouldn't be any more secrets," he said.

  She shrugged. "I promise you, that's the last time I'll do anything like that to you."

  "Really? That's a promise?" he asked.

  She nodded. "And I know how much promises mean to you, my sheikh."

  His eyes widened appreciatively as he heard her words. "You know just what to say to make me want you."

  Dakota gazed into his eyes. "I think I've got a pretty good idea."

  He grinned. "What am I going to do with you?"

  She tilted her head and raised her brows. "Anything you like," she murmured.

  He kissed her again, this time with greater passion. She smiled at him. "I think it's going to be a girl," she said.

  He lifted a brow. "Why wouldn't it be a boy?"

  "Is that what you'd prefer?" she teased.

  He shook his head. "I don't care. It means we're going to be a family. And that's all that matters."

  She nodded. He was right. It was all that mattered. They'd been through so much together. And, there had been times when it had seemed that their future life had been in jeopardy. But that wasn't the case, any more. She felt accepted now. By Zariq and everyone in the palace. Also, she'd become close to many members of his family, who'd rallied round her in the weeks after the trip to the shrine.

  She gazed over the garden wall at the tops of the desert dunes. She felt as if she belonged in Qazhar, now. As if her future was secure. What had begun as something compelled by the past, had been transformed into a wonderful reality that promised a perfect future.

  "You know what?" Zariq said. "I'm looking forward to our next outing as a royal couple. I think people are going to love you even more than they did before."

  "And you?" she asked.

  He leaned closer. "I'm never going stop loving you, Dakota."

  And, as he kissed her again, she knew he'd just spoken the truth.



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  The Qazhar Sheikhs series

  The Sheikh's Forbidden Bride

  The Sheikh's Pretend Bride

  The Sheikh's Rebellious Bride

  The Sheikhs Reunion Bride

  The Sheikh's Second Chance Bride

  The Sheikhs Baby Secret

  The Sheikh's Hesitant Bride

  The Sheikh's Desert Bride

  The Sheikh's Matchmaker Bride

  The Sheikh's Marriage Of Convenience

  The Sheikh's Desert Captive

  The Sheikh's Enemy Lover

  The Sheikh's Tempted Bride

  The Sheikh's Desert Princess

  The Sheikh's Bride of Convenience

  The Sheikh's Unexpected Bride

  The Sheikh's Marriage Deal

  The Sheikh's Second Chance Seduction




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