Spencer meets his Lady Love

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Spencer meets his Lady Love Page 4

by Christine Donovan

  “You look lovely,” Claudia said. “Who is this gentleman calling that has you worrying overmuch about appearance?”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “I’m afraid, yes.”

  “A Mr. Stuart Spencer,” Miranda said with a sigh. “He came yesterday as well. He is utterly handsome and witty. I finally met someone who doesn’t mind my candid speech. In fact, I think he rather enjoys it.

  “I’m happy for you, milady.”

  As Miranda made her way to the drawing room, she stopped several times and placed her hand on her belly. Butterfly wings caressed her insides, and she found herself lightheaded at the prospect of seeing Spencer again. If she didn’t learn to control her feelings, she was liable to throw herself into his arms at the first possible opportunity. Causing a scandal and forcing him to offer for her was not what she wanted. True, she believed she wanted to marry Spencer, but she wanted him to want her. Not be forced into it.

  Once she entered the warm, drawing room, thanks to the roaring fire in the hearth, she sat next to her mother on the burgundy settee.

  “Unless we have an unexpected visitor, Mr. Spencer appears to be the only card which arrived this morning,” Mother said with a frown. “I don’t understand. You are beautiful and come from a prominent family. Why are there not dozens of prospective suitors banging down the door?”

  “Perhaps because I don’t possess a dowry?”

  “Whatever gave you that idea?” her mother said in exasperation. “You have a more than generous dowry. I kept the money from your father. It is safe amongst my possessions.”

  “Then, why indeed?” Perhaps because the other suitors witnessed Spencer and her together and knew they didn’t have a chance of a prayer in winning her affections. That must be it, otherwise, if Spencer did not offer for her, she had no one else willing to marry her. Her heart sank at the idea of Spencer not wanting her. But it also made her realize, if she could not marry him, she wouldn’t marry at all. Her father would just have to find money elsewhere to save them from ruin.

  Tears threatened to make an appearance as the butler entered the room and announced, “Mr. Stuart Spencer.”

  Instantly, her tears dried up and her pulse raced. Her mother must have noticed her change.

  “Easy, dear,” her mother whispered. “We don’t want him to think you are too eager.”

  “Welcome, Mr. Spencer.” Mother motioned with her hand to a chair facing them. The same one he sat in the previous day. “Please take a seat.”

  Mother leaned forward. “May I pour you tea?”

  “Yes, please. One sugar, no cream.”

  “If my memory serves me, you had a wedding in the family recently,” Mother said while she poured. “Will there be an announcement of an heir to come soon?”

  The shock that flashed briefly on Spencer’s face had Miranda troubled. He controlled his emotions quickly and plastered on a smile she knew he forced. She had witnessed him smiling often enough to know that wasn’t genuine. How odd.

  “My cousin, Lord Geoffrey, the earl wed. As of yet, there is no word of an heir.”

  “In due time I imagine.”

  Now he stared into his tea frowning. So Miranda changed the subject to the only one she could think of. “How is the weather today, Mr. Spencer?”

  His eyes came up and met hers, his brows rose and he tilted his head almost as if he said thank you. The butterfly’s fluttered again without hesitation.

  “It is rather chilly I’m afraid. The clouds look ominous. It will probably be raining by the time I take my leave.”

  Before she could respond, her mother chimed in, “Spring can be such a disappointment. One day it’s sunny and warm and the next day you need to sit by the hearth to ward off the chill.”

  “That is England for you.” Spencer placed his china cup and saucer down on the tea tray and stood. “It has been my pleasure to join you both this afternoon, but I must beg my leave.”

  Once Spencer left the room her mother turned to her and frowned. “Well, he didn’t stay very long. Have you done something to make him think you are not interested?”

  Had she? No. Quite the contrary. Perhaps it was her mother asking family questions. Spencer obviously didn’t relish speaking about them.

  “No, Mother. I did not.” She stood. “If you’ll excuse me I feel a headache coming on.”

  Behind the closed door of her bedchamber, Miranda flopped down on her bed, turned onto her side, fluffed the pillows beneath her head and exhaled loudly. Spencer had acted strangely today. Had she done something to offend him? Her heart constricted at the thought. And as she closed her eyes to take a little nap and alleviate her headache, she’d not been lying about that, she envisioned her life without Spencer in it and she wanted to cry.


  The next month of the Season continued with one ball, soiree, and night at the theater or opera. Spencer and Miranda danced, laughed and tried to steal away for intimate moments, but were always waylaid from someone in her family or his. The lack of privacy didn’t hinder the love blossoming in her heart for him. However, something was different all of a sudden. She hadn’t heard from him in two very long days. He’d missed afternoon tea, something he’d not done since they first met and Miranda’s heart sank heavy inside her chest. What was keeping him from her?

  That evening Miranda found herself attending a musical with both her parents at Lord and Lady Amesbury’s. Their son’s name had graced her marriage list but had already been crossed off due to his age and still attending university. That and she was in love with Spencer. As his name entered her mind she glanced across the room and saw him. Try as she might, she couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her lips when his eyes found her. Nor could she ignore the quivering in her stomach and the urge to run across the room and fling herself into his arms. Too many gothic novels. They would be the end of her good reputation if she continued to devour them into the wee hours of the night. But she was so happy to see Spencer after he didn’t call on her for two days. She’d sunk into despair of ever seeing him and his melting smile again. Not to mention, his handsome looks and good humor. She didn’t think he’d lost interest in her. Not when he looked at her with such longing in his eyes.

  That morning in the breakfast room, as she walked in, she caught the end of her parents’ conversation. A conversation where Mr. Spencer’s name was mentioned. Although, she didn’t know if they spoke favorably about him or not. After a month of visits, she could only surmise that they were speaking in his favor.

  During their afternoons together, her mother always seemed quite taken with him. Even hinting to her after he departed the very first time that he would make an excellent husband. And if Miranda let herself think about him as a husband, which she did often, her body tingled in places she never imagined could tingle. How embarrassing. Surely a proper lady didn’t tingle down there? Except, every time she happened to be in his company she did...tingle...down there...that is. And sometimes moisture appeared. Is there something wrong with me?


  “May I join you?” Spencer bowed to both Lady Miranda’s mother and father, then to her.

  “Please do,” her father replied. “How is your mother, Mr. Spencer? I’ve been neglectful in not inquiring before now. I kept thinking we would run into her at one event or another, but we haven’t. Truthfully, we have not seen her since before your father’s passing.”

  “She is well. Thank you for your concern.”

  “Did you know I attended Eton with your father?”

  “No, I did not.” Even though he and his father rarely agreed on anything, he still experienced a sudden pain in his heart every time his name was mentioned.

  “Your father was quite the prankster.”

  Now that did shock him. “Really?” Hard to imagine his father, the stuffy, George Spencer, ever being young and attending Eton. Spencer remembered his days there well, and they were full of mayhem and mischief. Oh, he studied as well, his good gr
ades attested to that, but what was the point of being young if you didn’t enjoy yourself. Geoffrey, William, and he had some memorable moments within the hallowed halls of Eton.

  “Oh, yes, he wasn’t always the stogy gentleman he became after marrying your mother.” Lord Chambers paused. “I apologize. I didn’t mean any disrespect to your father’s memory. It’s just he changed when he married and became a father, as we all do I suppose.”

  “No offense taken. He was a great father to me and my sisters even if he was a tad serious at times.” At times was an understatement. Spencer often thought his father had never smiled a day in his life. What happened between his Eton days and the day he married his mother? No doubt his mother. She spent her days in bed with one pretend ailment after another. As long as he could remember, she’d been that way. It never bothered him, but he wondered if his younger sisters minded the fact that their mother didn’t take an interest in their lives. Perhaps, but their grandmother made up for it immensely. There was nothing that went on in their family that she didn’t know about or put her opinion on. And for that Spencer would forever love her. She represented his mother more than his mother did. Strange, how he’d forgotten his mother rarely left her room even before his father passed. For some reason he wanted to believe her behavior began after Father’s death, not before. But the truth of the matter was, she’d always been that way as long as Spencer could remember. But why? Would he ever know the reasons?

  Which reminded him, where was his grandmother this evening? She did love a good musical.

  “Could I have your permission, Lord Chambers, to show Lady Miranda the lovely gardens all lit up at night with colorful paper lanterns?” William’s voice intruded in his mind, Are you bloody crazy? The gardens at night. Do you know how many ladies have been compromised and gentlemen forced to marry them by special license all because they took an innocent stroll in the gardens? He promptly shut his cousin’s voice down.

  “You have my permission, but keep to the well-lit and well attended areas.”

  Mr. Spencer bowed. “You have my word, Lord Chambers.”

  When Miranda placed her hand on his forearm, heat scorched the spot and spread out until every inch of his body burned with desire. Nothing new, it had occurred each and every time they touched. He ignored the warnings his mind added to William’s cautions and led Miranda out onto the terrace and into the well-lit gardens where colorful paper lanterns were strung together and hung everywhere he looked. To his disappointment, they were not the only young couple seeking privacy.

  “Do you smell the jasmine?” Miranda inhaled. “It is my favorite scent. Not my favorite flower, that would be roses, but the smell of jasmine is intoxicating.”

  “Yes, it is rather distinct.” What flower was she speaking about? All he could hear was his blood rushing inside his ears while he couldn’t take his eyes off the creamy, white column of her neck where it met her collarbone. Then, of course, his eyes drifted down to the tops of her pale breasts straining against the confines of her cream colored dress. He’d never seen a lovelier pair of breasts begging to escape. His palms itched at the need to release them from their confinement.

  Bounce them and test the weight of them in his hands.

  Cup them to find out if they were a perfect fit.

  Bloody bugger, get your mind out of scandalous thoughts. Too late, his cock strained against his breeches begging to be let out.

  “Mr. Spencer. May I ask you a personal question?”

  “Personal?” He didn’t like the sound of that and his body tensed. Except then she laughed.

  “Don’t worry. It’s nothing really, just about your cousin, Lord William, and why he doesn’t appear to care for me?”

  “Don’t fret. Lately he doesn’t like anyone.” Not a nice thing to say about William, but the sad truth nonetheless. Ever since Geoffrey married Katherine, he had changed and not for the better. Gone was the affable cousin he knew. The way he’d lived his life carefree and happy until he found out his brother’s secret. And when said brother married the love of William’s life his unhappiness intensified. Poor William, forced to watch the woman he loved belong to Geoffrey. At least by law—the heart was another matter entirely.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Must be a rather lonely life if one keeps to himself and appears brisk so nobody dares approach him. Does he not want to marry someday? There are many debutantes this Season who would think it a privilege to marry the second son of an earl.”

  Did she want William for herself? Could he have misread her emotions and interest in him all this time? Was she being nice to him because she wanted to marry William? “Damn it.”

  “Excuse me.”

  “Begging your pardon. Are you interested in William?” His heart sank to his knees as he waited for her answer.

  “Oh, no,” she blurted out, then lowered her lashes. “No. I thought I made myself rather...that is...I thought you knew how I felt about you.”

  His insides switched from panic at thinking she wanted William, to elation. “I’m glad to hear this. As you deserve someone better than my cousin. Even if I think him a most honorable man. You want someone who will love and cherish you, not scowl on a daily basis beginning in the breakfast room.” Funny, he never thought William took after his father until now. Had his father scowled all his life because he was in love with someone? And not his mother? If true, no wonder his mother spent her days in bed wallowing in self-pity. Assuming it was self-pity she wallowed in. He should be fortunate he had any siblings at all if that was the case between his parents. Enough about his family. This night was about Miranda and him.

  Spencer turned down a path that looked quite deserted and not as well-lit as the rest. He shut out his promise to her father and William’s warnings...again. Glancing this way and that and finding no one within sight, he pulled Miranda into his arms and waited for her to either pull away or sink into his embrace. He held his breath as he waited, and fortunately she didn’t keep him waiting long. She sighed and relaxed against him, placing both her hands upon his chest and once again burning him to the core.

  “Miranda?” He posed it as a question, but they both knew what was inevitable, unless she stopped him.

  “Kiss me already. Spencer. The suspense is just about killing me.”

  Who was he to disappoint a lady? Cradling both her cheeks with his gloved hands, wishing they were touching skin to skin, he lowered his head and watched her eyes flutter closed as she leaned in further, trusting him.

  When their lips met, Spencer’s pulse soared at the first taste of her luscious, soft, pliant ones touching his. She seemed quite tentative at first then he let her curiosity take over as she moved her lips from side to side. Waiting patiently for his chance. And it came when she breathed in air, parting her lips, and he took advantage and the lead.

  Although she startled when his tongue dipped into her mouth, she didn’t hesitate before joining hers with his. This kiss, this mating of the tongues with Miranda, fueled his body as no other woman ever had before. What was it about her that set her apart from the numerous women he’d bedded over the years? Did he really care? No. What he cared about was her and making her first experience full of pleasure and making her want more, but only from him.

  “Miranda.” He paused to breathe, then took her mouth again, only this time in a punishing kiss, full of need, want, and desire. And she didn’t shy away, she gave him as much of herself as he gave her. It was rough and primitive, but that was what she made him feel. He felt out of control and on the brink of sanity.

  His mouth wanted to kiss her for eternity and more. His hands wanted—no—needed to travel up the inside of her skirts to find the warm heat between her thighs. Fingers, with a mind of their own, wanted to sink into her body and bring her pleasure.

  Before he could stop them, his hands moved from her face to her waist. They skimmed up and down her sides. His thumbs caressed the outer edges of her breasts, and she moaned into his mouth, fueling his lust highe
r. This time, when his hands moved down, he caressed the front of her and cupped both her breasts in his hands.

  Lost. He was lost. Well, almost lost. Not gone enough that he forgot where they were. Abruptly, he dropped his hands to his sides, detached his lips from her mouth and took a regrettable step back, hoping his legs didn’t give way. They both stood staring at each other and gasping for air as time seemed to grind to a halt. The sounds of the nighttime bugs and voices and music from the distance faded into nothing until it was only two people who existed. He could spend all evening standing right in this very spot staring at her until the sun came up. Unfortunately, they could not.

  Spencer exhaled with frustration because he did not want to break their connection, but he knew he must as they’d been gone far too long to be deemed proper.

  “Miranda, please forgive me if I do not apologize for taking liberties. I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you.” It was true and he didn’t know what the bloody hell to do about it.

  The elation in her eyes almost sucked him back in for another taste of her.

  “I wanted the kiss, as much or even more than you did.”

  He skimmed his knuckle down her cheek and reveled as her body trembled beneath his touch. “You shouldn’t say such things to a man.”

  “You are not just any man, are you?”

  Was he? No. He was the man who had fallen completely and irrevocably in love with her. “No. And I trust you will not let another man’s lips touch yours.”


  “Only mine.” Had he just declared himself to her? Where was the panic? The tightening in his chest? The nausea settling in the pit of his stomach? None of it came. Perhaps when you find the one you are meant to love and spend the rest of your life with, it feels as natural as breathing. Being with Miranda was like breathing the cleanest country air possible.

  “Do you think your father will give his approval?”


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