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Spencer meets his Lady Love

Page 20

by Christine Donovan

  Lachlan came back with two pieces of small wood and he wrapped the man’s arm, keeping it stable so the bones could knit together straight. All she could do was pray his arm wouldn’t be damaged, his thigh would heal, and he would walk again. She did her best to set the bone and stitch him up, the rest was up to God.

  Teagan hurried to the main room, took a jar off the shelf, and went back to their patient. After washing her hands she used her fingers to gently coat all his cuts with her homemade remedy. It would keep infection away and aid in the healing.

  “Ye did well lass,” Lachlan said as his fingers worked fast to tie the last knot of cloth on the man’s arm. “Has he woken at all?”

  “Once. He said ‘how’ then his blue eyes rolled back into his head. Which reminds me ah need to wrap a cloth around his head. He has a deep abrasion on the back and ah felt a slight fracture.”

  “How is it ye noticed his eye color when ye were busy attending to his wounds?” Lachlan gave her his signature crooked grin and one brow raised look. A look many young lasses back in Scotland would willingly give their innocence to see.

  Heat tinged her cheeks. “Hard tae miss when one intense eye was concentrated on me.” Thinking about that one good eye clouded with pain and confusion made her want to help him recover so she could see them both, clear and pain free. She shivered at the thought of having his eyes riveted on hers.

  “Why has yer face turned red?”

  She tossed a cloth at Lachlan. “It isnae.” She frowned as she studied the man’s face. “Who do ye think he is? Can we trust him even though I suspect he is English? He could still be working for Paw? All that aside, is his family or perhaps a wife frantic with worry wondering where he is? Is he alive? I didnae see a third horse with the highwaymen, where do ye suppose his mount went off too?” Gently she wrapped a clean bandage around his head. It took all her will to concentrate on the task at hand and not get lost in his almost boyish good looks. Why did sleeping men always resemble innocent young boys when all their features were relaxed in rest? Even evil men could look innocent in sleep. Was this stranger, perhaps an enemy? Although she didn’t think so. After finishing tying the bandages, she moved an errant lock of hair out from his eyes. Eyes she could hardly wait to see again.

  What was she thinking? Recently she managed to escape the clutches of the meanest, cruelest man in all of Scotland, she didn’t need to be thinking of this one.

  “Will ye stay with him whilst ah heat up the stew leftover from yesterday?”


  After his sister left, Lachlan studied the unconscious man and wondered what spell he cast on Teagan. He’d never seen her take such care with a patient, or blush profusely, never mind the longing look in her eyes as she tended him. As much as his instincts made him believe the man wasn’t one of his father’s henchmen, he had an uneasy tingle in his spine. They had to keep their true identity from this man. They would have to abstain from using their given names while in his company.

  Rising from the old battered wooden chair with the wobbly legs, he went into the main room and stood by his sister’s side as she heated the stew in the large fireplace. “We need tae use the names we adopted when we escaped from Murray Castle, Maggie and Brice McHugh. And remember our story about our parents’ dying two months ago and we sought relatives here in Northumberland only tae find they had moved on. So we decided tae stay and find work.”

  “Do ye really think ‘tis necessary with this mon?”

  More of those infernal tingles traveled up and down his spine. “Aye, ah bloody hell do.

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  Did you love Spencer meets his Lady Love? Then you should read Cole by Christine Donovan!

  Previously published under the title BlackJack

  Cole Jackson spends fifteen years in prison for a murder he did not commit, the murder of his wife, Lindsey.

  His talent as a songwriter and an avid reader save him from the loneliness of the cold, dark and unforgiving prison walls. But as he joins the world of the free again, he struggles with his once again fame, because of his rock-n-roll band, of being a convicted killer and the fact that his self-esteem and self-respect were lost years ago. Prison will do that to you, not to mention drugs, alcohol and an unfaithful wife. He no longer has the drugs, the alcohol or the unfaithful wife. What he has is a tarnished reputation and the determination to find the true killer and restore his life.

  Shannon Gallagher's hard work as a writer has finally paid off. She believes her life is complete living in her dream home on the ocean until she meets Cole Jackson. She idolized him at sixteen, cried at twenty-one when he went to prison. Now at thirty-six she meets him and falls instantly in love. But as Cole gets closer to his wife's killer, he puts Shannon's life in danger. Can he expose the murderer and keep Shannon safe?




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