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Sadistic Sherlock (Ward Security Book 4)

Page 16

by Jocelynn Drake

  Dom’s belly quivered when Abe sucked his thumb into his mouth. He ran his tongue over it, then hollowed his cheeks and sucked on it.

  “Fuck,” Dom whispered, the word cutting off when Abe reached around him and groped for something on the counter. He came back with the lotion and he pumped a huge glob into his hand. “Okay,” Dom breathed. “This is getting interesting.”

  Abe stepped close, making Dom widen his legs more, and took them both in his hand. He coated their cocks with lotion, his fingers tight as he slid his fist up and down.

  Dom’s eyes fell shut, and his head went back.

  “Put your arms around my neck,” Abe ordered in a low, gritty tone.

  Complying, Dom scooted until his ass was nearly hanging off the towel-covered counter. He thrust up into that warm, slippery fist, his eyes rolling back in his head. “S’good.”

  “Everything with you is good.” Abe twisted his hand every time he got to the top, rubbing their tips together. He kissed Dom’s neck and opened his mouth over Dom’s collarbone, licking the sweat that was starting to pool there and making Dom squirm harder. He came up and kissed the scruff on his jaw he’d been about to shave. “You are so fucking stunning.”

  Abe made him feel that way. He wondered if the man had any idea of how he looked at Dom. How he had been looking long before he’d decided to give them a try. When Abe suddenly tightened his fist and sped up his movements, Dom had to grab on to his shoulders.

  “Yeah,” he yelled before snapping his mouth shut because the vague thought of Garrett downstairs was slightly alarming. Not that he cared really—Garrett would know full well what they were doing up here in the master bathroom.

  Abe was panting against his neck and coming up on his toes, his hips snapping in time with his hand. Dom was dizzy with how fucking hot this was—basically, getting jacked off on a bathroom counter. He loved that Abe was taller, so this even worked.

  He grabbed Abe’s head and brought him in for a kiss and when Abe did that thing with his tongue on Dom’s bottom lip, he felt the tell-tale tingling at the base of his spine. He opened his mouth and moaned as that talented tongue entered his mouth. Abe deepened the kiss, still jacking them together, still with the sexy-as-fuck twist every time he got to the top. Dom imagined that was how he masturbated, and just that image in his head was enough to send him over.

  Every muscle in his body snapped taut, and his breath shuddered once, twice, and then blinding pleasure hit him as he shot up between them.

  “Hell yeah,” Abe breathed. “Come for me, baby.”

  He gritted his teeth, managing to hold on long enough to watch as Abe’s eyes flared open wide and a hoarse cry spilled from his lips. His big body bucked against Dom’s as he came and kept coming.

  When it seemed Abe’s legs shook, Dom chuckled and grabbed on to him, wrapping both legs around Abe’s back. Their mixed semen slid between them and it felt so erotic, Dom smashed his mouth onto Abe, who kissed him back with just as much fire. It lasted a long, long time—until Dom had to tear himself away to suck air into his lungs. He heaved and grinned at Abe, whose smile back was crooked and so damn beautiful, Dom caught his breath.

  That damn L word was on the tip of his tongue, shaking and ready to jump so damn badly. He did. He loved the older man and in that moment, he knew he would do anything to convince him of it.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Abe left Dom crashed out on the king-sized bed in the master bedroom and went downstairs to start the chili. His stomach growled loudly as he walked through the plain living room with its white couch and wood coffee table. The kitchen held honey-colored cabinets with a gray countertop.

  “There is not one thing in this place to give it any character,” Garrett said as he chopped onions. He looked up. “Dom okay?”

  Nodding, Abe washed his hands and worked to unwrap the pounds of ground beef and put them in a stew pot.

  “So, Dom tells me you make hand-carved furniture and…how did he put it?” He paused with the knife in the air. “The coolest whimsical wood thingies that go in windows. I have no idea what that could be.”

  Abe snorted. “They’re frames. You’d have to see them to get them.”

  “He says you’re really talented.”

  “Nah, I just like wood.”

  When Garrett snorted this time, Abe felt his face heat. He stuck it over the now sizzling meat. “I should have known with you being Dom’s friend that you’d take it that way.”

  “I’m a guy. I’m bound to take it that way. But yeah, when I can hear my friend shouting in pleasure from another floor in the house, my mind is going to naturally flow that way. So yes, I can with great confidence say that you like wood.” He scraped onions into the pot. “I’ve met your son. He get his smartass from you or his mother?”

  “You hang with Dominic and you call that smartass?”

  Garrett walked to sink to wash his hands and the cutting board. He laughed and shook his head. “Got me there. Dom does smartass well.” He looked over his shoulder. “He likes you a lot.”

  “You get that from him yelling too?”

  Garrett’s grin was a flash of pretty, white teeth in his dark skin. “I get that from how he’s been talking about you for a very long time. Never would tell any of us who it was, but he hasn’t hooked up with anyone in a long time.”

  “I doubt he’d appreciate you telling me that.” Nevertheless, that information had his chest warming. He had to bite back a smile.

  “Oh, he’ll kick my ass. I just want to make sure you know he’s not just in this for a good time. How about you?”

  “Are you asking about my intentions toward your friend?”

  Garrett shrugged, his black Ward Security polo tightening on his shoulders. He wasn’t as big as some of the other bodyguards Abe had seen, but he looked to have that whipcord strength in his body—just like Dom. He probably had some kind of martial arts specialty, too. Garrett walked to another window. “He’s a good guy I wouldn’t want to see get hurt.”

  “My intentions are honorable, Garrett.”

  He stared at Abe a long time before slowly nodding. His cell rang and he answered as he walked out of the kitchen.

  Abe stirred the beef and onions, his stomach grumbling again at the smell. Garrett had been busy and had already filled a bowl with the different spices he’d lined up behind it. They’d bought corn chips, cheese, and sour cream, so he set that out as he waited for the beef to turn brown. When they’d picked up their supplies, they’d agreed not to do the typical Cincinnati-style chili, though Dom made sure to loudly work the phrase “three-way” into their conversation all through the store.

  Garrett came back into the kitchen. “That was Rowe. They haven’t found James, so he’s sending someone else to watch from the street tonight.”

  “He’s taking Dom’s safety seriously. Good.”

  “Rowe is crazy about Dom. We all are. He’s a really great guy, and it sounds like he’s had a shitty past. We’d like to make sure he has a great future.”

  Abe raised his eyebrows and pulled the pan off the stove to drain the grease. “You don’t have to keep warning me off, Papa Bear.” He put the pot back and added the spices and tomato sauce. “We probably should have picked up pasta for this.”

  Garrett shook his head, grimacing. “I grew up with Fritos and cheese.”

  “Don’t let folks hear you say that.”

  “Trust me, I learned that lesson fast. Chili is serious business around here. But with spaghetti? Yeah, no.” Garrett lifted the lid and sniffed. “I do like this recipe, though.”

  “This should really cook a few hours.” Abe pulled out his phone. “We got time. It feels so much later than it actually is.”

  “Days like today do that.” Garrett put a lid on the pot. “Why don’t you quiet that loud belly with a quick sandwich, then go up and keep our sleeping friend company? You keep looking at the stairs, so I think you want to be there. We can let this simmer?”

d idea.” Abe quickly made himself a ham sandwich and then a second one for Dom. Grabbing two bottles of water, Abe nodded at Garrett and climbed back up the stairs.

  He found Dom passed out on his back, his head lolling half off the pillow. He hadn’t even taken the time to put on the T-shirt still half-balled-up in his hand. Abe set the plate down on the nightstand and slowly worked to get Dom’s head back on the center, careful to keep it turned so the back of it, and his cheek, stayed clear.

  Green eyes opened sleepily, then focused quickly. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah,” Abe said, voice gruff and low. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. You’ve only been asleep about half an hour.”

  “I’m the king of power naps—it was all I needed.”

  “Oh yeah, then why is your voice slurred?”

  “Drunk on love.” Dark red lashes batted at him.

  Abe rolled his eyes, but his belly did a little, giddy flip-flop. He was going to love spending his life with this man. “Sit up and have your sandwich.”

  But Dom didn’t move, other than to scoot closer to Abe, who sat on the edge of the bed. “So Garrett is downstairs and let me guess, someone will sooner or later be lurking outside?”


  “If it’s Royce, it’s lurking. Have you paid any attention to the man at all? He’s got lurking down to an art.” He sniffed the air. “Smells like you guys got dinner cooking. Thanks. I didn’t mean to crash.”

  “Eventful fucking day.”

  “True, that.” Dom sighed and closed his eyes. “Are you taking off those clothes and getting into this bed or what?”

  “Are you again trying to figure out if I’m up for some kind of sex?” Abe repeated Dom’s words from earlier. “You’re insatiable!”

  “Are you complaining?”

  “Fuck, no.”

  “Because I can’t seem to keep my hands off you.” He proved the point by stroking his hands up Abe’s arms. “God, I love your arms.”

  “Pretty attached to yours, too.”

  He flexed one, making Abe laugh and lean over to press their lips together. He touched his tongue to Dom’s upper lip. He’d noticed whenever his tongue came out to play, Dom started to make the most interesting noises. He licked his bottom lip, then kissed the sexy scruff on his chin. He should have never waited so long to be with a man, because this was more awesome than he’d imagined.

  Of course, that could be because his chemistry with Dom was off-the-charts hot.

  The kisses grew hotter and Abe pulled back, worried about hurting Dom’s cheek.

  Dom merely smiled like he knew what Abe was thinking. “How long do we have until dinner with Garrett?”

  “Nearly two hours,” Abe murmured, kissing his jaw again before pulling back to stand and take off his clothes. “Plenty of time for you to fuck me.”

  Dom sat up “Really?” He glanced at the door Abe had both shut and locked because he’d been hoping Dom would be awake.

  “Is that something you like to do?” he asked. “I know some men have preferences.”

  Dom lifted one eyebrow and a wicked smirk twisted his lips. “Been reading up, have you?”

  He grinned. “Reading, watching—which is your fault because of all the damn porn. But mostly reading. I know there are some men who don’t like anal sex at all, too.”

  “Well, we know I like it. But are you sure you will? I’m cool with anything as long as I get to feel your skin against me and smell you…and taste you.”

  “Just plain easy, eh?” Abe lay down on his back and pulled Dom over on top of him. “Kick off your pants.”

  “In a hurry, are you? No foreplay? Because you might as well learn now that I like-a the foreplay, too.”

  “You like-a the everything.”

  “Again the man speaks the truth.” Dom braced on his side and kicked his pants off, then rolled on top of Abe.

  “You didn’t answer if fucking me is something you want to do,” Abe murmured into his neck.

  “Very much.” Dom ground down against him. “I don’t mind doing it the way we did last time either.”

  “Why don’t you think I’d want to?”

  Dom shrugged. “Having Garrett downstairs may make you feel self-conscious.”

  “Does it you?”

  “Hell, no. But I am going to work to keep quieter this time. Knowing him, he’d record me and I’d walk into the office one day to hear it over the intercom.”

  “Would he really do that?”

  Dom started laughing and he came down for a kiss. “Your expression is so horrified. Damn, you’re fun. No, he wouldn’t do that. I’ve spent too much time around Rowe and Noah, because those two are trouble.”

  But Abe was hardly paying attention at that point because Dom’s dick kept rubbing against his stomach, and it was leaving a trail of precum that was making his thoughts scatter. He felt so good and smelled even better. “How’s your head?”


  “How’s your face?”

  Dom sighed. “I took a pain pill. Again, I’m up for—”

  Abe cut him off with a kiss that started deep and just stayed there. He explored the other man’s mouth thoroughly, chasing every trace of Dom he could find, though still careful anywhere around his left cheek.

  Dom started groaning and rubbing harder against him. Abe realized he really did want to feel Dom moving inside of him like that. So, he pulled Dom back from his mouth and whispered. “I put condoms and lube in that drawer while you were getting the water going for the shower.” He pointed. Abe had grabbed some supplies at the grocery store while Dom had gone in search of cookies. He didn’t know if Dom had seen the purchase, but he was damn sure Garrett did.

  Dom stared down at him for several, long moments and that connection he felt with the man snapped between them. Fuck, it was like only the two of them existed, and he couldn’t wait for all the good stuff that was going to come.

  “I really do want you like that,” Abe whispered. “You’re just going to have to go slow and easy this time around. Think you can do that?”

  Dom groaned and dropped his forehead on the pillow beside Abe.

  Abe turned and kissed his ear. “What?”

  “Slow and easy coming out of your mouth is so fucking hot. Give me a minute. I’m thinking of gross things to back off the orgasm you just about yanked out of me too early.”

  Chuckling, Abe reached down and grabbed both globes of Dom’s ass and started a slow hip-grind against him that had him seeing stars. “Slow and easy like this. I want your dick inside me and this gorgeous ass slowly flexing as you push and pull.”

  “Oh God, you’re making it worse!” Dom rolled his hips against Abe, then carefully moved off him. He moved to stand beside the bed, chest heaving and sweaty as he stared down at Abe. He leaned over the bed and trailed his fingers on the glistening hair around Abe’s navel, then bent farther and latched on to his nipple. Abe clamped a hand over his mouth to stop the wail that threatened to erupt, but his body bowed off the bed. He dropped his hand. “Grab the condom. Please.”

  “Shit. Don’t beg. I’m just gonna stand here and shoot on you now, ’kay?”

  “Don’t you dare. I saw your face when I was fucking you. I want to feel like that. Want to feel you moving inside me.”

  “That’s it.” Dom stomped into the bathroom and shut the door, his voice coming through the door. “Snails. Trash. This beached whale I saw as a kid.”

  “That’s just sad!” Abe yelled. “Get out here. Be a man.”

  The door opened, horror etched clearly on Dom’s face. “You did not just yell that with my friend downstairs.”

  Abe merely grinned and crooked his finger.

  Dom shook his head and approached the bed, his cock still hard and jutting out in front of his body. He got the condom and lube out of the drawer and climbed onto the bed. Then he just grinned at Abe.

  “I’ve never laughed so much during sex in my life.”

  “Sex is
supposed to be fun.” He leaned over Abe. “And sweaty.” He kissed the corner of his lips. “And dirty.” He kissed the other corner. “And hot.” He stuck his tongue in Abe’s mouth, who grasped on to it and sucked.

  Condom and lube forgotten on the bed, they wrestled and kissed and yes, laughed a few more times, but the passion flamed so hot, the laughter faded fast each time it erupted. When Dom lubed his fingers and began tracing Abe’s hole, he was so turned-on, so amped up, he felt like his skin would just melt right off. He bumped his hips up, urging Dom to put a finger inside him, but Dom just shushed him with this long, sexy noise and took his sweet time.

  He played, getting Abe used to the feeling of being stretched and yeah, it did sting some, but it also felt good—especially when Dom took his dick into his mouth while slowly sliding one of his long fingers up the front wall. When he crooked his finger, Abe’s legs fell open and he moaned.

  Then he thought about turning on music because there was no way he was going to be able to stay quiet through this. When Dom used two fingers and began fucking him with them, he held his breath, sure that it couldn’t get any better than that.

  But it did.

  “This,” Dom whispered. “Is my dactylion.”

  “Your huh? What?” Abe’s brain could barely function.

  Dom brushed one of his fingers over Abe’s prostate. “The tip of my middle finger is called my dactylion.”

  “Dom, I can barely remember the definition of finger right now.”

  Dom snorted and moved his dactylion on Abe’s spot until he was seeing nothing but stars. “Turn over,” Dom whispered. “In fact, lie on your side.”

  Abe did and Dom came up behind him, making him shiver with excitement. His warm flesh plastered to the back of Abe, his dick rubbing slowly along his crease, his sweaty chest sliding against his back. “I think you’re going to have to gag me. Or you’re going to get hell from your friend down there.”

  “I’d forgotten he was even down there.” Hot breath brushed over his neck. “You take me away from everything. When I’m with you, I only see you.”

  Abe turned his head and met green eyes, and he knew again this was no fling. He could see the truth of forever in Dom’s gaze as well. Dom came up to kiss him softly. “You ready for me?” he whispered into his mouth.


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