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Ellis: A Best Friend's Little Sister Shifter Romance (The Johnson Clan Book 3)

Page 4

by Terra Wolf

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “What is wrong with you, Mckenna? Did I just imagine that we had the best sex of our lives in that room? Can you really blame me for trying to get this thing started up again? Why are you getting so nasty toward me all of a sudden?”

  She ran her hands through her hair. “Forget it. We’re not starting up again, and we’re not doing it again, and I’m not going to the tasting with you tomorrow. So, get that through your head.”

  She spun away and marched off down the hall. I didn’t try to follow her. My head still buzzed from exploding all over her in that closet. I couldn’t stop watching her ass jump right and left when she walked away. She was, without doubt, the sexiest, most mind-blowing woman I ever met.

  No matter what she said, I would never stop trying to get her in the sack again. My bear would do anything to have her again. I didn’t believe her, either. She wanted to do it again. For some reason, she didn’t want to want it, but when the chips came down, she would want to. She would give herself to me again. She would wrap herself around me and scream in my ear. She would pull my hair and bounce on my lap.

  Her eyes hovered before my mind. That erotic shine burned into my soul right before she collapsed into my embrace. Her fingernails raked up my back, and she sucked her breath between her teeth when I touched her.

  Brayden came back, and I snapped out of my daydream. I couldn’t let him know I just screwed his sister in the closet. He wanted my expert consultation on some other emergency detail of the wedding plans—like I ever got married before.

  I let him lead me back to the living room, and I never left it again. I didn’t go hunting for Mckenna. I already had her, and I would have her again. I never knew if she was still in the house.

  I gave Brayden my undivided attention. I made jokes to entertain the other groomsmen, and I used all my business acumen to help him solve whatever logistical hiccups came up for the rest of the night. I made myself the best best friend a guy ever had. That was the least I owed him.



  My eyes widened when the gleaming silver Porsche pulled up in front of my house with the top down, but I did my best to hide my surprise. I slid into the microscopic passenger seat and tugged my skirt down as far as it would go.

  I gave myself a mental jab for choosing a miniskirt for this trip. I should have known Ellis would show up in a flashy little roadster like this and I’d be sitting next to him bare-legged all the way to the wedding venue.

  I happened to glance over to catch him staring at my legs. The color flashed over his cheeks. I tried to cover my legs with my hands, but of course, it did no good. His eyes crept up my thigh to my skirt hem, and just a little higher. I didn’t have to guess what he was thinking about.

  I smacked my lips and turned away. “Just drive, okay? Let’s not make this anymore unpleasant than it has to be.”

  “This? Unpleasant?” He threw the car into first gear. “Sitting next to you dressed like that could never be unpleasant, no matter what you say.”

  He roared onto the street and hit the highway. I crossed my arms over my chest and refused to look at him. Why did he have to go and volunteer for this tasting? I couldn’t believe I let myself fall for him again. Well, I wouldn’t let it happen again. I would get through this weekend without letting him anywhere near my skirt, and I never had to see him again as long as I lived.

  I couldn’t help admitting the truth, though. He offered to help Brayden. I couldn’t exactly argue with that. I could think of worse ways to spend a Saturday afternoon than driving down the freeway in this car, too.

  The Johnson Clan was well known in our community. They owned a series of giant hotels, mostly made for shifters. Ugh, it would be so nice if the next time our family went to the beach we could have a special room to Shift and run around in. I had never seen one of those rooms with my own two eyes, but I’d heard of them. A make-believe forest in the middle of a hotel. With designated times to go in so you didn’t have to see any other shifters you didn’t want to. Sometimes we couldn’t control our instinct, and a small mammal encroaching on our territory would only end badly for them.

  Ellis was one of five. I hadn’t ever been close with the other cubs. Ellis and Brayden hit it off, and that was it. I couldn’t stop myself glancing over at him. He didn’t notice. He kept both hands clenched around the steering wheel, and the wind tossed his hair into his eyes. He squinted into the sun while he dodged in and out of traffic.

  The car hugged the blacktop. Car and driver fused into one living, breathing driving machine. He must have driven this car a lot to get that good at it. In no time at all, he pulled up in front of the venue. He parked all the way at the back of the parking lot where no one would notice the car.

  He jumped out and pulled my door open before I got my seatbelt off. “After you, Madam.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Don’t think you’re going to turn into my date. You gave me a ride to help out Brayden—nothing else.”

  His eyes skated down to my clothes. “Are you sure? You don’t want me to hustle you into the bushes right now and see what kind of panties you’re wearing under that skirt?”

  What could I say to a comment like that? He was out of his mind. I turned and walked away, but he hurried to catch up with me. “Let me escort you, Miss Mckenna. It isn’t seemly for young ladies to arrive unattended at these functions.”

  “Shut up,” I snapped.

  He only laughed. Once inside, the crowd offered some protection. Everyone wanted to talk to him, and he held court with the best of them. Somehow, no matter where I went to get away from him, he always managed to reappear at my elbow.

  Waiters circulated with trays of food and glasses of champagne. The bubbly flowed, and I decided to drown my sorrows. If I couldn’t get away from him, at least I could enjoy myself. Brayden and Sam came over, and the three men started talking about the bachelor party.

  “We’re staying at a casino in Vegas,” Sam told Brayden. “That’s all you’re allowed to know.”

  “Well, shouldn’t I at least know what to wear?” Brayden asked.

  “Wear an old tin can,” Ellis suggested. “That will be easy to take off in a hurry, and you won’t have to worry about keeping it clean.”

  “You have more to worry about keeping clean than he does,” I chimed in. “You’re the filthy one around here.”

  Brayden gasped. “Mckenna!”

  “I have a better idea,” Sam added. “Wear a necktie and nothing else. Then all the girls will be able to judge you by your assets.”

  “We could make you a necktie big enough to cover you,” Ellis interjected. “We could tie a bowtie around your pecker, so everybody knows what they’re getting.”

  The guys laughed, but I couldn’t stand Ellis’s jokes. I had to find a way to cut him down. “Why don’t you tie a bowtie around yours? Maybe you could sell it on eBay or something.”

  Brayden winced. “Don’t pay any attention to her, man. She’s probably had one too many.”

  Ellis leered at me. “I’ll give her one too many. We’ll see how she likes that.”

  “And I’ll give you one too many uppercuts to the jaw. Maybe then you’ll get your head unstuck from your zipper. Reminder, I’m not a little cub anymore.”

  Brayden shook his head. “Give it a rest, you two. I’m going to get some of that ice cream over there.”

  Sam and Brayden left. I started to turn away when Ellis’s voice touched my ear. “Hey, Mckenna, I was wondering if you could help me with a little problem I have. I can’t get my head unstuck from my zipper. Would you give it a little tug and see if you can get it loose? Maybe when I get the blood rushing to my brain, I’ll be able to think straight again.”

  I rounded on him in a rage. “Will you shove those stupid jokes where the sun doesn’t shine? Do you really think I want to stand around shooting the breeze with you all day? Can’t you see I’m trying to ditch you? When are you going to get the messag

  The goofy smile vanished off his face. “I’ll never get the message, Mckenna. I’ll never get the message that you don’t want me, because you do.”

  “How dare you!”

  Just at that moment, a waiter stopped by with a tray of hors-d'oeuvres. He was an old man with grey hair. He smiled at both of us. “I remember when I first met my wife and we used to get into tiffs like this all the time. How long have you two lovebirds been together?”

  I turned away to hide my burning cheeks, but Ellis smiled at him. “Seven years yesterday.”

  The old guy nodded and went on his way. The minute his back was turned, I confronted Ellis. “What did you have to lie to him like that for? We have not been together seven years. We’re not together now, and we never will be.”

  He cocked his head at me, but he didn’t joke or even smile. “We were together before, and as far as I’m concerned, we were never apart. Yesterday was just a warm-up. We used to be really good together, and we could be that way again. Did you really think it was all over between us? Because I never did.”

  “You shithead!” I snapped. “You dumped me. You left me flat, and you never even answered my texts when I asked you what was going on. How do you expect just to waltz back into my life now like none of it ever happened?”

  He frowned. “What are you talking about? I never did anything like that. I certainly never dumped you.”

  I threw up both hands. “Oh, just forget it. It’s ancient history, and it’s never going to happen again.”

  “What about yesterday?”

  “Yesterday was a mistake, a tragic mistake—nothing else. Just forget it ever happened.”

  I started to walk away, but his voice made me freeze in my tracks. His words caressed me all over, so I couldn’t ignore them. “Is that what you want, Mckenna? Do you really want to forget it ever happened?”

  I spun around to face him, but the moment I locked my eyes on his face, that old familiar feeling started to take over. “Why do you have to be so insufferably irritating?”

  He glanced around the hall. No one gave us a second glance. He lowered his voice just a little bit more. “Come on. We’re getting out of here.”

  He seized my hand and led me out of the hall. He strode all the way back to his car and opened the door for me.

  He gunned the motor and threw the car into gear. I gulped down the rising adrenaline burning through my guts. “Where are we going?”

  “My place.”



  I kicked the accelerator down hard, but I couldn’t stop the pulse pounding in my brain. I had her in my car. I had her going back to my place. My bear growled in agreement. She didn’t want to forget it, and I couldn’t forget it if I tried.

  I drove out onto the freeway where I could steer with one hand. I cast a glance over at her. The wind whipped her hair around, but she sat still and gazed through the windshield at nothing. I had to make my move. I had to know if she was really mine.

  I eased one hand off the steering wheel and let it rest on her bare knee. She still didn’t respond. I squeezed and massaged up her thigh toward the hem of her skirt. She turned her head away, but she didn’t tell me to stop. I couldn’t stop now if I tried.

  I shoved my hand down between her crossed legs. Her alabaster flesh enclosed me in its pillowy softness. Just a little further...My cock ached, it was so hard. I had to get her back to my place with the door shut. I had to taste her and smell her and feel her all around me. Yesterday only made me more ravenous for her than ever.

  I gripped one thigh in my hand. “Spread your legs.”

  She didn’t say anything. She uncrossed her legs and opened them before my hand. I weaseled the rest of the way up, under her skirt to the beautiful white triangle of cotton between her thighs. I stroked her quivering mound and found the fabric already wet. God, I wanted to die and go to heaven right then, but I had to follow through.

  I steered with one hand and let my other one fall on her chest. She turned her head farther away. I could get no clue from her facial expression, but her cleavage heaved and collapsed under my hand faster with every touch. I moved my hand from inside her thighs up underneath her shirt. I tickled her nipple through her bra, and the most delicious little mewing noises came from her lips.

  Those breasts called me so I couldn’t resist. I rubbed them and squeezed them and mauled them until she moaned. Her legs still lay spread and ready. How wet was she down there now? I had to find out.

  I dove my fingers between her thighs one more time, and this time, I dug under her panties to the saturated nest of engorged flesh inside. Man, she was wet! I could have taken a big bite of her peachy goodness if I didn’t have to fight that car every minute.

  I rubbed her clit until she rocked and seethed against my hand. Her head lolled back on the seat, and she undulated her pelvis to meet my strokes. She covered my hand with her own and followed my movements with her erotic pulses.

  Her noises got louder to match the shrieking wind. She laid her middle finger along mine and guided it into her hole. Her swollen channel swallowed it, and she screeched to the skies on waves of ecstasy. Her juices gushed onto my hand, and she cried out in ecstasy.

  Thank fucking God I was at my exit. I yanked the car off the freeway. I couldn’t stand this one second longer. I had to be inside there. I had to feel that wetness all around my painful swollen cock. I jerked the car into the garage and hit the electronic door closer.

  She still breathed and whined in the seat next to me. Her legs splayed open, and her breasts heaved with her sobs. I tore the door off its hinges and lifted her into my arms. I kicked the car door closed behind me and carried her upstairs.

  Her head rested on my shoulder, and her eyes hovered half closed. She didn’t see anything until I laid her down on my bed. How I longed for this moment! How many nights I laid right here and dreamed she stretched her magnificent body next to me!

  I gazed down at her, and her eyes snapped open to stare up at me. Her lips parted. “Ellis?”

  I bent over her and planted my hands on either side of her head to kiss her. “I’m here. I’m right here.”

  She whined into my kiss, and I couldn’t bear the torment of waiting. I lowered myself on top of her, and her body rose to meet me. She threw her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. She clutched me against her for protection, and I sank into her in all my monstrous desire.

  In no time, I shucked off my clothes and slipped the shirt over her head. I unclipped her bra and slid the skirt and panties down to her ankles. She kicked them away. In everything I did, she moaned in soft, plaint readiness. Every particle of her glorious self answered me like an apparition out of my dreams.

  I laid her ivory legs aside, and nothing could stop me from gobbling that juicy fruit to my heart’s delight. She bucked and writhed under my tongue, and I drank her orgasmic nectar to the dregs.

  She curled on her side in a pleasure-drunk ball, and I wrapped myself around her in throbbing glory. She inched back against me, and I pressed my chest against her back. Her majestic body melted into my arms, and my cock fell into her of its own accord. Her wetness wrapped me in heavenly bliss.

  She arched her head back, and fresh screams wrenched out of her when I slid inside. Her muscles clamped around my shaft until it hurt. My hips bounced off her ass until the juicy squirts stuck us together. I contracted my stomach to hit against her, but she only leaned back into me stronger than ever.

  I buried my eyes in her neck. I couldn’t watch this. I couldn’t bear witness to my own destruction in her. Before I knew it, I pounded her for all I was worth. Her noises rose in my ears and tattered my brain to a whirlwind. She drove me crazy. No matter what I did to her, she escalated to meet me.

  Her legs yawned open around my driving hips. My fingers found their own way underneath to torment her clit to pieces. She screeched louder, and her intoxicating pussy poured its vapors around my shaft. I couldn’t bear it. I
never experienced anyone like this before. Every time I thought she was finished, she turned around to kiss me and bring me back to life.

  I sprayed my life’s essence into her heavenly insides, and she took it all in her stride. She cuddled into my arms. She kissed the sweat on my forehead and my cheeks. She caressed her pointed nipples along my chest, and her delicate fingers surrounded my soaking wet cock until she made me so hard I had to take her all over again.

  I lived without her blessed body so long; I couldn’t stop devouring her. I needed to quench my raving thirst for her, and she gave herself willingly. She enjoyed herself to the limit until I could weep in her arms.

  She snaked her arms around my neck and drew me on top of her. She swizzled her hips back and forth to slot me between her legs. Her mouth alone turned me on so I couldn’t think of getting out of bed. I could forget the whole wedding and all the madness of work. Nothing existed but her kiss, her breasts lying so ripe under my chest, her damp pussy embracing me between her legs. I could crawl in there and be happy for the rest of my life.

  She whimpered in delicious desire. She climaxed once, and before it ended, she was ready for another one. She never quit, and she never let me quit, either. Her nipples jabbed my chest, and she rocked her hips against my swelling cock. Would she never stop? She never did before, and seven years only made her more insatiable than ever.

  I groaned in agony, but she wouldn’t leave me alone until I took her again. My kisses fell off, and she nuzzled down my neck to my chest. She attacked my skin in lusty animal bites. She clawed my ass to drag me into her. She raked my back and ground her quivering mound all over me. I was hard again. I had to fuck her hard until she screamed in rabid wild insanity. I had no choice.



  I held the phone to my ear and listened to Brayden rattle off a series of jobs that still needed to be done for the wedding. “And could you please go with Ellis to the venue on Tuesday? The band wants to do a sound check in the hall.”


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