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Taming Angelina: The Temptation Saga: Book Four

Page 16

by Hardt, Helen;

  “I promise I’ll take care of you. I’ll treasure you. You’re my most precious thing in the world.”

  She whimpered silently into his shoulder.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t save your ranch for you. I’ll find some way to make it up to you. I promise, baby. I’ll give you a good life.”

  She sniffed and choked back a sob. “I don’t care about the ranch anymore. All I need is you and our love.”

  Her phone vibrated in her pocket. “I’m sorry, I have to take this. My mother told me if she called today to take the call. That it’d be important.”

  “I understand,” Rafe said. “Go ahead.”

  “Yeah, Mama?” she said into the phone.

  “Angie, you need to come over to the house right away. It’s important.”

  “All right. We’ll be right there.”


  “I’ll explain when I get there. I love you. Goodbye.” She clicked the phone off and turned back to Rafe. “I need to go to my mother’s, and I want you to come with me.”

  “Okay, but why?”

  “My mama says it’s important, and I want you with me to hear anything important. You’re my fiancé now, and everything that involves me involves you.”

  He smiled. “I kind of like that.”

  “I kind of do too.”

  When they reached the house, Angie and Rafe walked in hand in hand.

  Her mother greeted her with tears in her eyes. Jefferson Bay sat on the sofa in the living room.

  “Oh, Angie,” Maria said, “did you mean it?”

  “Mean what?”

  “When you said you loved me. Did you mean it?”

  She smiled, love warming her heart. “I did, Mama. I’m forgiving you. I will always love Daddy, and he was my real daddy in every way that mattered. You did what you felt you had to do at the time. It will take some time for me to deal with it, but I love you.”

  “Angie, what’s this about?” Rafe asked.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Mama, this is Rafe Grayhawk.”

  “Yes, hello, Rafe. We’ve met. How are you?”

  “I’m fine, ma’am.”

  “Rafe is here because…well, because he’s the man I love. We’re getting married.”

  “Angie! That’s wonderful! But you don’t have to now. I’ve—”

  “I’m not getting married because I have to. I’m getting married because I want to. Rafe and I are in love. But we can’t be married for at least six months.”

  “Why not?”

  Rafe stepped forward. “Because of me, ma’am. I’m real sorry I couldn’t save Angie’s ranch. To make a long story short, I made a decision five years ago and didn’t consider all the consequences. I married someone else to help her out of a bind. It was never a real marriage. I’ve got an attorney and we’re dissolving the marriage. But it won’t happen in time to save the ranch. I’m very sorry.”

  Maria Bay touched his forearm. “Do you love my daughter?”

  “With all my heart, ma’am.”

  “And Angie, you love him?”

  “Mama, I love him something awful. I can’t imagine my life without him.”

  She smiled and wiped her eyes. “Then I’m so very happy for both of you. And I have more wonderful news. Tell them, Jeff.”

  Jefferson Bay stood. “I have decided not to take the inheritance away from you. Since you are my rightful heir anyway, even if I did, it would go to you eventually. So I want you to have it now.” He handed her an envelope. “Here’s a document signing over my interest in the ranch to you. Your brother drafted it. It’s all legal.”

  “Jeff is staying here at Cha Cha with me,” Maria said. “We’ve decided to put the past behind us and try to recapture our friendship.”

  “Mama, you don’t have to do this for me.”

  “She’s not,” Jeff said. “It was my idea. I thought long and hard and decided I didn’t want to live out the rest of my life as a bitter old man. I know you don’t think of me as your father. Maybe you never will. I understand if that’s the case and I will respect your wishes. I would love to cultivate a relationship with you, but I’m willing to do it on your terms. And if you’re not interested, I will accept that.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” Angie said. “Thank you, I guess.”

  “Please don’t thank me. I’m ashamed of the way I’ve acted. Even if you weren’t my daughter, I’m not sure I could have gone through with it. I always envied Wayne. It’s time to put those bad feelings to rest.”

  He stepped forward and held his hand out to Rafe. “I’m Jefferson Bay, Angie’s uncle…and biological father.”

  Rafe’s eyes widened. “Oh?”

  Angie wrapped her arms around him. “It’s a long story, Rafe. I’ll tell you all about it tonight, okay?”

  “Okay, baby.”

  “What do you do, Rafe?” Jeff asked.

  “I’m a ranch hand for Chad McCray, Angie’s brother-in-law. I also give riding lessons.” He winked at Angie.

  “Then I’m sure you’ll be a huge help to Angie at Bay Crossing,” Jeff said. “You all can move out there anytime and get settled.”

  “Well, half of it belongs to Catie,” Angie said.

  “Catie’s content at McCray Landing with Chad,” Maria said. “She trusts you to see to her interests. The ranch is yours to run, Angelina.”

  She smiled up at her handsome fiancé. “Ours to run.”


  A cool spring breeze drifted over Angie as she stood in the receiving line after her modest wedding at Bay Crossing. Beside her stood her husband, tall and proud, his onyx locks tied behind his neck in a black strip of leather. Black dress pants and a white button-down open at the collar accentuated his ruggedly handsome looks. Angie wore a casual white sheath cut to mid-knee. Her dark hair fell in waves brushing her shoulders.

  Nearly eight months had passed since her biological father had given her his share of the ranch, and Rafe’s divorce from Lilia had been final a month ago.

  Beside the groom stood his brother, also dressed casually, his wavy black hair brushing his collar, looking nearly as handsome as Rafe himself. Next to Angie was Catie, her belly swollen with the next McCray heir who was due to make an appearance any day.

  Next to Tom, Lilia shone in a pastel blue dress, the golden band shining on her left ring finger. Jack Grayhawk beamed next to his new wife. On Catie’s other side, Maria radiated happiness in her peacock-blue day dress, and Jefferson Bay was as handsome as his older brother in brown slacks and a tan shirt. Their relationship was still tenuous, but it was mending. They could smile and laugh together now, and Jeff no longer seemed so angry. It would take time, but Angie hoped they’d both find love again. Her mother—and her father—deserved happiness. She sincerely hoped they’d find what she’d found with Rafe. Would it be with each other? She didn’t know yet, but the possibility existed.

  “Congratulations, you two.” Annie McCray gave Angie a loose hug so as not to squish the baby boy she held in her arms. Her husband, Dallas, held the other, while their twin girls, Sylvie and Laurie, toddled between their parents.

  “Which one is this?” Angie asked.

  “This is Jason, and Dallas has Jon.”

  “Twins again,” Rafe said, smiling. “And this time boys.”

  “Lord, yes,” Annie said. “Two sets of twins are more than enough.” She curved her lips upward in a sly smile. “I made a little appointment for Dallas at the doctor’s office next week.”

  Rafe and Angie laughed.

  “Not too funny from where I’m standin’,” Dallas said.

  “You’ll be fine,” Rafe said, chuckling. “Just stock up on frozen peas. I’ve heard they work like a charm.”

  Dallas swatted him on the arm. “I’ll be interested to see how jovial you are about it when it’s your turn.”

  “It won’t be your turn for a while,” Angie said, after Dallas had moved on. “I want a slew of little Grayhawks running around here.”

  Rafe smiled. So handsome. She’d never tire of looking at her magnificent husband.

  “I don’t have a problem with that. Not at all. In fact, we’ll practice tonight.”

  She lifted her chin, and he met her mouth with his own. A quick peck. After all, they had a ton more people to greet.

  “I can’t wait.”

  Continue The Temptation Saga with Book Five: Treasuring Amber

  Continue the The Temptation Saga with Book Five

  Available Now

  Keep reading for an excerpt!

  Chapter One

  “You want me to come to a baby shower? Are you kiddin’ me?” Harper Bay paced the length of his father’s—now his—office in his mother’s—now his—ranch house.

  His little sister’s sigh cut right through the phone. “Couples showers are the new thing now, Harp. Amber says—”

  “Sheesh, Catie.” Harper Bay rolled his eyes, thankful his sister couldn’t see him through the phone. He was damn sick of hearing what Amber Cross had to say. That bleached blond manicurist who had become Catie’s new soul sister spouted off all kinds of newfangled ideas, and he didn’t like a one of them. “Dallas and Annie just had the twins a month ago, and none of us guys had to go to a shower. And you forget one important little detail.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Last time I checked, I’m not a ‘couple.’”

  “Co-ed shower, then. We’re talking semantics here.” Catie’s tone softened. “Don’t you want to welcome little Violet?”

  How in hell does she do that? Her petal-soft voice never failed to make him wilt. He was a sucker for his baby sister, and he’d be just as much of a sucker for his new niece. Violet was a beauty even at a week old, with a mop of black hair and eyes the darkest sapphire blue. They’d probably turn big and brown like Catie’s. She’d be a heartbreaker for sure.

  But a baby shower? He was a man, for God’s sake. A damned cowboy. Cowboys did not go to baby showers. That had to be in a rulebook somewhere.

  He shook his head. “What’s Chad think of this nonsense?”

  “Chad says ‘whatever makes me happy.’”



  Harper had known Chad McCray most of his life. A bigger womanizer hadn’t existed on the planet…until Catie reeled him in. Now Chad was the epitome of whipped. His face was probably next to “whipped” in the damned dictionary. Harper couldn’t prevent a chuckle.

  “What are you laughing at?” Catie demanded.

  Why not be honest? “Just your whipped hubby, that’s all.”

  “For your information, Chad is not whipped.”

  “Give me a break, Catie-bug. You have the cowboy wrapped around your little finger, and it won’t be long till that pretty little daughter of yours has him twisted around hers, too.”

  Catie’s soft laugh gave her away. She knew her husband was whipped. Heck, she was whipped, too. Those two were crazy about each other. Crazy in a way his and Catie’s parents had never been. Crazy in a way Harper had never been and probably never would be. He had a ranch to run now. When his father passed away several months ago, Harper had become sole owner of Cha Cha Ranch outside of Bakersville, Colorado. His mother, who’d inherited the ranch when Harper was a boy and transferred it to her husband, still lived in the big ranch house and would for as long as she wished. His uncle, Jefferson Bay, also lived there. Jeff had been estranged from the family for the last three decades, and they were slowly—very slowly—rebuilding their relationship.

  Nope, no “whipped” for Harper. He had too much to do. Too many responsibilities. He wasn’t sure when he’d last had a date.

  How long had it been since he’d had sex?

  Too damn long. Had they changed it?


  Reality. Catie. Sometimes the magnitude of owning a whole beef ranch overwhelmed him. “Sorry, just thinking.” He sat down in his father’s—his—chair. “I really think I’ll pass on the shower thing, Sis.”

  “Please? Rafe is coming with Angie. They’re coming in from the western slope just to attend.”

  “They haven’t seen Violet yet. They’re coming to see her, not for the shower.”

  “So they’ll kill two birds with one stone.”

  “I suppose they will. I, however, have already seen my beautiful niece, and I plan to see her a lot. Just not during some girly shower.”

  “It’s not going to be a girly shower.”

  “Oh yeah? You getting a stripper?”

  Another sigh from Catie. “Geez, Harp.”

  “Sorry.” Though he wouldn’t mind seeing Amber Cross strut her stuff naked. Damn, she had the body of a stripper. Lithe long legs curled around a silver pole, platinum locks falling over rosy-skinned shoulders…pink nipples peeking through…

  His groin tightened.

  Christ. His body betrayed him. Amber was so not his type. Though she was a Texas native and the reigning Bakersville Rodeo Queen, she was about as far from the girls Harper had grown up with as Maine was from California. Cute Colorado farm girl? Hell, no. Nearly white tresses, long red fingernails, leather miniskirts, and sequined tube tops…

  Damn, the woman was hot.

  Hot, and a major pain in the ass with her couples shower. She’d had Catie doing all kinds of weird crap in the last year. Thursday night happy hour at The Bullfrog had become a tradition for his baby sister. She never missed it, even when she’d been big as a house with Violet. Virgin drinks, yes, but still out on the dance floor shakin’ her booty with her new BFF.

  He couldn’t believe Chad allowed it. Heck, of course he did. The man was so whipped.

  “So are you coming or not?”

  “You know I love you and I love Violet.” He sighed. “But no. I’m sorry.”

  “Have it your way, then. Everybody else in town will be here.”

  “Tell everybody else I said hi.”

  “Fine.” Her voice cracked. “Goodbye.” Catie’s phone clicked.

  He didn’t want to hurt her, but a baby shower? Sorry, this cowboy wasn’t turning in his man card.

  Message from Helen Hardt

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for reading Taming Angelina. If you want to find out about my current backlist and future releases, please like my Facebook page: and join my mailing list: I often do giveaways. If you’re a fan and would like to join my street team to help spread the word about my books, you can do so here: I regularly do awesome giveaways for my street team members.

  If you enjoyed the story, please take the time to leave a review on a site like Amazon or Goodreads. I welcome all feedback.

  I wish you all the best, and keep reading!


  Also by Helen Hardt

  Sex and the Season:

  Lily and the Duke

  Rose in Bloom

  Lady Alexandra’s Lover

  Sophie’s Voice

  The Perils of Patricia (coming soon)

  The Temptation Saga:

  Tempting Dusty

  Teasing Annie

  Taking Catie

  Taming Angelina

  Treasuring Amber

  Trusting Sydney

  Tantalizing Maria (coming soon)

  Daughters of the Prairie:

  The Outlaw’s Angel

  Lessons of the Heart

  Song of the Raven

  Steel Brothers Saga:


  Obsession (coming soon)

  Possession (coming soon)


  Destination Desire

  Her Two Lovers


  got style?


  Taming Angelina sees Angie go from a spoiled brat to a strong woman who realizes what is truly important in life. I hope you enjoyed the story of her and Rafe.

  So many people helped along the way in bringing
this book to you. Celina Summers, Michele Hamner Moore, Jenny Rarden, Coreen Montagna, Kelly Shorten, David Grishman, Meredith Wild, Jonathan Mac, Kurt Vachon, Yvonne Ellis, Shayla Fereshetian—thank you all for your expertise and guidance. Eternal thanks to Waterhouse Press for the expert rebranding of the series.

  And thanks most of all to you, the readers. Up next, Angie and Catie’s brother, Harper, finally gets a story of his own, and his heroine? None other than the striking Texan, Amber Cross. Enjoy their story, Treasuring Amber.

  About the Author

  Helen Hardt’s passion for the written word began with the books her mother read to her at bedtime. She wrote her first story at age six and hasn’t stopped since. In addition to being an award-winning author of contemporary and historical romance and erotica, she’s a mother, a black belt in Taekwondo, a grammar geek, an appreciator of fine red wine, and a lover of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. She writes from her home in Colorado, where she lives with her family. Helen loves to hear from readers.




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