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Insatiable Kate

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by Dawne Prochilo

  Insatiable Kate

  by Dawne Prochilo

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  Copyright © 2012 Dawne Prochilo

  Edited by Katherine Tate

  Cover Design: Dawne Prochilo

  Formatting: Dingbat Publishing

  Re-edited version 2012


  Thank you to Jodi Olson, Jean Joachim, Elizabeth Black and Sandy Sullivan for your guidance, support and shared love for romance and the industry.

  Joe V- (Mr DJ)- thanks for the laughs and encouragement.

  To my family for all their support and endless hours of love.

  And to the music of Metallica, Papa Roach and Nickelback for setting the mood.

  Dawne Prochilo's Books

  Contemporary Romance

  Crape Myrtle- June 2009

  On Her Own- July 2009

  When We Meet Again- May 2011

  No Matter What- May 2012

  Forever Friends- June 2012

  Bewitching the Sheriff- July 2012


  Sex Sells- Feb 2011

  Erotic Romance

  Room 11- Feb 2011

  Rachel's Desire- March 2011

  His Holiday Seduction- Oct 2011

  Insatiable Kate (Anthology)- Oct 2011

  On Her Own (re-release)- Nov 2011

  Wildfire Beach- Nov 2011

  A Cougar's Revenge- 2012

  Callie's Way- Jan 2012*

  Lynn's Chance- 2012*

  Weekend Retreat- 2012

  Melody's Dance- 2012*

  Tessa's Passion- 2012*

  *Series- The Voluptuous Women's Club

  Insatiable Kate

  Chapter One

  Kate Winston watched the steaming water surge from the kitchen faucet. The water mingled with the mild dish soap, creating a bubble haven. As the orbs grew higher to the rim of the washbowl, she sighed. This weekly ritual had started to irritate her. Friday night she'd go to the local singles' bar with her friends from work, drink, flirt and go home. Alone. Always alone.

  She'd arrive at home sexually frustrated and tear into her bedroom, attacking her nightstand drawer with a frenzy knowing only a few minutes stood between her and an explosive release. Minutes later, her orgasm would come over her with a self indulgence only she could appreciate. The wave of release, making her imagine a man's tongue on her clit instead of a plastic vibrator. How her body shuddered from the explosion of liberation.

  Kate reached over, turned off the hot tap faucet handle and stared out the window into the evolving sunrise. The break of dawn had arrived and so had her tradition of the morning after. Most women cleaned the bathrooms every week or dusted the living room entertainment center, but not Kate. It was her Saturday morning routine to fill up her kitchen sink with hot soapy water and clean her vibrators.

  Releasing an elongated sigh, she rolled up the sleeves of her brother Kurt's old shirt, wishing it really belonged to another man, and plunged her hands deep into the tepid water. One by one she cleaned every curve, nub and cranny of each battery operated device. She'd spent so many weekend mornings doing this while her coffee brewed not three-feet away from her she could do it in the dark with her eyes blindfolded.

  Minutes later, all her playmates lined up on a towel air-drying on the counter, Kate dried her hand and moved to the coffee pot, mindlessly filling her coffee mug. She sipped the hot brew, burning her lips.

  “Mhmm,” she murmured, raising her fingertips to her lips. The pain soon disappeared but reminded her of the pain deep within her, the way Rome Sterling kept breaking her heart.

  She'd arrived home the night before sexually frustrated and downright pissed off at him for ignoring her advances. And not just from last night, from all the years of turn-downs. Her frustration with Rome went well beyond the norm.

  In the beginning when she'd been so moist and her pussy throbbed for him, she could come home spend a half hour with one of her toys, have a great release while imagining Rome was fucking her. But lately, she needed more. More than what a few hours a week of masturbating had to offer. She wanted to feel Rome's hard cock slamming into her, his tongue swirling her swollen clit, bringing her to orgasm after orgasm.

  Taking another sip of her coffee, Kate swallowed the steamy liquid remembering her most recent run-in with Rome at the bar the previous night.

  She'd been laughing and flirting with another man. A very attractive man, and she'd hope to be invited back to his place for a night of unadulterated sex. Then, from her peripheral vision she caught a glimpse of Rome. His bulk had filled the doorway to the bar.

  His dark hair glistened in the hazy bar lights. Even without seeing his eyes, she knew the obsidian tinge was brooding. His powerful arms stretching the material of his shirt to its maximum. His brawny thighs filling every inch of the denim encasing them, showing off the muscular legs beneath. He took her breath away.

  As he entered the bar, Kate inhaled sharply. Her insides quivered, her pussy throbbed and her heart raced. The man had such a force over her. She shifted in her seat as the moisture developed between her legs, and she squirmed as she watched Rome swagger across the room. Kurt entered moments after Rome crossed the threshold, and immediately made eye contact, warning her off his friend. Kurt knew her true feelings and had always told her to leave Rome alone. She was out of his league, he'd said.

  Kate disagreed with her brother in that aspect. Having loved Rome all these years, she knew he had had feelings for her at some time. The little glimmer in his eyes every so often; the one not detected unless she was specifically looking for it. Or had she been imagining the glances? Maybe it was the alcohol messing with her reasoning.

  Kate curled her lip in irritation and swallowed a large amount of her mixed drink. The watered down rum and cola slid over her throat flat. No taste, no satisfaction added to her alcohol-induced demeanor. Kurt always seemed to squelch her advances towards Rome but she'd been persistent until recently. She'd all but given up hope of ever sharing her feelings with the man. He acted as if she didn't exist half the time. The only time he ever acknowledged her was when he had the desire to treat her like a teenage girl with a school-girl crush. Didn't he know his teasing hurt her?

  Uproarious laughter brought her back to the present. She glanced around the bar. Her friends were laughing, friends were hitting on each other and the man she'd been flirting with had moved on. She sighed and stood.

  Time for a refill. She needed to drown her sorrows and feelings in alcohol. No doubt about it she had to forget about Rome. He wasn't interested. She'd known him for almost two decades, since she was in first grade, and he'd never indicated an ounce of interest.

ting to the bar, Kate raised her hand and wiggled her fingers to the bartender, signaling for another round. The male bartender nodded and immediately started mixing her drink order. Kate set her empty glass on the counter and gazed at the bar's attendees through the mirror hanging behind the bar. She watched as Rome and Kurt settled into a table in the corner, just feet away from her seat.

  “Great,” she muttered.

  “What?” The bartender set her glass on the bar.

  “Nothing.” Kate waved her hand dismissing him.

  She craned her neck, watching Rome. His eyes sparkled in the hazy bar's lights, he laughed at words her brother had spoken. Halfway through his rip-roaring laughter, his eyes connected with hers. The moment their eyes engaged, all the air in her body escaped with a sharp gasp. She couldn't move. His blazing glare paralyzed her. She couldn't have moved her body if an earthquake rattled the ground. His gaze narrowed and Kate swallowed hard needing to break the connection he held her in.

  He broke the contact, looked at Kurt and responded to whatever was said seconds earlier. Kate's lower lip quivered and she didn't understand why Rome treated her so negatively. She'd never given him a reason to be ill-mannered or hostile. She never comprehended his antagonistic manners. Anytime they were together, he made his feelings obvious. Rome scowled at her, glowered and almost seemed to spit her name out when they had to converse.

  Kate sucked in a whimper threatening to originate from her soul. She raised her fresh drink to her lips hoping to hide the tremor on her lip. Her alcohol buzz disappeared but she needed the distraction. The alcohol burned her throat but she ignored the sensation. She had to get her mind off Rome.

  Moistening her lips with the tip of her tongue, she held her glass to her chest. The condensation spread onto her emerald silk blouse and seeped into her lace bra beneath, chilling against her overheated skin..

  Kate nibbled on her lower lip, feeling the burning sensation in her throat. She fought the urge to let tears fall form her eyes. Her heart ached and her head was spinning, but not from the alcohol. It came from being belittled and ridiculed by Rome's accusative glare.

  To occupy her mind and thoughts, she sipped more of her drink but acid churned in her stomach and bile rose in her throat. She swallowed it down, now was not the time to get sick. She had to maintain civility and demonstrate to him that he didn't bother her.

  I'll show him.

  Kate stood, smoothed her hands down her black mini-skirt and swaggered across the bar, drawing attention from men as she went. She hoped their eyes were boring into her ass as she strutted her way to her seat. Smirking inwardly, Kate slid into her chair satisfied with her performance. She glanced to Rome's table and noticed that he hadn't noticed or hadn't paid attention to her dramatic display and that angered her. He faced the opposite direction now and there was no way he could have seen her presentation.

  She'd purposely strutted her firm ass in front of a roomful of men for his viewing and he hadn't even seen it. The skirt hugged her ass like a glove and she knew anyone looking could see there were no panty lines. Perfect for enticing Rome. That is, if he'd even noticed. Which he hadn't.

  “God,” she muttered between clenched teeth.

  “What?” Her friend Hannah yelled over the jukebox blaring a hideous country song about lost love.

  “Huh? Nothing.” Kate scowled.

  “Oh, okay,” Hannah returned her attention to the conversation.

  Kate squinted her eyes, zeroing in on Rome. How dare he ignore me!

  She wasn't hurt anymore; now she was pissed. How could he blatantly dismiss her actions? How could he not see her strutting across the room? The audacity!

  “Damn!” She glowered, drinking her beverage in one gulp.

  Hiking her left leg over her right one, she crossed her legs and pouted, folded her arms tight over her large breasts and huffed with irritation.

  The ticking of the clock on the wall filtered into her awareness as Kate slowly returned to the present. Her coffee had grown cold so she washed it down the basin. Instead of pouring herself a fresh cup she decided to take her shower and wake up. She washed away the images of last night and all the other moments of humiliation inflicted by Rome.

  Kate entered the bathroom, adjusted the shower water and slipped off her lavender silk robe. She flung back the shower curtain and slipped up the steamy water spray. The water sluiced over her body, warming her but not banishing her thoughts. The scalding water burned her skin but nothing would singe her heart the way Rome had all these years. His harsh words, rude manners and accusative glares implied less than friendly feelings, definitely not love.

  Tears escaped and spilled down her cheeks. The water washed them away but the hurt remained. It always would. Almost two decades of the pain she'd been eluding rolled down her cheeks. Her heavy heart threatened to burst with emotional anguish. Her chest heaved, while her stomach wretched in distress. Breathing became burdensome and all the sorrow she'd been holding in raced out of her with the velocity of a rocket on a destructive course. Tears fell and her body revolted. Slumping to the shower stall floor, Kate let her emotions take control, crying like she'd never cried before.


  Rome became frustrated, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel and staring at the front door of her townhouse. He'd been sitting outside in his truck for ten minutes waiting for her to either text him back or answer her damn phone. When she did neither, he slammed out of his pickup truck and stomped to her front door. Then he pounded. After waiting ten seconds, he pounded again, vowing to ram his body through the wooden barrier if she didn't open it in...

  He turned the doorknob at the last minute, thinking this would help his entry. As his bulk smashed into the solid door, his body was flung forward with a force greater than any he'd ever experienced before. Grunting, he landed on the ceramic tile of the small foyer, his shoulder taking the brunt of his weight. He shook his head in either embarrassment or stupidity, he wasn't sure, but he had a hard time fathoming his actions.

  Why was he plowing into Kate's haven? Disrupting her life? To scold her for having dozens of men drooling over her last night? To tell her how he really felt and why it had taken him so long to confess his feelings.

  “Yes, dammit, all of the above plus some.” Rome pushed up from the floor, stood and ready to concede and tell Kate he loved her and that his arrogant manner concealed his true feelings. He loved her and had for years. The ire he directed at her disguised his love. He hated to treat her like that all the time but he had to, to protect his heart and his sanity.

  How could he be in love with his best friend's little sister? How could he allow that to happen?

  Easy. Loving Kate came effortlessly. Her sweet disposition. Her melodic laughter. The way her blonde hair swung side to side as she talked animatedly. The way she used her hands to talk and express herself. The sparkle in her turquoise eyes when she laughed. It was all intoxicating. He lost himself in her gaze. The sultry gander she tossed his way over the years left him panting for more.

  How many nights had he gone home alone, jacking off to the vision of her in his mind? How many times had he imagined her beneath him as he pounded his hard cock deep into her inviting pussy.

  “Damn.” Rome pushed his body up and listened for movement from Kate. Nothing.

  Focusing his hearing in better, he caught the sound of the shower running. Nodding his head he realized that's why she hadn't answered his text or calls.

  Blowing a sigh from his lips, he smiled. Maybe I can surprise her.

  He strolled through the living room, making his way to the bathroom when out of his peripheral vision an unusual object caught his eye. Stopping mid-step, he glanced over and saw an object that drew his attention in closer. Pink and not just any pink. The brightest pink vibrator he'd ever seen.

  His eyes squinted at the array. Could it be? Does Kate use those?

  Rome changed direction. His curiosity had gotten the
better of him. He had to know. He stopped in the archway of the living room and kitchen, staring in awe. Setting all in a perfect row, laid four colorful apparatuses used for female self-pleasuring. But it was pink one that drew his attention and fascination.

  Rome's cock twinged imagining Kate inserting any one of the toys in her sweet hole. Thoughts of her moaning as the vibrating device brought her pleasure made him hard as a rock. Mental images of Kate bucking her hips against the toy releasing her orgasm, made him moan.

  His eyes rolled back, his heart skipping a few beats as the shower splashed and hissed in the background. His thoughts instantly returned to the present, Kate in the shower, naked and her sweet body beckoning to him. With every rhythmic beat of the water, Rome's body pulsed with anticipation.

  The idea of slipping into the shower with Kate was like a fantasy come true. Before setting off for the bathroom, Rome walked over the kitchen sink and touched one of the toys. Pinkie, as he'd so eloquently and mentally started thinking of it as, had four nubs strategically placed on the tip for extra pleasuring. Rome swallowed hard as his shaft twitched in his tighter than tight jeans. He didn't recall the denim being this snug ten minutes ago.

  A soft moan coming from the bathroom brought Rome back from his reverie. Turning, with the vibrator in his hand, he headed towards the feminine sound. As he approached the bathroom, the shower water stopped. He heard Kate softly talking.

  Was she alone? Who the hell was with her?

  Rome's blood started to boil. After the way he had treated her last night she must have found a male partner to bring back to her place. Hence why the toys were scattered on the counter. They'd probably played into the wee hours of the morning and here he was disturbing their rendezvous. The thought of another man in the shower with Kate burned Rome. It could be him. He could be the one in there right now washing away soapy bubbles from her full breasts. He could be the one towel drying her curvy hips kneeling down to dry off her long legs as he tongue leaned forward and swiped a taste of her juice.


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