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Slashing Away: A Dark Psychological Thriller (Gushers Series Book 2)

Page 18

by Chuck Buda

  Spencer smiled and stepped closer to the throng of members standing over Aiden and Leah. The palpable sensation of something huge hung over them. The night wasn’t over yet. Not by a long shot.

  Aiden struggled to drag himself along the carpet on his back. He held Leah tightly, trying to stop the bleeding. But he needed to get to a phone. Nobody was going to help Leah. He would. He swore he would protect her. And he had failed. Again. Aiden felt horrible. Part of him wished Spencer would kill him and end his misery as soon as possible. Maybe he could go to heaven with Leah. They could enjoy the peacefulness without peer pressure or self-centered egomaniacs.

  He tugged Leah slowly, enfolded in his arms. The others took no notice of him sliding back along the carpet. Leah gurgled. He stopped his movements. Aiden kissed her cheek. He whispered into her ear.

  “I’m right here. I won’t leave you. I promise. I’m staying with you. I’ll get you help. Just hang in there. You’re going to be fine. Trust me.” Aiden hated himself for lying to Leah. He wondered if she knew the lies he told, or if her spirit had drifted far enough away, the words just nonsensical music in the ether. Aiden imagined Leah’s soul hovering above the room, watching him work tirelessly to save her life. He wanted to glance up at the ceiling in case she was there. But he was too scared. Scared he would lose precious time getting her help. Scared he might actually see her ghost floating in the air.

  Chapter 47

  Ryan gave up first. Todd, sensing Ryan’s lack of effort, released his clench of Ryan’s torso. The two combatants clambered to see what was going on. They found Aiden lying on the floor with Leah. Leah was bleeding profusely from a gash across her neck. And Spencer was carrying on with a bloody knife in his hands.

  “Spencer, give me the knife before somebody else gets hurt.” Ryan stretched his hand between Rebecca and Jordyn.

  Spencer laughed. “Not gonna happen. This is my destiny. This moment belongs to ME.”

  Ryan stole a glance at Todd who was massaging the elbow Ryan had applied pressure to. Todd returned the look and moved forward.

  “Don’t be a douche, dude. Drop the knife or we’re going to kick your fucking ass.” Todd inflated his lungs, looking larger than usual.

  Spencer laughed again. He swung the knife around like a baton. Spencer made a jabbing motion which caused everyone to back away in a hurry.

  “I own you. With Satan on my side, nothing can stop me.”

  Todd began to taunt Spencer. “Satan? I thought you were into weird shit, not the Devil?”

  “Satan IS weird shit, bro.” Ryan reminded Todd there wasn’t much difference.

  “Just let me get to Zoe and I might spare all your lives. Or we could do this the fun way. I can slash through each one of you until I get what I want.”

  Todd looked around for something he could use. Knowing he brought fists to a knife fight, Todd needed to find something, anything, he could use to parry knife attacks. It would give him the extra second or two he needed to get in close to knock out Spencer with a well-placed punch.

  Before Todd realized what was happening, Ryan brushed past him. He threw his body like a missile into Spencer. The two boys crashed to the floor. But Todd knew Ryan got hit. He saw it with his own eyes as the bodies connected.

  The knife went through Ryan’s hand.

  Spencer made it to his feet almost instantaneously. He took advantage of Ryan’s pain. As Spencer got into position for the next attack, he stabbed downward, plunging the knife blade deep into Ryan’s shoulder. Todd was no fool. He knew the attack was meant for Ryan’s heart. It missed by a few inches only because Spencer was hasty with his move.

  Todd swung a left hook which whistled through the air. It caught Spencer’s face, smashing his nose. Blood squirted from the broken appendage as Spencer slumped along the wall. Todd was aggravated he had missed the sweet spot on Spencer’s jaw. Spencer had moved just enough at the last second to avoid a knockout blow. The follow through connected with his nose instead. Todd wasn’t as deft with his lefts because he was right-handed. But he wanted to take advantage of the missing eye on the right side of Spencer’s face. Spencer hadn’t seen the punch coming but had luck on his side when he moved.

  Todd shuffled closer and threw a powerful jab into Spencer’s broken nose. The punch created a crunching noise which sickened Todd. He pulled back for another strike but held off. Spencer’s one good eye rolled back. He was stunned to the point of almost losing consciousness. Todd knew he had time to figure things out before needing to strike again.

  Todd turned his attention to Ryan.

  “Dude? You okay?” He tried to get Ryan to unfold from his fetal position. Ryan clutched at his left shoulder. His left hand dangled at his side with a gaping wound through the palm.

  “No high-fiving for a while.” Ryan made light of his own situation.

  Todd lowered himself to take care of his wounded friend. He heard someone scream, “Watch out.”

  Spencer rose to his feet. He swabbed blood from his broken nose, flinging the crimson droplets upon Todd and Ryan. Spencer began speaking in a foreign language. His voice sounded ominous and evil. Todd felt a spasm in his lower back. It locked him up and dropped him to the floor. Todd fell on top of Ryan. He was paralyzed, unable to control his contorting limbs.

  Spencer sprayed blood from his nostrils while he spoke. The guttural tone chilled the women on the other side of the room. They stood huddled together in fear. Except for Zoe. Zoe remained in the far corner of the room. Her gaze never wavered from Spencer.

  Todd feared for his life. He wondered if Spencer had stabbed him in the spine, crippling him from protecting himself. There was no logical explanation for his sudden paralysis. Todd listened to Ryan grumble beneath his weight.

  “He fucking stabbed me!” Todd shouted to the ceiling. It was all he could do to react.

  “He didn’t stab you, moron. Spencer’s using magick on you.” Zoe shouted from the far reaches of the bedroom.

  Todd felt immediate relief he would walk again someday. In the same breath, Todd worried what this magick would do to him. Could it kill him? Or worse? Would it keep him pinned down while Spencer hacked him into pieces like a demented surgeon, knowing he was being carved up without the ability to fend off the deadly cuts?

  “Gloria Satanas, et Belial et Spiritui maloso.”

  “Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum.”

  Spencer’s voice took on the tone of a malevolent creature from a horror movie. It sent chills up Todd’s locked spine. He screamed out for help.

  “Do something! Help us!” The air sucked out of Todd’s lungs so the last few words came out as whispers. The pain in his back circled to his abdomen, forcing his muscles to contract in automatic defensive twitches.

  Todd listened as Spencer shuffled toward him. He strained to watch out of the corner of his eyes, unable to turn his head or neck to face the danger. The darkness in the bedroom added to the difficulties to understand his surroundings. Todd’s senses told him evil was close by. The hairs on the back of his neck rose. Every fiber of his being screamed out to flee, to run for safety.

  A disturbance on the other side of the room shook Todd from his self-pity. He heard shouting and crying. Sounds of a scuffle and bodies struggling against each other drowned out Spencer’s chanting. The commotion became noisy enough to halt Spencer’s words. The whole world paused as it tried to understand the new stimuli in the confined space.

  The pressure on Todd’s spine abated. He found himself confined to his position on the floor without as much sharp pain coursing through his body. He felt frozen in place, unable to maneuver toward the battle taking place on the other side of the bed. By the sounds of it, Zoe and Aiden were mixing it up. Todd wanted to help Aiden. He needed to stop Zoe from hurting more of them.

  Unable to move, Todd whispered to Ryan underneath him.

  “Can you get free of me? You need to help Aiden. Help him now. Before we all die.”

>   Ryan nodded. The misery index on his expression revealed the pain he felt from his injuries. Todd felt bad for Ryan. He felt worse for Aiden.

  Chapter 48

  Zoe watched, stunned by the chaos. It frightened her how delicate life was. She realized her mother’s constant warnings were warranted. The world was a dangerous place. Accidents could happen at any moment. And evil lurked in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to reclaim its glory.

  She felt a surge of excitement tunnel through her veins. The tides had swung back in her favor again. The bedroom was full of bloodshed and disruption. She could easily escape now without being detected.

  But why run? I have the ingredients for power all around me. Blood. Sacrifice. Chaos. Everything at her disposal. Zoe had to take the opportunity while it presented itself. She may never get it again.

  Zoe needed a quick fix of blood. Drinking it while casting her spell would empower her to win this fight. She had to find the weakest link in order to improve her chances.


  Leah lie on the floor, bleeding out. Aiden had dragged her body across the room. He had just reached the night stand on the far side of the bed. Aiden worked himself out from under Leah’s form. He was stretching to reach to the telephone on the night stand.

  Zoe scrambled over the soiled sheets on the bed. She slid off the mattress onto Leah’s chest. Zoe stuck her face into the folds of skin which gushed blood. Her tongue lapped up some of the blood. Then she drank heartily from the gaping wound. Each swallow of metallic tasting blood increased Zoe’s confidence. Her will grew stronger.

  Aiden screamed out when he realized what was happening. He dropped the telephone on the floor before he could dial for help. Zoe felt his strength tugging her away from Leah’s throat. But it wasn’t strong enough to shake her now that she had the blood inside her. Aiden pulled Zoe’s hair in a last ditch effort to pry her mouth from Leah’s neck. A clump of dark hair ripped free from her scalp. It pissed Zoe off. She decided to halt her feeding in order to rid herself of Aiden’s annoying attempts to stop her.

  Zoe used her long fingernails to scratch down Aiden’s face. The nails dug bloody trenches across his skin. Aiden shrieked and fell back, holding his face. Zoe laughed and jammed her mouth down to feed. Another set of arms started to work her over. The hands ripped at her breasts, long fingernails tearing at her nipples. The pain felt so intense it almost provided Zoe with pleasure. She stopped feeding to look over her shoulder at the new tormentor.


  Zoe was surprised to find the old slut getting involved. Zoe had little respect for Rebecca to begin with. Even less in terms of her ability to stand in Zoe’s way. Zoe backhanded Rebecca in the mouth. The smacking noise echoed off the walls, crumbling Rebecca to the floor.

  Zoe returned to Leah’s throat. She sucked and sucked. As she fed upon Leah’s wound, Zoe could feel Leah’s life force fading. She had often wondered what it felt like when she watched vampires in movies drain their victims, knowing just when to stop in order to allow the host to live. Zoe understood it better now. She could feel the spurt slow. The throbbing of the arteries in Leah’s neck growing weaker, more distant.

  “Fucking bitch!”

  Zoe knew the voice. Jordyn. She sighed silently knowing it was Jordyn’s turn to attempt to stop her. And Zoe would have to put Jordyn in her place. Zoe would enjoy this one much more than Aiden and Rebecca. This one would be more...personal.

  Jordyn jumped on Zoe’s back. She dug her nails into Zoe’s face. Zoe squinted her eyes tight to protect them from Jordyn’s attack. She bucked her hips in the air to try to throw Jordyn off, like a bull-riding competition. It didn’t work. Jordyn held tight.

  Zoe rolled onto her back. Jordyn underneath her, Zoe used her body weight and gravity to pin Jordyn. Jordyn tore at Zoe’s hair. It angered her how everyone kept pulling her hair out. She worked laboriously on her dark, silky hair. And now there would be missing sections.

  Zoe swung her head back into Jordyn’s face. The pain shot through her scalp and she knew it had to hurt Jordyn even more. Jordyn immediately let go of Zoe and cried out in anguish. Her cheekbone sounded as if it shattered from the force of the blow.

  Zoe climbed to her feet. She stared down at Jordyn as she writhed in pain, crying. “You should have learned to stay in your place, Jordyn. You never were as good as me.” She spat on Jordyn.

  A presence of danger wormed under Zoe’s skin. She suddenly imagined what a bleeding seal would feel like when the sharks were circling. The sensation prickled her flesh, haunting her. Zoe spun to find Spencer across the room. He glowered at her. The sight of his hollowed out eye socket turned Zoe’s stomach. He was a monster. His exterior matching his soul.

  Zoe licked the blood from her lips. She wiped the remnants across her cheek with the back of her hand. A crimson stroke painted her face. She cracked her knuckles and laughed.

  Spencer hissed. He moved a few feet closer, cautious to keep his distance from her. Zoe picked up on his hesitation. It was proof he thought she was dangerous. Powerful. It fed her ego and emboldened her. The time to finish this fight and take the spoils was upon her. Zoe was ready for the challenge.

  She would win.

  Or die trying.

  There was no other option. Anything less would land her in prison or a mental institution for the rest of her life.

  It would end now. One way or another.

  “Are you ready for me?” She taunted Spencer.

  Spencer glared.

  “You’re scared of me.” She giggled. “You should be.”

  Spencer spat blood on the floor. He tossed the knife from one hand to the other.

  “A time comes when every teacher is surpassed by the pupil. This is that time.” Zoe enjoyed her confidence. She read the signs in Spencer’s expression. His stance. He was prepared to battle. But Zoe sensed the opening. The chink in his armor. He had doubt. And that was all she needed.

  “You were a good teacher. But a GREAT teacher would have known when to keep the student in the dark. Before it was too late.”

  Spencer spat again. “Are you going to keep talking shit? Or are we going to finish this?”

  Zoe laughed at Spencer’s mock bravery. She moved closer to him. Zoe raised her arms, taking the familiar posture to imitate the crucifixion. She began to say the words she had taught herself.

  “I’m going to shut your cunt up forever.” Spencer pointed the holy weapon at Zoe. He lowered his scowl and began to recite the prayers he had in his arsenal.

  Zoe heard the crackle of static in the room. The smell of burnt ozone filled her nostrils. She wanted to soak in the glory of the moment. But she needed to take care of business first.

  Chapter 49

  Spencer made the first move.

  He blew a wind of musty, dank air into Zoe’s face. The noxious fumes almost toppled her efforts to counteract Spencer’s magick. Zoe returned a volley of invisible daggers to penetrate Spencer’s soul.

  The two entities faced off in a battle of spells. The room shifted at an angle. The rest of the members tumbled to the downside of the room. Zoe and Spencer held their positions. The power flowing through them allowed their bodies to remain on level footing in stark contrast to everything else.

  The bedroom furniture slid with the tilt of gravity. Todd did his best to use his legs to hold the bed up, keeping it from crushing them along the wall. The armoire crashed over in a thunderous crack. The wood splintered, spitting out hangered clothing. The drawers vomited underwear and socks upon them.

  Spencer slashed the holy knife along his chest, opening a fresh groove of blood. He flung droplets from the blade at Zoe. The swirling winds caught the crimson fluid in a conical torrent before placing the drops upon Zoe’s face.

  The bloody droplets, cursed with satanic powers, sizzled upon Zoe’s face. She swatted at the burning marks to no avail. It angered her. Zoe cranked up the intensity of her words, calling upon LAM. She channeled Crowley’s alien entity.
Zoe used the specific being to concentrate her powers.

  Spencer peeled the wound on his chest apart. Tearing the folds of sliced skin wider, he willed daggers of blood to stream toward his enemy. The room tilted against Zoe. She fell back against the wall. The furniture and bodies followed suit, sliding toward Zoe.

  She recovered by jumping onto the bed mattress. Zoe howled into the dagger arrows as they pierced her skin. Thousands of tiny wounds opened where the blood daggers landed. Zoe used the initial shock and pain of the fresh wounds to elevate her adrenaline. The force balled up in her veins. Zoe let fly another series of shock waves from her outstretched fingertips.

  A sonic boom rocked the house when the waves crossed the chasm between Zoe and Spencer.

  Spencer’s head smashed backwards. It caught a corner of the window frame. The sharp wood sliced easily through his shaved scalp. Spencer’s dizziness caused him to lose focus. His blood daggers ceased flowing. Instead, Zoe’s tumultuous thunderclap pinned Spencer down. He screamed out in frustration.

  Zoe felt the momentum shift in her favor. She walked on the bed in Spencer’s direction. She called on LAM to invade Spencer’s mind, whispering false truths and repeating her prayers. The sounds drove Spencer wild. His mind losing its ability to block out Zoe’s charms.

  Todd held the furniture off his friends so Aiden could attend to Leah. Leah had flopped back and forth, crashing between walls and night stands. Todd thought Leah was dead. Her lifeless body made no attempts to protect itself. And the blood which flowed freely from the gash on her neck had ceased to pour out.

  Zoe jumped off the end of the mattress. When her feet landed on the carpet. The room shook, righting itself. The ceiling fan snapped from the plaster, crashing just inches behind where Zoe last stood. She ignored the near miss to force all her intentions upon Spencer.

  Zoe neared the dazed figure in front of her. Spencer’s skin had started out painted in white corpse paint. He was entirely covered now in blood splatter and gaping wounds. The blood mixed with the white created a creepy canvas reminding Zoe of a Pollack painting. She reached down and touched her palm to Spencer’s skull.


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