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Forever True (The Story of Us)

Page 7

by Grace, Gwendolyn

  Yeah, I wasn't done with the pettiness.

  I caught a 5:30am flight into Houston this morning and immediately went on an expensive shopping spree and treated myself to a beautification day at the hotel spa, on Alex's credit card. Only this time I deactivated the text alerts. I got dressed at the salon since the employees were all too happy to help me once I told them I was here to surprise my husband. It caused a major uproar, and they treated me like their own personal Barbie doll. The hotel clerk even bent the rules and arranged to have my bags sent to Alex's room later that night. When they were done with me, I was blown away at what they were able to accomplish. Erica's words had bothered me all week but looking in the mirror I smiled.

  Who's lame now, bitch?

  There was a crowd at the check-in desk, and I wasn't sure how to get into the event. Was there a list? What if they wouldn't let me inside? I stood there for a few minutes surveying the area, and I observed how guests were walking around unnoticed. I decided to fall in step with a group of people who passed me. They skipped the check-in table and were let through the velvet rope without question. I couldn't believe how easy it was. For good measure, I smiled at the attendant and nodded my head in thanks. Once on the other side, I searched the crowded room for my husband.



  I was standing next to Mitch and Deal trying to fake interest in some story Deal was telling about his trip to...shit...I forget. Some place he went recently. I don't know. That's how much I cared about the conversation. The whole time my eyes were focused on the crumbs on the corner of his gray mustache as I debated whether to tell him about it. Even Mitch didn't have the balls to say anything. When Deal took another bite of a cracker with seafood dip on it, he added crumbs to the other side as well but he kept right on talking. I tried not to laugh, but it was proving hard, so I lifted my glass to take a sip. That's when I felt her. It was like my ears blocked the noises around me as I turned just in time to see my wife walking gracefully down the large staircase. The shimmer of the gown made her glow as she focused on her feet as she descended to the bottom. The way she floated the entire way down made me think that maybe she was only part of my imagination. I looked around to see other eyes on her too; each of them clearly appreciating the view. I didn't even have time to be jealous because once her gaze lifted and found mine, my mouth went dry. She was gorgeous. Her perfect pouty mouth lifted into a smile, and I felt like one of those goofy cartoon characters whose eyes bugged out into giant heart shapes and shit. As she maneuvered through the crowd, I took in the sway of her hips, the way the strapless dress stretched across her round breast leaving a delectable amount of cleavage. I touched the tip of my tongue to my bottom lip as I recalled the deliciousness of her tight nipples. With one hand in my pocket and the other holding a glass of Jameson on the rocks, I watched my dream girl walk towards me as she turned heads along the way.

  Yeah, go ahead and get a good look. She's all mine.



  Once I reached the bottom of the staircase; I spotted him immediately, and his eyes were already on me. It was like our bodies were two magnets drawing us together. I could literally feel the pull. He looked so handsome in his dark suit and black tie. He put one hand in his pocket and gave me his sexy dimpled grin as he waited for me to reach him. When I was within arm distance, he reached for my waist and pulled me to him.

  “Hi.” I said as I stared into his smiling face.

  “Hi.” He answered back and placed a soft kiss on my lips. “I had no idea...” He seemed to be at a loss for words, so he placed another peck on my lips. “What are you doing here?” He pecked me on the jaw line.

  “Fighting for us.” I answered, my eyes meeting his and I hoped he could see the sincerity I felt. “Is it okay that I'm here?” I asked because I was feeling hesitant about my decision as I looked around the room.

  “Baby,” He murmured against my neck as he inhaled me. “It's perfect. Absolutely perfect.” I let myself relax into his hold. “Look, I'm sorry about--”

  “Alex, I get it. I don’t like it, but I get it. We’ll talk more about it later, okay?” I smiled up at him, and he studied me for a second before nodding back. Just then I heard a throat clearing from behind us, and I peered over Alex's shoulder to see two men standing beside each other a couple of feet away. Alex stiffened slightly.

  “Shit. I forgot they were here.” He whispered from the side of his mouth so only I can hear. Alex placed a hand on my lower back and ushered me forward. “This is Paul Deal, Chief Executive of Pure Valley Aqua, and you've met Mitch Gallo, our Senior Vice President. Gentlemen, this is my wife, Courtney.” Each man smiled and reached out to shake my hand politely.

  “Courtney, nice to see you again.” Mitch replied. My eyes instantly picked up on the fact that his gray roots were starting to show through his dyed jet black hair. When my gaze landed on Paul Deal, I noticed several crumbs trapped in his mustache as he reached for my hand.

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Deal. You have a little something here.” I pointed to my own mouth to mirror the mess resting on the top of his lip.

  “Oh, pardon me.” Deal replied and lifted a napkin to his mouth. I felt Alex tug a lock of hair at my back. It was discreet, but I knew he was trying to get my attention, so I looked up at him in time to see him wink at me.

  “If you'll excuse us. I'm going to refresh my drink.” Alex spoke to both Deal and Mitch then guided us away. “That was pretty funny. Mitch and I have been staring at the same crumbs for ten minutes, and you're the one to say something.”

  “Well, why wouldn't you have told him that?”

  “Court, he's the CEO. It's not exactly a good idea to be the one to embarrass him.”

  “Yes, but isn't it even more embarrassing to not be told that you have food on your face?”

  “I supposed so, but I sure as hell didn't want to be the one to tell him. Plus, it was entertaining. I wanted to see how much he could fit in there.” Alex chuckled.

  When we reached the bar, he ordered another Jameson on the rocks and white wine for me. I didn't want to tell him in the middle of a crowded room about the baby, so I took the glass and pretended to sip. He held my hand the entire time as he walked me around the room. He introduced me to people, and I felt so proud to be standing next to him. I loved when he introduced me as his wife. The way he said those words felt like he was claiming me, and it made my heart do somersaults. I was also ravenous, so I constantly nibbled on tiny hors d'oeuvres, and we bid on a couple of packages up for auction. Alex kept leaning down and kissing me or nuzzling his nose into my neck. He repeatedly told me how happy he was that I was there. I really wanted to share in his joy, but I was on edge. The whole time I found myself searching the room for her. I knew she was here and that Alex was avoiding her. I saw the way his eyes surveyed the room and then he would shift us to a different area. I wanted to bring it up, but I had also told him earlier that we would talk about it later. Now, I was starting to regret that statement. I knew she was in the room, and I couldn't ignore it. I tried to remember what she looked like from the one time I saw her face ten years ago in Alex's bedroom window. Through a process of elimination, I found her or maybe she found me.

  Standing in line for the ladies' room.

  Of course, it was so predictable.

  Chapter FourteenCourtney

  “Oh, hi. Um, Courtney, right?”

  Bitch, you know who I am.

  I resisted the urge to say that out loud at the same time I stopped my eyes from rolling.

  “Yes, Courtney. Alex's wife.” I made sure to remind her of that fact. “You must be Erica.” As much as I didn't want to admit it, she was really pretty. She wore a simple, but elegant black sleeveless floor length dress with a split that stopped mid-thigh. Her dark brown hair was twisted into an up-do, and she wore dangling diamond earrings. Totally Alex’s type and I felt my body tense up at the confrontation ahead.

  She nodded and smiled.
“Yes, Erica Slater. It’s good to finally meet you.”

  “Likewise.” I replied in a clipped tone and her eyes narrowed as she stared at me.

  “Listen, I know you are probably expecting me to say something snide and hurtful or to come up with something that will make you so angry and jealous that you'll want to rip my hair out. I'm sorry to disappoint you. I don't play those kinds of games.”

  Well, that was unexpected. I was preparing myself for a verbal cat fight. When I furrowed my brow in confusion Erica continued.

  “I've known Alex since eighth grade. He was my best friend and the first of many things for me. He will always have a special place in my heart, but we are each other’s past. I know that he loves you. Oh, man do I know this. He suffered a lot this past year and now that the two of you are back together, I know that he would never do anything to mess that up. I only found out last year that you didn't know about me working at PVA. I wish that he hadn't kept it a secret because it only makes things look bad for no reason. He has been great to me and took a chance on me when no one else would. He stuck his neck out and got me this job. All this has helped me get my life together. I know that you and I will probably never be friends, but I hope you can feel better about the friendship I have with Alex because that's all it is. I realize that you have no reason to believe me, but I felt I needed to say it at least to your face.”

  I stood there, dumbfounded.

  Damn it.

  I was all set to hate her. I mean, I did all this to thumb my nose at her. I couldn't believe that she was standing in front of me trying to explain her friendship with Alex and seemed to care what I thought. I didn't like that there was even a relationship, working or otherwise, but I also knew that there wasn't much that I could do but continue to trust my husband. Would it make a difference if I demanded that he fired her or do something else drastic to sever their connection?

  No. Not really.

  “Okay. Well, um, thanks.” I replied like an idiot. She completely disarmed me. I had nothing.

  Way to let her have it, Court.

  “The only thing I will say is if you break his heart again, I’ll break your pretty nose. And that’s a promise, chick.” My head snapped back at her words.

  The fuck did she just say?

  Just then a stall opened and a woman walked out with her eyes darting cautiously between the two of us. Erica gave me a sultry smile and quickly turned on her five inch heels. “You look hot, by the way.” She called over her shoulder. “I would have totally brought my A-game, too if I were you.” She finger waved at me and disappeared through the large doors and into the party. I tilted my head to the side as she walked away, not really sure how to take the encounter but for some reason a smile still found its way to my lips.



  My heart stopped as I saw Erica leave the ladies' room with a smirk on her face. I hurried over to her.

  “What did you do?”

  “What are you talking about?” She asked feigning innocence.

  “You know what. What did you say to Courtney?”

  “What makes you think I said something to her?”

  I narrowed my eyes at her and growled.

  “Ok, fine. I was good. I told her that nothing was going on with us and that I knew that you loved her and that I didn't want her to worry.”


  “Yes, really.”

  “Well, I'm impressed. I guess.”

  Erica shrugged and smiled bashfully. It was one of the few times I've seen her blush.

  “You've done a lot for me, and I only want you to be happy Alex. It's the least I can do.”

  “Thanks.” I reached up and patted her arm. “That was really great of you.” I told her sincerely.

  She leaned forward and pressed her cheek to mine as she quickly whispered. “I saw the two of you tonight and you never looked at me the way you look at her. It's time I found that for myself.”

  Erica pulled back and gave me a small, sad smile before she walked away.

  When Courtney came to stand beside me a moment later, I couldn't help reaching for her and pushing her back towards the wall as I kissed her deeply. It was as if the weight of guilt I felt for keeping the situation with Erica a secret was finally lifted. I felt like I could fly.

  “Alex.” Court pulled back and rested her head against my chin. “No more secrets. Promise me.”

  “No more. There is nothing else. I swear.”

  “Okay. Well, I do have something to tell you.” I pushed her back from me slightly and waited for her to share.

  “I kind of spent a lot of money on your credit card today for this dress, shoes, hair...”

  “Baby, I don't care. You look amazing.” I pulled her to me and began kissing her again.

  “There is one more thing.” She said against my mouth.

  “Court...” I warned.

  “This is a good secret though.”

  “Oh? What is it?” I asked as the smile return to my lips. She grabbed my hand and placed my palm against her lower belly. She didn't say a word because I could see it in her eyes.

  “Are you...?” My voice was barely audible. She bit her bottom lip as she nodded. Her eyes were beginning to glisten with tears. I felt myself grinning from ear to ear. I noticed that she didn’t drink her wine, and I thought it was because she didn't like it, which is why she carried it around like a prop. The real reason was that she was carrying my baby. I couldn't have been happier. She threw her arms around my neck and pulled me down for a kiss. Soon we were both laughing between kisses from the overwhelming happiness that we felt.

  I knew there would never be anybody else in the world for me. She was it.

  My true.

  And she would always be mine.



  “Ah, that is so good, baby.” I lifted my head to stare down at my wife's pretty mouth wrapped around my cock. I pushed her hair away from her face so that I could see everything she was doing. The way she bobbed up and down. How she took me as far as she could while she used expert suction with every pull. I was getting close to the edge. My hips were moving in rhythm with her mouth as I pushed myself even deeper. Suddenly, she released me with a pop and crawled her way up my body. I loved the way she looked with her hair down, her nipples in tight points and wearing only the $1200.00 shoes she bought today. Damn right I demanded that she keep those shoes on, I planned to get my money's worth.

  She trailed kisses up my torso, my collar bone and then my neck. I slid my hand down the curve of her back and over her round behind and around to where she was dripping wet.

  “You ready for me? My fingers are fucking drenched.”

  She threw her head back and moaned as I rubbed the head of my rock hard cock against her slick folds.

  “Do you want this?” I asked as I sucked lightly on her neck just the way I knew would drive her crazy. She sucked in a sharp breath and nodded. “Well, take it. I want you to take all of it.” Court widen her legs as she positioned herself to take me; then she slowly lowered herself inch by inch.

  “Fuck.” I groaned. Her hot wet pussy felt incredible. It always did. I knew I would never get enough of her. Nothing in my life ever felt as good as being inside of her. I waited while she worked to find a rhythm; her movements were slow and torturous, but I let her take what she needed. I had to resist the urge to flip her over and take charge. I loved the intensity in her face as she stared at me, the way her eyes clouded over with each downward stroke as she built her way to release. When I couldn't take anymore, I pushed myself up to a sitting position as she straddled me. I placed one of my hands on her hip and the other on the back of her shoulder as I thrust upward. Her sighs and moans filled the room as she matched her movements to mine. My eyes continuously roamed from her face to her bouncing tits where I would lick and suck before looking down to the place where we were joined. The way her juices coated my swollen cock and ran down her thighs had me re
ady to explode.

  “Alex,” she moaned. “Oh, Oh my God. I'm going to come.” Her hips started moving faster.

  “Me, too. Yes, baby that's it. Ride me hard.” I wrapped my fingers in her hair and pulled her mouth to mine. Our tongues slid together frantically as we moaned and cried out when our orgasms reached their peak together. She began to tremor and contract tightly around me while I poured myself into her over and over. When our breathing settled, I pulled the covers over us while she still rested on top of me feeling completely spent.

  “Court, you are everything to me.” I said as I lightly stroked her hair.

  “You are my everything, too.” She replied as her fingers traced the A and C symbol on my chest.

  At that moment I'd never felt so lucky, I had it all.

  Chapter FifteenEPILOGUE


  An odd sound brought me awake; at first I couldn’t place it. As my brain began to fire slowly on all cylinders, I realized that it was a baby crying. Our baby. I turned my head to the monitor and saw Kaden’s legs kicking furiously. It was 8:00am on a Saturday morning which is late to be sleeping in this house. I felt Court stir in my arms with her back to my chest, and our legs entwined.

  “I’ll go.” I said as I placed a kiss on the back of her neck. She didn’t even fake resistance because she instantly nodded and untangled herself from me to burrow further into the pillow. I couldn’t blame her really; I did keep her up most of the night doing dirty things. I smirked, gave her behind a light smack and got out of bed.

  I opened the door to the baby’s room and peered inside.

  “Hi, Kaden.” I cooed from the door way. “Whatcha doing, Kade?” Kaden immediately stopped fussing and focused on me with a pair of brown eyes and dimples that matched my own.

  “It’s okay. Daddy’s here.”

  After the diaper changing and redressing, I carried the baby downstairs with me to start breakfast. While I was waiting for the waffle iron to heat, I mixed some baby cereal since Kaden was only five months old and not ready for waffles.


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