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The Penguin Anthology of Classical Arabic Literature

Page 54

by Robert Irwin

  Ibn Zamrak, Abu ‘Abdallah

  Muhammad ibn Yusuf 304, 306–7

  Ibn Zaydun, Abu‘l-Walid Ahmad 267, 271–4

  Ibn Zuhr, Abu Bakr 277–8

  Ibn Zunbul al-Rammal, Ahmad 308, 444, 448

  Kitab Infisal Dawlat al-Awam wa’lItisal Dawlat Bani Uthman (‘Book of the Departure of the Dynasty of Time and the Coming of the Ottoman Dynasty’) 443–7

  Ibrahim, al-Mawsili 114, 207, 218, 245, 246

  Ibrahim ibn Malik 108–9

  Ibrahim ibn al-Mahdi 115

  Kitab al-Tabikh 115

  Ikhwan al-Safa’ 194–203, 215, 287

  Imru’ al-Qays 16, 40, 121, 238, 261

  Mu‘allaqa 7–15, 16, 333

  Irving, Washington: The Alhambra 244, 308, 310

  al-Isfahani, ‘Imad al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Katib xiii, 315–18, 431

  Barq al-Shami (‘Syrian Lightning’) 316

  Fath al-Qussi fi al-Fath al-Qudsi (‘Eloquence on the Conquest of the Holy City’) 316

  Kharidat al-Qasr (‘The Garden of the Palace’) 316

  Kitab al-Aghani 355

  Ishaq, al-Mawsili 94, 114

  I‘timad, al-Rumakiyya 267, 268

  al-Jabarti 448

  Ja’far ibn Harb 108

  Ja’far ibn Mubashshir 108

  Jahiz (Abu Uthman ‘Amr ibn Bahr al-Jahiz) viii, xiii, 25, 49, 65, 66, 68, 75, 77, 84–101, 114, 116, 118, 170, 179–80, 207, 247, 262, 315

  ‘The Boast of the Blacks against the Whites’ 84

  Book of the Crown 58

  Chance or Creation? 99–100

  Kitab al-Bukhala (‘Book of Misers’) 94–9

  Kitab al-Hayawan (‘Book of Animals’) 85–91, 203

  Kitab al-Tarbi wa al-Tadwir (‘The Book of the Square and the Round’) 100

  Risalat al-Qiyan (‘Letter on Singing-Girls’) 91–4

  al-Jahshiyari, Abu ‘Abd Allah Muhammad ibn ‘Abdus. History of the Viziers 152, 153, 154

  Jamil ibn ‘Abdallah ibn Ma‘mar al-Udhri 56–8, 111

  Jaqmaq, Sultan 437

  Jarir ibn ‘Atiyya 45, 46, 56, 67

  al-Jawbari, Zayn al-Din ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn ’Umar 356

  Kashf al-Asrar (‘The Unveiling of Secrets’) 356–9

  John, the son of Zechariah (John the Baptist) 351, 352

  Johnson, Dr Samuel: Dictionary of the English Language 43

  Jones, Sir William 14

  al-Jumahi 2

  Tabaqat 62–3

  al-Jurjani, ‘Abd al-Qadir Abu Bakr 216–17, 218

  Asrar al-Balagha (‘Secrets of Eloquence’) 216

  Kahle, Paul 363–4

  al-Katib 262 see also ‘Abd al-Hamid ibn Yahya

  Khalaf ibn Hayyan al-Ahmar 27

  Khalid ibn Barmak 105

  Khalil ibn Ahmad 49

  Kitab al-‘Ayn 48

  Al-Khansa’ bint ‘Amr ibn al-Sharid of the tribe of Banu Sulaym, ‘the Gazelle’ 25, 239

  ‘For Her Brother’ 25–6

  ‘Lament for a Brother’ 26–7

  al-Khidr, ‘the Green Man’ 297

  Khomeini, Ayatollah 41

  Khosro Parvez see Chosroes

  Khusraw see Chosroes al-Khwarizmi, Abu Bakr 180, 354

  Kindi 68

  Kraemer, Joel 149 al-Kumayt, Ibn Zayd al-Asadi 212, 215

  Kurtbay 447

  Kushajim al-Sindi, Abu’l-Fath Mahmud ibn alHusayn 115, 219, 227–8

  Adab al-nudama wa-lata’ if al-zurafa (‘Etiquette of the Cup Companion and Refined Jests of the Elegant’) 227

  Kuthayyir 102, 103

  LA Confidential (film) 174

  Lane, E. W.: Arabic-English Lexicon xii, 25

  Lapidus, Ira Marvin:

  Muslim Cities in the Later Middle Ages 363

  Lawrence, T. E. 132

  Lessing, Doris 78

  Llewelyn, Prince 206

  Lyall, Sir Charles 14–15, 117

  al-Ma’arri, Abu al-‘Ala 31, 58, 203, 263, 315, 354

  al-Dir’iyyat (‘On Coats of Mail’) 230

  Al-Fusul wa al-Ghayat (‘Paragraphs and Periods’) 230

  Luzum ma lam yalzam (‘The Constraint of What Is Not Compulsory’) 230

  Risalat al-Ghufran (‘The Epistle of Forgiveness’) 237–43

  Risalat al-Sahil wa al-Shahij (‘Letters of a Horse and a Mule’) 230

  Saqt al-Zand (‘Spark from the Fire-stick’) 230

  al-Mahdi, Caliph 115, 117, 127, 247

  Mahfouz, Naguib 321, 448

  Mahmud of Ghazna, Sultan 229, 442

  Majnun (Qays ibn Mulawwah) 93

  al-Majriti 283

  Makdisi, George 149

  al-Mamun, Caliph 69, 74–5

  Mann, Thomas: Joseph in Egypt 30

  al-Mansur, Caliph 70, 74, 117, 244–5

  Manuel, Don Juan: El Conde Lucanor 313

  al-Maqqari 246, 304, 308, 309–13

  Nafh al-Tib min Ghusn al-Andalus al-Ratib wa-Dhikr Waziriha Lisan al-Din Ibn al-Khatib (‘the Fragrant Scent of the Tender Shoots of Andalus and the History of the Wazir Lisan al-Din Ibn al-Khatib’) 309–13

  Margoliouth, D. S. 28, 186–7, 211

  Marzubani-Rustam-i-Sharwin: Marzuban-nama 437

  al-Marzubani, Muhammad ibn ‘Imran 240, 242 Kitab al-Ash‘at al-Jinn (‘Poems of the Jinn’) 242

  al-Mas’ud, Sultan 187, 356

  al-Mas’udi, Abu al-Hasan ibn alHusayn 66, 74, 85, 105–12, 114–15, 206–7, 228

  Akhbar al-Zaman (‘Historical Annals’) 207, 208

  Kitab al-Tanbih (‘Book of Notifaction’) 207

  Muruj al-Dhabab (‘The Rivers’) 207

  Mayyah 134, 135

  Mehmed I, Sultan 437

  Mez, Adam 149

  Miskawayh, Abu ‘Ali Ahmad ibn Muhammad xii, 115, 131–2, 150, 210–11

  Account of various excellencies of Abu’l-Fadl Ibn al-Amid and of his career 211–15

  Kitab Tahdhib al-Akhlaq (The Training of Character’) 193–4, 210

  Tajarib al-Ummam wa-Ta’aqib al-Himam (‘The Experiences of the Nations and the Results of Endeavours’) 210

  Uns al-Farid (‘Companion of the Lonely’) 210

  More, Sir Thomas: History of King Richard III 438

  Moses 351

  Mu’allaqat 6–7, 16 see under ‘Antara ibn Shaddad; Imru’ al-Qays

  Mu’awiyya 265

  Mufaddaliyyat 117

  Muhammad, Prophet xiv, 2, 30, 31, 38–42, 55, 65, 95, 111, 244, 250, 291, 309, 318, 331, 334, 345, 358

  Muhammad V of Granada 304

  Muhammad XII of Granada (Boabdil) 308

  al-Muhasibi 324

  al-Muktafi, Caliph 209

  al-Muqtadir, Caliph 209

  Mustakfi, Caliph 228, 174

  al-Mustarshid, Caliph 187

  al-Mu’tadid, Caliph 146, 266–7, 270, 271

  al-Mu’tamid, Caliph 112, 207–8, 267–70, 271, 287, 288

  Mu’tamir ibn Mulaiman 107–8

  al-Mutanabbi, Abu’l-Tayyib Ahmad ibn Husayn x, 31, 148, 219, 221–2, 223, 229, 262, 270, 315, 328, 448

  al-Mu’tasim, Caliph 132, 134

  al-Mutawakkil, Caliph 143

  al-Mu’tazz, Caliph 143, 217

  al-Nadim see Ibn al-Nadim

  Nafzawi, Shaykh: The Glory of the Perfumed Garden 55–6

  al-Nazzam, Ibrahim ibn

  Sayyar 107

  Nicephorus II Phocas 223

  Nicholson, R.A. 187, 188, 239, 242

  Nilus, St 1

  Nizam, al-Mulk 323

  Nur al-Din 315

  Ockley, Simon 291

  Palacios, Miguel Asin:

  Escatologia musulmana en la Divina Commedia 263

  Paley, William: Evidence of Christianity 99–100

  Panchatantra (‘FiveFold Way’) 76

  Pellat, Charles: The Life

  and Works of Jahiz 89

  Picatrix 284

  Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, Count: De hominis dignitate (‘On the Dignity of Man’) 287

  Plato, Symposium 105

/>   Pound, Omar 61

  Proust, Marcel: À la recherche du temps perdu 113

  Ptolemy: Almagest 74

  al-Qadi al-Fadil 315, 316, 359–60

  Qali, ’Ali 247

  Kitab al-Amali 247

  Qalqashandi 66

  Qasim, vizier 146

  Qays ibn Mulawwah see Majnun

  Qays ibn Zuhayr 265

  Qaytbay, Sultan al-Ashraf 441

  Qazwini xiii

  Qur’an 30–41, 47, 48, 58, 65, 70, 75–6, 84, 85, 111, 143, 187, 188, 217, 221, 230, 238, 240, 242, 244, 250, 261, 264, 265, 298, 300, 323, 346, 354, 355, 431, 437, 441 447

  al-Radi, Caliph 116, 207

  Raqa’iq al-Hilal fi Daqaiq al-Hiyal (‘Cloaks of Fine Fabric in Subtle Ruses’) 364–5

  Roderic, king of Spain 311, 312

  Rutha al-Hakim (‘The Rank of the Sage’) 284

  Sabbah ibn al-Walid 108

  Sahl ibn Harun 152, 154

  al-Naimir wa‘l-Tha ’lab (‘The Panther and the Fox’) 154

  Sa’id ibn Abi Maryam 111

  Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, Due de 209

  al-Sakkak 108

  Saladin (Salah al-Din) 315, 316–17, 318, 354, 359

  al-Salih Ayyub 318

  Salih, Tayyib 448

  al-Sanawbari, Abu Bakr Muhammad 225–7, 227

  Sayf al-Dawla al-Hamdani, Emir 218, 219, 221, 223, 225, 227

  Sayf al-Tijan 417

  Selim I, Sultan 443, 444

  Serjeant, R. B. 99

  Shaddad, King 345

  al-Shafi’i 152

  al-Shahbusti 123

  Shahsiwar, Ali Ibn 445, 447

  Shakespeare, William, Hamlet 287

  Shanfara al-Azdi 18–23, 238

  Lamiyyat ix, 19–23, 27, 62

  Shukrullah, Ibrahim 14

  Sibawayhi, ‘Amr ibn ‘Uthman: Kitab (The Book’) 48, 353

  Sinbad/Sindbad the Sailor 154

  Sindbadh al-Hakim (‘Sindbad the Sage’) 151–3, 154

  Sindhind 74

  Sirat al-Zahir 417

  Sirat Antar 417–23

  Sirat Dhat-al-Himma 417

  Sirat Sayf bin Dbi Yazan 417

  Solomon, King 32, 351

  Sterne, Laurence: Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy 68, 86

  The Story of Seven Viziers 154

  Sufyan ibn Mu‘awiya 102, 104

  Suhaym ibn Wathil 65–6

  al-Suli, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Yahya 209–10

  al-Awraq (‘The Leaves’) 116, 210

  Kitab al-Awraq fi Akhbar Al al-‘Abbas wa-Ash‘arihim (‘Book of Pages on the History of the Abbasids and their Poetry’) 209

  Ta’abbata Sharran 18–19, 23–4, 238

  Qit’a Nuniyya (‘The Short Poem Rhyming in Nun’) 24–5

  Tabari 66

  Taj al-Arus 25

  al-Tanukhi, Abu ‘Ali al-Muhassin xii, 114, 148–70, 178, 180

  Faraj bad al-Shidda (‘Relief after Distress’) 155–64

  Nishwar al-Muhadara (‘Desultory Conversations’) 164–70, 172

  Tarafa 238

  al-Tawhidi, Abu’l-Hayyan xii, 170–78, 194

  Akhlaq al-Wazirayn (‘Morals of the Two Wazirs’) 170, 171–2

  al-Saddaqa 177

  Kitab al-lmta wa al-Mu’anasa (‘Book of Enjoyment and Conversation’) 172

  Muqabasat (‘Borrowings’) 175–7

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 1 ‘Locksley Hall’ 5

  al-Tha’alabi, Muhammad ibn Isma’il 358

  Thaddeus 132

  Theodorus, King 173

  The Thousand and One Nights xii, 32, 67, 77, 116–17, 150, 153, 174, 218, 253, 310, 321, 345, 359, 365, 379

  ‘The Story of the Fisherman and the Demon’ 366

  ‘The Tale of Judar and His Brothers’ 379–417

  ‘The Tale of King Yunan and the Sage Duban’ 366–79

  ‘The Tale of the Husband and the Parrot’ 371–2

  ‘The Tale of the King’s Son and the She-Ghoul’ 373–4

  Thucydides 75

  Thumama ibn Ashras 108

  Timur 302, 437–41

  al-Tirimmah ibn Hakim al-Ta‘i 61–2

  Toqtamish, Khan of the Golden Horde 438, 439

  Treadgold, Warren T. ix, 23

  Truffaut, François 354

  Tumanbay, Sultan 443, 444

  Ubaydallah, Ibn Tahir, Prince 145

  ‘Umar I, Caliph 42, 56, 65

  Umar II, Caliph 45, 54–5

  ‘Umar bin ‘Abd al-Aziz, Caliph 249, 250, 431–2, 433

  ‘Umar ibn Abi Rabi’a 50–55

  Usamah ibn Munqidh xii, 346, 354

  Kitab al-Asa (The Book of the Stick’) 351–2

  Kitab al-Badi’ fi Naqd al-Shi’r (‘The Book of Embellishment in the Criticism of Poetry’) 352

  Kitab al-l’tibar (The Book of Example’) 346–9

  Kitab al-Manazil wa al-Diyar (The Book of Campsites and Abodes’) 349–50

  Lubab al-Adab (The Pith of Literature’) 352

  ‘Uthman, Caliph 31, 42, 250

  Vigny, Alfred de 314

  Villon, François: ‘Ou sont les neiges d’antan?’ 142

  Waddell, Helen: The Wandering Scholars 283

  Wa’il, Sahban 86, 89

  Waines, David: In a Caliph’s Kitchen.

  Medieval Cooking for the Modern Gourmet 186

  Walid II, Caliph (Prince Walid ibn Yazid) xi, 59–60, 62, 123, 126, 218

  Wallada bint al-Mustakfi 271, 274–5

  Kitab al-Muwashsha (The Book of Coloured Cloth’) 112–13

  al-Washshiyya 228

  Yahya ibn Ayyub 111

  Yahya ibn Khalid ak-Barmaki 105–6, 117–18, 207

  Yahya ibn Sa’id 111

  Yaqut 138–9, 178

  Zaydan, Jurji 448

  Zimmerman, Fritz 68

  Ziryab, ‘Ali ibn Nafi 228, 245–6, 309

  Zubaydah 152, 154

  al-Zubayr, Mus’ab 102, 104

  Zuhayr, Abu al-Fadl ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Ali Baha’ al-Din 318–20

  Zuhayr ibn Abi Sulma 345–6

  Mu’allaqa 346


  The editor and publishers wish to thank those copyright holders who have given permission for their work to be included in this anthology:

  American Philosophical Society: an extract by Ibn Washiyyah, translated by Martin Levey, from ‘Medieval Arabic Toxicology’ in Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 56 (1966). Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

  American University in Cairo Press: a poem by Umar ibn Rabia, translated by Adel Suleiman Gamal, from In Quest of an Islamic Humanism, edited by A. H. Green (1984). Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

  A. J. Arberry: verses by Ibn al-Farid, translated by A. J. Arberry, from The Mystical Poems of Ibn al-Farid, translated and annotated by A. J. Arberry. Chester Beatty Monographs, No. 6 (Emery Walker, 1956).

  Aris & Phillips Ltd: the ‘Gelert’ story by Ibn al-Marzuban, translated by G. Rex Smith and M. A. Abdel Haleem, from The Book of the Superiority of Dogs Over Many of Those Who Wear Clothes: Ten Stories and Poems on the Dog (1977); an extract by Jahiz, edited and translated by A. F. L. Beeston, from The Epistle on Singing Girls (1980); extracts from The Adventures of Antar, translated by H. T. Norris (1980). Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

  Artemis & Winkler Verlag: ‘The Cranes of Ibycus’ by Tawhidi, translated by Franz Rosenthal, from The Classical Heritage in Islam (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975).

  A. F. L. Beeston: ‘Long was my night by reason of love for one who I think will not be close to me…’ by Bassar, translated by A. F. L. Beeston, from Selections from the Poetry of Bassar, edited and translated by A. F. L. Beeston (Cambridge University Press, 1977).

  Blackwell Publishers: an extract by Miskawayh (the obituary of Ibn al-Amid), translated by H. F. Amedroz and D. S. Margoliouth, from The Eclipse of the ‘Abbasid Caliphate, volume 5 (1920–21).

  Brill Academic Publishers: ‘The Burda in Praise of the Prophet Muhammad’
by Al-Busiri, translated by Stefan Sperl, from Qasida Poetry in Islamic Asia and Africa, volume 2, edited by Stefan Sperl and Christopher Shackle (1996); ‘Seven Poems by Al-Hallaj’, translated by Mustafa Badawi, from Journal of Arabic Literature, 14 (1983); an extract (the great earthquake of 1157) by Usamah ibn Munqidh, described in Kitab al-Manazil, translated by I. Y. Kratchkovsky, from Among Arabic Manuscripts (1953); a poem by Ibn Khafaja, translated by Salma Khadra Jayussi, lines from a poem by Al-Mu‘tamid, translated by Rafael Valencia, and an extract by Ibn Tumart, translated by Madeleine Fletcher, from The Legacy of Muslim Spain, edited by Salma Khadra Jayussi (1992.); selections from The Natural History Section from a 9th century ‘Book of Useful Knowledge’: The Uyun al-Akhbar of Ibn Qutayba, translated by L. Kopf, edited by F. S. Bodenheimer and L. Kopf (1949); Ibn ar-Rumi, translated by Gregor Schoeler, in ‘On Ibn ar-Rumi’s Reflective Poetry. His Poem about Poetry’, from Journal of Arabic Literature, 27 (1966); lines by Mutanabbi, translated by Franz Rosenthal, from Knowledge Triumphant: The Concept of Knowledge in Medieval Islam (1970); ‘Lamiyah’ by Shanfara, translated by Warren T. Treadgold as ‘A Verse Translation of the Lamiyah of Shanfara’ from Journal of Arabic Literature, 6 (1975); ‘Spring Qasida’ by Abu Tammam, translated by Julia Ashtiany, from Journal of Arabic Literature, 25 (1994); ‘A Spring Excursion’ by Tawhidi, translated by Joel L. Kraemer, from Humanism in the Renaissance of Islam, second edition (1993), and Akhlaq al-Wazirayn (on a thief’s self-description) by Tawhidi, translated by Clifford Edmund Bosworth, from The Mediaeval Islamic Underworld (1976), copyright © Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

  Cambridge University Press: ‘The Makama of Damascus’ by Hariri, translated by R. A. Nicholson, from Translations of Eastern Poetry and Prose (1922.); an extract on ‘The Qasida’ by Ibn Qutayba, translated by R. A. Nicholson, from A Literary History of the Arabs (1907); a poem to Buthayna by Jamil, translated by Salma K. Jayussi, and a couplet on old age by Jarir, translated by Salma K. Jayussi, from The Cambridge History of Arabic Literature: Arabic Literature to the End of the Umayyad Period, edited by A. F. L. Beeston et al. (1983); extracts from the Tarjuman by Ibn al-‘Arabi, translated by M. Lings, a poem by Bashshar, translated by Julia Ashtiany, a poem by Abu Firas, translated by A. El Tayyib, two verses by Abu Nuwas, translated by Julia Ashtiany, a poem by Ibn Quzman, translated by A. Hamori, lines from ‘Armoium Qasida’ by Abu Tammam, translated by A. F. L. Beeston, and a poem by Washsha, translated by A. Hamori, from The Cambridge History of Arabic Literature: Abbasid Belles-Lettres, edited by Julia Ashtiany et al. (1990); extracts from Arabic Historical Thought by Tarif Khalidi (1994). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. City Lights Books: ‘Satanic Panic’ by Abu Nuwas, translated by Peter Lamborn Wilson, from Sacred Drift: Essays on the Margins of Islam (1993). Reprinted by permission of the publisher.


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