Book Read Free


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by Alexis Noelle


  Copyright © 2016 Ashley Piscitelli

  Photo by Lindee Robinson

  All rights Reserved. No parts of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter without written permission from the author, except for inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Table Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter TwentyOne

  Chapter TwentyTwo

  Chapter TwentyThree


  The Deathstalkers MC Series









  Deathstalkers MC Box Set Books 1-3



  When you laid your eyes on me, you was excited And I was the fuel to your flame, I ignited Then you stole my heart, that's the heart of a lion So fuck all this shit, let's just start up a riot – Fall Out Boy

  I pull into the MC lot excited that Megan finally invited me to one of these. My current guy is starting to get a little clingy and tonight I’m in the mood for something rock hard and wrapped in leather.

  Megan and Tracker climb off his bike and start walking toward the door. I catch up with them, then my eyes meet with one hot piece of ass.

  “Who’s that?” I ask Megan.

  She laughs. “Girl, we haven’t even gotten inside yet.”

  “I couldn’t care less.” My eyes go back to the walking wall of muscle. “That is one fine piece of jean-covered ass.” I watch as he ends his call, tucking his phone away and starting to walk inside.

  “Rock.” Tracker’s voice calls out beside me.

  He turns and I’m met with piercing green eyes. “What’s up, Tracker?” He nods at Megan, and then his gaze stops on me. “And you are?”

  “Your next adventure.” I wink at him. “And you’re about to be my greatest mistake.”

  The look on his face is priceless. It’s like a mix of shock and excitement. “Well, let’s get the fuck to it then.” He grabs my hand and pulls me inside.

  People are scattered all around the room.

  Rock pulls me down a hallway and then stops at a door. “Listen, you need to know that just because we fuck, that does not mean I’m gonna put my patch on you.”

  I laugh. “I’ll pretend I even know what that means. Now just so you know, no matter how good this pussy is, it’s a one-time deal.” His mouth drops a bit as my hand snakes around him and opens the door. “You good with that?”

  “Fuck, yea.”

  Chapter One


  “You just want attention, you don't want my heart

  Maybe you just hate the thought of me with someone new

  Yeah, you just want attention, I knew from the start

  You're just making sure I'm never gettin' over you.” - Charlie Puth

  Opening my eyes, I see the sun poking in through a slit in the blinds.


  I did not mean to fall asleep here, again.

  Looking over at the man beside me, a small part of me wants to relax and curl up next to him. The rest of me knocks some sense into her as I attempt a ninja roll out of the bed.

  I grab the pieces of my clothes that are scattered around and tip toe toward the door.

  Chancing one last look back at him, I regret it immediately. The sheets are bunched up at his waist, just above the V that I can’t get enough of. His chest is bare, the swirling tribal tattoos covering it standing out against his skin.

  Not to mention that the man is pitching a tent that I’d just love to jump onto. Sadly, it’s morning and that means it’s time to go. I’ve already broken too many rules with him.

  Watching my parents split up, then my mom try to attach herself to every man she went on a date with, I have a shitty view of relationships. If that wasn’t bad enough, being a social worker I’ve seen the worst kinds of broken families.

  I vowed a long time ago that I would never let someone close enough to make me the shell of a woman that I come in constant contact with. So, I made myself a few rules.

  1. Never bring them to my place. Once you do, they never want to leave and they know where to come back to.

  2. Never stay the night. It gives them hope, when there isn’t any.

  3. No personal details. I won’t even tell a guy my favorite coffee shop. Last time I did, he showed up there when I wouldn’t answer the phone and it took me two weeks to find a new one.

  4. No actual dates. Once a guy shells out money he thinks you owe him something.

  5. Always drive my own car, it makes getting away so much easier.

  I ease the door shut and head across the hall to the bathroom. I pull my clothes on quickly then take a quick glance in the mirror. Thank God I started using the long wear, smudge proof makeup. You can’t even tell that I slept in it. A quick finger brush leaves my hair acceptable until I can get to my car.

  Walking out toward the front door, I see my best friend and traitor Megan. She moved out of our place and in with her hot biker boyfriend.

  “Well, look who’s sneaking out again.” She laughs as I walk toward her.

  “It is not my fault. That man is so exhausting I pass out before he does.” I shake my head as my mind remembers last night.

  “When are you just going to give in to him?”

  “Um, never. You know the deal as much as he does. He’s a good time but I’m not trying to be an old lady like you.” I laugh at the fact that Megan is considered an old lady. You’d think these super alpha men would have come up with a more badass term for their women.

  “I don’t know. Rock seems pretty determined that you’ll break.” She shrugs as she smiles at me.

  “Which is why I need to start distancing myself from him.” My hand runs through my hair knowing that’s the last thing I want to do. “I’ll text you later, okay?”

  She nods and I can tell she wants to say more.

  Walking out of the clubhouse, I squint from the glare of the sun. Once I get to my car I feel my phone vibrate. Crap, it’s probably him. Shifting into drive I pull out of the lot as quick as I can.

  Pulling out my phone at the light I see that it was just a text from my boss. She’ll be out of the office today which is fine because I am doing home visits today anyway.

  My phone buzzes again.

  Rock: You really gotta stop this sneaking out shit. Next time I’m handcuffing you to the goddamn bed.

  As I read the text I can almost hear his deep
voice grumbling the text. I’m not going to lie and say that it doesn’t turn me on when he tries to boss me around. At the same time, it also pisses me off.

  I’ve been getting too comfortable with Rock and I need to cut it off. We have been hooking up for about two months. At first it was only once or twice a week, the last two weeks it’s been every night. He’s getting attached, and as much as I don’t want to admit it, I might be too.

  Me: As enticing as that offer is, I don’t think there will be a next time. Thanks for the ride, it’s been fun.

  I laugh escapes my mouth as I picture his face when he reads my text.

  I pull into the underground office and climb into my backseat. Thank God my windows are tinted because I’ve been having to change in my car way too much. Rock has been occupying all of my free time, so I basically have half my closet and all of my makeup in my car 24/7.

  I pull on a black pencil skirt with a light blue blouse. I look at the couple pair of shoes I have back here and decide on the flats because I’ll be out all day. Maybe now that I’m not going to be seeing Rock I can move my closet back into the apartment. A part of me hates that I’m breaking things off with him but it’s really for the best.

  Making my way up to the office, I try and mentally run through everything I have to do today and I’m exhausted even thinking about it.

  The folders are piled high on my desk but I head for Miranda’s office. She asked me to set the calendar and make sure that the schedule is good for the day. I’ve been working here for three years, and most days I can honestly say I love it.

  I reply to the few interoffice messages that came through, then make sure any cases coming in today are assigned to a free caseworker. A glance at the clock lets me know I only have a few minutes before I need to head to my first appointment.

  I have been in the field for about a year and a half and while it’s hard, it can also be really rewarding. Today I’m seeing three families, one I’ve never met with before, one who are sort of new, and then a family I’ve been with for almost a year now. Families are assigned case workers and home visits based on need and recommendations from different professionals. It’s my job to make sure that the home, and all the inhabitants, are suitable to be around the kids and promote a healthy living environment.

  Having to take kids from a home is never easy, the only comfort I get is knowing that they’re better off when I place them in a good home. Then there are the stories of families surviving and thriving, that’s why I still do this job.

  I grab the files off my desk and head to the Hudson House. They’re my new case, the neighbor found the little boy outside at 6 a.m. eating trash out of their garbage can and called the cops. He was freezing cold and wearing only a diaper. There was no immediate threat detected so they didn’t take him from the home then. Now it’s my job to make random and frequent visits and make sure the home is safe.

  The drive is quick, and although I hear my phone buzzing, I don’t check it. I have a feeling it will be Rock and I do not feel like dealing with him right now. Pulling up to the house I see it looks put together and nothing seems to be too out of place.

  Here’s hoping to a smooth first visit.


  By the time I pull up to the Dean’s house I’m completely drained. I saved them for last because they will be the easiest today. I’ve been visiting Mr. Dean and his two kids for almost a year. His wife died in a bad car accident and the psychiatrist had concerns about his capabilities as far as taking care of the kids.

  I walk up the steps, knock on the door, and smile when I hear the sounds of little feet running toward the door.

  “Miss Chrissy!” Amy throws her arms around me squeezing tight. She’s three and the cutest little girl I’ve ever met.

  “Hey, mama, your dad home?”

  She nods. “He’s in the kitchen with Johnny.” She grabs my hand pulling me through the house. “Daddy! Miss Chrissy is here!”

  Joe turns around a smile already on his face. “Chrissy, you know if you’d call first I’d make extra food for you.”

  “Well that would be against the rules.” I give him a wink and laugh. A part of me doesn’t understand why the recommendation for visitation was given. He and the kids were grieving, but for as long as I’ve been seeing them, I haven’t ever thought anything was suspicious. “So, Johnny, how is school?”

  “It sucks except for gym and recess.” He rolls his eyes.

  “Yea, I always dreaded school too. Soon though, you’ll be out and working, then you’ll wish all you had to do was go to school.” I ruffle his hair and then grab the file, taking my normal walk around the house.

  The kids each have their own room with their dad’s room down the hall. There is a fourth bedroom that was made into a toy room. They always seem to have everything that they need. I stay for a little while talking with the kids and Joe. Asking questions whose answers could raise red flags but they don’t, as usual.

  “You know you guys always make my job so easy.” I grab the papers. “I’m thinking after a couple more visits you’ll be free of me.” I say quick goodbyes before hopping into my car.

  Pulling out my phone I see I have two missed calls and seven texts from Rock. I also have a text from Megan.

  Megan: Girl, I hope you know what you’re doing. Rock is looking for you.

  A chill run through me as I picture him finding me, his hands on my body, his—


  I need to get a damn grip.

  Things have to end, I need to stay strong.

  I text Rock letting him know to meet me at the local diner in two hours and that I’ll give him my answer about whether I still want to see him.

  Not that I think he’ll accept my answer.

  Chapter Two


  “I need you darling

  Come on set the tone

  If you feel you’re falling

  Won’t you let me know” – Ed Sheeran

  My phone buzzes.

  Chrissy: Fine, you damn stalker. I’ll meet you and explain to you exactly where I see this thing going. Come to the diner at seven.

  I have never had a woman piss me off and turn me on at the same time like she does. When Megan first introduced us, she was so forward it threw me off. Sure, girls throw themselves at us a lot in the club, but Chrissy was different. She was blunt about wanting me and she had so much confidence. It was sexy as hell.

  That first night I had her was like talking a damn drug. I was addicted and all I could think of was the next time I could have her. I’ve tried to be patient and play by her rules, but they’re getting old really quick.

  I’m sick of waking up and her being gone. The fact that she won’t come to club parties with me, or even be seen with me in general gets to me. It’s almost like she’s embarrassed of me somehow and that shit makes my blood boil. Tracker’s girl, Megan, has been trying to explain it to me, but pretty soon I’m not gonna give a damn about her reasoning.

  I walk to the backroom since Pres called church.

  “Listen up. We have some assholes who think they can run shit through our territory without askin’. Not only that but they’re selling in town.” He looks around the table. “Fuckers are going to learn quick that this shit does not fly.”

  We all nod. I’ve only been at this MC for a few months but I have so much respect for Pres. A few of us were in another MC that had decided to go after this club. We actually had no idea what was going on, we’d been left at the clubhouse fucking clueless. When Pres and Torch showed up, they offered to let us transfer or we’d be disposed of. It was an easy choice for me.

  I loved the life.

  This place is so much different than my last club and I had no idea I could love it more.

  “I am gonna assign brothers to keep watch on the routes. When these assholes make their next run, we’ll be ready and show them what happens when you transport and sell where you don’t belong. When you get a text, you get your ass to the
route.” We all nod in agreement. We can’t let this sort of disrespect go on.

  “That’s it for now. Everyone keep your phones on.” He bangs the gavel and everyone gets up.

  I walk up to Tracker. “I’m heading out to dinner. Let me know if you need me for anything.”

  “Good luck, brother,” he says with a laugh.

  His old lady, Megan, is Chrissy’s best friend, so he’s watched me drive myself fucking crazy these past couple months. Heading out to my bike, I can’t stop replaying what I’m gonna tell her. I climb on and make my way to the diner.

  She wants to tell me where she sees this thing going. I’m telling her that this thing is going in the direction of me taking her as mine, putting my patch on her, and making sure that everyone knows it.

  Every time I’m near her I want to have my hands on her but she’s so damn hot and cold. Not only that, but once we’re in public she completely acts like we don’t know each other.

  This time she won’t get that chance.

  I get to the diner early and sit in the back booth where we usually eat. My leg bounces nervously and I try and shake myself out of it. What the hell has this girl done to me?

  “Excuse me?” I look up to see a blonde standing at the table.


  “Are you Rock?” Her teeth bite her bottom lip as she looks at me.

  “Guilty. Do I know you?” My eyebrows fall together in confusion as I try to place her.

  She smiles at me before sitting down in the booth. “I’m Jackie, your date.”

  “You’re my what?” I have to try hard to keep my voice at an even tone.

  “I work with Chrissy. I actually went through a break up a couple weeks ago and she said she’d set me up with a friend of hers, you.” Her hand plays with her hair as she looks over at me expectantly.

  Are you fucking kidding me?

  My phone dings in my pocket.

  Chrissy: I told you I’d be telling you where I see us going. This is it. You dating someone else and me…not ‘dating’ someone else. Have fun!


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