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Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3)

Page 11

by T. L Hodel

  Huh? How did I not notice those before?

  “So she has a cute tattoo,” Shelby sang. “Calm down, tattoo police. It’s not the end of the world.”

  Riley’s arm dropped, allowing Harper’s hair to tumble down her back. I was ready when she slid over and tucked herself in my embrace. My arms wrapped around her, shielding her from the other two.

  “You don’t have one?” Riley asked Shelby.

  “Please,” she rolled her eyes in response, “My mother would kill me if I got a tattoo.”

  So what if Harper had a tattoo? Big deal. I guess Riley didn’t see it that way. She was pissed as hell. Her fists were so tightly balled at her sides, I thought they might get stuck that way. Maybe there was some tattoo artist code about stars or something?

  “Who did this to you? Never mind. You don’t need to answer that.” Riley stood up and locked her glare on Mason.

  His brow arched back at her.

  “She died, did she?” Riley snarled at Mase.

  I swear a spark of surprise flashed across his eyes before he narrowed his gaze angrily on Harper. Fuck him. I hoped Riley kicked his ass. Which was apparently exactly what Riley had in mind.

  She yelled, “Mason Kessler, you’re a dead man!” and took off across the grass with so much speed and fury that I thought she should be the one to try out for the track team.

  Mason wasn’t an idiot, he slid through the door and slipped inside before she could reach him.

  “What was that all about?” Mr. Lannister said as we all watched Riley follow.

  “I have no idea.”

  And I really didn’t. But I couldn’t think about that right now. Parker was coming my way, and he did not look happy.

  “Come on, Angel,” he said, shooting Mr. Lannister a glare. “Time to go.”

  Mr. Lannister flattened his palms on the grass behind him and leaned back, while Shelby argued, “We still have fifteen minutes.”

  Parker completely ignored her. Didn’t say a word, or even look at Shelby, as he typed something into his phone. A minute later the door to the school flew open and Logan came bursting out, dripping wet, with only pants on.

  “Oh crap,” Shelby muttered and sprang up, rushing over to him.

  “Time to go,” Parker repeated.

  I looked over at the murderous snarl on Logan’s face as Shelby fought to hold him back, and then back at Parker’s cocked brow. Yup, definitely time to go.

  I swallowed and pulled Harper up with me, saying, “Bye, Mr. Lannister,” as I headed for the school.

  “See you around, Lana,” he sang back.

  Parker grabbed my elbow and muttered, “No, you fucking won’t.”

  Chapter 13


  I blew out a puff of air at the building I could see through the windshield. The hair on the troll dolls on my dash danced around in the breeze. I watched the different colors sway back and forth, as if my precious dolls were as confused as I was. Parker had set up an appointment with Dr. Creswell, who was the best doctor in town. And Silas’s dad.

  Hence, my conundrum. I’d get top of the line medical care, but at what cost? If Louis Kessler was in the Order, then so was Martin. And what did that mean for me? Would I be able to voice my opinion, or would Parker have final say?

  It wasn’t like I had any solid evidence to go on, but I was pretty sure that’s how things worked. The men ran the show. I mean, I’d never heard of a girl in the Order. Ava Whitley didn’t walk around school with a title. Other than crazy, that is. Naomi was just bitch. Some people called her cunt, and Riley called her Barbie. They all fit. Was there a bitch, cunt, Barbie? Maybe I should email the Barbie people. Heck, I even had the perfect model for them.

  My phone went off. It was Parker again, telling me he was almost here.

  I patted Gavin, my favorite doll. Gramps gave him to me. Every time I saw his green hair and cute little freckles, I felt better. Comfort was something I was in dire need of right now. Everyone’s strange behavior this afternoon had me on edge. Parker’s fingers dug into my arm as he steered me into the school. Don’t know what his problem was. I was just having lunch with my friends when he came barreling in like a bull in a china shop.

  And now I was here. Parked outside doctor Creswell’s office, missing the free clinic.

  Well, no time like the present.

  Begrudgingly, I got out of the car and headed into the building, which was not at all what I expected. I thought it would be another boring white walled interior, with a single lonely plant in the corner. There was a plant in the corner. Along with two by the door, three around the security desk, and a small garden next to a fountain. Naturally, there was a fountain. What office building didn’t have a fountain? Then again, what did I know? My usual doctor had a small space above a hair salon downtown. It was the only one Nan could find that directly billed the insurance company.

  I stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. As the doors closed, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was why rich people always looked so good? If their doctor put this much effort into his building, I could just imagine what kind of effort he put into his patients. Maybe they did have miracle trust cream? Or some super secret anti-aging formula that was made from goat placenta or something.

  Wash the years off your face with goat spread.

  Even the elevator mocked my simple clothes. Some classic song played overhead as the girl in the shiny mirrored wall stared at me judgingly. Pointing out all my imperfections. Those jeans have a hole in the knee. The mess in your bun isn’t right. Did you forget to put on makeup this morning?

  I’d never been so happy to get off an elevator in my life. Until I stepped into the doctor’s office.

  The prim and proper receptionist looked over her magazine at me. Her eyes wandered across my frame as her lip curled. “Do you have an appointment?”

  Was it wrong that I wanted to stuff her fashion magazine in her mouth?

  “Um, yes,” I stammered, while cursing myself for not being braver. “Lana Crawford.”

  “The girl Mr. Whitley made an appointment for?” Her brow rose. “Does he owe you a favor?”

  How was I supposed to respond to that? Considering he put this baby in my belly, I’d say he owes me a lot more than a favor. Somehow, I didn’t think pissing off the receptionist at my first appointment was the best way to go. Lucky for me, I didn’t have to think about it too long. The elevator door dinged and Parker stepped out.

  “Hello Karen.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, something I was kind of getting used to. At least I wasn’t on his lap again. “Did you get my girl checked in?”

  I didn’t have any issues with Karen after that. She got me checked in, and before I knew it, I was being led back to an exam room. Parker in tow, of course. Though I’d like nothing more than to slap him, I was kind of amazed at how quickly he got things done. Sometimes Nan and I would sit in the waiting room for an hour before we got to see the doctor. Which usually turned out to be a simple five minute appointment.

  Speaking of which…

  I looked back and searched the waiting room for her warm brown eyes. “Nan isn’t here.”

  “I know,” Parker said, urging me forward. “I asked her not to come.”

  “What!? Why would you do that?”

  What right did he have to tell my Nan to stay home? I needed her more than him.

  “Because it’s our baby, and I’d like the first time we see it, for it to just be you and me.”

  I could already feel my chin quivering. “But I need her.”

  “I know Baby, and I swear she can come to every other appointment.” He leaned over and laid a gentle kiss on the top of my head. “Just not this one.”

  Tears were burning in my eyes, blurring my vision as I walked down the hall. I didn’t know if they were there out of anger, or something else. While Parker had absolutely no right to do what he did, a part of me found what he said kind of sweet.


  That was the last thing I should be thinking. Parker was forcing me to move in with him. Tomorrow night, I had to sleep in his bed, and did he care if I wanted to or not? No. He didn’t give two shits. But he cared enough to want a special private moment with me? How much sense did that make?

  It was awfully hard to hate someone when they were being nice to you. Even if they were doing it in a jerkish way. Like right now. Not letting my Nan come, total jerk move. Yet his palm warming the small of my back as he gently steered me was a tender gesture. If he slipped his hand a little lower, he could grab my butt. Firm fingers digging into my backside. Or better yet, slapping me. How good would it feel to be spanked right now?

  Damnit. What the hell is wrong with me? I need to watch some porn or something.

  Karen took us to a room and shoved a bundle of cloth in my arms. “Change into this, nothing underneath, and get on the table. The doctor will be in shortly.”

  I sneered at her as she waltzed away. Screw you too, Karen.

  As soon as I turned around, Miss Snotty two-shoes was forgotten. My eyes wandered over all the equipment and the large padded table. This was the exam room? Everything was so… clean. Nan and I used to fight over the one chair, because neither of us wanted to sit on the doctor’s old dirty table. Christ, my bedroom was smaller than this. Bedroom, huh? This would make a good bedroom.

  I’d put the bed by that nice big window so I could fall asleep to the sounds of the ocean. Maybe a comfy chair would be better? That’d be a good place to read. Curl up with a warm blanket while the stars twinkled in the sky…

  “Do you need help?”

  I cocked a brow at Parker. He was standing there, staring at me expectantly. “With what?”

  “The doctor will be here any minute,” he said, nodding at my arms.

  That’s when I remembered the gown I was holding. Oh crap.

  I started to pull my shirt off, but stopped to glare at Parker. “You can leave.”

  “Not gonna happen, Angel.”

  Jerk two, nice one.

  “I’m not changing in front of you.”

  “Well,” he leaned against the door and looked at me. “I’m not leaving.”

  “The doctor’s going to be mad if I’m not ready,” I pointed out.

  Parker crossed his arms. “He won’t be mad at me.”

  I stared back at him. Seriously? He was going to go there? Like I cared who the doctor would be mad at. I did, but that was beside the point. That’s when an idea came to me.

  “Alright, you win.”

  A smirk spread across Parker’s face, as if he was saying, ‘of course I do.’

  Don’t count your chickens before they hatch, Mr. Whitley.

  Obviously, he’d never played this game with a girl before. We had a natural talent for changing without being seen. Harper and I used to make a game of it. ‘Let’s see who can put their bathing suits on the fastest without getting caught by her brother.’ I was the reigning champ. Although, we hadn’t played since Mason Kessler made her terrified of her own shadow.

  It wasn’t too hard to pull off. I removed the arms of my shirt through the ones on the gown, while shimmying the cloth over my head. Once that was gone, I unclipped my bra, and tied up the back of the gown. The rest was easy. Pants and underwear came off in one slip. All done, without exposing an inch of unnecessary skin.

  Parker was not impressed.

  I, however, smiled brightly back at him, before skipping over to the table.

  Yup, still got it.

  The doctor came in just as I was sitting on the oddly comfortable table. It was so soft, I had to look down and make sure it was an exam table. Man, high priced doctors sure had their benefits.

  “Good afternoon, Lana”

  This wasn’t the first time I’d seen Martin Creswell. Silas was his son, so he’d been at parent teacher interviews and stuff. Those times I was just the little girl in his kid’s class and nothing more. Now, I had to actually talk to him. One of the most powerful men in Ashen Springs was going to see my naughty bits. Not exactly a comforting thought.

  He flipped through my file and clicked a pen. “How are you feeling today?”

  Huh? Okay, I got where Strictly By the Books Silas got his right down to business attitude.

  “I’m fine.”

  Except for the fact that I was talking to a possible murderer. I’d heard the rumors, and untimely death wasn’t the worst one attached to the esteemed Martin Creswell. His appetite for young teenage girls was talked about the most. That was one of the few things, I didn’t put much stock in. The man had a famous wife, who was absolutely gorgeous. Why would he screw around with some dumb high school girl?

  “Any morning sickness?”

  “A little.” Thank god that had died down.

  I sat there studying Dr. Creswell’s white coat as he continued to ask me questions. He seemed normal, a little uptight, but normal. I don’t know why, but I’d thought I’d find more. A monstrous voice, or some scar that showed he was really a bad guy. Maybe I was looking for something else? A sign that the Order existed.

  Was he going to go back and tell all the other members my business? Would they get detailed descriptions of my girly parts? For all I knew, they had a special file just for that. I could see it now. A big filing cabinet with various drawers. People of Ashen Springs, secrets and other stuff, and at the very bottom a single white sticker saying: The Order of Ravens and Wolves pussy information.

  “How’s your mental state?”

  My eyes narrowed. Why would he say that? The only person who knew about my appointments with Mr. Kessler, was Mr. Kessler.

  “I mean no offense,” he explained. “Pregnancy can be difficult on a young girl such as yourself.”

  Uh huh?

  “Is there anything I should watch for?” Parker asked.

  “There are a few things,” Doctor Creswell passed him a pamphlet. “Mood swings, aggressive behavior…”

  Their voices drowned out as he continued explaining possible pregnancy symptoms and the things Parker could do. I was paying more attention to the pamphlet titled, ‘Pregnancy, everything you should know.’ Why didn’t I get a pamphlet?

  “And of course, increased sexual appetite.”


  That caught Parker’s attention too. “So I can fuck her?”


  This is so not what we came here for.

  “Sexual intercourse is encouraged.”

  No, no it’s not.

  “It can help with the birthing process.”

  I call bullshit.

  “Especially with someone so inexperienced.”


  “I have experience,” I argued.

  “Having sex one time is not what I call experienced.”

  How did he know that?

  “Alright, we’re going to do a sonogram now, Lana.” He wandered over to something that looked an awful lot like a computer. “Lie down, please.”

  My gaze narrowed as I laid back and eyed the doctor pulling the machine across the room. The wheels quietly rolled along, making me wonder what kind of doctor had nice shiny hardwood floors. A sketchy one in a secret society, that’s who.

  “It’s okay, Angel.” Parker sat down in the chair beside me and held my hand in between his palms. “Don’t be scared.”

  “I’m not scared.”

  I’m suspicious. There’s a difference.

  “And just so you know,” I whispered, so the doctor wouldn’t hear, “I’m not having sex with you.”

  “Bouncing on my cock? Or did you forget that part of the deal?”

  I glared at him. “You can’t force me.”

  “I won’t have to.” His eyes burned a path down my body. “You want my dick as much as I want to give it to you.”

  I pressed my tongue up to the roof of my mouth and forced back a swallow. My thighs clenched together and I turned away, telling myself to just ignore him. Kind of hard t
o do, when he was all I could smell. His earthy masculine scent seeped into my pores, making my blood run hot. It wasn’t fair. I should be smelling gross, chemical sterility, not tempting man-musk.

  I snickered. Man-musk. What a horrible name. That cologne would not fly off the shelves.

  Parker’s grip on my hand tightened as Dr. Creswell placed a blanket over my hips and carefully lifted my gown, baring my belly. Was he scared? I rolled my head and looked up into his light eyes. It wasn’t fear I saw there. It was anger. What the hell did he have to be so angry about? I was the one on a table being prodded.

  Dr. Creswell squirted some cold crap on my stomach, that made my breath hitch. The sleeve of his coat had ridden up with his reach, exposing a small raven tattoo on his inner wrist. My inner-self screamed, I knew it! Which made it really hard to keep my outer-self quiet. Every fiber of my being wanted to jump up on the table and yell, ah ha!

  All those years of Harper calling me a conspiracy theorist, and here was the proof. A little black bird staring me right in the eyes. I wondered if that girl I’d met at Riley’s party knew about it? She seemed to know her shit. Even claimed to have some evidence, though she wouldn’t tell me what it was. What was her name? Mary? Marnie? Maxine? I’d have to ask Riley. I was curious to find out if she knew about this tattoo. My eyes swung Parker’s way.

  Does he have one?

  My thoughts were cut off when a light thumping sound filled the room. One look at the screen and I forgot about everything else. What I was seeing was much more shocking than any secret society revelations. I had to blink twice, just to make sure what I thought was there… was really there.

  “Both heartbeats are strong.”

  My wide eyes flew to the doctor, and then back at the monitor, where two babies were displayed. Not one baby with two arms and legs, but two! Four tiny little hands and feet moving around and stretching. I felt it then. The jab coming from inside. A small little kick from one of the two children I was carrying. Not one, but two.


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