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Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3)

Page 20

by T. L Hodel

  I’d completely forgotten they were coming. But, I mean, could you blame me? I glanced back at the shadowy ravens flocking around the chapel and tucked away my smile. This was awesome.

  “Great,” Riley muttered as we joined them, “Here’s the next sacrifice in our ritual line up.”

  My eyes went wide. Sacrifice? We weren’t getting sacrificed, were we? Cause I didn’t sign up for that.

  “Don’t listen to her, Lana,” Shelby threw her arm around me and stuck her tongue out at Riley. “Rye’s just grumpy.”

  Riley returned Shelby’s comment with an eye roll.

  At the same time, Logan strutted over and slapped his hand on Parker’s back, then Micha joined us.

  “Are you ready for this shit?” Logan teased Parker, while I eyed Micha’s deep purple robes.

  How come Parker didn’t have robes? I wanted to see him in robes. Did the swirling gold embroidery mean anything? Maybe they were ancient spells?

  Parker cocked a brow at Logan, “It’s pretty standard stuff.”

  “You’re not the one that has to fuck in front of your dad,” Micha grumbled.

  “What?” I looked from Micha’s scowl, to the glare on Riley’s face. If she’d had something sharp right then, I was pretty sure she’d stab him. “You have to do it in front of his dad?”

  Even though my question was directed at Riley, it was Logan who answered.

  “Not Micha’s dad. Parker’s,” he explained, while tipping his head back at the men by the altar. “No one wants to fuck in front of Lou. Prick would take it as an opportunity to add sex therapy to his list of achievements.”

  “Eww,” Shelby gagged, “I do not need that image of the man my mom is sleeping with.”

  “Exactly why I chose Dean, baby.” Logan wrapped his arms around Shelby and pulled her into him. “Besides, Cherry Pie, I don’t think they’re doing much sleeping behind closed doors. Lou’s a kinky fuck.”

  “Oh my god, Logan!” She smacked him in the side while Micha cracked his palm off the back of his head.

  “Spying on my dad now?”

  Logan’s green eyes sparkled as he smirked at Micha. “Had to know if all you Kesslers were into the same sick shit.”

  I stood there, staring at Shelby with her arms crossed, as Logan and Micha argued about the sexual proclivities of the Kessler men, and ran through everything in my head. It took a second, but my brain slowly started to kick in.

  “So… you guys have to do it in front of Parker’s dad too?”

  They all stopped and stared at me. Except for Riley, who continued to glare her hatred at her boyfriend. Micha was not going to have a good night.

  “You didn’t tell her about that part?” Logan shook his head, “Rookie move, dude.”

  “What part?” I asked, looking over my shoulder at Parker.

  He stiffened and glared at Logan. “Don’t worry about that, Baby. We don’t have to do that until after the babies are born.”

  I spun around and placed my hands on my hips, “Don’t worry about what, Parker?”

  Logan chuckled behind us. I might’ve slapped him, if the chapel doors hadn’t burst open. Four men in robes came charging into the room, dragging the Sheriff behind them. And let me just say, I could see where Riley got her stubbornness from. Derek Adams had a bruise on his face, half his shirt was torn, and still he wasn’t going quietly.

  “You motherfucker!” Derek growled, throwing his fist into one man’s jaw, while kicking another.

  They quickly got him under control. Grabbing his limbs and holding him still as Louis Kessler marched down the aisle.

  “Are we going to have this problem every time, Derek?”

  Derek’s answer was to spit in Mr. Kessler’s face.

  I didn’t know where to look. My heart fluttered wildly, afraid for Riley’s dad. At the same time, I could hear Riley yelling behind me, while Micha growled back. The secret society stuff was cool, but I didn’t like this.

  Looking up at Parker, I searched his eyes for comfort.

  “Don’t worry,” he smiled down at me, “They won’t hurt him, or her.”

  I didn’t know if I trusted that, but I did trust Parker.

  “Why don’t you go get some air, and I’ll come find you when things calm down.”

  Micha had Riley pinned up against the wall. He didn’t seem to be hurting her though. He was whispering something in her ear. Her dad, on the other hand… Once again, I looked over at the Sheriff.

  “Do we need to have the cooperating conversation again, Derek?”

  “Fuck you,” Riley’s dad snarled, “And fuck your cooperation.”

  Shit was about to go down. These men were ready to kill each other. Instinctively, my hands ran over my belly, shielding the babies inside.

  “Air sounds like a good idea,” I said to Parker, and quietly slipped out the door.

  Chapter 27


  My sweet Angel was having the time of her life. Hazel eyes lit up with wonder at all the shit she was seeing. And it was shit. Complete and utter bullshit. Fuck, this wasn’t even the place we normally did this crap. But Lou had a valid point when he’d said Lana couldn’t be trusted with locations.

  My girl was sweet, and kind, and honest. She was also the kind of person that would give away something without knowing she’d given it away. Lana was a talker, and far too innocent to keep secrets. So, Lou moved locations and said he would make it look good. Did he ever make it look good, too. The fucker played right into her fantasies. Robes and all. The braziers were a nice touch though.

  And then came fucking Derek Adams, ruining my girl’s good time. We all knew Riley and her dad wouldn’t be cooperative, but goddamn. The guy just wouldn’t quit. It took another ten minutes to calm him down enough to be let go. Even my mother left, tired of the arguments. Thank fuck Micha and Riley were up first.

  Logan, Shelby and I stayed back while everyone got into place. Lou stood at one end of the aisle, with Micha in front of him, and Riley and her Dad facing them from the other end. The point of the ritual was passing on the care of a girl to one that chose her. Daddy walks her down the aisle and gives her away. Simple, right? Not when it came to Adams. This shit was more like an intense wedding mockery.

  Four of Lou’s security stood by the door so Derek couldn’t make a break for it, while Marco was off to the side with his hand on his holstered gun. My angel didn’t need to see this. She was stressed enough, and if one of these assholes threw her into labor, I’d have to kill a motherfucker. I don’t give a shit if we had a doctor on hand.

  Riley curled her lip at her dad. “Why do you have to make things difficult?”

  “Difficult?” Derek’s brow rose at his daughter, “They dragged me out of a hospital room where my wife is on bed rest!”

  “Maybe you should’ve fought them harder?”

  “There were four of them, Riley!”

  “So? You have a gun,” she snarled, “Use it.”

  Logan leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Ten says she slaps him.”

  Lou clapped, getting everyone’s attention, and declared it was time to begin. I think we were all happy to get this done and over with.

  His voice rang out. “Micha William Kessler. Next in line to lead the Order of Ravens and Wolves, and future King of Kings, have you made a choice for your wife and mother of your children?”

  “I have,” Micha nodded.

  Fucker was getting off on this. His chocolate eyes were burning holes of angry lust into Riley’s snarling face. I couldn’t help but wonder if Logan was onto something, watching Micha fuck his girl. I wouldn’t mind seeing it, though I’d much rather fuck Micha. There was something appealing about bending one’s leader over and using him like a fuck toy. Talk about a power trip.

  “And who have you chosen, son.”

  Micha’s words dripped with unbridled hunger. “Riley Marie Adams.”

  This was when Derek was supposed to walk his daughter down the aisle. Which h
e did, but only after one of the armed men behind him pressed the barrel of a gun to the back of his head.

  “This is all your fault you know,” Riley growled at him.

  “Shut up,” he snarled back and snatched her arm, “And give me your fucking arm.”

  She turned her head and gave him a snarky grin as they started their walk. “Chase wouldn’t do this.”

  “Well, Chase isn’t fucking here now, is he. Fucking, biker, pussy ass, bitch,” Derek added in a low mutter.

  Shelby walked up and placed her arm on my shoulder. “Rye’s not taking this well.”

  I rolled my eyes her way, “Did you expect her to?”

  “No,” she sighed. “I don’t see what the problem is? I mean, she loves him, right?”

  I shrugged, “You’d know better than me.”

  Riley and I weren’t exactly hang out buddies.

  “Don’t worry, Cherry Pie,” Logan slapped Shelby on the ass, making her squeal, “We can show ‘em how it’s done.”

  “Oh yeah,” she purred, turning around to face him.

  A second later, they were gone. Probably fucking against the wall behind me. Logan wasn’t exactly worried about discretion. I was much more interested in how Micha’s bonding ritual was going to turn out. In a second, Riley would have to kneel and show her subservience. Somehow, I didn’t think she’d be very obliging to that.

  “Who gives this woman to this man?” Lou said to Derek.

  He said nothing.

  Lou sighed. “You may speak now, Derek.”

  “Oh, you want me to speak now, do you?”

  “I do,” Lou nodded.

  “Go fuck yourself, Louis.”

  This time, everyone sighed. It took some doing, but after a few punches, and a couple threats, Derek finally said, “I, Derek Daniel Adams, do,” with a quietly muttered, “Asshole.”

  And then came prying Riley’s arm off her dad, which neither one of them was keen on doing. Eventually Micha had his girl, and Derek was carted off to the back. Was every step going to be this painful?

  “Riley Marie Adams,” Lou was no longer able to hide the frustration in his tone, “Submit to your husband, and kneel.”

  Riley refused, crossing her arms and eyeing him.

  “Kneel, Mouse,” Micha barked, loud enough that it echoed through the room.

  Her lips rounded with a firm, “No.”

  I’d have to say yes, every step was going to be this painful. It was amusing though. Watching Micha force his girl on her knees. Listening to her muttered threats of castration when Lou recited the vows about bearing him sons. Of all the ceremonies and rituals I’d been to, this was by far the most entertaining. When it was all done and over with, Riley stormed outside, while Micha downed a cup of what I could only assume was alcohol. I was kind of looking forward to Shelby and Logan’s turn.

  There was a few minute break while the next couple got ready. Since Shelby’s dad was gone, Lou was giving her away, so Silas’s dad had to do the ceremony. Dr. Creswell was chosen because, like his son, he had a gigantic stick shoved up his ass when it came to the rules. My father told bad dad jokes. The girls playing the part of wives for Lana’s benefit, were watching this all transpire with wide eyes. I didn’t know who the fuck they were, but if I had to guess, they probably came from Lou’s underground sex club.

  The only actual wife here, aside from Lana, was my mother. Silas’s was in New Zealand filming her next movie, and Lou didn’t want Cheyenne involved. Shelby’s mom was far too innocent, and since Lou wasn’t having anymore kids of his own, there was no reason to include her. Besides, it would create unwanted complications for the King of Kings. Order doctrine trumped all, even marriage. If Shelby ever tried to leave Logan, guess who he’d have to side with?

  I, however, didn’t give a fuck about Order doctrine. My Angel was the only thing that trumped all. The rest of these pricks could kiss my ass. And I happened to know I wasn’t alone. Logan and Micha thought the same way. Either one of them would, and had killed for their girl. In their eyes, their woman came first.

  I guess that was the difference between love, and an arrangement. Love could drive a man to stab his best friend. Logan was the perfect example of that. He’d pulled a gun on Micha, and he never threatened Micha. Speaking of Logan…

  The cocky asshole was standing in his place with a stupid smile on his face, like he was king of the world. Shelby wasn’t any better, staring back at him with her arm looped in Lou’s and this doe eyed look on her face. My teeth were hurting from the sweetness in the air. Somehow, the sick fucks twisted what most would perceive as a tender moment, into something sinful.

  Shelby was licking her lips as Lou walked her down the aisle, while Logan’s mouth curled in a wicked smirk. It felt like I was watching a fucking porn. And not a good one. One of those cheesy piles of shit that Mason kept sending to me. With the seventies pizza man and the bikini clad housewife. At least Logan had some originality, though I could’ve done without the unicorn porn.

  “Logan Elliot Hudson,” Dr. Creswell’s called out, loud enough that it made me wonder if he was trying to out do Lou, “Member of the Order of Ravens and Wolves and future King, have you chosen a wife?”

  “Fuck yeah I have. Shelby Harlow Grace.”

  Dr. Creswell rolled his eyes. “You’re supposed to wait until I ask her name.”

  “You’re taking too long.” Logan looked over at his girl coming towards him and smirked, “I’m already hard as fuck.”

  Silas’s dad grumbled out a groan and continued. I wouldn’t doubt if his foul mood had something to do with not being picked to witness the copulation. A polite person would say it was nothing against him, but I wasn’t polite. Martin Creswell was a skeezy fuck that had a thing for teenage girls. He wasn’t a twisted prick, like Ryker, his age of choice was around seventeen to nineteen, which happened to be the age category our girls were in.

  Shelby walked up, Lou gave her away, and she knelt down without an issue. I knew exactly what Logan was thinking as he stared down at her. I’d have the same dark glint in my eyes if Lana was kneeling in front of me.

  “Hey baby,” he waggled his eyebrows, “Care to help a guy out?”

  I watched the rest of their ceremony, pretty sure that at any second Logan would whip his dick out and shove it in Shelby’s mouth. I wouldn’t complain. Don’t think anyone here would, except for maybe Lou. Though Shelby wasn’t biologically his, he’d started giving her the same fatherly speeches he gave his sons. And her little sister… She was more spoiled than Naomi. Thankfully, she didn’t have the same shitty attitude as Ashworth’s queen bee. Unless it came to tea parties.

  My mother came back in just in time to see the end of the ceremony, when Logan scooped up his girl and promptly announced that they had to consummate right away.

  Rolling her eyes at Logan, my mother gave me a smile. “Is yours next?”

  “Do you care?”

  “Of course I care,” she tipped her pointy chin my way, “The girl is carrying my grandchildren.”

  Classic Lillianna Whitley.

  “The girl’s name is Lana, Mother.”

  She sneered at me. “I know that.”

  “You should try using it sometime,” I pointed out.

  She sighed and flicked her hand through the air, waving me off. At least she was calling them her grandchildren now. Some form of acknowledgment was better than abominations. I suspected Ava had something to do with that. My sister was obsessed with her niece and nephew, and a little bit with their mother. When she found out Lana liked Troll dolls, she searched for some rare one she found online. I didn’t tell Lana about the blood I had to wash off the doll. Nor did I ask my sister where she got it. Some things were better left alone.

  My father walked over and slapped his hand on my shoulder. “You’re up, my boy. I remember when you were still throwing dirt at girls.”

  Please tell me he wasn’t getting sentimental.

  “And now, here you are, star
ting a family of your own.”

  Fuck, he’s gonna cry, isn’t he?

  “My boy,” he wiped a tear off his cheek, “My baby. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Good lord, Dean,” my mother snarled, “He’s already married to the girl.”

  She was not happy about that.

  My dad perked up and looked around. “Where is my lovely daughter in-law?”

  “Outside,” I threw my thumb at the door, “She needed some air.”

  “No she’s not,” my mother shook her head.

  “What do you mean she’s not?”

  “I was just outside and she’s not there,” she explained. “I told you the girl would run.”

  Lana would not run. Hell, she could barely walk. If she was having reservations about this, she would’ve talked to me. One thing Lana Whitley was not, was a coward. She had no problem getting in my face, or anyone else’s, when she needed too. Plus, her Nan was in the hospital.

  I pushed past my mother and headed for the door. “I’m sure you just missed her.”

  “What’s going on?” I heard Logan ask as I marched out of the chapel.

  My mother repeated her suspicion. “The girl ran.”

  “She did not run,” I snarled over my shoulder.

  I could hear them following me. Footsteps mingled with hushed whispers, echoing off the stone walls. But I didn’t care. The pit in my stomach wouldn’t go away until I had my arms around my wife. Except, I couldn’t find her. I must’ve circled the building three times calling her name, and nothing. Where the fuck was she? My pulse picked up as I circled the building again, which was when Micha came out.

  “Where’s Riley?” he said, scouring the area.

  My father arched his brow. “What do you mean?”

  “Riley came out here.”

  “So?” my mother piped in.

  “So,” Micha waved his hands through the air, “Where the fuck is she?”

  Everything went quiet as Micha and I scanned the area, searching the treeline and horizon, but it was Logan’s voice calling us that caused my heart to drop as Micha and I shared a fearful look.


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