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Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3)

Page 24

by T. L Hodel

  The dry blood coating his skin made me smile.

  “Parker, what’s this?”

  A way for Riley to gain her power back, that’s what this was. She’d lost it twice now. Once, when Ryker took her, and again with this prick. I couldn’t bring Ryker back from the dead, but lucky for her, this asshole was still alive.

  “Revenge,” I stated, holding out a knife for her.

  “What am I supposed to do with this?”

  “Whatever you want.”

  She eyed the blade carefully. “What if I don’t want to do anything?”

  “Then don’t do anything,” I shrugged.

  It didn’t matter to me what she did. The opportunity was out there if she wanted it. After a few minutes of thought, she gingerly took the weapon from my hand and walked over to Noah. He might’ve gotten away with a couple of minor slaps–the girl didn’t seem that into it–if he hadn’t opened his mouth.

  “Come to thank me for the show?”

  Smooth move dumbass. Never taunt a chick with a knife.

  Riley lost it. She went off, slapping and punching her frustration out on his already beaten body. I let her have her fun. Let her vent her rage on him, until she slammed the knife down into his nuts. That’s when I grabbed her.

  “Okay, that’s enough.”

  “Let me go,” she snarled, swinging her fists back at me. “He needs to hurt.”

  I grabbed her face in my hands and forced her burning glare on me. “You need to leave now, before you do something you can’t come back from.”

  Hurting someone was a lot different than taking their life.

  Realization flooded into her face as her assault ceased.

  “You’re right,” she sighed, taking one last look at Noah, “I should go.”

  I let her go and walked over to Noah, pulling out the blade she’d stuck in.

  “Parker,” Riley called from the doorway, “Thank you.”

  I gave her a nod in response. Once Riley was gone, I slid the blade across Noah’s neck and watched him bleed out.

  “Do we have to?” my angel whined.

  “Yes, baby,” I nodded, “We have to.”

  “It’s just… weird.”

  Lana and I finally completed the bonding ceremony the day before, but still had to do the coupling, which she was not looking forward to. I tried to make it as comfortable on her as I could. I picked Lou to watch us. She was officially his patient, and seemed to like him the best. Besides for my dad, who she claimed was a worse option than asking her own dad to watch.

  She stamped her foot and popped her bottom lip out.

  “Why don’t you have a nap?” I smirked, and kissed the top of her head, “And I’ll take the twins for a walk?”

  Like any new mother, my Angel was tired. Lack of sleep, and three o’clock feedings would do that. So, I tried to help any way I could. Not to mention, I loved spending time with my kids.

  After tucking Lana into bed, I headed for the nursery. I found Preston inside the room, staring at my son. Since Nikolai’s men were here keeping guard, he’d been around a lot.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Your baby stinks.”

  “So, change him.”

  Preston’s eyes narrowed on my son, watching him from his crib. “No, that’s what he wants me to do.”

  I shook my head and sighed.

  A few minutes later, I had the babies all snug in their stroller and was walking down the sidewalk. I couldn’t help but notice how nice it was out. The perfect day. The sun was shining, my family was happy, and I got to end the prick who’d hurt my wife. Things couldn’t get much better than this. At least, that was what I thought, until I saw Mase and Silas standing outside Silas’s house, watching the neighbors move in.

  “Hey, check it out,” Mase said when he saw me walking up, “This this the greatest shit I’ve seen.”

  Judging by the twinkle in Mase’s eyes, and the scowl on Silas’s face, I’d have to say his best friend didn’t agree.

  “You don’t have to live next to the Manson family.”

  Okay, that made me look. Down the street sat a large moving truck that men were carrying boxes and furniture out of. Nothing too unusual or upsetting there. The five half-naked little boys running around screaming bloody murder, however… Now that made me chuckle.

  “Oh look,” I teased the grumpy asshole to my left, “It’s your dream neighbors.”

  “Go fuck yourself,” Silas grumbled back. “They’re on your street too, asshole.”

  “Yeah, but I’m way down there,” I tipped my head back down the road.

  “You missed the best part.” Mason could barely hold back his laughter, “They led a camel to the back.”

  My brow rose. “A camel?”

  “Not just any camel,” he sang with a raised finger, “A camel with an eye patch.”

  A camel with an eye patch? Uh huh?

  I was about to ask if he was high again when a cooing whistle assailed my ears. We all turned to see a peacock. Tailfeathers spread out in all their majestic glory as it pranced back and forth in front of Mason, moving it’s neck while calling out a song.

  Well, you don’t see that everyday.

  Mase cocked a brow and leaned over. “Is there a peacock flirting with me, or am I still in rehab?”

  Not quite believing what I was seeing, my gaze shifted from the bird to Mase, and back again. The bird lifted its feet in a proud march and bent over, shaking its ass and tail.

  I’d seen girls hit on Mason, and a couple of guys, but this was a first.

  Mase waved his hands at the peacock, “Go away, bird.”

  It responded by clucking out a shrill coo and shuffling closer.

  “Any of you fuckers know how to turn down a peacock?” Mason asked, while keeping his eyes on his unwanted admirer.

  “Shoot it,” Silas suggested. “I got a gun in the house.”

  “I can’t shoot it?!”

  Silas cocked a brow at Mase, “Why not?”

  “Dude,” I don’t think I’d ever seen Mase look more insulted, “It’s a bird.”

  “Exactly. Bird is good eating.”

  Mase’s mouth dropped. “You can’t eat it. You wouldn’t eat someone’s dog!”

  “If it was running around unattended I would.”

  And by unattended, Silas meant wandering around making noise and screwing up his hyper organized life.

  “Bloody hell, Roger,” a girl yelled while running up to grab the bird’s leash. Yup, the peacock had a leash. Along with a tiny pink collar. “I’m sorry about that, he’s used to having room to run.”

  The girl was British, the accent was a dead give away. She wasn’t bad to look at, either. A tiny thing, with platinum blonde hair and dark, almost black eyes. Mase seemed to notice her looks too, because he immediately perked up, plastering a charming smile on his face.

  “Hey,” he stepped forward and held out his hand, “I’m Mason.”

  She accepted his hand with a smile. “Star.”

  “Star isn’t a name,” Silas barked out, making both Mase and I arch a brow, “It’s a thing.”

  Normally, he was a pretty quiet guy. Didn’t speak unless he had to. It was completely out of character for him to snap at someone like that. Unless it was Mase, of course. Even more interesting was the deep red flush that flooded the girl’s face when she looked at him.

  “The grumpy fucker here,” Mason threw his arm around Silas and flashed him a smile, “Is Silas.”

  Star walked over and held out her hand, “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Silas took one look at her outstretched hand, and promptly turned around and walked into the house, slamming the door behind him.

  “Well, he’s a bit of a cunt, isn’t he?” Star muttered.

  Mason and I were both staring at Silas’s door. While I was confused as to what the grumpy prick had up his ass this time, there was a sly grin on Mason’s face.

  “You have no idea,” he sang as the gr
in grew.

  And just like that, Mason Kessler had a new goal in life.

  Hey Jackass,

  What the fuck Mason? Am I not good enough to talk to in person? I see you every day in school and do you even say hi? No, you run away and avoid me. And now, you’re writing me a letter like everything is fine. Alright, fine. You want me to write a letter and pretend everything is normal. Here you go, Jackass!

  Everything here is pretty good, (as you know). Logan and I have a new sister, Lana has the cutest twins, and Paisley is beyond happy. Seriously, I think she might need some help. No one should smile ALL THE TIME. I guess the only thing I can complain about is this prick who’s been avoiding me. Now, now, don’t worry. I know you want to shed some tears for my misfortune, but I’ve got it handled. See, I’m going to HUNT down the asshole and corner him in a room until he talks to me. And he WILL talk to me, because I’ve got steel toed boot I’ll kick him in the balls with if he doesn’t.

  Anyways, I hope everything is going good with you and you’re getting lots of exercise, because you never know when you’ll have to run.

  Hugs and kisses,

  Your imminent death.

  Eight months ago:

  Somewhere else in a small room where quiet beeps filled the air…

  “Doctor, we have a pulse.”

  For more Luke Lannister check out Vivian Murdoch’s Bastard’s Bride

  Ravens Bow

  A short Logan and Shelby bonus

  Chapter one


  I was in a good mood. Got my girl a pretty awesome gift, had the best seats at her favorite restaurant reserved, and something special planned for playtime after. I didn’t even mind the monkey suit I was ‘required’ to wear, according to Naomi. All in all, a pretty good fucking Valentine’s Day. I was kind of looking forward to it. And then I got home and walked through the door.

  What. The. Fuck.

  Not sure if it was Derek’s tongue shoved down Ma’s throat, or the skimpy fucking dress she was wearing that made me want to hurl. Either way, I was pretty sure there was something sharp around that I could skin the fucker with.

  “Derek,” Ma giggled and pulled away, “Save some for later.”

  “I can’t help it. Ever since you told me, I can’t keep my hands off you.”

  My gaze narrowed on Derek’s hand caressing Ma’s stomach.

  Oh, fuck no.

  Fuck skinning the fucker, I was going to gut his ass alive. I glanced at the letter opener on the table by the door. That would work.

  “Oh, honey.” Ma cleared her throat and straightened up, “When did you get home?”

  Now she notices me.

  “A few minutes ago.” I turned my glare on Derek, all dressed up in a suit. At least he was ready for his funeral.

  “I’m glad you’re home. We have some exciting news to tell you.”

  “Paisley,” Derek interrupted, “We said we were going to wait.”

  Ma’s bright eyes glimmered as she looked up at him. “Oh, come on, Logan will be excited.”

  No, I fucking won’t.

  Derek sighed and scrubbed his hand down his face.

  That’s right fucker, your end is near.

  I cut Ma off when she opened her mouth. “Don’t worry Ma, I heard.”

  “You’re happy, right?”

  She turned her smiling face my way, and I sighed. Ma didn’t have happy moments, and gutting her husband in front of her would probably ruin this one. Fuck.

  “Of course I’m happy,” I lied.

  She rushed forward and threw her arms around me. I held her tightly, while glaring at Derek. Congratulations fucker, you live to see another day.

  Derek returned my glare, fucker, and pulled Ma away. “If we’re going to make that reservation, we should go.”

  I might’ve grabbed the letter opener if I hadn’t heard a scream echo down the stairs. Leaning over, I cocked my brow over Derek’s shoulder. “What the fuck was that?”

  “Riley and Micha are watching a movie.” Derek reached behind me and grabbed Ma’s coat, “Why don’t you go bug them?”

  That was a good fucking idea. Especially since I’d gotten them a present too. My lips curled. I couldn’t wait to see the look on Riley’s face.

  “Have fun,” I said to Ma while sauntering past them and up the stairs. “If you can, with that prick.”

  “You should show me some respect,” Derek yelled after me.

  “Bite me, bitch.”

  If he said anything in response, I didn’t hear. Nor did I care. I had other things on my mind. Like my best friend and sis. I stopped in front of Riley’s door and glanced down at my watch. Still plenty of time before I had to get ready. Not that it would take long. Looks this good came naturally.

  I could hear screams, and a sickening crunching coming from the other side of the door. What the fuck were they watching? Horror porn? Can’t say I’d be surprised. I shrugged and swung the door open. Whatever got them going. Normally Riley would be yelling at me by now. She hated when I walked into her room uninvited. But why the fuck would I knock and risk missing a show? Where was the fun in that?

  Riley was sitting on the couch with Micha’s arm wrapped around her. Really? This is what they did for Valentines day? Watch some old ass space movie? Micha should be balls deep in her. Or at the very least, they should watch this shit naked. Valentine’s was literally the day to cash in your freaky shit card. Not sit around eating fucking popcorn.

  Well, I’m here now bitches. Let’s get this party started.

  “Did your fucking dick die?”

  They both turned and looked back at me.

  Riley rolled her eyes. “I see you still haven’t learned to knock.”

  “Did you think I’d start now?” I smiled at her groan.

  “What the fuck do you want?” Micha grumbled.

  Couldn’t blame the asshole for being grumpy. His dick hadn’t gotten any attention since this morning. I’d be fucking grumpy too.

  “Relax, I come bearing gifts.”

  Micha threw his arm up and pointed at me, “I told you I’m not trying that shit.”

  He was referring to the Parker party. He had a taste of Mase, so I suggested Micha give him a go. I mean, little brother didn’t seem to mind it, and I was kind of curious how he got straight men to cave. Fuck, I even threw Shelby and I in the mix. Wouldn’t be the first time I got fucked. Besides, I’d do it just to see Micha take that fucker’s dick.

  “I’m kind of scared to ask, considering it’s Logan,” Riley said, cocking a brow at her man, “But try what?”

  Micha opened his mouth, probably to say something to change the subject.

  “A Parker party.”

  His face dropped into a scowl, directed solely at me. I smiled in response. Did he really think I’d keep my mouth shut?

  “A Parker party?” Riley’s face scrunched up in confusion for a second, before realization flooded her eyes, and I could see the wheels turning in her head. Now she was picturing how that shit would work. “Huh?”

  That’s right, sis.

  Micha’s scowl turned her way as he growled, “Don’t even fucking think about it.”

  “I’m not.” Her blue eyes went wide.


  Micha’s shoulders dropped, and he seemed to relax a bit. And then she opened her mouth.

  “But out of curiosity, how would something like that work?”

  My true reward came when my best friend dropped his face in his palm and muttered, “I blame this shit on you.”

  “I’m cool with that.” I’d accept full responsibility for the images currently running through my sister’s mind. “But that’s not why I–”

  Whatever I was about to say was lost to the image displayed on the TV. Some creepy ass spider looking thing was flying, trying to face fuck a chick.

  “What the fuck is that?” I yelled, and dove behind the couch. My heart hadn’t pounded this hard since the hunt, when I was racing against my ol
d man.

  Riley peeked over the back of the couch. “Are you seriously hiding from a movie?”

  “Logan’s not a fan of the horror genre,” Micha answered.

  No, I wasn’t. Ghosts and fucking aliens, fuck that shit. Give me a good romcom any day. How to Lose a Guy In Ten Days was one of my favorites. I loved a good Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson flick. Those two cracked me up. I snickered just thinking about it.

  She got him a fucking love fern.

  “Seriously?” Riley arched a brow down at me, “Aren’t you the same guy that threatened to scoop Sean’s balls out with a spoon?”

  “That fucker deserved it.” Prick was eyeing my girl. “Whatever the fuck is happening in that movie isn’t normal.”

  “You came home covered in blood the other day.”

  “Your point?”

  “You can come up now. I paused the damn movie,” Micha grumbled. “Pussy.”

  I sat up and snuck a look at the TV. That fucking spider thing was still there. Frozen, with its spiny legs ready to grab. I shook off the shiver running up my spine and slapped my hand down on Micha’s shoulder. “You won’t be calling me a pussy when you see what I got you for Valentine’s Day.”

  His dark eyes rolled my way. “I’m afraid to ask.”

  I jumped up and sauntered over to stand on the bed.

  “This thing was a bitch to find in time,” I said, reaching for the string I had tucked away out of sight, “So you better be happy.”

  One pull and strips of black leather fell down from the ceiling.

  “How the fuck did I miss that?”

  I jumped off the bed, puffed out my chest and smiled at him. “I’m just that good.”

  “What the fuck is it?” Riley’s nose scrunched up at the swinging leather.

  I waved my hands over it, like that bitch on that game show Ma watched, and proudly announced, “A sex swing.”

  A pretty fucking good one, if you asked me. I really outdid myself this time. The craftsmanship was outstanding. Almost as good as the one I had specially made.


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