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Wanton Desire

Page 8

by Ruth D. Kerce

  “Open the door, Emma, or I’ll kick it in.”

  She hesitated, but only a moment, because she knew he wasn’t bluffing. “Don’t kick it in.” She approached and gripped the knob but uneasiness prevented her from unlocking the door. “You’ll make things worse if you force your way in, Joe. Why can’t you leave me alone?” she asked in a shaky voice.

  “You know why.”

  “No, I don’t. There’s nothing more between us.”

  “You’re wrong. There is more. A lot more. Open the door and I’ll prove it to you.”

  She dragged in a ragged breath, believing he could actually do it if she gave him the chance. She was tempted but her better sense won out. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Not tonight. Not after you went crazy on me. I didn’t deserve that.”

  “I know. But you make me crazy. So crazy that I can’t think straight sometimes.”

  “Why?” she asked in a low voice, almost afraid of the answer. She hoped to hear from him that he still cared about her and he hadn’t really meant to hurt her. That’s the only way she’d willingly open the door right now.

  A crack of lightning and the rumble of thunder, as it continued to rain, filled the air. Except for the storm, no other response ensued. Maybe he hadn’t heard her. “Joe?”

  She pressed her ear against the door. Had he gone? She hesitated to look but her curiosity got the better of her. Slowly she turned the key and pulled the door open just a crack. Her heart pounded furiously as she pictured him forcing his way in and having his way with her. Not an unpleasant thought, even though he’d been acting like a constipated mule of late.

  But the hall was empty. No, not quite empty. A thick slab of apple pie sat on a plate beside the door. Her heart slowed. Myrah’s special dessert? It looked delicious. She reached down and picked it up.

  She closed the door and relocked it, then leaned against the back of the door and sighed. Relief mixed with disappointment washed over her. She didn’t know what to think. Joe’s attitude and behavior perplexed her.

  She took a bite of pie and sighed. “Heavenly.” A peace offering? She shook her head. No. More likely a bribe. The possibilities of what he might want of her filled her head so completely that she feared she’d never get any rest tonight.

  * * * * *

  Joe shucked his damp clothes and stretched out naked on the bed. He looked around the room, the same one he used whenever he stayed here, which was a couple of times a week at least. Even so, not a single item that he could call his own was in this room—well, other than a change of clothing. After all these years, that said a lot, he thought.

  When not here, he’d either sleep in the jail or spend a few hours upstairs at the saloon, with whatever girl was available. Usually Cora, if she wasn’t with another customer. She knew his sexual tastes.

  Seeing Emma again made him realize just how lonely he’d become. He had no idea how to fix things with her. Not without putting his heart in jeopardy again. But maybe that was the only way. To take a chance.

  He didn’t know if he could do it. He was such a damn coward. Not in life, for certain. He never backed down from anyone or anything. But when it came to love…definitely.

  Long ago, he’d thought Skylar might be the woman for him. But their relationship had never developed into anything more than one of a close sister and brother. He’d always looked at Beth as a younger sister from the beginning. He’d also felt responsible for bringing tragedy into their lives, which was why he’d had to leave them and New Mexico for a while. When he’d returned and Skylar was with Wade, he’d been happy for her.

  He’d never looked at Emma as a sister. He’d wanted her from the start. No doubts. Wooing a real lady had been new to him back then. But he’d fallen hard. Then she’d left.

  And now… She was prepared to leave again.

  Even if he told her his feelings, she’d still leave. She had built a life for herself in Boston. She had schooling to complete. He wouldn’t take that away from her. It was the only thing she had left. In Boston, a much better future awaited her than he could ever provide for her here.

  Why the hell was he even torturing himself over her anyway? He should just enjoy her body, as he’d planned. She’d probably already slept with that Mason person. So sleeping with him shouldn’t be a problem.

  No rich, big-city doctor would help someone as beautiful as Emma without expecting something in return. Yes, he was making assumptions about someone he didn’t know, but most men were selfish bastards, given the chance.

  He couldn’t even blame Emma for taking advantage of an opportunity. She’d gone after what she’d wanted. Just as he intended to do. He hated the thought of another man touching her though. His hands curled into fists.

  Damn his weakness. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shut off the tender emotions he felt for her. What a sap he was.

  He should have done what he’d threatened tonight and broken down that door. A more experienced woman, as she was now, had needs. Needs he wanted to be the one to fulfill. She’d certainly seemed willing while he was kissing her in the parlor.

  Looking toward the door, he seriously thought about going back to her room, forcing her door open and stripping her naked. Plunging his cock into her pussy would feel great to him right now, but probably not so great for her, since he wouldn’t be gentle—not given how he was feeling. And he didn’t want any regrets or for her to have any regrets.

  He wrapped his fingers around his cock. Fuck. She’d gotten him worked up.

  Before she left Elk Valley, he swore her fingers would be the ones wrapped around his cock. He stroked himself slowly, looking forward to that day. “Ah, yeah.” He moved his hand a little faster, picturing her there with him.

  But in his head, it wasn’t her fingers he pictured around his cock. In his fantasy, he had his cock buried deeply inside her body, fucking her mercilessly, until he couldn’t hold back any longer and he came long and hard.

  “Ah!” As he climaxed, he imagined her screaming his name and coming too, then smiling up at him, eager for more. “Yeah…”

  * * * * *

  Emma woke with a start. Confusion struck her motionless for several moments as her strange surroundings came into focus. It took her a while to remember where she was. “Oh right,” she murmured. The ranch.

  She’d dreamed of Joe all night long. Decadent dreams of physical pleasures she’d yearned for years to experience with him. Only with him. She yawned and stretched on the mattress, upset that the dreams had to end. If she didn’t know better, she’d have sworn he’d been right in the bed with her, whispering in her ear.

  She wasn’t certain what had roused her, until she heard shouting outside her window. She threw off the covers and padded across the room.

  It looked to be early morning, but it was hard to tell, for the rain was still coming down, with more dark clouds heading their way, from the looks of the sky. She glanced around the room. No clock up here and she’d left her pocket watch at the clinic.

  The ranch hands were running back and forth. She saw Joe down there with them.

  In the room, she noticed clean clothes draped over a chair. And a shawl. Myrah? She glanced toward the door. She’d locked it. How… She shook her head, dismissing her questions. For now.

  She quickly dressed and rushed downstairs. Myrah was standing in the foyer in front of the open door, wringing her hands, as she watched the commotion.

  “What’s going on?” Emma asked her.

  Myrah turned as she approached. “Too much rain all at once. The ground can’t handle it. It’s flooded everything. The hands are moving the horses and other livestock to a higher barn and corral area. I heard tell all the roads are washed out and we’re trapped out here, at least for a bit. Good thing I did my shopping the other day. We’re well supplied. We should be fine as long as the house don’t flood.”

  “Where’s Joe?” Emma didn’t see him anymore.

  “He helped to get things started
but then he said he was going to try to make it over to Mr. Cal’s place to see if help was needed there. They’re on lower ground and are probably having a worse time of it.”

  Emma chewed on her bottom lip. If the roads were washed out, he’d have to cross the river. Not a problem normally, since it was so small, but with all the rain, it would now be swollen high. “He shouldn’t be doing that.”

  “Oh, I know that well enough. But he’s got too hard a head on him for his own good. The wind’s picking back up again. We best shut this door.” She pushed the door closed. “Come along while I get you some breakfast. It’ll temporarily take both our minds off that stubborn man.”

  * * * * *

  Slim stomped inside the hotel room and shrugged out of his slicker. “I ain’t never seen rain like this.”

  Montana crossed from the window and plopped down on the bed. “Where have you been?”

  “I’ve been holed up with the nastiest fucking whore I ever rammed my cock into—Cora. Damn, she’s good.” He rubbed his crotch.

  Montana figured Slim would spend his whole life fucking if he could. “Did you see Joe again?”

  Slim had finally shown up after lunch yesterday and told him about his earlier encounter with Joe and how it didn’t go so well. There was no way they could successfully rob the bank now. If they tried, Joe would know immediately who was responsible.

  “Nah. I ain’t seen him today. Cora said he’s probably stuck at that highfaluting ranch outside of town. He stays there a couple of nights a week.” Slim eased down into a chair by the window. “I looked in at the bank though.”

  “Me too. We can’t rob it with just you and me.”

  “Why not? I only seen two people working there just like I heard there’d be. It should be easy, especially if we hit it today in the rain when no customers are around.”

  “I’d feel better if we had three men.”

  “Well, we ain’t got three. Joe’s turned soft.”

  “What are you gonna do about him? If we rob the bank, he’s got to figure it was you and come after us.”

  “The bank probably doesn’t have that much money in it. Not enough for a long chase, I’ll wager. With luck, Joe won’t bother with the weather being so bad and all. This rain will cover our trail.”

  “What if the townsfolk form a posse on their own and start after us right away?”

  “The people in this rathole? Ain’t happening. None of the ranchers are in town with the rain. All the shopkeepers and such are women or old men. They’ll wait for Joe.”

  “I don’t know. Where are we supposed to go after we get the money? I don’t want to camp out in this rain. It’ll be miserable. We can’t go back to Fox Valley. It’s too close and the first place Joe would look. The rain’s too bad to try for a town farther out. We’ll be washed away.”

  “It ain’t a damn flood. It’s just a bad storm.”

  “Could have fooled me.”

  “Cora said there are some caves around here. I figured we could hide in them until the rain passes. They’re on higher ground, hidden by trees and there’s a whole line of them. She drew me a map.”

  “That don’t sound comfortable. I think we should just forget about the bank and stay put for a while.”

  “What are we supposed to use for money? You got any?”

  “Not much.” He’d have had an extra day’s worth if he hadn’t given it to the girl. Even so, he didn’t regret his actions. As a female, she would have fewer options than he had.

  “Cora said the bank only has two old men working there in the mornings. A third one, a young fella, comes in after lunch. We need to hit it before then, so our odds are better.”

  “You told her we was going to rob the bank? What if that whore rats us out?”

  “She won’t. I paid her off with my poker winnings and I told her I’d give her some of the bank stash too.”

  “What? You’re not really going to do that, are you?” Slim normally didn’t keep to one woman long enough to even learn her name. He wondered why this particular whore was different.

  Slim shrugged.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Cora’s sick of this hick town, so she’s, um, comin’ with us. We’re going to meet her at the caves. Don’t scowl at me. She’s insatiable, I tell you. We’ll get all the fucking we could ever want. Any way we want it too.” Slim pushed himself out of the chair and walked over to the bed. He slapped Montana’s leg. “Get up. Let’s do this.”

  Montana got up slowly and strapped on his gun belt, a frown on his face the whole time. He didn’t want to do this. But he also didn’t want to go against Slim. And the money was a draw. A big draw. He didn’t like the idea of Cora tagging along with them. He couldn’t care less about the fucking she’d give them. Not that he didn’t like fucking. He just didn’t think it was worth the trade. Whores weren’t that hard to come by.

  “What the hell’s wrong with you?”

  “This just don’t seem right. I got a bad feeling.”

  “You turning righteous on me all of a sudden? You never minded rolling strangers for money, so don’t pretend you is all better than me.”

  “I never said I was.”

  A bolt of lightning made them both jump. Slim looked out the window. “The storm’s getting worse. We better go now. That banker might decide to lock everything up and leave for the day. We need him to get into the safe.”

  Slim strode out of the room and Montana followed, still feeling unsettled about what they were about to do. One last job…

  * * * * *

  The front door slammed shut. At the sound, both Emma and Myrah came running.

  “Oh!” Emma’s hand flew to her chest when she saw Joe.

  He stared back with a disgusted expression. “I know I look a sight. I couldn’t get to Cal’s place. The pastures and river are completely flooded. We’re cut off all the way around. When I tried to coax my horse through the water anyway, he threw me right into a mud puddle, then took off and headed back this way.”

  A smile tugged at Emma’s lips.

  “It’s not funny.”

  “The girl knows a good joke when she sees it,” Myrah replied. “Now don’t move. I don’t want you messing up my floors any more than you already have. I’ll bring you a dry blanket to wrap up in, then fix you a bath.”

  “I don’t need a bath. Just get me something to wipe the mud off with.”

  “Don’t you be arguing with me, Mr. Joe, when it comes to cleanliness. I’ll tell the missus when she gets back and you know Skylar doesn’t cotton to that stuff.” Myrah rushed off, muttering something under her breath.

  “Damn weather.” Joe stripped off his shirt and held it in one hand as it dripped dirty water into a puddle at his feet.

  Emma saw that he was wearing long johns today. Good idea since the rain was quite cold. The wet top clung to his muscles, accentuating his perfect build. She itched to caress those muscles.

  He toed off his boots, then shuffled from foot to foot, but couldn’t avoid standing in the mess he’d dragged in. “Shit.” He looked back up at her and scowled. “What?”

  “You’ve picked up a lot of bad habits in the last couple of years.”


  “Cussing without caring who hears.” He didn’t use to have such a foul mouth and hot temper.

  “Don’t be so sensitive. You’ve let a word or two fly yourself.”

  She hesitated a heartbeat, surprised he’d defend the behavior and point out her shortcomings at the same time. “How about whoring around with saloon girls?” She couldn’t help the gibe, after the trouble he’d given her last night.

  His gaze connected with hers and his eyes narrowed. “Nothing I haven’t always done. I’m just not as concerned about impressing you like I used to be.”

  That struck her speechless. And it hurt. For a moment. “Obviously.”

  Myrah reappeared with a blanket in hand. “You get out of here, Miss Emma, while Mr. Joe shucks the rest
of his clothes.”

  “Of course. We’re done anyway. I’ll be in the kitchen. I’ll heat you up some water for that bath. You smell.” She turned abruptly and disappeared.

  “I don’t smell,” he grumbled.

  “Why are you giving that girl such a hard time?” Myrah asked.

  Joe frowned, feeling frustrated. He and Emma seemed to be bringing out the worst in each other. He couldn’t figure it out. Women were too damn complicated and she topped the list. “She’s the one giving me a hard time.”

  Myrah took his shirt, while he stripped down to his underclothes. “I know you’re soft-hearted toward her.”

  “Not anymore. Here. There’s a tear in the backside that needs mending.”

  She grabbed his pants as he handed them over. “You can deny your feelings all you want. That don’t make what you say true.” Myrah turned her back. “Now get out of those underthings. They need laundering too.”

  Joe grumbled as he pulled off his long johns. “Soft-hearted my ass…”

  * * * * *

  Emma sat in the study, reading a volume of poetry she’d found on one of the bookshelves. She hadn’t seen Joe since this morning and wondered where he was. After she’d heated up the water for his bath, Myrah had banished her from the kitchen. When she sneaked back later, Joe was already done with his bath and had gone.

  She looked out the window. The rain was still coming down hard but there hadn’t been any lightning in quite a while, so maybe the storm was easing. Out this way at least. She wondered how Elk Valley was faring.

  She’d eaten lunch by herself and soon after grew bored by her isolation. She was used to the hustle and bustle of a hospital in a large city. Unable to get into the book, she snapped it closed and sighed.

  Myrah breezed in with a cup of hot tea and a couple of oatmeal cookies. “I thought you might like a snack.”

  “Thank you. Do you know where Joe is?” She looked up at Myrah from slightly lowered lashes, not wanting to appear too interested in the man.

  “He’s down in the cellar.”

  “The cellar?” She looked up fully. “Is water coming in?”


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