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Guarding Jess

Page 16

by Shannon Curtis

  “You look beautiful,” he told her.

  Heat flooded her cheeks. James Bond, eat your heart out. The man before her was stunning. “So do you,” she blurted. She couldn’t get enough of him, her eyes wandering up and down his tall frame. Actually, he looked better than beautiful. Impressive. He wore the dinner suit with a style and aplomb that many of her clients would envy.

  If possible, his shoulders looked even broader, his hips narrower in the clever cut of the material. He could easily blend in with her clientele and the business people she dealt with on a daily basis, but he wouldn’t disappear into the surrounding suits, he would surpass them.

  She was the first person to extol the concept of “clothes maketh the man.” That was her business. Image and etiquette consultancy. But even she was surprised at the distinguished and formidable figure before her. It was almost as though his jeans and T-shirt was a way of down-playing his presence.

  His white teeth flashed in a surprised smile. “Okay, well, Drew’s just called. He’s set everything up for your arrival. Let’s go.”

  The book launch party. Her smile faltered. There would be lots of people there. A lot of the staff from the radio station would be there. Fortunately, only those bearing an invitation would gain access. But still, she’d be surrounded. And she knew Hamish Stewart had received an invitation. The plan was to lure him in, then pull him aside for questioning. Discreetly, of course. The thought of him being anywhere near her, after everything the man had done, was enough to chill her blood in her veins.

  Noah’s face sobered, and he leaned down to her. “You don’t need to do this, you know. Just say the word, and I’ll call Drew.”

  Her hand tightened in his. His touch was warm, strong and solid. Reassuring. She squeezed. “Thank you. I’ll be fine. You’ll be there.”

  “If you feel anxious, or frightened, no matter the reason, you tell me.” His tone was earnest, determined. She opened her mouth, then shut it. Noah’s protection warmed her.

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  “I’ll be right by your side.”

  That sentence, that simply stated promise, settled the butterflies in her tummy. She took a deep, calming breath. And smiled. “Thank you.”

  He stared intently at her for a moment, and her smile faltered. “Do I have lipstick on my teeth?”

  His gaze dropped to her lips. Warmth spread across her cheeks and down her neck at his scrutiny.

  “No, you’re perfect.” His head lowered and he kissed her. His lips were firm and supple, spreading a sensual warmth through her as she leaned into him. She opened her mouth to allow him entry, and was swept away by the rolling desire that flooded her. He groaned, and pulled back, giving her another quick, hard kiss before stepping back.

  “Let’s roll.”

  She trotted alongside him, stunned, and pleased. And maybe just a little horny. Totally improper.

  * * *

  Noah pulled up at the entrance to the restaurant. He nodded to Ryan Brennan at the door. He and Drew had organized for a team of the new-hires to fly out for the event, and Ryan was there to supervise them. There were too many people, too many variables, for them to handle the party on their own. And Noah wasn’t taking any chances with Jessica’s safety. Ryan inclined his head, his gray eyes solemn.

  “Noah.” His associate presented him with an earpiece and transmitter. “Michaels is in the kitchen area, Reed is on mezzanine, Davis is front foyer, Mitchell is out back.”

  “Ryan.” Noah nodded and donned his earpiece. “Any problems?”

  “Nope, not here, anyway,” Ryan muttered under his breath, then smiled at Jessica. “Miss Pennington.”

  Noah glanced at his friend. “Not here? Where?”

  “Let’s just say I’m happy to be here, and not in Chicago.”

  “Ah. Vicky.”

  “That woman is making my life hell.”

  Noah turned to Jessica. “Vicky is our, uh, operations support. She and Ryan don’t always see eye to eye.” He ignored Ryan’s snort as he moved passed his friend.

  Jessica smiled over her shoulder as Noah walked her through Perbacco’s double glass doors. Oliveria hurried up to her, beaming and radiant in a turquoise gown.

  “Oh, Jessica, you’re not going to believe it.” Her agent waved a piece of paper in front of her. “LyonHeart Publishing contacted me. The pre-sales orders are in. You’re going to hit the bestseller lists.”

  Noah watched as both women giggled and jumped up and down briefly, before they remembered themselves and stopped. Jessica fanned herself.

  “Oh, that’s fantastic.” She beamed up at Noah. “I’m going to be on the bestseller list.”

  Noah couldn’t help the grin that stretched across his face at her delight. It was good to see Jessica happy. He knew why. The whole reason she’d endured the stalker’s attentions was to keep her business going so that she could fund the youth center. With the success of the book, it meant the Challenge Youth Center would remain open. With a start he realized he hadn’t seen her smile for a while, and decided he’d do everything within his power to ensure she had a great, untroubled evening.

  “Congratulations, Jess,” he said.

  A group of people approached Jess, and he turned to survey them. They were associates from the publishing company, and he tried to stand back as they congratulated Jessica, but she kept a tight grip on his arm. He checked out each contact carefully, looking for suspicious behavior and unnatural bulges in clothing, and nodded each time Jessica introduced him. It took him a couple of minutes to realize she wasn’t introducing him as her bodyguard, or associate, but as her friend. He tamed his smile.

  As she stepped farther into the restaurant her arrival was noticed, and the crowd broke into applause. Noah had to press his earpiece in to hear the rest of the security team call in with updates. He surveyed the area. Gwen waved at him from near the podium. He nodded, and kept his eyes moving. The restaurant was packed with guests and staff. With light-colored walls, dark timber and brass accents, marble floor and golden, subdued lighting, it was a tasteful display of sleek modern style. He could understand why Jessica had selected it.

  Jessica gradually made progress throughout the room, stopping to talk to everyone. Cameras flashed, and he tried to remain calm when people elbowed their way toward her. He didn’t want to repeat the incident at the fountain.

  “Green Lantern checking in. Spiderman?”

  Noah rolled his eyes and lifted his sleeve to talk into his transmitter. “Yes, Green Lantern?” Drew had insisted on code names for tonight’s security op, and had selected all of the code names, except for Jessica’s. That one Noah had decided upon.

  “Be on the lookout for the Joker. I’ve just received new intel on the subject.”

  Noah didn’t like the sound of that. Drew had given Hamish Stewart the nickname of the Joker. “What’s the new intel?”

  “The Joker has form. Confirmed active RO on a former spouse. The florist has been able to confirm payment for the flowers, too. The Joker slipped up, paid by credit card. Also, Ryker has been able to get a clearer image from the surveillance footage. A copy is coming through to your phone.”

  Noah’s phone bipped to signal message receipt. He checked the screen. He didn’t know how Ryker had done it, but he’d manage to enhance a frame. The image was a little pixilated, but it was quite clearly Hamish Stewart wearing the hooded sweatshirt on Jessica’s front porch.

  Noah’s shoulders straightened as he peered through the crowd and his blood chilled.

  They could trace the stationery used by the stalker to the same stationery KTFA used. The car that had followed them had been driven by a KTFA employee, and Hamish Stewart, the man who worked closely with Jessica, had a history of abusing and harassing a woman. And they now had him on tape, with payment confirmation from the flori

  He lifted his wrist. “Get Ryker to send copies of all records to Detective Louise Carmichael, Special Investigations Division, SFPD. Hopefully it’s enough to get an arrest warrant. Attention all units. Be on the lookout for the Joker. If you see him, remove and detain. Do you copy?”

  The various members of the security detail called in to confirm receipt of the order. Noah’s eyes swept the restaurant. He didn’t like this. He didn’t want Hamish Stewart within a city block of Jess.

  Jessica moved forward again, greeting more people. “Miss Prissy is on the move,” he murmured into his sleeve.

  The crowd parted, and Noah saw Jacqueline Pennington, looking resplendent in a shimmery cream creation, smile and approach her niece.

  “Jessica, how are you?” Jacqueline asked as she air-kissed her niece’s cheeks.

  Jessica hugged her aunt. “Oh, Aunt Jacquie, good news. We’ve just heard we’ve made the bestseller lists.”

  Jacqueline seemed hesitant as she was clutched by Jessica, and Noah met her surprised gaze briefly over Jessica’s shoulder. The older woman’s smile stuttered, her arms at her sides, before she slowly raised them to reciprocate the hug her niece was giving her with an awkward one of her own. Noah couldn’t help thinking of the difference between Jessica’s family and his own. Although the older woman held Jessica at a distance, and appeared awkward and uncomfortable around her, there was no denying the love she held for her niece. Whereas his father could appear quite close and friendly in public, but a deep chasm of betrayal and hurt separated them.

  “That’s wonderful, dear.” Jacqueline pulled back and smiled. “Oh, I brought a guest, I hope you don’t mind.” She stepped aside, and Jessica beamed at the attractive dark-haired man standing behind her. Noah nodded as he recognized billionaire, McCormack Security Agency investor and now client, Jeff Lyon.

  “Jeff. Oh, it’s so good to see you.” Jessica embraced her friend. Noah’s lips pulled into a smile at her obvious delight. He could almost be jealous, but he also held Jeff in high esteem. “How is Ellie?” Jessica asked.

  “She’s good. She’s working in Sydney for some fashion event, otherwise she’d be here herself.”

  Jessica smiled. “Oh, I understand this is a busy time for her. I’ll call her later.”

  Jeff nodded. “Good. She’ll want to hear from you.”

  “I’m just so surprised that you came,” she remarked, and Noah secretly agreed. Jeff had interests around the globe, and public appearances were rare.

  The handsome playboy billionaire grinned. “What, miss the most publicized book launch of LyonHeart Pub’s history? Not on your life.”

  Jessica grimaced good-naturedly. “Oh, please. Let’s not talk about that.”

  Jeff shrugged. “Hey, any publicity is good publicity. I’ve seen the figures. Your book hasn’t even hit the shelves yet, and we’re already organizing a second print run. Nice work.”

  Jessica squeezed his hand and turned to her aunt. “Thank you. What a wonderful gift.”

  Jacqueline Pennington nodded, but Noah could tell she was touched by her niece’s gratitude. They walked arm in arm into the crowd, and people stopped and stared as the two darlings of society entered their midst. He watched Jessica introduce AJ to her aunt. Jessica had made a point of inviting all of her students from the Challenge Youth Center, and he could see how proud they were to be included.

  Noah turned to greet Jeff. “It’s a surprise to see you,” he said as he shook the billionaire’s hand.

  Jeff nodded. “With everything going on, I thought I’d come, too. Any news?”

  Noah nodded. “We believe we know the identity of the stalker,” he said quietly.

  Jeff’s eyebrows rose. “Good. Who?”

  “He hasn’t been arrested, yet, so I won’t say, but we’re working on that. As soon as I can, I’ll let you know.”

  Jeff’s lips firmed as he shook his head. “I’d appreciate that. Obviously I’d like it sorted sooner rather than later. Jessica doesn’t deserve this grief.”

  Noah surveyed the crowd. “We’re keeping an eye out for him, otherwise we’ll track him down at his place later.”

  Jeff slapped him on the back. “Good work. And thanks for doing this. How’s the arm?”

  Noah grinned. “Come visit me in the gym when this is over, and I’ll show you.”

  Jeff laughed. “You’re on.”

  Noah followed Jessica through the restaurant. It wasn’t hard to find her in the crowd. Although she stood next to her famous aunt, she drew his gaze like a magnet. Her red dress highlighted the slight curves and long lines of her legs to perfection. As soon as he’d seen her, he’d tried to figure out what she was wearing underneath it. The thin straps and bodice were clever—they concealed enough to make him want to reveal the rest. Her golden hair shone under the subdued lighting, and her hips swayed with every step she took.

  A small staging area had been set up in the middle of the restaurant, and Oliveria took her place behind the podium and cleared her throat.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for coming to the launch of Jessica Pennington’s book, Modern Day Manners. We’re here to celebrate the civilized virtues, but I can now add something to the occasion. We have received reports that the pre-sales orders will see the book hit the New York Times Best Seller list within the first twenty-four hours.”

  Oliveria paused as the crowd cheered. After a moment she cleared her throat. “It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you tonight, New York Times bestselling author, Jessica Pennington.”

  The crowd applauded as Jessica took to the stage. Noah kept his eyes trained on the crowd, and checked in briefly with the rest of the security team. Once he knew where all the security agents were, he folded his arms. Jacqueline Pennington sidled up beside him.

  “I see you are still protecting my niece,” she commented.

  Noah nodded, his eyes on Jessica at the podium.

  “I trust you to keep her safe.” The simple statement drew his attention to the woman next to him. Her eyes were on her niece, and he could see the lines around her eyes, the tight set of her mouth. Like her niece, the older woman gave good face, but he could see the underlying worry in her expression.

  “I will,” he promised. Jacqueline nodded, satisfied. Noah turned back to Jessica as she gave her speech. He thought of her impassioned speech in the elevator, about her struggle to become accepted by her peers.

  “She loves you very much, you know,” Noah said. So much that she’d dedicated her life to making this woman proud of her.

  Jacqueline turned to him in surprise. “I…I love her, too.”

  Noah nodded. “You should tell her that.” He and his father didn’t talk, but they didn’t have the deep respect and admiration these two women seemed to share.

  Jacqueline stared at him for a moment, and he realized that not many people would speak so personally to her.

  “I can see why she likes having you around,” the older woman said quietly, a smile twitching her lips. Noah’s eyebrow rose. She did? He hoped so.

  Jacqueline shifted as a tall figure moved against her. “Oh, sorry,” a quiet voice apologized. Noah craned his neck. A slim, plain-looking woman in a rumpled dress stood next to the queen of interior decorating. The woman looked vaguely familiar.

  Jacqueline eyed her coolly. “And who might you be?” she asked primly, her hands rising to her neck. Noah noticed her toying with a diamond pendant. Hmm. Maybe fiddling with necklaces wasn’t a habit, but an inherited trait for the Pennington family.

  “I-Irene Chapman. I—I work with your niece,” the woman responded nervously. “You’re her aunt, right?”

  Noah relaxed. Of course. The sound technician at KTFA. He glanced around. If Irene was here, perhaps Hamish was in the crowd somewhere.

queline’s eyebrow rose. “Correct.” Her tone was clipped, formal. Aunt Jacquie was now Jacqueline Pennington, successful, self-built millionairess and high-class society lady. Noah preferred Aunt Jacquie.

  They all turned to listen to Jessica’s speech.

  “But the person I most need to thank, the person to whom I owe everything I am today, is my aunt, Jacqueline Pennington. Aunt Jacquie, this book’s for you.” Jessica said, holding up an advance copy of her book.

  Noah darted a quick look in time to see Jacqueline wipe a tear from her eye, before she composed herself and smiled with cool appreciation at her niece.

  “Now, please, enjoy yourselves, and don’t forget to pick up your copy of the book,” Jessica said, and left the podium to thunderous applause. Noah couldn’t help it. Pride at her success, poise and perseverance had him adding to the noise.

  Staff began bringing out platters of food, and the festivities began. A string quartet off to the side began playing music. People were mingling. This wasn’t just a party. Noah recognized some famous faces. Politicians, wealthy business people, and—was that a member of the British aristocracy? People were networking with feverish intention.

  He nodded to Troy Davis at front of house. The tall cowboy scrubbed up good and looked presentable, though lacking his trademark Stetson. He glanced up at the mezzanine level, where more guests were gathered. Cooper Reed gave him the thumbs-up signal before turning back to survey his area. Noah glanced toward the kitchen. The swinging door opened, and he caught a brief glimpse of Drew being offered hors d’oeuvres from a young waitress before the door closed again. He shook his head. He knew his friend well enough to know that his full attention would be on the security detail. Still, even guarding the kitchen and focused on the op, the man managed to pick up.

  All areas were secured.

  * * *

  Two hours later, and Noah wanted to roar. He’d made enough small talk to put a society marm to shame, and he was over it. He couldn’t even play cards. Maybe he could interest Drew and Ryan in a game of poker later. He looked at Jessica, her face radiant as she chatted to some of her students from the Challenge Youth Center. Well, maybe he could stand it for a little longer. She laughed as she gave AJ a high five, then made her way toward him. He told himself the reason he stared at her petite, seductive form, her graceful movements, her figure-clinging dress, was because that was his job.


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