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The Barons of Texas: Tess

Page 17

by Fayrene Preston

  “And in the center of the tent,” Nick said, “there’ll be a large, very impressive stack of gold with a sign below it saying there’s much more to come.”

  Tess slipped her arm around his waist. He slid his arm around her shoulders. “And the best part of it will be that Nick’s grandparents will be able to attend. And you, too, Uncle William.”

  He nodded. “I’ll be there, even if I have to bring my doctor to do it. You can count on me, honey.”

  “Good, because I think you’re really going to enjoy meeting Nick’s grandparents, especially his grandfather. I think you two will have a lot in common. And he’ll need special medical arrangements, too.”

  “I’ll look forward to meeting him.”

  Des smiled at her and Nick. “Sounds like a wonderful occasion. I wouldn’t miss it.”

  “And I’ll be there, too,” Jill said quickly as soon as she heard Des’s acceptance.

  With a look of irritation at Jill, Kit shifted her stance. “I suppose I will be, too.”

  “That’s great,” Tess said brightly, “because I want you two to be my bridesmaids.”

  “Excuse me?” Jill asked, clearly astonished.

  “You’re my sisters, and I can’t think of any one else I would want more than you two to be by my side on the happiest day of my life.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” Kit asked.

  “Not one bit. So will you?”

  Jill looked distinctly shell-shocked. “I—I don’t know.”

  “Oh, sure you will,” Des said with a smile at her. “I know you wouldn’t want to disappoint your sister, would you?”

  “Uh, no, I guess not.”

  Kit’s expression was distrustful. “Don’t think for one minute I’m going to wear one of those silly, odd-colored dresses with all the frills and ruffles.”

  Tess laughed. “I would never do that to you. We’ll go shopping together, and you can pick out whatever you like.”

  “Shopping together?” Kit glanced at Jill, who still looked shell-shocked.

  “In fact, we’ll take Jill with us,” Tess said, thoroughly enjoying herself. She knew this was only one step in getting closer to her sisters, but she was so happy, she was overflowing with optimism. “Jill has excellent taste. We’ll all buy our dresses at the same time.”

  “I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Des murmured.

  Uncle William held out his hand to Nick. “Congratulations, young man. You’re getting a wonderful girl.”

  Nick shook his hand. “Thank you, sir.” Then he looked at Tess, tenderness and love etched in his expression and glowing in his eyes. In fact, all the sunshine and brightness that flooded through the windows and into the room seemed concentrated on him, and because he was holding her against him, on her, too. “All my life I’ve been looking for treasure, and now, at last, I’ve found it.”

  * * * * *


  coming in 2000,

  only from Silhouette Desire.

  eISBN 978-14592-5840-2


  Copyright © 1999 by Fayrene Preston

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