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SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories)

Page 11

by Fiona Knightingale

Simon opened the door for her, and for a moment she thought that he wanted her to drive. She smiled when she saw that the steering wheel was on the ‘wrong’ side of the car and hopped in before Simon could see her blush.

  Before they even left the airport Abigail started to ask Simon, “So, Simon, who are you?”

  “Me, miss? I’m Simon. I’m married to Betty and we have been with the Wrights all our lives. Just like our parents, and our grandparents. My boy Eli is now also working for Mr. Clayton.”

  She saw how proud he was of these simple facts, “So, Simon, what exactly are you doing for the Wrights?”


  It was such a simple statement of fact, but it left so many questions in her mind. She tried another approach, “Tell me about the farm, Simon.”

  Simon smiled at her, “It is not a farm Miss Abigail. It’s a ranch. We are in cotton country, but the Wrights have horses and sheep. We are ranchers not farmers.”

  Abigail realised that she has so much to learn. “So do you not grow any crops?”

  “Of course we do, Miss. We need to feed the sheep and horses.”

  Abigail laughed at Simon, “So you do farm on the ranch Simon!”

  Simon knew that she was taunting him. He cleared his throat theatrically, “Suppose you’re right there, Miss. However we are ranchers on a ranch, and the only one in the area,” He stated with pride.

  “How far is it to the ranch, Simon?”

  “Just over 200 miles, miss Abigail. We’ll go through Plainview, Kress, Tulia and Happy. I think we’ll have to stop for lunch in Canyon. Then it is a short hop to Vega and Adrian. Then not far to the ranch.”

  These names had no meaning to Abigail. It sounded far, so she just settled is as comfortable as possible. She must have dozed off, because Simon gently shook her awake as they entered a town called Canyon.

  Abigail was hungry and very thirsty, “Simon, can we get some take-away food and eat in the car? We can stretch our legs afterwards. I just don’t feel like sitting in a restaurant now.”

  “Yes, Miss Abigail, I know just the place.”

  After lunch they started on the last stretch to the Ranch. Abigail realised that she enjoyed the open spaces and hot air.

  It took a 20 minute drive from the ranch gates to reach the main compound. Abigail could not believe the size or scale of the place. It looked like a small town. Behind all the little houses and sprawling buildings, a majestic house rose above it all. They crossed a small stream and wended their way up a hill to the main house. Simon could not help himself and blew the horn all the way up to the house. By the time they got there quite a few people lined the stairs to welcome her. Her eyes fell on Clayton as he opened the door for her. She was quite surprised to see that he was a lot bigger than she thought. Just goes to show that talking over the Internet can be misleading.

  He gave her a brief, but awkward hug, “Welcome to the ranch Abigail.”

  She did not know what to do, so she gave him a light kiss on the cheek, “Thank you Clayton. I’m glad to be finally here.”

  He offered her his arm and escorted her into the cool house. Abigail saw that Simon was getting her luggage and she allowed Clayton to steer her through the house. He stopped on a large deck at the back. A huge sparking blue pool dominated the scene as he led her to a small table laden with drinks and snacks.

  “How was the trip Abigail? I was thinking about you all the time.”

  She accepted a tall glass with an amber color. Iced Tea! She took a long sip, “No problems Clayton, I’m just tired.” She drained the glass and put it down on the table.

  “…and thirsty!” he laughed, “Please sit down.”

  “Is it OK if I stand? I have been sitting in the car all the way here and my back is killing me.”

  Clayton blushed, “Of course! Sorry about that. I wasn’t thinking.” He poured her another iced tea. She kicked of her shoes and was walked in the garden bare foot. He caught up with her, “Here’s your tea.”

  “Thanks. Wow, this place is huge and this garden is beautiful!”

  Clayton watched her taking in the scenery. He admired the way she moved. She turned to ask him something, but caught him staring, “Penny for your thoughts?”

  He blushed. She saved him any embarrassment, “Clayton, I really need the bathroom.”

  “Oh, of course. This way.”

  They went back into the house and a rotund black woman was dusting books on a shelf. Clayton walked towards her, “Ma-Betty, please take Miss Abigail to her room. I’ll wait on the deck.”

  “Hello Ma-Betty. I’m Abigail.”

  “It is just Betty, Miss Abigail, just Betty. Come your room is upstairs.”

  Abigail dashed for the en-suite bathroom without really looking at the room. Only when she returned did she really comprehend the size of the room. Two young girls were unpacking her suitcases and sorting out all her things. She thought it an intrusion, but the stern look from Betty made her swallow any comment.

  “Betty, are you married to Simon?”

  “Yes, Miss Abigail. Come back downstairs and let the kids sort out our room. Dinner will be ready in 30 minutes.” She left the room without looking back.

  At the bottom of the stairs Betty picked up her rag and started dusting again.

  Abigail did not know what she could have done to upset Betty and she could feel the tension between them, “Betty, thank you for taking me upstairs.”

  She tuned to walk back to the deck, but turned around, “Oh, and Betty, thank you for sorting out my room and for the dinner that you have prepared.”

  Betty stopped dusting. She looked at Abigail with tears in her eyes and just nodded before leaving the room.

  Abigail saw Clayton sitting at the small table with the drinks and snacks. He got up when she approached, “Hi Abigail. Please help yourself. Can I get you another iced tea, or would you like something else?”

  “Iced tea is fine, thanks,” She accepted the drink and continued “Clayton, have I done anything to upset Betty?”

  Clayton took a sip of his own drink. “No. Absolutely not. Ma-Betty is very set in her ways, and you’re almost an ‘intruder’ in this house. Give her some time – she’ll get used to you.”

  “Why do you call her Ma-Betty?”

  Clayton smiled “She practically raised me. I used to call her Mama-Betty when she was my nanny, but over time I shortened it to Ma-Betty.”

  “Wow, she was your nanny?”

  Clayton took her empty glass, “Betty was there with my mother the day I was born. She is more than just a fixture in this house. She is the heart of this house. Did you know that she retired almost three years ago?”

  “But she is working in the house and preparing dinner?” Abigail asked.

  Clayton grabbed a hand full of snacks and sat down next to Abigail, “My dad built a beautiful little house for Ma-Betty and Simon at the top end of the compound close to the stream. She stayed there for two days and was back working in the house. Apparently she felt that we threw her away, and she was adamant that she will not be treated like rubbish. Nothing we could say could keep her in retirement. She is happy here in the house. At least she gave up her room upstairs and goes home every evening.” Clayton sighed, “and then she is back here before the chickens wake up. By the way, do you like your room?”

  “Yes, thank you. It is beautiful. I must say, I was a bit surprised that you organized a separate room for me.”

  “It was actually Ma-Betty’s idea. She said that it was only appropriate until the wedding.”

  “Ahh,” Abigail smiled “…the plot thickens.”

  Clayton got up. “I’m ravenous; let’s see what’s for dinner.”

  Abigail followed him into the house. The dining room was intimate and opulently furnished. The table could seat ten people, but there were only place settings for four. Clayton pulled out a chair for her and she sat down. He took his place at the head of the table next to her. A moment after she sat, Simon walked in
and filled their glasses with water. He disappeared without a word. Abigail was still looking at the décor of the room when Betty and Simon entered with a trolley filled with silver serving dishes. Betty started serving Abigail and asked if there was anything she did not eat.

  “No, Betty, thank you. I have no allergies, and I’m not a fussy eater.”

  Betty spooned a generous portion of a variety of dishes onto her plate and side plate. She did the same for Clayton and then the two of them moved to the bottom end of the table and dished up for themselves. Abigail wondered about the setup, but kept her questions to herself. Most of the meal was eaten in silence. Abigail really enjoyed the food, but could not clear her plate. She used a napkin to wipe her mouth she got up and walked to the bottom of the table, “Betty, thank you for preparing this beautiful meal. I really enjoyed it.”

  Before Betty could reply, Abigail took their empty plates and placed them on the trolley. She almost got her and Clayton’s plates when Betty exclaimed “No Miss Abigail, let me do that for you.” She took the plates and rushed out of the dining room with Simon and the trolley in tow.

  Clayton laughed “Well, this is going to be interesting.”

  “What?” asked Abigail with a smile.

  “You and Ma-Betty. You’re both strong willed.”

  “Speaking of strong willed, Clayton, I did not bring my laptop or mobile phone and I want to call Sally to say I’m OK.”

  There is a phone in your room. Unfortunately there is no mobile coverage on the ranch, but we do have access to the Internet. I’ll organize a laptop for you tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, what are your plans?”

  “I have no plans. I’ll just settle in I suppose.”

  Clayton got up, “I have to inspect fences on the south border of the ranch and I would like you to come with me.”

  “Ok, sounds interesting, but I must say I’m not looking forward to another long road trip.”

  He pulled her chair out, “Don’t worry. It is a very short trip. See you at 4 am. Please excuse me.”

  Clayton left the room and she walked upstairs to her room. Four in the morning?! Sally was not joking. Abigail drew a hot bath and settled into the hot water. She thought that she would be sad and longing for home, but the newness of the ranch and the people she met so far kept her mind busy. Just then she remembered to phone Sally. She quickly finished her bath and wrapped herself in a towel. She dialed London.

  “It’s Abby, how are you?”

  “I wondered when you will phone! And? How is the farm? Tell me about the man!”

  “Slow down Sal. It is not a farm, it is a ranch. Clayton is massive. He towers over me and has very broad shoulders with almost no waist. He is handsome in a rugged sort of way…”

  They spoke for a couple of minutes and Abigail promised to phone again.

  Abigail looked at the antique alarm clock on the night stand. She set it for half-past three and climbed into bed. She fell asleep almost instantly.

  The alarm woke her and it took her a couple of seconds to realize where she was. She jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. After a quick shower she brushed her teeth and got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. She put on hiking boots and took a light jacket – just in case. She rushed to the door, but stopped in her tracks just before opening the door. She turned around and quickly made the bed, and cleaned the bathroom as much as she could. She grabbed her wet towel and took it down with her to the kitchen. She did not know exactly where the kitchen was, so she just followed the smell of freshly brewed coffee. As she entered the kitchen, she caught the tail end of a conversation between Betty and Simon.

  “… probably sleeping until noon, if you ask me! I don’t like these city types…”

  “Good morning Betty! Good morning Simon.”

  Betty jumped out of her chair and sent is flying behind her. “Miss Abigail, what are you doing down here so early?”

  Simon picked up the chair and greeted her. “What can we do for you Miss Abigail?”

  “Just a quick cup of tea, thanks Simon.” Before Simon could react, Betty grabbed a teapot and filled it with boiling water from a pot on the stove. While she was making the tea Abigail asked, “Betty, Clayton and I’m going to inspect fences this morning and I have no idea what time we’ll be back. I’m really out of my depth and I don’t know if I must pack some breakfast or even lunch for us?”

  Simon laughed and pointed at a large rucksack standing by the door. “Breakfast is packed Miss Abigail. I just have to fill the flasks. Betty handed Abigail her tea. “Simon, maybe add a few things, I didn’t know that Miss Abigail was going with.”

  Betty left the kitchen just as Clayton entered. He grabbed a mug of coffee that Simon held ready, “Morning Simon! Morning Abigail! Wow, you look really nice this morning, but that jacket won’t do. Simon, please fetch Abigail my blue jacket.”

  They waited for Simon, when Betty returned and asked where Simon was. Clayton told her and she left very quickly.

  Clayton drained his coffee. He lifted the rucksack onto his back and grabbed a high-power LED torch from its charging station. Simon reappeared with the jacket and handed it to Abigail with a smirk on his face. “Have a nice day you two… mine will be miserable…”

  Clayton looked at Simon, “Why Simon?”

  Simon smiled as he said “Miss Abigail made her bed. Betty is not impressed…”

  With a laugh Clayton helped Abigail get into his oversized jacket. They walked through the garden towards the compound in silence. Abigail was not used to the fast pace and struggled to keep up. She was still suffering from jetlag and did not get enough sleep.

  The road flattened and Clayton headed for the largest storage shed on the edge of the compound. In the grey of the false dawn, Abigail saw him swing the two massive doors in the front of the shed open.

  “Wait here Abigale, I’ll be back in a moment.”

  She heard him start an engine, but could not see properly into the dark shed. A moment later, Clayton pushed a Micro light out of the doors. Abigail took a couple of steps backward saying “No. No. No.”

  He grabbed her arm and screamed over the roar of the engine, “Much better and faster than a drive don’t you think?”

  Before she could react, he lifted her in his arms and placed her in the seat. He strapped her in and placed the headset over her ears. He unceremoniously propped her helmet on her head and then jumped into the front seat, “Can you hear me?” His voice came over the headset.

  “…I don’t think I want to do this!” she screamed back at him. “Hold on!” was his reply.

  He took a sharp left and switched on the LED torch. The light beam played over a windsock hanging limp in the morning air. He attached the torch into the frame and opened the throttle. Abigail screamed as the uneven ground bumped her all over the seat. The nose lifted and a second later the shaking stopped as they took to the sky. Clayton left out a loud whoop and slowly banked so that they could fly over the house, “You OK back there?”

  “I think so…” she screamed.

  “You don’t need to scream, I can hear you perfectly well. Look down. We are flying over the house.”

  Abigail could make out two figures standing in the pool of light by the kitchen door. They were waving. She wanted to wave back but held on for dear life to the frame in front of her.

  He brought the Micro light around in a lazy arc and climbed as they headed south. “Look East.” she heard his voice. She turned her head to see dawn breaking in spectacular colors.

  She was still admiring the shifting hues when he announced that she must prepare for the landing. “What must I do?” she asked.

  “Just hold on!” They descended sharply and out of nowhere a small landing strip appeared in front of them. Clayton landed softly and he killed the engine.

  A young man greeted them with a wide smile. “Hello Clayton! Who is your visitor?”

  Clayton helped Abigail out of her seat, “Abigail, meet Eli. Eli this is my future wife Abigai

  Eli’s grin widened. “Glad to finally meet you Miss Abigail!” he said as he offered his hand to her. She took it and let him lead her to a little cabin set hard against a crop of stunted trees. A cheery glow filled the windows and smoke curled lazily from the chimney. A pot of coffee was brewing on the wood stove and the little cabin was warm inside. She removed her jacket and Eli hung it on a peg by the door. Clayton entered and closed the door behind him. Eli relieved him from the rucksack and without words opened it to start preparing breakfast. On the top of the bag he found a box with a teapot, teacup and tea. He held it up and asked Abigail if she wanted some tea. She said yes and Eli unpacked the rest of the bag. In no time the cabin was filled with the smells breakfast being prepared.

  Clayton set three plates on a small rickety table and Eli quickly filled the plates with a variety of meats, scrambled eggs and hash browns.

  Eli handed Abigail her tea, “So you met my mother then Miss Abigail?”

  It took a moment for her to place him, and then remember Simon telling her about his son. “Yes, yes Eli, and your father. He fetched me from the airport.”

  They finished their breakfast and Abigail got up to start cleaning. Both Eli and Clayton stopped her.

  “Please Miss Abigail, let me. It is my job.”

  She gave him a warm smile as he took her plate from her. Clayton cleared the table and stood next to Eli, “Eli, I want to go out on horseback to check the fence. You head back to the house and tell your father to meet me and Abigail between marker 22 and the main gate at around two this afternoon. He can drive her back and I’ll come fetch the Micro light. We’ll all be back at the house for supper tonight.”

  Eli left the cabin to saddle two horses. He called Clayton when he was done and waited for Abigail. He helped her into the saddle and they set off. “How will Eli get to the house if we take the horses?” Abigail asked.

  “He has an off-road motorbike round the back. He will be there in no time.”

  Abigail quickly found her seat on her spirited mare. Soon they were flying along the fence that marked the boundary of the ranch. After about an hour they came to a small stream. They dismounted to let the horses drink and rest. Clayton led the horses into sparse shade under a tree and stretched out on the grass close to the stream. Abigail sat next to him watching the rise and fall of his deep chest. For the first time she admired his body. He was powerfully built with tick arms and legs. She found it odd, because he was a very tall man. She was admiring the play of muscles on his forearms when he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at her. His piercing blue eyes were full of mischief. He got up, and helped her to her feet, “Let’s be off!”


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