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Striker (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 4)

Page 11

by Glenna Maynard

  Striker: I miss you guys can I see you?

  My heart is hammering in my chest, I know we need to talk, but I feel like I want him to work shit out with my dad too, I don’t want shit to be awkward.

  Baby: Dinner tonight at my dad’s we need to settle some shit.

  Striker: I’ll be there. Need me to bring anything?

  Baby: Bring a peace offering for Grim.

  I feel like I am doing the right thing. I am not telling my dad I invited Striker for dinner tonight. It is best to just spring it on him so he does not have all day to plan against Striker. I just hope he doesn’t go on the attack.

  Colt is in his walker roaming up and down the hallway while I get ready for tonight. Crazy kid is like a speed racer. I can’t believe how much he has grown and changed in the past month alone. I nearly poke my damn eye out with my mascara when the little punk rams his walker into the bathroom door sending the door crashing into my elbow. I can’t figure out how he maneuvered the thing to hit it in the first place.

  “Alright, mommy is ready.” He raises his arms, stretching them up for me to lift him out. He grabs my finger and tries to cram it in his tiny mouth. “I know what you are up to mister, no biting my finger, naughty boy.” He grins. Mean butt.

  I carry him into the living room and we have a seat in Grim’s recliner. I take his newest board book from the end table and pick up reading to him from where we left off earlier today. This one teaches shapes and colors. I do this with him at least twice a day.

  “Guess who is coming to see us?” I tickle his tummy and he slobbers down his chin. He has new teeth poking through. “Daddy is coming and mommy is going to win him back for us, yes I am.”



  This past week without seeing Baby has been pure hell. I have been laying low, keeping to the garage. My face still looks like shit, and my ribs still hurt like a motherfucker. Colt about killed me last night, he kept wanting to stand on my chest while I held his hands. I was shocked Baby let me see him at all. She seems to be slowly coming around. Guess my mom was right she just needed to cool down.

  “Yo, Striker,” Grant is calling for me from the office.

  I peek my head around the door, “What you need bro?”

  “Your cell is going off.”

  I take my phone from the desk and smile when I see a video of Colt saying, “da-da, da-da.” I take a chance and tell Baby I love her and she says she loves me back. I ask to see her and she invites me to dinner.

  “Get your ass up and help me finish this rebuild on this Fat Boy, just got dinner plans with my woman.”


  Grant and I are about to put the final touches on this bike.

  “Fire this bad boy up.” I smack Grant on the back. The guy is alright.

  He nods his chin in the direction of the door. My heart sinks when I see Diamond strutting towards me.

  “What are you doing here? I told you not to come around here no more.”

  “We need to talk, it’s important.” Diamond is gazing at me with a sad look in her eyes as I wipe the grease from my hands.

  “Speak, got shit to do.” I need to get upstairs and jump in the shower before I head over to Grim’s trailer. Hope Baby squared shit away with him.

  “I was hoping we could talk in private,” she is twisting her fingers in anxious knots.

  “Fine,” I throw my towel down and lead her into Baby’s office. I frown remembering my last conversation with Baby in here. “Alright you have my attention.”

  She sucks in a deep breath, “I’m pregnant.”

  “Congratulations, but I don’t follow.” Why should I care if she’s pregnant.

  “You’re not mad,” she smiles in relief.

  “Why in the fuck would I care?” I’m confused.

  “Because you’re the father I mean…so we are having a baby.” She smiles again.

  Fuck, now all the blood rushes to my head, my ears are pounding. This can’t be happening. Think! Fuck! NO. Then I remember. “I used a condom; sure I’m not the only man you’ve fucked. I know you fucked all the potentials a few weeks ago, we aren’t doing this.” I retort, no way she is pinning this shit on me. Not now, not when I am so close to having my family together.

  “No, but the dates match up to when I was with you and you didn’t wear a condom, you tried but it broke so...” She gestures to me with her hands. I was drunk and stoned, but I know I wouldn’t have fucked her without a glove on. Baby is the only woman I’ve ever not worn one with. Why can’t I remember that night?

  “Why are you doing this, you know I don’t want you. Made that perfectly clear every time you’ve thrown your tits in my face.”

  “Look I know a kid with me isn’t ideal, but I didn’t fuck myself.” She admits sadly, a tear slipping from the corner of her eye. Fuck. I am selfish, I was sitting here only worried about how this will fuck my shit up, she’s right. I made the choice to fuck her.

  “Are you keeping it, I don’t know what you expect from me. I love Baby, shits tender right now with us and this—God she’s going to kill me.” I throw my hands up exasperated.

  “I won’t have an abortion, if that’s what you are getting at. I’m sorry, I don’t want to ruin your life, but that isn’t something I am willing to do. I won’t tell her, but you are going to have to soon. I have a doctor’s appointment next week. I expect you to be there.”

  Laying my head against the desk I thump it against the wood a few times hoping that when I look up Diamond will be gone, and this is some fucked up nightmare.

  Peering out the corner of my eye, nope still here. Fuck! Thump. Thump.

  “Stop that,” Diamond grabs the back of my head, running her fingers through my hair. I swat her away.

  “Don’t. Just don’t alright. Let me know when the appointment is, I’ll be there. But I want a DNA test when the doctor okay’s it.”

  “Whatever you want, but please don’t make me do this on my own.” It’s as though she knows exactly how to guilt me. I wasn’t there for Baby when she was pregnant with Colt. Is this God’s twisted way of giving me a second chance to do right? Will Baby understand? Baby wants me to prove I am responsible, but damn I don’t think this is what she had in mind.

  There is no way I can face Baby right now and pretend that nothing is wrong. And if I see her, I’ll have to tell her. I don’t want to crush her with this. I don’t know what the fuck I’m gonna’ do. I was supposed to have dinner with her tonight; she wants to smooth shit over with Grim and me. But now with this shit, I just wanna’ go have a drink and get smoked out. I need my brother. I place a call to Rebel.

  “Yo, guys night, need to clear my head.”


  “Fuck no, need to get away. Razor’s Edge.”


  Sitting at the table with Grim, Sunshine and Colt, I keep staring at the clock. Striker is late, he promised. I check my phone for the fifteenth time, nothing. I knew things were going too good today. God just can’t let me be happy. Maybe I am doomed to never be happy in love or life just like my mother. I’ve been reading her diary more. We are a lot alike in some ways, other than her whole being a traitor to the club. Every time I have a glimpse of happy, something rips it away.

  “You expecting a call, been checking your phone a lot,” my dad asks concerned. He has no idea what tonight could of held for Colt and me. I can’t worry about it though. I have wasted enough tears on Striker Black.

  My sister is getting married soon. Yeah I’ll focus on that. At least one of us found a man who loves her unconditionally.

  “Just waiting for the guy delivering the flowers to confirm my order is all. I want Rumor’s day to be perfect.” I lie through my teeth. Though Striker has me hurt enough that I’d like to see him get his ass beat right about now, and Grim would. My dad has been too wrapped up in his own life, trying to take the club straight to get tangled in mine. If I were to tell him right now that I love Striker and wanted to work thi
ngs out with him, but he was a no show, he’d flip his shit, hunt him down, and kill him without a second thought this time.

  I send a text to Rumor and ask if she wants to get out for tonight. Might as well do something other than worry about what Striker is doing.

  Baby: let’s go for a drink I need out of this house.

  Rumor: Roadhouse?

  Baby: Hell no, out of town. Razors Edge. Cheap beer and dancing.

  Rumor: I’ll be over to get you in a few.

  I am lucky Sunshine loves spending so much time with Colt, so I can have a life other than being just a mom. Not that I don’t love being a mom, but sometimes I just need to get away. Like tonight, thanks to Striker’s jackass antics.

  I get Colt a quick bath and get him ready for bed. Settling in the rocking chair in his room, I cradle him in my arms and strum my fingers through his red thick hair. It’s as though he knows I need one of his smiles tonight, as he gazes up at me with lazy eyes, his lips turned up grinning at me peacefully. I hope when he grows up whomever steals his heart away treats his better than his father has mine. As he drifts to sleep, I make the both of us a promise, that from here on out no more chasing after yesterday.

  Rumor knocks lightly on the nursery door; she lays Colt in his crib for me. “So what’s going on? I know you; you only get your dancing shoes on when you are trying to forget about something or someone.”

  “Can’t I just want to go out with my sister while I still can? You are going to be an old lady soon and I’ll be an old spinster with Colt and twenty cats.” My sister laughs and rolls her eyes, deciding not to pry further.



  After the day I have had this bottle of Jack is making me a damn good friend.

  “Better slow down man. Don’t want to get shit faced and have to leave your bike here.” Rebel scolds me.

  “Fuck man, I’m not a kid or a fucking potential you can boss around. Just need to relax.” I fire up a joint and lay my head against the wall behind me.

  “You ready to talk about why the fuck you drug me all the way out here for?” He reaches across the table taking the joint from me to get a toke. He is going to kick my ass when he hears this shit.

  “I’m not sure I can even believe it myself.” I shake my head and take a long hard swig from the bottle, nothing like a little liquid courage. “It’s that bitch Diamond man, says she is pregnant and the kid is mine.” I just let it fly without warning.

  My brother’s mouth falls open, the joint lands in his lap. He jumps up swatting at his pants. He puts the joint out. He rubs a hand through his wavy blonde hair smoothing it behind his ears. “Come again?” He raises his fist in the air and brings it down on the table. He points his finger at me. “I told you, not to mess with that shady whore.”

  “I don’t remember a damn thing about that night—your party. My head goes blank. All I can remember is getting there and then waking up the next morning to the whore in my bed. There was a condom wrapper, but she claims the bastard broke and I fucked her anyways. Man, Baby is the only woman I’ve not worn a rubber with.” I bury my head in my hands thumping it against the table.

  “DNA test brother, only way to settle this shit.” He nods all proud of himself. Like I never thought of that. It doesn’t help me right now though.

  “Yeah, but fuck I was supposed to go over and see Baby tonight, I know she was ready to take me back and then Diamond showed up at the garage with her shit. And now here we are.” I throw my hands out in the air over the table.

  “Baby is going to flip her shit,” Rebel states like I don’t fucking know that.

  “She has to forgive me; I’ll show her I can be responsible man. I’ll step up and do what I gotta’ do for Diamond and this kid. Baby will see that I have changed man.” I swipe the joint back off the table and light it up.

  “I think Jack is talking for ya. Baby ain’t going to understand shit about that. She is going to go off the rails you pull that shit. I’m warning you now.” His brows are knitted as if he is dead certain.

  The server comes over to bring Rebel another beer. “Hold up, let me ask you hypothetically. Say you and your boyfriend share a kid together and you split up. During that time, he fucks some whore, gets her knocked up. Would you be able to take him back?”

  “If I loved him, yeah. I think I could but I can’t really say. Everyone’s situation is different.” She shrugs and walks off. Rebel is sweeping his nutshells off the table and into the floor shaking his head at me.

  “You’re an idiot. Diamond has to be out of the picture if you want your life with Baby. She ain’t that type of top bitch man. Fuck, you of all people should know that.”

  I hear what he is saying but right now, I have tunnel vision. Baby is sitting at the bar with Rumor and I can’t take my eyes off her she looks so fucking sexy. My chest constricts. I take another shot of Jack, being choked. She is wearing a tight black shirt, with nothing in the back but a string, her red hair is swept over the right side of her shoulder. She’s wearing my favorite jeans. I’d know her ass anywhere, as she leans over the counter flirting with the motherfucking bartender.

  “Did you tell Rumor we were coming here?” I motion to the bar, sliding down in the booth. I don’t know if I want them to see us.

  Rebel looks to the bar and looks back to me like so. “Want me to tell Rumor to leave?”

  “Yes, no, fuck I don’t know.” Damn it why is she here? I’m not ready to face her yet.

  “Look tell Baby you came here with me, lost track of the time. I’m going to the bar and I am going to go over and give my soon to be wife and sister-in-law a hello. Alright smooth shit over with your woman, worry about that whore when the time comes.” He gets up from the table, sticking his lighter back inside his inner pocket of his cut.

  Here goes nothing, I toss my bottle of Jack in the trash and follow behind him, my guilt eating at me every step of the way. My feet get heavier with every step I take.

  Rebel pinches Rumor on the ass, causing her to yelp. “Hey gorgeous.” He plants a kiss on her mouth. She melts into him.

  Baby turns and gives me a side-glance and resumes flirting with the bartender. Fuck that. I grab her arm and twist her around to facing me. “What are you doing?” She removes my hand.

  “Having a drink, what’s it look like!” She snaps. Yeah I am up shit creek.

  “Is there a problem?” the loser behind the bar asks.

  “Fuck no there isn’t a problem, talking to my woman, back the fuck up.” I lean across the bar grabbing him by the neck, I shove him back.

  “Stop it.” Baby grabs my arm. “Don’t be an asshole.”

  “I was getting ready to call you.” The lie rolls off my tongue.

  She isn’t buying it though. Her brows are furrowed, hands on her hips. “Oh enlighten me…I am just dying to hear this.”

  “Met up with my brother got to shooting the shit, lost track of time is all.” Rumor is eyeing Rebel curiously, pussy whipped motherfucker bites his lip and shrugs his shoulders. Asshole was supposed to have my back.

  “Well don’t let me keep you, I am here to lose track of time and shoot the shit with my sister.” She retorts throwing my words back in my face.

  I grab her around the waist and claim her smart lips.

  She bites me hard in response nearly ripping my lip ring out. “Fuck, was that for?”

  “That is for standing your son up, dickhead. You can do that shit to me, but you don’t not show up for him.” She sticks her finger in my chest heading for the dance floor.

  “I’ll go.” Rumor follows closely behind her.

  “Well that went well,” Rebel exhales blowing out a puff of air and heads back to our table to keep an eye on Rumor on the dance floor. “It’s amazing to me that you managed to knock up two women.” He shakes his head.

  “Fuck you, at least my shit works.” I regret the words the minute they fly out of my mouth. “Fuck man, I didn’t mean that shit.”

��Yeah brother, I know.”

  Three songs have passed and Baby doesn’t look like she is going to talk to me anytime soon. Rumor comes to the table and lays her head on Rebel’s shoulder. “I’m ready to go, but Baby isn’t.”

  “I’ll make sure she gets home.” I volunteer knowing what I have to do. I am going to get Baby alone and tell her everything. She’ll forgive me. We weren’t together when it happened, it isn’t like she doesn’t know I fucked Diamond.

  “You sure that’s a good idea man?” My brother raises his brow at me.

  “Yeah go on. Take your woman and go home. Let me worry about mine.”

  “Let me go tell Baby bye.” Rumor starts from the table.

  “No.” I grab Rumor’s hand pleading with my eyes to just go.

  “Baby is going to kill me, but have it your way.” She kisses my forehead. Rebel gives me a fist punch on his way out.


  “Hey I gotta’ sit down, feet’s killing me.” Rumor looks exhausted.

  I wave my sister off and continue getting lost in the music. A strong finger taps my shoulder. I spin around looking into the eyes of a redneck, but a cute one at that. He is tall, well built, from what I can see in here. It’s pretty dimly lit. “Wanna’ dance?”

  I stick my hand in his and say, “Sure.” He wraps his arms around my waist holding me real tight; my ass is pressed into his crotch. We are swaying, bumping and grinding to the music when out of nowhere I find myself being yanked away from my dance partner.

  Striker has gone all caveman, shoving me behind him. “If you wanna’ keep those hands of yours I suggest you keep them the fuck away from my old lady’s ass. Ya feel me?” I don’t bother trying to get in the middle it will only set Striker off, since he clearly wants to act like a barbarian.

  “Was just dancing with her man don’t want no trouble.” He shrugs and grabs the next girl he sees.

  “Satisfied.” I throw my hands up at him.

  “Not even close.” He grabs my hand and leads me to the bathroom.

  There are a couple of women at the sink adjusting their tits and fixing their makeup. “Get the fuck out.” Striker growls out them and they scurry, shrinking away from the authoritative boom in his voice. He locks the door once they have cleared out.


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