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Striker (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 4)

Page 16

by Glenna Maynard

  I walk into my empty house after Grim and Foxie drop me off. It’s too damn quiet. I look around at the life I had built with LL and I can’t understand how it all went so wrong so fast. Why did I think the worst in her? Why did I turn a blind eye to the signs that she was using again? Guess I checked out on our marriage long before Miracle came into the picture.

  I feel little relief with the fact that I won’t be going to prison after all. I take the gun—my gun that Foxie gave me out from my cut and turn it over in my hands. So much hurt and devastation, brought on by this piece of cool metal. I think of my kids being raised by Sunshine, I know she’d take good care of them. Baby and Striker will work their shit out; I know she will make him one hell of an old lady. I take the gun and put the barrel inside my mouth. My finger is on the trigger and I look to the left seeing a picture of all three of my children smiling at me. A tear rolls down my cheek.

  I pull the gun back from my mouth and throw it at the wedding portrait from the day I married LL that hangs over the mantle. I’m no coward or pussy.

  I make a vow to myself that I will be the best-damned father I can. My kids won’t be forced to pay for my sins, they are mine and mine alone. There is a knock on my door. I open it to find one of the last people I expected to see. A sexy redhead who knows how to make me smile.

  “Foxie called me thought you might want some company.” Smoky.

  “Come on in sweetheart, excuse the mess.” I step back allowing her to walk inside.

  She smiles at me and hands me a bag of weed. “How about you smoke this and then you can do whatever you please with me,” She purrs seductively. I figure what do I have to lose. Smoky might be just what the doctor ordered even if that doctor is Foxie.


  There is no time to worry about shit I can’t change, but I think given tonight’s craziness Baby and I will work our shit out. I walk back inside the Roadhouse and grab Tread and Grant to help me. Grant comes over to the table where I am standing looking at the dead body of the whore that nearly took everything from me.

  Tread comes back with a shower curtain and a tarp. He and Grant spread the tarp out first. Next we layout the shower curtain. Tread takes her feet and I get what is left of her head. Fuck, think I am going to puke.

  We lay her in the center of the clear curtain and wrap it tightly around her. Junior and Liberty have started scrubbing the blood from the floor and off of the table. I feel bad for Liberty I know they were friends, but maybe now she sees what happens to dumb fucking whores and she won’t ever try to pull some dumb shit on Tread.

  After we get her sealed up, we load her body into the back of Grim’s truck. I grab a few shovels and toss them in as well. Tread has to drive, I’m not able. My nerves and thoughts are all over the place. All I want to do is get home, take a shower, get to Baby and Colt and bring them home with me where they belong. It has started to rain, at least it will soften the ground, makes it easier to dig.

  When we get deep enough in the woods, I grab a shovel from the back of the truck and get to looking for a good spot. Taking a body out in the woods and burying it isn’t as easy as some people might think. Picking the perfect location isn’t stress-free. You have to look for a place that isn’t frequented often by hikers or campers. Then there is finding a place that isn’t going to be easily exposed by nature. Fuck, I am exhausted and I have barely been a mile. Once I have found a spot I signal for Tread on his walkie-talkie.

  I start digging while they pack the body. It takes a few hours. With the rain pelting down, shit got messy but we got the job done. By the time we get back to the Roadhouse I feel like a nasty motherfucker. I get Grim’s truck cleaned out and go home for a shower.

  When I get home my mom is waiting for me. She explains how she found the gun she shot Diamond with. I hadn’t even thought about who killed the bitch until my mom just mentioned it. I hug her neck and kiss her goodnight. I don’t know what brought her to the Roadhouse in that moment but I thank God she was there.

  When I get out of the shower, the rain is still hammering down and I can’t get comfortable in my bed. I haven’t slept right since Baby and Colt moved back out. All of their stuff is still here, it gives me hope that she plans to come back. I roll from one side of the bed to the other. I switch my pillows out and flip them over. I kick my sheets off and pull them back up under my chin. Finally, I give up and I get out of bed. I pace across the floor, nothing seems to be calming me. I look out the window and see all the lights are off over at Grim’s, Baby must be in bed. I don’t want to wake her in the middle of the night. I throw on a ball cap and head out for a walk.

  I find myself out in the woods behind our property at the tree I planted with Baby all those years ago. The rain is coming down harder and I can hardly see but I would know her anywhere even in the pouring rain under the dim light of the pale moon. Baby. She doesn’t notice me and I watch her as she looks to the sky, she is holding her arms open and letting the rain wash over her. I shuffle my feet and a twig snaps under my boots. Baby turns with the sound and she is looking at me wide eyed with a smile on her face.

  “I couldn’t sleep,” she shouts over the rain.

  “Me either.” I smile back at her. A moment passes where we say nothing at all. We both start to speak but cannot find the words.

  “You first,” she offers.

  I go down on my knees not caring that I am getting muddy again. "Your happiness is the only thing on mind, make me the luckiest man." I stand before her in the pouring rain down on my knees, and only hope she understands just what she means to me.

  “You hurt me a lot. I don’t know how we can move past it all. I know I’m not perfect either.”

  “Right now in this moment, we are those carefree kids we were years ago. I am just a boy and you are just a girl under a tree, but I am done asking, Baby marry me.”

  “Yes, Striker I’ll marry you.” She flings her arms around me, both of us soaked through from the rain. I lay her down right here in the middle of this storm, under our tree and make love to my woman.

  I peel her wet rain soaked clothes from her body and do the same with my heavy jeans. Her ass is squished in the mud and she laughs about how it feels. We roll around naked in the mud and the rain, showing each other just what we mean to one another. We will probably catch one hell of a cold but it doesn’t matter.

  “I love you Striker. I love all of you. The good, the bad, the ugly and the true.”

  “I love all of those things about you and more.” I smack her right in the side of the face with a clump of mud.

  “You don’t fight fair.”

  “Never said I do,” I tease her.

  She gets a handful and smashes it in my hair knocking my glasses off.

  “You breaking my glasses is becoming a habit.” She laughs and I help her up. I find my glasses and shove them in my pocket. We run back to my apartment—our apartment and make love again in the shower, on the kitchen table and in the hallway floor. She’s mine completely. Only thing missing is Colt but we will get him first thing in the morning.

  2 months later

  “Do you Thomas Black take Baby Jones to be your wife, to have and to hold, to cherish through sickness and health?”

  “I do.” I wish this dude would hurry the hell up. I am ready to get started on our honeymoon. Now that Colt is getting older and more active our little brat has turned into quite the little cock-block. I look over at him now sitting in my mother’s lap wearing his little leather jacket and jeans. He is squirming and trying to get down in the floor.

  “Do you Baby Jones take Thomas Black to be your husband, to have and to hold, to cherish through sickness and health?”

  “I think I’ll keep him,” she teases and everyone lets out a low chuckle. The preacher pronounces us as husband and wife. I take her in my arms and plant a sloppy kiss on her lips and she bites down on my lip ring tugging on it slightly.

  ‘Fools Rush In’ begins to play. My brother lets out a whist
le. We stick around the inside of the church for a few minutes to say our goodbyes. We are leaving on our honeymoon in a few minutes. I’m taking Baby away for a week to the Smoky Mountains. Just my woman and me alone in a cabin in the woods for a week. Can’t fucking wait!

  “Congratulations man, real fucking happy for you guys.” Tread grabs me around the neck and acts like he is going to choke me. I feel bad for the brother. Liberty up and left him. Chick got spooked by all the shit that happened with Diamond. I feel partly responsible, but crazy bitch got what she deserved.

  “Have you talked to her, Liberty I mean?” I ask as Baby joins me by my side with Colt.

  “Nah, shit is what it is. Onward and upward or some shit, brother.” He walks off with a lost expression on his face. Shit maybe I shouldn’t have brought her up.

  Colt is tugging on my hand. I lift him up and hug him tight, going to miss my little man this week. My mom comes over to say her goodbye and get Colt so she can take him home with her. Sunshine wasn’t too thrilled when she found out he was spending part of the week with my mom instead of her. Those two women kill me. They treat everything like a damn competition. It’s like battle of the old lady royale around here anymore.

  Outside of the church, Grant is waiting with my Harley. Baby cocks her brow at me wondering how I expect her to ride. I took care of that I had Rumor get the dress designer to add a little change to her dress. I put my hands around her back, undo a Velcro snap and remove almost the whole bottom of her dress leaving her in just a corset, her panties, her hose and her heels. Some of the brothers whoop and holler. Grim gives me a dirty look but I don’t care. Nothing he can do now, Baby is all mine. She wears my name down her right arm; I even had Inkman tattoo property of Striker over her pelvic bone. Ain’t nobody going to touch what’s mine.

  She climbs on the back of my motorcycle and wraps her arms around me tight, right where she was always meant to be.

  **Don’t worry, there will be more books in the series, this is not the end of the Black Rebel Riders’ MC.**

  * D P G R O U P . O R G *

  Releasing late 2014/early 2015

  The Diary Of Gypsy Red

  A Black Rebel Riders' MC companion


  **Subject to change**

  A woman's heart holds an ocean of secrets; I suppose I can tell you some of mine...

  Gypsy Red left behind many unanswered questions. Who was she? Where did she come from? Whom did she truly love, if anyone? All of the answers you seek, the secrets she kept—the enigma of who she was will all be revealed in The Diary of Gypsy Red.


  Book 5 Black Rebel Riders’ MC

  Release Date TBA

  How far are you willing to go to protect those you love? Romeo knows he is willing to go the distance. This is his story…

  Romeo has fought his way through hell and back to overcome his demons. Just when he thinks he has everything under control, his life changes in the blink of an eye. You have to take the good with the bad or so they say. When the club’s worst nightmare comes true Romeo finds himself faced with the unthinkable…

  “Hard is the only road I have ever been down…”

  Sunshine has devoted her life to being Grim’s old lady. She thought they had it all. Soon she is faced with choices she isn’t prepared to make. What do you do when all the walls of the life you have built come tumbling down?

  What happens when your happily ever after isn’t what you expected? Baby has everything she has ever wanted but it comes with a price. The deeper you love the rougher the road you travel becomes. Baby is finding out the hard way that sometimes the truth cannot set you free.

  Striker Black has everything he ever dreamed of within his grasp. Power, loyalty and brotherhood are his for the taking. Only problem is it could cost him everything and everyone he has ever loved.

  The Black Rebel Riders’ MC are about to take you on one hell of a ride, so strap on your gear and get ready to travel the highway to hell. You haven’t seen nothing yet.

  About the Author

  Glenna Maynard is the author of the bestselling romantic suspense novel I’m with You and the bestselling erotica Grim The beginning. A mother by day and writer by night, when Glenna isn't writing or spending time with family you can usually find her curled up reading a great book. She has a passion for romance and paranormal reads.

  Glenna was born and raised in the beautiful hills of Eastern KY, where she still resides today with her family. Her hobbies include reading, writing, scrap booking, and cooking.

  Visit for more information. You can also find Glenna on several social media sites including Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Blogger, Google+ and Goodreads.

  Newsletter :Glenna's Rebel News

  Other titles from this author:

  The Masquerade Series

  Beautiful Strangers

  Beautiful Liar

  Beautiful Lover

  Beautiful Nightmare

  The Masquerade Series Collection Books 1-3

  The Shattered Heart Series

  Blackened Heart

  Wicked Heart

  Unbreak My Heart

  Tangled Heart

  Crazy Heart

  Amazon Best Selling Romantic Suspense

  I’m with You

  The Black Rebel Riders’ MC Series

  Grim The beginning (bestselling erotica and romantic erotica)




  The Diary of Gypsy Red

  Black Rebel Riders’ MC Volumes 1 & 2

  Releasing soon

  Just to be with You

  Our Last Goodbye

  A Note from Author Glenna Maynard

  Hey guys, for those who are curious about Untamed Angels MC, it is a project in the works by my wonderful friend Author Dawn Martens.

  Until she is ready to share it with you, here is a peek at her upcoming release, It’s Just love, Not A Time Bomb, a romantic comedy.

  This is unedited and subject to change.


  When Jordan moves in with his friend’s cousin, he thinks things will be easy. Yeah, screw that. The woman is a pain in his ass from the start, giving him whiplash with her hot and cold act. Still, Jordan can’t help wanting Alix—even if he does spend half the time trying to decide if he wants to kiss her senseless or choke her.

  For Alix, men are worthless jerks. She’s made a vow to steer clear of relationships, but the moment Jordan pushes his way into her life, her vow is shot all to hell. Every attempt at avoiding the cocky bastard ends in tangled sheets and Alix wanting to kill the man. But she wants him, more than she cares to admit.

  Will this jaded couple give into their feelings? After all, it's Just Love, Not a Time bomb.


  Ok, sexy time sex, is not how it happens in the movies or books. I swear, if I trip again trying to get these pants off, I’m gonna scream. There is no, slow, sexy looks, or removing of clothes. It’s trying to rush out of clothes, as they get stuck a few times, then its sexy time.

  “Are you laughing at me?” I ask Jordan.

  His shoulders keep moving. “Yeah, uh, need some help?” He says through his laughter.

  I throw my pants at him, that I finally got off. “Fuck you.”

  “Oh Princess, I intend to fuck you.” He says, turning around.

  Keep up with Dawn and her books here

  Have you taken a ride with the Hellions MC by Chelsea Camaron yet?

  One Ride

  The Hellions Ride #1

  Delilah “Doll” Reklinger never imagined her life with anyone that wasn’t a Hellion. She never imagined there would be a Hellion that could prove himself worthy enough to her father, Roundman, Hellions Club President. Content in living in the bubble of safety the motorcycle club family has always provided, Doll never thought that danger surrounded her.

  Roundman has kept the Hellions contained
for the last thirty years by controlling the chaos surrounding their lifestyle. When the dangerous side to their business comes knocking on his door, he realizes his precious Doll isn’t safe. The Hellions code may be that women and children are off limits in any altercation or dispute, but that doesn’t mean their enemies follow that same moral compass.

  His only child, now in danger from the association to him and his club, Roundman makes a decision. He sends her away with a charter club member that he trusts, in hopes that the trouble won’t follow.

  One ride across the country. One simple ride.

  Talon “Tripp” Crews has been ordered to take Doll on one ride away and to keep her safe. She’s off limits. His head knows this, but his body can’t deny the attraction. She’s feisty, fierce, and fearless.

  Constantly in close confines together, can they deny the chemistry? Will they give into the desire? Can one ride turn lust into love?

  Visit Chelsea Camaron on Amazon to find out more about Delilah, Tripp and the rest of the Hellions MC.

  If you love dark, gritty, hot bikers!

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