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Jackson's Sub [The Doms of Club Mystique 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 13

by Mardi Maxwell

  “What are you going to do, Sir?”

  “Well now, angel, I have two larger butt plugs that need a home. Guess where I’m going to put them.” Chuckling at her horrified look, he carried her toward the house.

  Chapter Eight

  A week later, Jenna glanced at the other end of the dining table, caught Addison’s eye, and smiled. Addison smiled then lowered her eyes as Jackson growled then tightened his arms around her.

  Jackson frowned down at her. “That’s enough of that.”

  “What? I was just smiling at Addison. You know this really isn’t fair. I’m here to support Addison in her time of need, and you and Cade are keeping us apart.”

  “With good reason,” he snapped back, “and what do you mean ‘time of need?’”

  “Well, she needs me.” She shrugged. “So that makes it her time of need. Right, Addison?”

  Cade slid his hand over Addison’s mouth. “You’re not talking to Jenna until you talk to me and tell me why you’re so pissed off at me.”

  Jenna used her fork to separate the carrots from the peas on her plate then set her fork down. “We could go dancing at the Hard Time Tavern. It’s Friday night and they’ll have a band.” She gave Jackson a pleading look. “You and Cade could keep an eye on us and we promise to be good. Don’t we, Addison?”

  Addison nodded, but kept her eyes lowered, waiting to see what Cade decided. Before he could give an answer, Logan jumped into the conversation.

  “Stan’s band is playing at Club Mystique tonight,” Logan reminded them. “They’re trying out their new set list before hitting the road.”

  Addison shivered then leaned against Cade and whispered something to him. He nodded then helped her scoot off his lap. Without looking at anyone, she left the room.

  Cade watched Addison, his brows drawn down, then said, “Addison doesn’t feel well. She’s having an early night.”

  Jackson covered Jenna’s hand with his, drawing her attention to him. “Go do whatever it is you women do before you go dancing, angel. We’ll leave in an hour.”

  Jumping up, she gave him a smacking kiss on the lips. As she stepped around his chair, he grabbed her hand. “Go straight to our room. No detours. You understand?”

  “Yes, Jackson.” Sending him, then Cade, a frown, she ran out of the room. Something was wrong with Addison. Even a fool could see that, and Cade was no fool. Addison had been eager to go dancing, her eyes almost happy until Logan had mentioned Club Mystique. Then she had changed, the eagerness in her eyes fading away as she had slumped against Cade.

  Reaching the top of the stairs, she hesitated, wanting to turn right and find Addison and ask her what was wrong. Nibbling on her lip, she hesitated. If they got caught together they would be in big trouble, but Addison needed her. Deciding to hell with it, she turned right and had only taken a few steps when the door to Cade and Addison’s bedroom opened.

  “Don’t. We’ll get caught. We always do.”

  “We’re going to the Hard Time Tavern to dance. Tell Cade you feel better now and you want to go.”

  Addison was shaking her head before Jenna had even finished speaking.

  “Why not, Addison? You love to dance.”

  “I need some time alone—to think.”

  “You’ve had almost a week alone. Wouldn’t you rather think while you’re having a drink and dancing and having a good time?”

  Shrugging, she said, “I just don’t want to go.”

  “You mean you’re afraid we’ll end up at Club Mystique.”

  Addison nodded.

  “Do you want to tell me what happened?”

  Tears filled Addison’s eyes as she shook her head. “I found out the truth.”

  “What truth?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I just don’t want to go there ever again.”

  “I’ll make sure we don’t end up there then. I promise,” Jenna said. “Have I ever failed you?”

  One side of Addison’s mouth curved up as she shook her head, her red-gold hair sliding over her shoulders and framing her heart-shaped face. “Okay, I’ll ask Cade if he wants to go.”

  Jenna fist pumped the air and quietly hissed “yes” then giggled. “I’m going to go get dressed.” Eagerly, she turned and ran down the hall to Jackson’s room.

  * * * *

  Three hours later Jackson swung Jenna around and smiled as she threw her head back and laughed then slid her arms around his neck and wiggled against him. He nuzzled her neck, sang a few words of the love song to her, and then sent her spinning again before he pulled her back against his chest.

  Cade swung Addison past him and he heard her giggle. Thank god, he thought. For a while there he had been a little worried about those two. Addison was off her feed, and the dark circles beneath her eyes told him she wasn’t sleeping well, while Cade’s frustration level rose each day as Addison refused to talk to him. Jackson swung Jenna around then pulled her close and said, “I can’t believe Addison’s held out against Cade for a week now. I didn’t think she had it in her.”

  Jenna laughed. “You’d be surprised how stubborn Addison can be once she’s made a decision about something. I don’t know what she’s thinking but Cade should be worried.”

  Jackson chuckled. “I think we’re in for some interesting times with those two.”

  Jenna hummed in agreement then snuggled into his arms. She reached out and touched Addison on the shoulder as she and Cade danced by them and Addison smiled back at her. As the song ended, Jenna turned and began walking toward the booth they had chosen earlier, her hand still in Jackson’s, pulling him along with her. Plopping into their booth, she slid over then pushed her empty glass to the center of the table.

  Jackson held up his hand, caught the attention of the waitress, and held up two fingers. When the waitress nodded, he turned to Jenna and took her hand.

  Cade slid into the booth, putting his back against the wall, one leg on the booth, the other on the floor. He tugged Addison between his legs and pulled her to rest against him. “Having fun, baby?”

  Nodding her head, Addison took a sip of his sweet tea then set it down with a click. “I have to go powder my nose.”

  Hearing Addison, Jackson slid out of the booth and pulled Jenna with him. “Go with her, angel.”


  “Yup, just don’t take too long. I’ve requested a special song for us.”

  Throwing her arms around him, she kissed him. “We’ll be right back.” Turning she grinned at Addison. “Let’s go.”

  Addison let Jenna lead the way as they wove through the crowded tables. Once they reached the ladies’ powder room, they waited in line then shared a mirror while they powdered their faces and touched up their lipstick.

  “Are you happy you came?”

  Addison glanced at Jenna as she applied a fresh coat of rosy gloss. “Yes. It’s nice to get out the house and off the ranch.”

  “I agree.” Jenna fluffed her hair. “How’s my hair look? I’m letting it grow out and it’s driving me crazy!”

  “It looks good. I always liked your hair when it was longer,” Addison told her with a sly look. “So did Jackson.”

  “Ha-ha,” Jenna said as she pushed her way through the line of women waiting to get into the bathroom. About halfway across the main room a tall brunette stepped into Jenna’s path. Jenna stepped to the side, intending to circle behind her, when the woman stepped into her path again. Recognizing her, Jenna rolled her eyes then wondered why everything had to be such a hassle. “Excuse me,” she said.

  “Maybe I don’t want to excuse you,” the woman told her, her voice slurred.

  Addison tugged on Jenna’s shirt. “Let’s go around this way,” she said, waving to an opening between some tables behind them.

  Jenna shook her head. “No. There’s plenty of room for us to get through here if this lady will step aside.” Turning, she looked at Addison. “You remember Jackson’s old girlfriend Barbie, don’t you, Addison?”

>   “Oh? Really?” Leaning to the side, Addison looked around Jenna and examined a tall sour-faced brunette. Looking at Jenna, she told her, “I didn’t realize you knew about her.”

  Shrugging, Jenna said, “I know about her and Jackson, and you know who?”

  “You do?”

  “Mmm-hmm,” Jenna said before turning back to Barbie. “Now, I suggest you move out of our way or there’s going to be trouble.” Smiling at Barbie, she added, her voice sweet and innocent, “By trouble I mean I’m going to kick your ass.”

  “Oh, yeah, bitch, maybe I’ll kick your ass,” Barbie told her, swaying closer to her as her friends tried to get her to sit down.

  “Well, maybe you will, but I think it’s only fair to tell you I know how to defend myself.” Making sure she had plenty of room to move, Jenna waited then spied movement behind Barbie. Damn, why does Jackson always have to ruin my fun, she thought, just as she saw a fist flying toward her face? Without thinking, she blocked the punch, grabbed Barbie’s wrist, and twisted her arm behind her back then used the leverage she had to bend her over and push her to the floor while Barbie screamed curses at her.

  Almost as if someone had rang a bell, the people around them went crazy and she heard someone yell “fight, fight,” and then the sound of a fists hitting flesh and grunts of pain. Behind her, Addison screamed and stumbled into her. Jenna twisted around and saw Addison holding her hand over her cheek.

  “A girl with blue hair hit me,” she told Jenna as she rubbed her face and pointed to the floor behind them. “So I stomped on her foot with my heel.”

  Jenna laughed as she looked behind Addison and saw a blue-haired girl sitting on the floor crying as she held her foot. She grabbed Addison’s hand and pulled her in Jackson’s and Cade’s direction even though it looked like the two brothers had taken up a back-to-back position and were busy fighting off four big cowboys. Suddenly the doors flew open and the reflection of red and blue lights flashed around the room as several cops rushed into the room.

  “Oh, shit,” Jenna mumbled as she turned and pushed Addison the other way. “Head to the back door, Addison.”

  They were within feet of the hallway, and freedom, when the back door flew open and Chief Baume walked through it. Another officer stepped in behind him and blocked the door, his arms crossed over his chest as he studied the scene. Jenna pulled Addison to the side then pulled her around the edge of the room, squeezing behind people until they were behind Cade and Jackson.

  “Can you see Cade and Jackson?” Addison asked. “Are they okay?”

  “They’re a few feet in front of us. Jackson’s cheek looks like its swollen and Cade has a split lip. They both look pretty happy. Idiots!” Grabbing Addison’s hand, Jenna pulled her in their direction and heard Addison giggle.

  “This was fun. We should do it more often,” Jenna said, then laughed. “Without the fighting part. How’s your face?”

  “Sore,” Addison said, rubbing her cheek, “but not as sore as her foot. I don’t know why she hit me.”

  “You were just in the right place and she wanted to hit someone.” Jenna watched as Chief Baume walked over to Barbie and began talking to her. Jackson grabbed her and she released Addison’s hand as Cade grabbed Addison and tugged her in his direction.

  “Hey, baby,” Cade told her as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her up to him, giving her a smacking kiss on the lips then cursing when it hurt his lip. Looking at her, he frowned when he saw the red mark on her face. “What happened to your face?”

  “A blue-haired bitch hit her. Probably one of your old girlfriends,” Jenna said before turning to Jackson. “Your old girlfriend took a dislike to me.”

  “Yeah, I saw her take a swing at you,” Jackson said, hugging her. “Nice move by the way.”

  “Is that all you have to say, Jackson?”

  “Well, you took her down. I was proud of you.”

  “Well, okay then thanks.” Grinning, she poked him in the belly with a finger. “I’ve been wanting to punch someone for several days now.”

  Laughing, he tucked her into his side as they watched the police talk to people in the bar, several of them pointing in Jenna’s direction.

  “Ah, oh, this doesn’t look good.” Jenna teasingly asked, “You going to bail me out?”

  Jackson chuckled then kissed her and said, “Anytime, angel.”

  A few minutes later Chief Baume approached them.

  “Jenna Parnelle?”

  “Yes, Chief, I’m Jenna.”

  “Ms. Parnelle, I’m placing you under arrest for assault and battery.” Reaching out, he took hold of her shoulder and tried to turn her around.

  Jackson reached out and put his hand on Chief Baume’s arm. “Wait a minute here, Chief. Jenna was just defending herself. Barbie threw the first punch.”

  “Mr. Ramsey, you have one second to remove your hand before I place you under arrest for interfering with an officer of the law.”

  Jenna placed her hand on Jackson’s arm and squeezed it. “It’ll be okay, Jackson. You can bail me out, and then Zane will get the charges dropped.” Jenna turned to Chief Baume. “Barbie Johnson started this when she refused to let me and my friend pass. She threw the first punch. I just defended myself after she threatened me. I also warned her I would defend myself.”

  “The judge will decide that,” he said, his voice nasal as he sniffed then cleared his throat.

  “Chief, you need to see an allergist for your sinus problems,” Jenna said as she turned and put her arms behind her back then felt the cold metal cuffs slide around her wrists and tighten. “I can recommend someone for you if you like.” The last word was a screech as he continued to squeeze the cuffs until they were cutting into the soft skin of her wrists. Seeing Jackson step toward her, she shook her head, warning him to be careful. For some reason the Chief was trying to get Jackson to act out so he could arrest him, too. Forcing herself to be quiet, she winked at Addison as Chief Baume took her by the elbow and began escorting her out of the tavern.

  “Angel, I’m right behind you,” Jackson said.

  “Won’t do you any good, Ramsey. Judge Webber is out of town tonight so bail won’t be set until he returns in the morning.”

  “What? I’m not spending the night in jail,” Jenna screeched as she pulled her arm away. “And, why aren’t you arresting Barbie? You and her friends, Chief?”

  “You just added a charge of resisting arrest, young lady.”

  “How can you say that? I’m handcuffed and surrounded by you and your officers. And, you didn’t answer my question…why isn’t Barbie in cuffs?”

  Jackson stepped forward to intervene and Jenna realized she had just screwed up so she glanced at Addison knowing she would understand her plea for help. Addison grinned, shrugged, and then threw herself into Jackson’s arms, sobbing loudly, her shoulders shaking. Jackson grabbed her by the waist and tried to peel her off of him but every time he managed to peel a slender arm away, she replaced it with another arm or a leg. All Jackson could do was watch as Chief Baume led Jenna away while he tried to peel away from him.

  “Good god,” Jackson shouted. “Cade, do something with this.” He grabbed Addison around the waist and pushed his arms straight out away from his body, forcing her to let go of him.

  Cade took her then flipped her around to face him. “Cling to me now, baby.”

  Lifting her head, she pushed herself out of his arms and put a foot of distance between them. “I had to do something to keep Jackson from getting arrested.”

  “I loved seeing you smile again, baby.” Pulling her into his side, he walked by Jackson. “We can call Zane from the truck. He can be here in an hour. I have a feeling we’re going to need legal counsel before this is over.”

  “You think Baume’s finally ready to make his move?”

  “Yeah. The difference is we’re not kids anymore. Jake and Katherine protected us last time. This time we’ll protect ourselves.”

  “And win.�

  The brothers looked at each other. The knowledge of the past in their eyes.

  “Are you talking about your mom and dad?” Addison asked. “John and Joan?”

  “What do you know about them?” Cade growled.

  “Everything,” she told him. “Maybe more than you know.”

  “We’ll see. Tonight we get Jenna out of jail. Tomorrow we talk.”

  * * * *

  Jenna sat in the back of the police cruiser, fuming. She couldn’t lean back without hurting her arms and she knew the cuffs were cutting off the circulation to her hands. Watching out the window, she knew they were only a couple blocks away from the police station.

  Chief Baume sneered at her from the front seat. “You and the Ramseys think you’re above the law. Just like John McLeod thought he was above the law, but I showed him.”

  “You knew Jackson’s parents?” Jenna asked, knowing he did and wondering why he was after Jackson now.

  Without a word, he pulled the cruiser over then turned and banged his night stick on the metal divider between them. Startled, she screamed and jerked back.

  “Did I tell you to talk?” His eyes had a crazy look to them in the greenish light of the streetlamp. “You like that don’t you? I’ve read about women like you. The women the Ramseys and their friends take to that club of theirs out on the ranch.”

  Scared, Jenna pressed herself into the corner of the backseat, deciding Chief Baume was seriously crazy.

  “You getting turned on having my cuffs around your wrists?” He hit the divider again and she screamed again. “Answer me.”

  Shaking her head, she stared at him. She’d been a nurse long enough to know a disturbed person when she saw one. She also knew being cautious and quiet right now was the wiser choice.

  “I’ve got news for you, Ms. Parnelle. In this town I’m the law and what I say goes.” He turned back around then mumbled to himself and gripped the steering wheel, then pulled back onto the street. He drove the cruiser under the overhang at the police station and threw the car in park. “Here we are.”


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