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Ranson, Tracy L. - Prince of Darkness [Bloodborn 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 14

by Tracy L. Ranson

  * * * *

  Christine arrived in her usual fashion, with Michael waiting to take her car and park it safely. She marched past the hangers-on waiting to get in, only this time, no catcalls ensued. They must have assumed by now she was with Drake and nothing they did or said would get them the same VIP treatment.

  She barely set foot inside the door when a doorman accosted her. “Mr. Haaken wishes to see you right away.”

  “He can wait a moment.” She spotted Liz, Gabrielle, and the others huddled in a massive booth. With a confident stride, she made her way over. Greetings went all around.

  “You look fab!” Liz exclaimed, her wide green eyes shining. “I think the spa did wonders for you.”

  “Didn’t do too badly for you, sexy,” her husband, Raphael, said as he slid his arm around Liz’s shoulders and pulled her protectively close. . He leaned in and whispered in Liz’s ear, her eyes lighting up. Whatever he said made her grin from ear to ear. “If you’ll excuse us, Liz has something she needs to talk to me about.”

  He got up and gave Liz a hand. Together they walked through the crowd, his hand lovingly on his wife’s ass. The girls chuckled.

  “That’s they’re little code they’re going to find somewhere to have wild sex,” Alex offered cheerfully.

  Christine blushed and slid into the vacated seat. “Oh, Alex. You shouldn’t say such things.”

  Alex’s full lips spread wide. “If I don’t, who will?”

  “Same old Alex. Always up to something.” Gabrielle sighed and turned to Christine. “Ignore her. She’s the perv of the group.”

  “Hey, I resemble that remark!”

  Siobhan leaned forward. “We know you do.”

  She noticed the only absent ones were Nicholas and Tatiana. “Where are the others?”

  “Probably doing the same thing as Liz and Raphael.” Gabrielle brushed a hand through her wild red curls. “If I had a mate, I’d probably be screwing my brains out as well.”

  “Me, too,” Siobhan interjected.

  “You two are drags sometimes,” Alex said in a huff. “Come on, girls. Let’s go and mingle. She needs to see Drake.”

  “How did you know?”

  Alex shot her a hard look. “We’re family, and there isn’t much Drake doesn’t tell us. You’d best go and see him. He hates to be kept waiting.”

  The girls left the booth with a spring in their steps, joined the crowd on the dance floor, and gyrated to Madonna’s latest song. She waited for a minute then stood. No sense in putting off the inevitable.

  Christine went through the hallway door and down to Drake’s office. She raised her hand to knock but didn’t. Hell, if he wanted to see her so badly, she was going to just go in and not bother with the niceties.

  She walked in only to see darkness covering every inch of the room. Shards of moonlight glinted on the crossed swords on the wall, the blades appearing wickedly lethal. “Drake?” she called out.

  “Where have you been?” he said from the dimness of the shadows. The distinct creak of leather gave away his position on the couch.

  “I’m not at your beck and call, Drake.”

  “Come over here. I’ll need to punish you for your lateness.”

  Lust and desire mingled with bits of fear nipped at her spine, making her want to go and stay put at the same time. “If you want me so badly, then come and get me.”


  Leather creaked again, indicating his rise. Hard thumps of his boot heels across the wooden floor kept time with the erratic strain of her heart. She swallowed the lump of anticipation in her throat.

  “Remember, this is going to hurt me a lot more than you.”

  “I doubt that,” she said in a shaky voice.

  “Wait and see,” he murmured. He moved up behind her, circling her waist with his strong hands. “Hmmm, what punishment should I rain down on you? Something sinfully wicked.”

  His voice melted her insides and made her pussy ache with longing. “Oh, Drake,” she murmured the moment his magic hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs brushing her nipples. She reached up behind her head and circled his neck with her arms. Much to her surprise, he wasn’t wearing a shirt, his naked skin against the back of her tunic dress. “God, how I want you.”

  “Not until you’re properly punished,” he whispered. He skimmed down her hips to the hem of her dress. Taking her earlobe in his mouth, he suckled the tender lobe, his left hand sneaking underneath the edge of the fabric.

  Drake stroked her belly for a second and drifted down to her hungry pussy. He found her tight channel, already drenched with juice. He drew in a sharp breath as he captured her clitoris between his forefinger and thumb and massaged the bit of pleasure flesh back and forth. “That’s it, come for me,” he urged with a soft breath into her ear.

  Christine bent her knees to give him better access. He slipped his thick fingers inside her and pumped them in and out.

  “Don’t tease me anymore,” she moaned. “I need you inside of me.”

  “What part of me do you want?”

  “Your big, hard cock,” she groaned as his stroking increased.

  “I think you’ve been punished enough.”

  Drake withdrew his fingers and swept her into his arms, her lips immediately going to nuzzle his neck. Drake had them over the couch in several long strides. He sat down and swung her around in his lap so that she straddled him.

  She was a bit surprised. “I thought you’d want me to lie down.”

  “I’m your teacher, remember? This is something I think I know you’ll like.”

  Somehow, he’d freed his hard dick from the confines of his jeans. Taking the thick rod in one hand, he teased her dripping slit with the head. “You want this, don’t you?”

  “Oh, God, yes,” she begged, poising herself for his entry.

  “Take me in, baby.”

  Christine eased herself on his wide organ, impaling herself on it to the hilt. She took as much of him as she could, the feeling of being full of him sent her mind into a tailspin.

  Drake guided her hips as she rocked against him, gripping his member deeply embedded inside her.

  “That’s it, baby. Ride me.”

  She pumped him hard, holding him hostage as she moved. Drake groaned, and the pressure of his fingers digging into her hips increased. She fucked him with wild abandon, the familiar burn of orgasm igniting within.

  Christine pushed herself further than possible, her body crying out for release, not just for herself but for him as well.

  Her brain exploded in blast of fireworks as her much anticipated and needed climax was ready to wash over her. Drake pulled her close and sank his teeth into her neck, drinking the hot potent of her blood so he could feel the full effect of hic climax. She cried out as her orgasm blew, followed by a deep grunt from Drake as he came inside her.

  “I don’t think I can take much more of this,” she said with a hitching breath, still trembling.

  “You can, and I’ll make sure you will,” Drake murmured and licked the healing wound in the side of her neck. “You do definitely taste divine.”

  * * * *

  Drake took another small lick from her neck and noticed the subtle change in the vital liquid. Why had it suddenly change? Oh, dear God, it couldn’t be! He’d been told that those special ones existed only in legend, not in real life. Could it be Christine was one of the Nosferim bearers? He shook his head. It couldn’t have possibly happened.

  He eased her off his lap and laid her gently aside. “Are you all right?”

  Christine’s breath continued to labor but only for a minute before settling into a normal rhythm. “Other than being made to feel like rubber, I’m okay.”

  He frowned. Her period was late by a few days, that much he knew. He’d had enough women over the years to know when their cycles came on by the taste of their blood. Christine’s was entirely different. Best not to scare her with possible revelations. “Good. Are you going to investigate t

  “Um, not like this. I think I’d better go home and shower again.”

  “I think I’ll join you.”

  Christine bolted straight up. “I don’t think now’s a good time. I’m not feeling every well.”

  Another good sign. “Are you nauseous?”

  “Just the last day or so. It’s just my sinuses acting up.”

  He frowned. “I think I’d better take you to my house until you’re better.”

  Her nervous gaze darted around the dark. “What time is it?”

  Drake lifted his wrist and flicked the button on his watch to light up the face. “Eleven forty-five. Why?”

  She paled. “No reason. I’m feeling kinda tired, and I think I really need to get some rest.”

  “You will at my house.”

  “Not with you, I won’t,” she said with a bit of throaty laughter. His cock twitched. “Can I take a rain check?”

  “Of course,” he said mildly. She was up to something and he needed to find out what, especially if she was carrying his baby. Closing his eyes in the dark, he searched her mind and found the answer he was searching for. She was to meet David at midnight in WarfieldPark to discuss her aid to him. Damn, Zakara would stop at nothing to kill Christine!

  Christine stood and pulled her dress back down, the sweet perfume of spent desire echoing from between her legs. “I’m going to go ahead and go, but I’ll call you later.”

  He stood quickly, tucking himself back into his pants. “Tonight, I hope.”

  She covered her smile with a hand. “I forgot you don’t sleep at night.”

  “I want you to call me the minute you get home.”

  “Okay, Daddy,” she said with a sarcastic grin.

  He returned one back. “I’ll be waiting.”

  Once she left, he changed into his hunting attire and summoned the others who appeared as quick as a flash.

  “You called?” Raphael said with a grin.

  “I need everyone’s help. Christine is going to meet David tonight, and I fear Zakara will try and kill her.” He held back the information about the baby for now. If the others discovered that there are bearers of the Nosferim in existence, they might be upset.

  Alexandra stepped forward and touched his arm. “Whatever you need us to do, we’ll do.”

  Maybe he should tell them the news. “Does anyone remember the stories about the Nosferim bearers?”

  “Yes,” Nicholas interrupted. “But those are only stories and legends, nothing real.”

  Drake grinned. “Not necessarily. I think I may have found one.”

  A collective gasp went up around the group. “You don’t mean Christine—”

  “I believe she’s pregnant. When I tasted her blood, I detected a slight change, a taste more vampire, and I’ve never shared my blood with her. I believe she’s carrying my child.”

  Alexandra slumped into a nearby chair and rubbed her temples hard. “I don’t believe it.”

  Tatiana tapped Nicholas on the shoulder. “Forgive me, my love, but I’m afraid I’ve never heard of this tale.”

  Nicholas brushed a kiss across his wife’s porcelain cheek. “The story goes that certain men and women exist who can breed with vampires and produce the Nosferim, the half-human, half-vampire offspring who are immortal like us but can do things humans can like eat, sleep, and walk in the sun. They do require blood on occasion, especially during sex. They have limited powers but are able to walk the line between mortality and immortality.”

  “Oh, I see,” Tatiana said. “I hope everyone does not think me a simpleton.”

  Alexandra lifted her head. “So if she’s a bearer, then there might be Nosferim seeders in existence.”

  “Quite possibly,” Drake said, shifting from one foot to another. “We’ll discuss all this at a later time. I need to follow Christine to see what she’s up to.”

  * * * *

  Christine wove her Mustang carefully through the traffic to WarfieldPark. Part of her felt a bit guilty about not telling Drake, but this wasn’t his business. It was hers, and besides, he probably would have talked her out of coming tonight.

  She stopped at a red light. The musky scent of desire filled the car, immediately making her regret not taking the time to go home and shower. She hoped David wouldn’t mind.

  Christine guided the nose of her Mustang down the long, narrow drive through the park, barely lit by the orangey glow of the inefficient streetlights.

  She turned into a parking space near the pond and killed the engine. She glanced at the clock in the car. Midnight exactly. Time to meet David.

  Christine climbed out, purse in hand and began a slow trek to Gorwich Pond. A solitary figure on the dark bench faced the water, no movement at all.

  She took a tentative step forward, inching open her purse with her fingers and reaching toward her gun. “David?”

  Chapter Nine

  The figure on the bench slowly turned around. A smile spread across David’s lips. “You came without that burly boyfriend of yours.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” she interjected and sat down next to him on the weathered bench and admired the moon dappled waters of Gorwich Pond.

  “Lover then.”

  “Whatever,” she said with a sigh. “How are you?”

  “Okay for the moment, but they’re on the hunt for me and won’t rest until they find me.”

  “Who’s looking for you?”

  “You’d never believe me if I told you.” He swiped at his injured nose.

  “Try me.”

  His mouth and eyes drooped into a sad expression. He cast a sideways glance at her. “Do you believe in vampires?”

  Christine relaxed against the bench. Now wasn’t the best time to tell David she’d been sleeping with one on a regular basis. “Yes, I do.”

  “That’s who’s been chasing me. They’ve kept my blood at a minimum, making it difficult for me to escape.”

  Stunned disbelief surged. “How did you get away?”

  “I befriended the vampire whose job it was to keep me drained. She would lie to her leader and tell her that I’d been subdued.”

  Christine’s mind whirled from what he said. “Did they give you any reason why they held you captive?”

  David shook his head sadly. “No, they didn’t. The wanted something from me, but I wasn’t sure what it was.”

  She slid her arm around David’s shoulders and drew him close despite the biting smell of body odor surrounding him. “It’s okay. We’ll get you somewhere safe.”

  David laid his head on her shoulder. “You’ve been with him recently, haven’t you?”

  She stiffened. “Who?”

  “That big, Viking-looking boyfriend of yours. You were with him tonight.” He jerked up and looked at her with wide eyes. “You’re one of them!”

  Confusion surged. “I’m not a vampire!”

  He bolted to his feet. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. Look, there’re a few loose ends I must tie up before I can go into hiding permanently. Will you meet me here in two weeks at the same time, same day?”

  She nodded. “Of course, I’ll be here.”

  “Remember, don’t tell anyone.”


  Before she could even open her mouth to say good-bye, David disappeared into the darkness, melting into the shadows and becoming one with them.

  She slumped on the bench and leaned forward, resting her elbows on her needs. Her situation quickly became convoluted at best, her loyalty torn between Drake and David. Dear God, she hoped she wouldn’t have to make a choice between them.

  Christine stood and took a step. Sudden dizziness overwhelmed her, and she grabbed onto the bench for support. Where did that come from?

  Her thoughts rolled on as she walked to the car, vacillating from helping David to when her period was due. She was supposed to start about a week and a half ago but hadn’t. She could set a clock by her periods.

  She slid into
the Mustang and sat there, contemplating the implications. Vampires weren’t supposed to be able to sire children! This was absurd. It was just her worry and concern knocking things off course, nothing more.

  Still, she should probably take a pregnancy test just to ease her unquiet mind about the situation.

  * * * *

  Christine stopped at an all-night drugstore and picked up a pregnancy test. She wanted to do it right away, but she needed to wait until morning. All night long, she tossed and turned, unable to sleep because the morning’s anxiety. Please God, don’t let me be pregnant.

  Morning came far slower than she wanted, but it came nonetheless. Unable to stand the suspense, she went into the bathroom, did the test, and let it sit on the sink to do its thing.

  The horizontal line showed up right away as the urine sample crawled its way across the window. She sighed with relief. She wasn’t pregnant.

  Christine grabbed the directions to read them again, to make sure she did it right. By the time she looked up, the vertical pink line showed up.

  Her blood turned to ice, and she picked up the test. Positive.

  She dropped it to the floor and gripped the sink for support. How in the hell did she get this creature inside of her?

  She walked back to her bedroom on shaky legs and sat down. This baby wasn’t a creature. It was a combination of her and its father, who was a vampire.

  Christine buried her face in her hands and began to cry. What in the hell was she going to do now?

  Drake’s comforting hands sliding over her shoulders brought her back around. She looked up to see his handsome face, which only brought on the tears even more.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Go look in the bathroom.”

  Drake stood up and strode into the bathroom. He emerged a few minutes later with the test curled in a meaty fist, his eyes shining with excitement.

  “Is this what’s upsetting you?”

  She blinked hard to push away the running tears. “What do you think?”


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