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Dear Gabby

Page 5

by Mary Suzanne

  Cole drove the next few miles in silence. He pulled the car onto the lot of a small diner. The restaurant looked almost the same as the one his brother owned, even down to the table covering and decorative flair of the room. A bouncy waitress carried ice-filled glasses of water and placed them on the table.

  "What looks good to you?" Cole asked, placing his finger on the edge of her menu to see over the thick, plastic booklet.

  "I'll have the burger and fries."

  "They do a good country-fried steak here.”

  "I'll just have the hamburger and fries."

  She noticed the slight smile tugging his lips at her answer. Gabby gave him a curious look wondering what he found so amusing.

  "I can see there's no changing your mind once you've decided something," he chuckled softly. "Are you usually this way?"

  "Generally, I am."

  "I'm glad you warned me in advance." That was all he said before concentrating on giving the waitress their order.

  While they waited for their food, Gabby’s gaze wandered around the room. When she made one final sweep, she saw Marty entering the diner. He was alone, and she saw his eyes traveling to where they sat. She saw the disappointed expression flitting across his features, but he hurriedly hid it with a crooked grin. He nodded his head in her direction and walked toward the bar.

  Cole must have sensed her preoccupation. He glanced over his shoulder to find out the cause. He saw who she was looking at sitting only a few feet away from them.

  Gabby hadn’t missed where Cole had looked. His facial expression had changed instantly. He watched Marty with a look that equaled his pirates’ appearance. The lines along his mouth looked taut with emotion.

  When Gabby noticed Cole turning to her, she lowered her gaze. He reached across the table and placed his hand over hers. She could feel the tenseness in the light touch. Lifting her head, she found him watching her.

  She wondered if Cole knew Marty. He may have seen him sometime in the past and, if so, he knew he worked for the same paper that she did.

  “Isn’t that Marty over there?” His head nodded toward the long counter.

  "Yes, I saw him when he first walked in." She gave him a level look. "I think I'll walk over and say hello."

  Gabby saw the tightening of Cole's jaw. She slipped her hand from beneath his and stood. When she reached the bar, she slid onto the stool next to Marty and touched his arm.

  "Hi, Marty, it's a surprise seeing you here tonight. I didn't know you ate at this restaurant."

  "I stop here once and a while.” His eyes drifted over to where Cole sat. "I should have known there was someone else in your life."

  "The man you’re talking about is Cole Powers. My main concern is helping Cole find his sister. You know how important it is to Joe not to have the newspaper sued." She wasn’t completely honest. The reason ran deeper for her. She didn’t want the newspaper sued, but after meeting Cole, she knew her thoughts didn’t fully center on the paper. Her personal feelings were too involved.

  "You're right,” He smiled, touching her hand with a gentle caress. “I guess I am being unfair. Forgive me for being such a fool."

  "You're forgiven.” Leaning over, she kissed his cheek. As she glanced over to where Cole sat, she noticed the waitress putting their food on the table. "I'll talk to you later, Marty."

  "See you, Gabby.”

  After she rejoined Cole, he didn't say a word, but she could see the displeasure on his face because she'd made it a point to talk to Marty.

  "What did you and your boyfriend talk about?" He asked, in a gruff tone.

  Gabby could see the anger showing on his face. He must have noticed the kiss and it had somehow made him angry. His emotional response startled her. "What I had to say to him is private," she stated in an uneven tone, deliberately dropping the subject.

  For the remainder of the meal, Cole was unusually quiet. She silently wondered if she had sounded too abrupt with her answer about talking to Marty. She figured some things should remain private and he would have to accept this.

  After finishing dinner, Cole drove in the direction of her apartment. When he pulled to the curb, she stopped him from getting out. "You don't have to walk me to the door.”

  He caught her unaware. Reaching for her, he pulled her hard against his chest. His tongue plundered her mouth incessantly. He held her so close she could get very little air into her lungs, along with the punishing kiss leaving her breathless. His hands roamed her waistline. The next stop was her peaked breasts.

  Gabby pushed against him, managing to gulp in precious air. Reaching for the door handle, it gave at her slight touch. She was out of the car and walking stiffly to her door. The realization came to her that he meant to punish her and he had succeeded. Without looking around, she knew he still watched her.

  When she entered her apartment, she listened at the door and heard the car engine start. Soon, it was quiet again. She suddenly felt tired undressing for bed. Her emotions drained.

  She had interrupted sleep that night; her subconscious thoughts filling her head.


  On Wednesday, she arrived at the office to find another bouquet of red roses on her desk. The last dozen had barely wilted and she already had a new supply. The card said the same thing as before.

  After returning from lunch, the phone on her desk rang. Gabby picked it up and knew instantly that it was Cole. "Gabby, this is Cole.”

  "Yes," she answered the scene still fresh in her mind from Monday evening outside her apartment.

  "I want to tell you I'm sorry for the way I behaved the other night,” he apologized. "I don't know what came over me."

  Gabby listened to him and heard the sincere sound in his tone. She felt she should at least give him the benefit of the doubt. "I accept your apology, Cole.”

  "I thought you might not want to speak to me again and I didn't want that to happen." He breathed a sigh. "I wanted to call and remind you of our flight Friday night. I'll pick you up at seven."

  "I'll be packed and waiting,” she answered, running her fingertip across the soft velvety petals still in the box on her desk. She was just on the point of asking whether he’d sent the roses, when the light started blinking on her phone. "I have another call coming in, Cole, so I'll see you Friday."

  "Until then, Gabby.”

  She replaced the receiver and a lighthearted mood came over her solving her differences with Cole. She answered her incoming call in a cheerful tone.

  For the remainder of the day, she felt on a cloud, knowing soon she would get to spend two glorious days with Cole. It could possibly stretch into more if the need arose in finding Samantha. She knew Cole thought of it as a business transaction between them, but this didn't diminish the happy sensation filling her.

  Friday seemed to last forever for her at the office. She sighed happily when she drove toward her apartment. After entering, she showered and changed before eating a light snack.

  At a few minutes to seven, she heard the sound of the doorbell. Gabby had to stop herself from running across the room to answer.

  Chapter Seven

  Gabby opened the door and met Cole’s gaze. A shiver swept through her. She hadn’t seen him since Monday night and now she realized just how much she had missed him. Eventually, she looked away, breaking eye contact. It was hard for her to speak, but the first words leaving her mouth sounded rushed. "Do you want to come in?"

  “We'll just about make our flight if we leave now. Where's your luggage?"

  "This is all I'm taking. She picked up the case where she had placed it near the door.

  Cole walked over and lifted it easily. Their fingertips touched and Gabby felt her hand tingle with an electric shock. She glanced up at him, only inches from her as he leaned toward her. She wanted nothing more than to feel his lips smothering hers. The sensation was so strong, Gabby felt herself moving toward him, but at the last second, she stopped.

  Oh, Lord, she thought hysterically,
how was she going to manage an entire weekend alone with this sexy man? She had made a promise not to become one of his discarded women, but it looked as if things were working just the opposite for her. She'd have to be more determined to make sure she didn't give in to her desire. She quickly straightened and walked ahead of him to the front of her apartment building.

  Once in the car, she waited until Cole placed her suitcase in the trunk and joined her. The next few miles were silent miles, with only the car engine filling the quiet. Gabby could feel the sensual atmosphere between them rearing its head again. The gnawing hunger inside her caused her unrest. The desire for Cole to hold her tightly in his arms made her squirm in her seat.

  "Are you still angry with me?"

  "No. You apologized when you called on Wednesday.

  "Then, what's the matter?"


  Sure, he thought impatiently. She was no more enjoying the rundown district they were driving through, than he was. He decided not to press her because he certainly didn't want an argument before they had even begun their trip. Cole clamped his mouth closed and glanced from beneath lowered lashes to where she sat huddled against the doorframe.

  She looked so tiny and defenseless, but he knew this wasn't a true picture. When it came to taking care of herself, she could hold her own against anyone. He figured that was what had attracted him to her when he had first met her.

  She hadn't cowered from him when he'd charged into her office. Instead, he remembered the half smile she wore on her full lips as she had gazed up at him that day. The slight grin she had worn still puzzled him, because he had been like a raging bull ready to attack. He had never gotten around to asking her what she had found so amusing, but someday he intended to.

  The lights of the airport blinked brightly in the distance and Cole drove onto the entrance ramp toward the parking lot. He parked his car in the weekly parking lot and took a ticket from the attendant.

  "I'll be right back.” He paused to regard her, started to claim her luscious lips, but forced himself to stop.

  Within an hour, they had boarded the plane headed for California. "Let me know how much my ticket cost and I'll give you a check," she told him.

  "I don't expect you to pay when I asked you to go. You're doing me a favor by coming along to help find my sister, and I feel obligated to you.”

  Unexpectedly, Cole leaned across the seat and brushed her lips in a tender kiss.

  "What was that for?" She frowned, asking the question but she didn’t mind at all.

  "I just feel we got off on the wrong foot this evening.” He smiled, explaining away his show of affection. “Our trip will be more pleasant if we can get along. Deal?"

  "Deal," she answered, lifting her face to his, and giving him an open invitation to kiss her again.

  Cole didn't hesitate as his mouth covered hers in a wild, passionate kiss. Gone was the tender peck of moments ago, replaced by the exciting, tantalizing possession. Gabby gave herself up to the kiss. The caress made her head swim dizzily as her mouth moved softly beneath his, inviting him in that one movement, to continue with his sensuous kiss.

  When he eventually released her mouth, she gazed up into his face, noticing the desire blazing in his eyes. She hadn’t given one thought to the other passengers who may have watched them.

  Their eyes locked and she felt her cheeks flushing. As he placed her small hand in his, Gabby felt the warmth of his thumb gently massaging the smooth skin. The slow, methodical movement brought a tingle of awareness through her.

  The flight attendant leaned toward them and interrupted their private moment. "Would you care for something to drink?" Her words floated around Gabby's head.

  "What will you have, Gabby?" He turned and looked at her while his gaze still held the slumberous expression.

  "A glass of white wine.”

  "I'll have a scotch. Straight."

  "I’ll be right back with your drinks," she said in a cheerful tone, walking off down the aisle.

  "She got here in the nick of time," he laughed, the sound coming out uneven. "We may have given the rest of the passengers a show if she hadn’t happened along."

  He must have the same thoughts as she had earlier. Gabby felt the red flush cover her cheeks listening to him. In her heart, she knew he was right. He had so captivated her that she hadn't given one thought to where they were. Her decision not to let things go too far between them had flown right out the window at his touch.

  The announcement of the movie came over the speaker saving the day for her. Now she didn’t have to make a comment on his last remark. She reached for her headphones. Glancing sideways, she noticed that Cole was doing the same.

  For the next two hours, she sat engrossed in the story, living out the heroine's part in her own mind. When the film ended, she sighed with contentment at the ending.

  "I can see you loved the outcome,” Cole smiled over at her. "I'm finding out that you're a romantic at heart, Gabby Fallon."

  "Tell me that you didn't enjoy the story and its ending,” she challenged him.

  "Oh, I did, but adventure films are more to my liking."

  Little by little, she was fast unraveling the hidden mysteries of Cole. He preferred adventure to love stories, but she could tell he still enjoyed the film they had just watched. She was still so deep in thought that she didn't notice the seat belt sign blinking. Cole nodded his head toward it to let her know.

  When the plane touched down, they walked across the terminal to get their luggage. Once inside a cab, Cole leaned forward and gave the driver the address.

  "Did you make reservations for our rooms?”

  “Yes, I called ahead to one of the hotels. If I hadn’t, we’d probably be searching all night for a place to stay. It's getting late and I'm tired."

  "I am, too,” she agreed, trying to stifle a yawn.

  Before long, the cab screeched to a stop near a prominent hotel in the city. After unloading their luggage, a bellhop came outside and picked up the cases.

  Gabby walked with Cole to the desk, and after giving the man their names, the clerk handed them the keys. Making their way toward the elevator, Cole reached over and clasped her hand.

  They rode to the fifth floor and followed the bellhop along the empty hallway. When they reached their rooms, Cole removed some money and tipped the young man.

  Gabby stood in the open doorway, with her hand on the knob. "I'll see you in the morning, Cole.” She unconsciously lifted her face toward him. The provocative movement was all the encouragement Cole needed.

  He smothered her lips beneath his, pressing her body against the doorframe. Gabby tucked her hands between her body and his chest and could feel the upbeat thumping of his heart against the palms of her hands.

  Cole's tongue invaded her mouth, enticing and exciting her even more with its expert movements. She felt on fire for him again in only a few short seconds. When he withdrew his mouth, her eyes flew open and she stared up into his dark face.

  "We'd both better get some rest for tomorrow.” His warm breath fanned her cheek. "It's a long drive to my aunt's home and I want to get an early start."

  “How early?”

  "I'll stop by your room at eight. That will give us time to eat breakfast, and from there, we'll rent a car. Good night, Gabby, and try to get some rest for a long day tomorrow."

  "I'll see you,” she said, turning toward her room. As she closed the door, she leaned against it remembering their passionate kiss of moments ago.

  Lying in bed that night, her thoughts focused on one thing and that was Cole laying only a wall apart from her in the next room. A warm feeling enveloped her as she drifted off to sleep.


  The sound of the phone ringing startled her out of her drowsy state. Before falling asleep the night before, Gabby had called downstairs and asked the clerk to ring her room at seven. After hearing the time, she replaced the receiver.

  She showered and walked into her bedroo
m to remove her clothing from the suitcase. She chose a simple two-piece, gray suit with pin stripes and a white blouse. Brushing her hair until it lay neatly along her shoulders; she finished applying her make up and sat on the edge of the bed waiting for Cole to arrive.

  At eight on the dot, she heard his knock. Gabby opened the door and walked out into the hallway to join him. "Good morning," she greeted him.

  "That's no kind of greeting.” He smiled back at her, and drew her unresisting body into his arms. His lips covered hers in a slow, drawn-out kiss, before he lifted his mouth. "Now, that's more like it."

  Gabby felt all flustered seeing another couple leaving their room and taking in their passionate greeting. She lowered her lashes and walked with Cole to the elevator. Once they reached the lobby, he turned her toward another hallway, which led to the kitchen of the hotel.

  While eating breakfast, Cole gave Gabby a look. "There's one thing I want to tell you about Aunt Meredith. She has strange ideas about many things, and you have to overlook some of her little idiosyncrasies. Some tunes she’s vague about what’s going on around her.”

  She nodded, remembering her father had a relative who was similar in the behavior department as Cole’s aunt. Gabby smiled to herself remembering the many occasions her father had become exasperated with his cousin. She also remembered how he always showed her a gentle kindness.


  By ten o’clock, they had rented a car, and headed down the interstate toward his aunt’s home. The closer they came to reaching their destination, the more nervous Gabby became. She didn't know what to expect from Cole's aunt after he had told her to overlook her idiosyncrasies. Gabby hoped they hadn't wasted their time in making the trip and would find Samantha safe at her aunt's home.

  Cole drove off an exit ramp and the scenery changed to hills and sloping countryside. Everything looked in full bloom and so alive.


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