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Dear Gabby

Page 9

by Mary Suzanne

  "He called and said he'd be in before lunch. I think he said something about going to a meeting this morning."

  "I'll catch him later," she said absently, her thoughts so preoccupied she could barely keep an intelligent conversation going with Emma.

  After picking up her mail, she started opening the letters she had to answer by that night. This was the first time she didn't feel any joy about reading the mail and trying to help someone. Somehow, she would have to get a hold on her emotions and dismiss the problems she had created. She set about preparing her answers and became involved with deciding what she should say to first one, then another of her writers. When she came to a letter with a familiar name on the return address, her heart turned over. This was all she needed to cause more chaos in her life.

  Susie Powers had written to her for advice. That was the last person she expected to hear from. She quickly tore open the envelope and began reading the neatly worded letter. Susie wanted her advice on moving in with her boyfriend while she was still in college. She told Gabby her parents were against the idea, but she loved her boyfriend and they were planning marriage after she graduated.

  Placing the envelope beside the rest of her mail, she decided to save it to answer later. She finished the last correspondence and glanced again at the unanswered letter. Something held her back in replying to it. Gabby planned to make a trip to the restaurant in the next few days and talk to the young woman in person. Maybe, she could reason with her to wait until she graduated before making such a big commitment in her life.

  Gabby glanced up and saw Joe walking toward his office. "I'll be right back, Emma.”

  When she reached Joe's door, she tapped lightly. She heard him calling out for her to enter.

  "How did things go for you this weekend?" He asked, before she could begin her explanation. "You didn't go into detail Sunday night on the phone, so I figured you'd run into some problems."

  "You can say that," she said dejectedly, claiming a chair across from his desk.

  "What happened?"

  "We found Samantha and she's well, but it looks as if I've messed things up for the second time."

  "Now you have me confused.”

  "Samantha's pregnant by another man and that's the reason she canceled her wedding to Michael.”

  "How did Cole take the news?"

  "I helped Samantha leave her aunt's home in the middle of the night, before Cole found out. He was determined to take her back to New York and have her proceed with the wedding plans. I couldn’t let that happen to her."

  "Even after he found out she's pregnant by someone else?” Joe asked in confusion. “I can't believe he's that stubborn."

  "Well," she hesitated a moment before continuing. "Samantha refused to tell Cole until she could go and talk to Paul Sinclair. So Cole's not aware of the circumstances until Samantha contacts him from New York."

  "I take it Paul Sinclair is the father of her child," Joe said thoughtfully. "Boy, what a mess this has turned out to be."

  "Yes, it certainly has, but I'm sure Samantha will solve her problems now. She told me Paul is an artist in New York, and she loves him very much."

  "Have you heard anything from Cole since you've been back?"

  "Only an angry message on my recorder. He was furious with me, but when I saw how distressed Samantha was at her aunt's home, I had to help her. Cole wouldn't listen to reason, and no amount of talking from Samantha would convince him she didn't want to marry Michael."

  "Well, I wouldn't let this bother me.” He tried to placate her. "You helped him find her, but it was her decision to leave her aunt's home."

  "I received a letter today from his niece asking for advice. I've decided to ride over and visit her, instead of writing to her."

  "That may be a wise decision.”

  “I guess I should get back to work if I want to finish anything today.” Gabby started for the door.

  “Oh, before you go, there’s something I want to ask you.”

  "What is it?" She glanced over her shoulder.

  "In about two weeks the owners of all the newspapers in the Chicago area are holding a banquet. I wanted to ask if you'd like to go with me." He must have noticed her stunned expression over his invitation. "This isn't like a date, Gabby. I just need someone to take with me."

  She smiled across at him. "It was just such a surprise to hear you asking me. I didn't even think of it as a date."

  "Will you be able to go?"

  "Of course.”

  "It will be on the tenth of next month. We’ll have to leave around seven.”

  "That sounds good to me,” she answered before walking into the hallway.

  Making her way to her office, confusion filled her. Why had Joe invited her to the banquet? They never socialized outside the office. He must have realized how she felt about Cole and knew Cole would be attending the banquet since he owned a newspaper in Chicago. Joe might be trying to play matchmaker. Gabby didn’t mind his interference in her personal life, at all.

  Before reaching her office, she glanced up and saw Marty walking toward her. "Hi, Marty.”

  "Did you have a good weekend?"

  Gabby had almost forgotten she'd told Marty about going away for the weekend.”

  "I accomplished what I set out to do.”

  “I’m glad.” The phone started ringing in his office a few feet away. “Got to catch that. Talk to you later.”

  By five, she was more than ready to go home. When she reached her apartment, she walked straight for the answering machine and checked for any messages. Without admitting it, she knew she was waiting to see if Cole had tried calling her, but she felt disappointed again by the silent machine.

  For the next week, Gabby walked around in a daze. On several occasions, she caught Emma giving her strange looks, but she never brought up the subject of what was bothering Gabby. She did her work, but her heart wasn't in it.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Gabby gazed into a shop window on her way home from work and saw a dress she wanted to buy. The dress would be perfect to wear to the banquet with Joe. She carried her tissue wrapped purchase to her apartment and hung it in the closet.

  Walking into the living room, she checked the recorder. Still no messages from Cole. So much for hearing from him. He probably already forgot about her.

  On Friday, Joe stopped her before she could leave for home. "I wanted to remind you of the banquet."

  "I remembered,” she said, feeling a stir of excitement beginning to swell in her. Tomorrow night she would see Cole and maybe she could explain what had happened at his aunt's home. It was a slim hope, but this hope was better than none. "I'll be ready." She gave Joe a smile before walking from the building.

  All evening, Gabby busied herself doing household chores and straightening her neat apartment. She was certain the time would pass more swiftly for her if she kept busy. That night she slept soundly for the first time in weeks, knowing she'd soon see Cole again.

  Saturday evening, she soaked in a warm tub, filled with scented bubbles. The water became cool before she stood and showered off. Tonight, she would take extra pains with her appearance in hopes of attracting Cole's attention.

  She removed the gown she’d purchased from the tissue paper. The burnt orange coloring went well with her creamy complexion. After putting on her make up and arranging her hair, she glanced again in the full-length mirror. The dress was a perfect fit, cinching in at her tiny waistline and trailing down with a straight skirt to her high-heeled shoes. Her sweeping glance drifted to the low cut bodice, fringed with white lace, and she decided the dress gave her a sexy look.

  Before leaving her bedroom, she dabbed an exotic perfume along her wrists and earlobes. The smell floated around the room as she walked. One final touch was a set of pearl earrings she had purchased one day in an extravagant mood. The small amount of jewelry was just what the dress needed to create a look of sophistication.

  When the doorbell rang, she took
a deep breath and walked across the room to answer it. Joe stood on the doorstep, looking debonair in a black tuxedo. Gabby always saw Joe in suits, with his tie loosened at the neck, but the tuxedo gave him a distinguished air.

  "You look beautiful, Gabby.” He scanned the length of her, moving from head to toe.

  "Thank you, Joe, and I must say you look very handsome yourself," she smiled at him. "Do you want to come in for a drink?"

  Joe lifted the cuff on his shirt and glanced at his watch. "If we're going to make it on time, we'd better leave now. We certainly don't want to be the last couple to arrive."

  Gabby lifted her purse and draped her jacket across her shoulders. Walking to the car, the same excitement she'd felt yesterday stirred in her. In less than a half hour, she would see Cole and her heart beat rapidly at the thought.

  While driving through the city, she noticed Joe glancing at her at different times. "Have you talked to Marty lately about what's been happening in his life? He mentioned to me that he’s seeing someone. For a while, I thought the two of you were serious about one another."

  "No, I've always considered Marty a special friend.”

  “You can tell me it's none of my business, but are you in love with Cole Powers?" Joe gave her a searching look.

  Gabby hesitated before giving him an answer. Joe must have sensed something, or he wouldn't be asking. Was she that obvious over how she felt about Cole? If Joe noticed it, then Emma and Marty must have the same idea.

  "Yes, I'm in love with him. But Cole isn't in love with me."

  "Maybe you're wrong," Joe told her, pulling onto the parking lot already filled with several cars. "He might realize he does care for you, but may believe he damaged your relationship with him over his stubborn stand about Samantha.”

  She shrugged in answer to what Joe said. "I'm not going to pin my hopes on him. Cole's had plenty of time to contact me, but he hasn't."

  Joe smiled in sympathy, witnessing the distress filling her dark eyes. He walked around to her side of the car and opened the door for her without making any comment on what she had just said. Gabby felt surprised when he reached for her arm and linked his with hers. "We're going to have a good time tonight, Gabby Fallon, so wipe that frown off your face and let's see a smile." When she didn't respond right away, he continued to look into her face. "Come on, one little smile," he urged.

  She gave him a tremulous smile entering the brightly lit building. Joe took her coat and gave it to the hatcheck girl standing near the entrance. When they walked through the open door, he again linked his arm through hers in a possessive hold.

  Gabby looked around the filled room. She knew she was looking for any sign of Cole. Her gaze found him and her knees felt like they were becoming weak. She stared across at his familiar face, now minus the patch over his eye, and couldn’t look away. He was talking to a man and hadn’t spotted them coming in.

  "There's our table over there," Joe said, leaning close to her ear. "We'll be right up front next to the main table."

  She felt Joe squeeze her arm as he led the way across the room. Once they sat, Gabby couldn't keep her gaze from straying to where Cole still stood talking. Even without the patch, he still had a roguish appearance, making him stand out from the rest of the men in the room. Her heart began pounding as the love she felt burned inside her remembering their desire filled nights together.

  Gabby hadn't even missed Joe leaving to get their drinks. When he returned and handed her a glass, her face colored with embarrassment at her lack of attentiveness to him. She knew thoughts of Cole occupying her mind caused this.

  "I can see you've already noticed Cole," he remarked, lifting his glass and taking a drink.

  "Yes, right after we got here.”

  She couldn’t believe the subject of their conversation weaved his way toward their table. What could she say to him when he reached her? The way she felt now, she knew she would sound like a stuttering fool; all tongue tied and awkward. When he stopped near her chair, his dark eyes found hers. Gabby couldn't pull hers away. This had always happened to her in the past, and now was no different.

  "Hello, Joe,” Cole greeted her boss.

  His glance then shifted to where she sat. "How have you been, Gabby?" His husky sound sounded sensual.

  "Fine,” she answered, hoping her voice didn't quiver.

  "I meant to call you, but I've been busy trying to tie up loose ends with Samantha," he said, explaining away his neglect.

  "I've been busy.” She gave him a level stare. The need to save a little dignity was her first thought. She loved him without reservation, but no way on earth was she going to fall at his feet when he decided to make an appearance.

  "After the banquet, I'd like to talk to you in private, Gabby.” Cole shifted his weight from one foot to the other while he waited for her answer.

  Gabby nodded. If she tried speaking, the words would come out all jumbled. Her emotions were too involved and she couldn't begin to calm her insides down.

  "I'll stop by your apartment later tonight." Just then, someone called his name from across the room. His dark eyes lingered for several long seconds on her, before he turned to leave.

  "That sounds promising," Joe said quietly. "At least he wants to talk to you and patch up your differences. It's a start, Gabby."

  "He may want to talk about Samantha." She wasn't about to get her hopes up yet, until she heard what he wanted to say to her.

  The banquets main speaker interrupted their conversation. Gabby tried giving him her undivided attention, but it was hard for her with so many thoughts filling her mind. When Cole stepped up to the podium, she didn't have a problem in the world listening to every word he said.

  His gaze strayed to her countless times while he spoke, but she didn't want to read too much in his look. Hadn't she in the past? All it had caused her was pain and heartache. When he finished his speech, a round of applause filled the room.

  When it came time for the dinner, she couldn't do justice to the food. She made a pretense of enjoying the meal, while all the time, the food almost chocked her. By the time the banquet ended, she was a nervous wreck.

  Once the festivities ended, Joe drove her across town. She made her way into her apartment and sat down on the first chair she came to. What was she going to say to Cole without giving her true feelings away? She had to come up with some plan before he arrived at her door. While she sat trying to come to a decision, a loud knock sounded, making her jump.

  Taking a deep breath, she slowly walked across the room to answer the door. When she pulled it open, she greeted Cole with a smile. "Come in," she invited, standing to the side until he entered.

  She glanced at him and noticed how his hair looked ruffled giving her a fair indication he’d run his hand through it. His tie hung loosely at the neck and his top buttons were open on his shirt. He had an anxious expression lining his features, and this surprised Gabby. Usually, a shuttered mask appeared across his face, blocking out all his private thoughts.

  "Do you mind if I make myself a drink?" He asked, turning to look at her.

  "No, go ahead and help yourself.”

  Gabby watched him walk over to the cabinet and pour a straight shot of whiskey. She silently wondered if he needed the fiery liquid to bolster his courage. When he drank it in one gulp and refilled his glass, she was positive this was the reason he was drinking.

  He glanced at her and gave her a sheepish grin. "You're probably thinking I need this for courage.”

  "How did you know what I was thinking?"

  "I could see it in your eyes.” He walked over toward the couch. "Why don't we sit and get comfortable before we talk?"

  Gabby walked across the room and claimed the chair facing the couch. She watched Cole sit across from her. He studied everything about her features, down to her full lips. A warm expression registered in the depths of his dark eyes.

  Minutes passed and she began to feel uncomfortable with the silence. Whatever he had on
his mind, she wanted to know. Eventually, she spoke, “What do you want to talk about, Cole?"

  He cleared his throat several times before beginning. "The first thing I want to do is apologize for the message I left on your recorder,” he started in, but stopped as he glanced at his clenched hands. "I didn't have any right to accuse you without knowing the circumstances behind your actions."

  "Why did you wait so long before you contacted me?" She had to ask, no matter what his answer was going to be to her. Her life had been a living hell since last seeing him, and she wasn't going to make it that easy on him.

  "Call it pride, or male ego. After I found out you were right about Samantha, I didn't know what to say to you. Did you hear Samantha married Paul and it’s working out great?”

  “I’m very happy for her.”

  "Oh,” he said, his voice trailing off into silence. He looked up again and swallowed hard. He had something on his mind, but it was taking him a long time to say it. Looking around the room, he eventually brought his gaze back to her. "Will you marry me, Gabby?” He blurted out in a hurried rush.

  His unexpected question took her by surprise. Her mouth fell open and she stared across at him with an incredulous expression lining her small features. "What did you say?" She knew she'd heard him right, but she had to hear it coming from him one more time.

  "I asked if you'd marry me," he said, standing up quickly and covering the space separating them. He gently lifted her into his arms. "Do you forgive me for being so stupid, sweetheart?"

  How could she not forgive him when she loved him so much? "I forgive you, Cole, but there's one thing I need to hear before I give you my answer," she said, her face only inches from his.

  "I'll answer anything you need to know." The huskiness of his voice sent shivers racing through her. The sensual sound caused her head to whirl with desire.

  "Do you love me?" She could barely form the words. A marriage based on desire and not love would be a nightmare. She'd rather live a lonely life than subject herself to such a relationship.


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