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Caught Inside

Page 5

by CJ Hawk

  I finally decided by nine o'clock at night it was only fair for me to drop by Trey's place and let him know. His personal number was unlisted, and he had not responded to my texts as well. Probably, because his surfing buddy and him were off doing some swell or another. However, since Trey lived but five miles down the coast from me in some new condos, it was worth a try on my way home.

  I rang the doorbell twice before thinking about walking away. Just then, the door opened with a naked, except for a towel around his waist, Trey. He looked better than the picture, and I felt my legs tremble. His sculpted abs were hardened as if he had been exerting himself, his arm muscles pumped and needless to say his chest muscles looked the same as they did when he surfed the circuit.

  "Jennifer? You are um here, at my place. What's wrong?" His voice sounded concerned but his smile and wandering eyes told me he had other things on his mind then my well-being; that is, unless I was naked underneath him, or so I internally told myself. Then a little voice crept into my brain, 'you would take him while on top'. I let my mouth smile with that thought.

  I looked over his shoulder to the sounds of two female voices giggling, and then I found my professional composure and spoke up. "Uhm. Nothing. I tried to text you and Zachery. Bill is perfect. I'll take him. I need him solid for the next two weeks. He's totally available to travel and..." The sight of two naked gorgeous blondes chasing each other with whipped cream cans over Trey's shoulder stopped me. He caught my stare, looked over his shoulder and turned back to me with a smile that explained it all.

  "I've got some stress to work out."

  My mouth spouted out before I could retreat from my comment. "I bet you do. The right woman would only take one, not two women to help you work out that stress. Listen, have Zachery call me. I don't need tomorrow's appointment." My tone had been a bit snide at first then when I looked back into his eyes; I heard my deceptive voice with my own ears. I was flirting when I said the right woman would only take one, and I wanted desperately to offer up my services to show him. More so, just to prove my theory than anything else. I was a very competitive person by nature.

  "Okay." He stood there with his arms now outstretched over his head, his hands above grasping the doorframe, flexing his entire set of chest muscles and abs, staring at me. Looking me up and down with his eyes as if they were laser beams, and he was undressing me right there at his doorway. Blonde twins be damned. He had a look as if he didn't care an iota about them, and that he wanted to have me right there. Just then, his towel dropped, and I could not help but glance down at his rock-hard cock sticking out towards me. My eyes grew, and it was then that he realized the towel had fallen off.

  In that instant, I knew what Trey looked like completely naked, and I was going to need another hot tub session.

  I turned and started to walk, no run down his walkway, as I heard his taunting flirtatious voice call out to me. "One more is always invited. Tammy and Tawny wouldn't mind."

  Tammy and Tawny. Pha-lease. With the right woman, you only need one. I shook my head of the internal verbalization that is clouding my judgment at the moment. I had to get my mind wrapped around work not around Trey's cock. Which, was beautiful, by the way. All smooth and trimmed. He had a vein pulsing out, calling my name as I took those few seconds to glance at how gloriously endowed he is and how muscular his legs are. I was screwed. And, if I had any mojo at all, or containment about my feelings, I might have just walked right back there to prove that Tammy and Tawny were not the women for him. It would only take me to turn his world so raw he would not be able to think of the twins again.

  I could not focus on work. I could not enjoy the hot tub. The weather was hot, and I decided I needed a late-night walk along the beach. I grabbed my small handgun out of the safe and tucked it into the back of my shorts. I pulled my top out over it and started to walk the dark lonely beach alone. I had taken self-defense classes, but I wasn't stupid either. It took the wrong man on a dark beach with ocean waves blocking the senses to be taken by surprise. Three years ago, a woman was raped not but a mile down the beach, and that was all it took for me to make sure it wasn't me. Just like, I needed to make sure that Trey did not continue to infiltrate my brain with his magnetism and allure. I needed to avoid interaction with him to ensure my career stayed on track. He was already pounding in my brain, not to mention that my pussy ached for his cock with every visual I revisited of him gloriously naked.

  The walk turned into a slow run, and before I knew it, I was back at my stairs leading up to my patio. I undid the lock at the gate and walked towards the backdoor. Just then, I heard something. I pulled the gun out and aimed it towards the noise.

  "Jennifer? Are you back there? It's Trey." The rattle of the locked gate came next as I stood there thinking that this could go one of two ways. One being the avoidance tactical move that I had figured would be my best advantage, but just hearing his voice and remembering what he looked like naked, well, that second choice took over. I set the gun safety on and let it relax at my side as I called out to him.

  "Trey? What brings you to this neck of the woods?" I let my voice tease as I punched in the code to unlock the gate. I pushed it aside and there on the other side of my eight-foot white metal privacy gate was Trey. Looking just as delicious as when I left him. Only now, I could smell the aroma of a fresh shower and a distinguishable man shampoo. 'Wise idea.' I thought to myself. Even though I was not sure that this meeting was going any further than a talk. However, if it did, I did not want the smell of sex from the twins to ruin our first encounter.

  "Well, Jennifer? You greet all your guests with a gun in your hand?" His voice teased, but his raised eyebrows and enlarged eyes staring at the gun let me know that perhaps he should take me a bit more serious.

  "I was out for a walk on the beach. Can never be too safe. Come on in. Can I get you a beer, glass of wine, bottled water?" I turned and walked to the sliding glass door. I punched in the same code to get inside the house. I reached to my right and punched in a security code that let the alarm company know I was the one opening the gate and back door. I strolled over and set the gun on a buffet table, tapped in another code to a security box on the wall hidden by a picture and grabbed the gun to sit inside.

  Trey watched her in motion. Admired her from behind in her short black shorts that crested just below her ass. Her shapely legs told him she worked out and contributed as much time to her work as she did her body. Too bad, she didn't see the value in a social life as much as him. Too bad, she didn't decide to join him and the twins, because after she left, he wasn't top of his game and spent more time imagining Jennifer naked on his cock than Tawny or Tammy.

  He watched her check the safety, put the gun in her safe, and then set the picture on hinges back over the safe. He understood the perils of being a safe single female; he mentally commended her for it. What thought popped in his head next was so possessive that it scared even himself. Perhaps if she came home to him, walked the beach at night with him, she wouldn't need all this security. Then she turned to him with her sultry seductive smile and spoke out with such a soft sexual voice; he got rock hard right there. Which wasn't hard to miss since he chose to go commando under his baggie cargo shorts. Just the sound of her voice filling the air over the sounds of ocean tightened his gut, which has not happened in a really long time. The ocean was his first love, but now, before him, was a woman who he could not deny the feelings she stirred up within him.

  "So what will it be gorgeous?" I tossed him a look that my body was conveying. If he hung around too long, I would have to bypass my no sleeping with business policy. It wasn't etched in stone but in this particular situation, it could complicate matters real quick. Like my heart being broken by a blonde surfer boy one more time, and that would be enough for me to realize that life was too complicated and busy for heartbreak.

  He looked to be struggling with his answer when I noticed his hard on. It wasn't hard to miss since he obviously had decided that fresh a
ir under those shorts was more comfortable. I shook my head and walked towards my gallery style, stainless-steel refrigerator. Lorna knew when to make sure it was stocked for the weekends I was home. "I've got Corona, Bud light or Michelob Ultra, also a recent bottle of red wine that I opened myself last night."

  Last night. Those memories flooded back quick as I stood in front of an open refrigerator and thought about how incredible Trey was to me last night without even being here. So now that he was here, how incredible would it be for him to conclude my orgasm that I had already started up again by just thinking of him. If I was a man, with the way my vagina was humming right now, and my palms ached for his naked skin, I would be sporting a wood too.

  "Ultra sounds good." Then he cleared his throat and turned away.

  I grabbed two and walked slowly over to him, observing his backside. He looked as if he had recently worked out, with his muscles all tight and his tan glowing on his skin. His tanned legs under the brown cargo shorts, his muscular arms and broad back stretching out the brown tee shirt he had on. I was sure those two twins looked to have ample energy, along with bodies that if I was a lesbian, I wouldn't mind having a go at them. But I wasn't. I was too hung up on men and could not help myself when I was around a healthy man like Trey. All he had to do was say the words 'go' and I would most likely dive right in.

  "Here you go." I handed an unopened beer off to him then twisted the top of my own beer. I proceeded to walk back outside into the warm night air. It was late, and the dark night was clear enough for some stars to start doting themselves across the sky like a big connect the dot extravaganza, white sparkling dots on dark navy blue sky.

  I walked over to a set of lounge chairs and proceeded to sit down, looking at the other one then to Trey standing there taking a long drawl of his glass beer bottle while standing with the light of the kitchen behind him and a soft glow of the outside lights casting a delicious mysterious glow around him. He was centerfold hot and just the type of man I could easily devour time and again. Fulfilling my fantasy, relinquishing me of the rejection I was served back in eighth grade. I had spent many a years, thinking how if that boy that rejected my heart so easily was now a man that I would make him want me so badly. Then I would devoir him and let him have the heartbreak. Or would I? Staring at Trey now, in the soft light of the night, could I reject him after, or would I only want more?

  "Come sit." I softly spoke out to the air in general in front of him. Because if I continued talking to Trey while looking at him, I might just ask him to take care of the ever increasing ache between my legs that was causing me to squirm just a bit in my running shorts.

  As I stared up at the stars, I heard the settling of the cushion from the weight of his body. I turned my attention back to him, just as he cleared his throat and then took another long drawl of his beer. When he finally spoke up as if what he had to say next about killed him, I realized he had come to apologize. "Hey, back at my house, I was only teasing with you. The whole towel thing was an accident. I'm not normally that perverted. I wanted to come by in person to apologize. It was very unprofessional of me."

  I could bet my retirement savings that he could have done that with flowers or over the phone. No, I knew men, and the only reason he came over was to make sure two things. I was still his client, which I was and... that maybe, just maybe he could conquer me as a bootie call. I knew he was intrigued with me. I sensed it and had rarely been wrong about these things. I also knew he might have picked up on my sexual interest that if it was a neon light, it would be blazing bright with the words 'open' over my head.

  I couldn't deny the fact that I had been tossing out the flirtation in order to get his drive going. Now that I had it going, I knew it wouldn't be fair to leave him hanging. Although, the twins should have taken good care of him. So, why was he here? In person? Perhaps for the same reason I went to his place in person. I really had to admit it to myself, and it took a long walk on the beach to clear my head. I wanted Trey Masterson in a sexual way, and I wanted him out of my head before I started this charade with the escort Bill and had to fly to Japan. I had gone to his place after spending a day with two incredible men, neither of which I was as attracted to as I was to Trey. Both of which I knew could not be my sexual partner as that would only complicate the whole business transaction.

  If I was to be truly honest with myself, I had fallen hard for one Trey Masterson, tan muscular surfer boy who had a grin on his face right now, waiting for me to say something, anything.

  I figured I would start with his name. "Trey?" Then I smiled coyly at him. "I suppose it should be I that is apologizing for intruding on your... playtime." The last word came out a bit teasing. Then I teased some more. "I suppose I should be honored that you invited me to your romper room play date. However, I stand by my words. It would only take one real woman to please you versus the two play bunnies you invited over. Are you all played out?" The last sentence came out as a sexual teasing invite of are you done for tonight or do you have a little more to give.

  He shook his head and smiled from ear to ear while trying to take a long drawl of his beer. When he finally swallowed, he looked out to the sky and spoke with a deep timber voice that held a note of serious invite to it. "Jennifer. I am never played out. I'm only getting started."

  The air between us grew quiet. Perhaps since, both of us knew that anything more, and things would begin to get complicated. Perhaps, because we both wanted each other so badly yet did not want to admit it. It was sexual attraction overload and we both were internally dealing with what ramifications might occur after.

  For Trey, it was the fact that she was not only a client but a powerful woman who could easily break his heart without a second glance. He didn't know if he could handle it. He had thought of her more than he cared to admit since the first time he saw her picture in her file on his desk. Zachery had asked for a little help on this one, since it would be such a big client order. She was looking for a full-time social mate, not just a one night social function or a way to make an ex jealous, which was more of the common request that they got. With what she was asking for and the way she had originally talked with Zach over the phone; Trey had gotten the impression that she would need to be handled with care. Right now, the only care he wanted to show her was his hands rubbing over her naked body and finding the places that made her scream for mercy.

  I looked at Trey and saw a misty look to his eyes. One second I was flirting with him, and he teased right back, and the next second it was as if he had to think long and hard about what this could do to our client relationship. I knew my only hesitation was the fact that I grew up with blonde surfer boys breaking my heart and one in particular. However, after such short interaction with Trey, I knew that deep within me was a fantasy waiting to be fulfilled. A man like Trey, could make me really happy, yet he didn't fit into my high powered executive life without complications at work, and that was something I needed to make sure didn't happen. My career came first. But would a single night of playtime help me relax a bit for Japan?

  Then I did exactly what my mind told me not to do. I took the lead and started the game. "I bet you are exhausted from surfing and your play date. Want to sit in my hot tub?"

  He turned and looked at me with a wicked taunting smile. "I'm ok. I've got plenty left in the engine. I don't have a swimsuit though."

  "Don't need one." I teased back. Then I stood and set my half-empty beer off to a glass table and began to strip out of my running clothes. I slowly sauntered over to my hot tub control panel and pushed a few buttons while standing there naked. Then I looked at him with an incredible taunting smile on my face, and head nodded for him to follow. "We're secluded here. Just two friends taking a nice relaxing soak."

  He chugged the last of his beer, set the bottle on the table next to mine, had his clothes off and was in the hot tub in less than two seconds after me.

  We both situated ourselves in the double lounger that faced each other. The jets
were blowing bubbles up, and the sensual aroma of vanilla started up. We both stared at each other for several minutes with smiles on our faces. Then I finally had to say something. "Trey? I think we both know this might lead somewhere. I still need your company's services, and you and I still need a professional working relationship. I suppose we just act like mature consenting adults tonight and leave it at that. That it's just a benefit."

  I watched a smile creep onto his face that read something more along the lines of devilish desire or Jennifer beware. Then I felt his hands take my foot and begin to massage it. He started with the balls of my feet and worked my toes individually, and then he began massaging the entire foot, slowly letting his hand slid up my calf and back down, rotating hands. It was a sensual caring move that had me relaxing in one stroke and slowly awakening my body to what it desired. Trey and his naked hard body pressed against mine. His hard throbbing cock in me. I desired him, yet I knew that something more was starting here, something with a bit of chemistry that had a flash of skull and crossbones in my mind. Something I knew I would not let happen and that something was a relationship. This is just sex; I mentally screamed inside my head. Then I felt his hands slowly work their way up to my thighs and begin to spread them.

  I stopped his hands and watched his face look up to mine with intention. Our eyes locked, and he spoke with conviction. Words that could either be a threat or be the answer to my prayers.

  "My thoughts right now have absolutely nothing to do with mature or consenting, let alone professional. If you say no, I'll stop, but if you say yes..." He never finished his sentence, because all it took was for me to lay my head backwards and moan while the words 'yes' left my mouth before my brain could even react.


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