Caught Inside

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Caught Inside Page 9

by CJ Hawk

  A light chuckle of deep manly laughter filled the room as I said it then I heard his voice from behind between his kisses. "Not tonight darling. Tonight you're mine. I'm taking my time."

  That comment. That thought. It sent shivers to my wet dripping core, and I felt myself tighten and flinch with what could easily have been considered a mini orgasm. I'm sure it was more of a kegel type reaction to what was going to happen yet I could feel my body tense in places that wanted to explode with fireworks.

  With my four inch black heels still on, I felt his hands wandering up between my legs and slowly guide my feet apart a few inches. I felt myself standing there, completely naked not only in the physical sense but the mental sense as well. I had always been in charge, in the bedroom and out. However, right now and maybe after, I would let this man take charge... sometimes. I laughed internally to myself and smiled wide as his fingers finally reached the top of the inside of my thighs.

  "You're so wet already." He practically growled with accomplishment.

  No shit, I wanted to scream, instead I moaned in agreement to what he was doing. He was kissing the curve of my ass with his lips, dipping his fingers into my wet folds. His lips began moving upwards to the lower of my back, then moved quickly to my shoulder. A hand came around and cusped my breast. His fingers toyed with my nipple as he let his tongue ever so lightly lick the side of my neck. Then he pulled me into the space of his body, letting our naked skin lay against each other. My back to his front. His hard cock settled at the top of my ass; his fingers were now in front, dipping into my wet folds again, but not affording me the pleasure of sticking themselves deep inside of me. Which I wanted. Badly. I wanted to beg for it. However, I found my control and would wait for him to do as he pleased.

  Why? I asked myself. Why was I willing to let this man take total control over this sexual situation? Was it because I felt so bad for turning him away in the shower? Was it that I knew, deep down, he had the power to bring me to my knees, both physically and mentally as well? Asking myself why, slowly disappeared as he whispered against my ear.

  "I want you Jennifer. First, I am going to make you cum in my hand, and then I am going to taste you until you beg me to stop. Then I am going to bend you over this bed, putting your sweet round ass in the air, and I am going to slide in you with the wetness you will provide. I'm going to fuck you, and as soon as I'm done, I am going to wash you up in the shower, clean your..."

  His voice faded off as his fingers dipped inside me. Maybe he was still talking, but I had lost mental control to my impulses. I pushed hard back against him, wiggling my ass against his hard cock, letting my hands reach back and touch any naked skin he would afford me, moaning so loud I knew someone walking the hall could easily speculate as to what we were doing. I wanted to speak, yet the control in me knew he had to do this. He had put thought into what he wanted to do to me, while waiting on me to return from eating with my employees. If I had known he was up here waiting, I would have worked myself into my own mental dialogue of frenzy. Instead, I was going to let him be in control of this fantasy, and this was hard for me. I knew I might freak out any moment and try to take control, if not now, possibly later. For now, I just wanted to let my body react to this man and what he was doing to me, let the rest of the world be damned.

  His deep growl filled my ear as his fingers slid in and out of me, letting the palm of his hand brush my swollen clitoris, his other hand cupping my breast as his mouth kissed and licked at my neck, that sensual spot right below my ear that drove me wild, he knew it without me begging for it. I could feel my body grow weak with resolve; I was going to cum in his hand with just a few more strokes. I could feel it. The pleasure he gave my body. I felt it with inhibition as I let my hand reach up and hold his head in place against my neck, and my legs clamped around his hand and my body shook with quick quivering bouts of desire. "Oh God!" I yelled out, filling the room with my pleasurable gasp of joy.

  He held me close to him for a second. I could feel the twitch of his cock behind me. I would normally command him to fuck me while I bent over with my ass in the air and looked back at him with desire. However, this was his night, his ball game; he was to call all the shots.

  His heavy breathing told me he wanted to do what I had just wanted to command, but for some reason, he was going to hold off sticking his hard cock in my wetness. For some reason, he wanted to make me cum again with his mouth. He seemed to have an internal fantasy of what he wanted to do to me, and I was going to let him finish it. Even if it killed me.

  With my body still humming and dripping wet, he led me to the bed and guided me to lie on my back. I felt my arms go up above my head and lay against the bed, as I let out a soft purr of appreciation. He was glorious to look at. His muscles appeared pumped from his exertion; his smile told me he was going to enjoy himself. His eyes lit up as I slowly spread my legs, showing him the freshly waxed portrait he only felt with his hands. Although it was only the other night that he so devilishly devoured me down there as well.

  Then I had to speak up. I could not remain entirely submissive. With my legs open, my canvas exposed, my breasts perky with excitement and a fat cat smile on my face, I teased. "This doesn't have to be about pleasuring me. You look like you could burst. Let's just jump straight to the home run?"

  He shook his head no as he took a step forward, let his hands guide my legs further apart and bent at the knee. He lowered his face down as he pushed my bent legs back to spread me open wider. The first lash of his tongue, I moaned with intense pleasure. His tongue was strong, his mouth hot, and he had a way of doing things to me down there that made my hands that were above my head, slap down to the bed sheet, and grasp hold for dear life.

  My heavy breathing and moaning only encouraged him on. He had a competitive nature about him that I could truly admire. He knew I was close, so very close with my heavy moans and pleas, my wiggling, and then it hit me so fast, I could do only one thing. I let go of the bed sheet I had been grasping for dear life; I grabbed his head with both hands and slammed it into to my body as I raised and spread myself. I felt him latch on and suck hard as I shivered and quickened through quick electric pulses my body was producing.

  Moments later, a whisper of air passed down there, and I opened my eyes in time to see him triumphantly slide his hard cock in me with eyes darkened and wide; his chest puffed, and his muscular body started to position itself over my body. Then I watched the pleasure I gave him as he slid into me slowly, tight with my second orgasm, still pulsing with pleasure. He slid in slow and moaned. Then my hands went up to his arms and stroked his muscles. I looked into his eyes as he slid in and out slowly. I wrapped my legs around his back and lifted my hips up just so, enough so that he could glide against my swollen clit and lead me to that third round of overtime. I knew I was going to cum again. This time it would be while his cock was sliding in and out of me. This time it was more than just him bringing me pleasure; it was about us being together as lovers. How it just felt so very right.

  All the pleasure he gave to me had him ready to deliver his own orgasm so fast. I felt the way he thrust in deep and hard, fast and passionately a few times then a low growl escaped his lips as he exploded inside of me. I let my body enjoy the sensation, and a light quick quiver left my body, as I knew it was all I had left in me.

  I felt so loved and complete as his body collapsed against mine, holding some of his weight off me with his elbows, then he whispered against my ear, and I felt it too. "Fantastic. I think you just made me fall in love with you."

  There they were. Those words. Fall in love with you. I knew it had happened to me, but I did not want to put my heart on the line. If anything, I knew I would demand that we slow things down a bit. How could I do this when I knew what I felt was so very real? I simply replied in a whisper. "I think you did a damn fine job of convincing me."

  As he rolled off and settled himself lying on his back, he said it to the room in general. "I hope so. However, if y
ou need more convincing, you know where to find me."

  I rolled onto my side towards him, settling my leg over his naked body and stared at him, as he looked so sated and happy right now. "I'm glad you came."

  He turned his head and looked at me. "Me too.

  It was only a matter of an hour and that shower got a workout as well. By the time we made it back to bed, Trey had ordered room service, as he had not eaten since before his flight took off. We talked in general about the client and what the schedule was. Then we decided we both really needed our sleep. Nevertheless, I knew my mind would wander every direction while he fell fast asleep.

  As I lay awake with Trey sound asleep next to me, I had to wonder if the client knowing Trey was a good thing or a bad thing. Then I heard his heavy breathing stop. His naked body and hands began to search me out in the bed under the sheets, and once he found me; he pulled me in close to him, my naked back to his naked chest. He whispered against my ear softly and then kissed me. "I can hear you thinking in my sleep. Go to bed. We've got a few days to get this right, and Jennifer; I can be whoever you want."

  I felt an elation build inside of me, a euphoric feeling that did not want to lie or hide from the truth. I was falling in love with Trey Masterson. That who he is, was the man I was falling in love with, and who I wanted next to me during all of this. If someone thought less of him because he was laid back or had a casual conversation approach, then so be it. I was proud of him for just coming to be by my side. I could not keep totally quiet with my mind whirling, so I teased. "It could take an awful lot of practice to get it right. Are you up to the sexual tasks?"

  I felt his lips kiss the backside of my neck, and his hands began to wander over my naked skin. "Just a quick lesson and then off to bed for both of us."

  He did not have to ask twice, and I let him be on top. I felt a change in my attitude and feeling of great things were going to happen.

  Chapter Eleven

  The whole trip could not have gone better. My new client and Trey had surfed together a few years back, which made the introduction of him a lot easier. Everything else just fell into place. We got the client's business; I had a content smile on my face the entire trip, and Trey was sleeping next to me on the airplane like the tired man that he was.

  Strumming with excitement, I realized how quickly I had gotten in over my head. I needed to slow things down, or we would burn out fast. I did not want to deal with heartache or boyfriend issues. As soon as we landed and got in our cab, I needed to let Trey know that we needed to slow it down now that we were back on the main land. It was almost as if the moment we left the fairytale; I had to store away my magic wand and get real. This was life, not a romantic movie. I had to think about the future now, my work, our relationship.

  I felt as if I was fighting an internal battle with myself over the mushy sweet talking sexual heathen who was back in the room in Japan, the professional woman who enjoyed having a great social man by her side, and the closed off protected little girl who did not like a man treading on her heart's path. With all this mulling around in my head, Trey slept like he did not have a care in the world. I took a deep breath and knew that common ground needed to be first on our agenda. We needed to slow it down, get to know each other as people, and not just incredible bed partners.

  I began to formulate a plan for us to connect on a personal and spiritual level and not just in bed. We needed, no; we were going to, slow it down, abstain from sex and spend some quality time together. That was going to be very short, seeing as his daughter was due to fly into the states from London in about two weeks. I could not help but think of the way he beamed with excitement and pride over her visit. He talked in length about the things he wanted to do with her and how Zachery's girlfriend Hailey was a huge help in keeping his daughter around female friends. He did not mention me being around her or doing things. So perhaps, I had this all wrong. Maybe he played the part for me as a job, enjoyed me as a lover, and bootie call was all I really was. Perhaps, the emotional times we shared late at night talking while naked and holding hands was just two friends sharing their thoughts. Because those conversations never involved a conversation about a future we, or us. No mention of me helping him out for the next few months at work.

  No, I was sure now the arrangement was strictly business with a whole hell of a lot of pleasure. He had to get back to his business, which he boasted he even had a buyer so that Zach and he could open up a surf shack business. He had his daughter for the summer to entertain, and then I was sure if he found the time, the twins. I had so much work to attend to that, I had to either unload some of it on to the staff, which I hated doing because I wanted control of everything, or I needed to dig in and spend more time at work. The time came for me to relinquish some control and workload to my employees. This trip in itself, they proved that they could handle more than I gave them.

  I felt my gut tighten at the thought of leaving him, or worse, telling him that we did not have plans past the plane landing. However, I was not going to do this conversation within the small confines of the private plane with other employees around. Nor was I going to do it in public, which was not my style. I figured it might be best to do it in person, so that I can weigh his reaction against what I was feeling.

  Maybe, just maybe, he would take me in his arms and tell me that I was wrong, that we did have a future. That we would be great together, but slowing things down and getting to know each other better was a grand idea. That he wanted me to spend some time with his daughter, getting to know her, after he had some initial time with her to himself.

  Was I being foolish with these romantic notions? Was I putting my lust ahead of business? Could I go through with some type of break up after the time we shared these last few days?

  Amidst the chaos in my brain over this relationship, his voice interrupted my thoughts. "I can hear your mind working a mile a minute over here. You might want to get some rest. I have plans for you later." I looked over at him. His eyes were still closed; his hands folded across his lap, and his head supported by a travel pillow that wrapped round his neck. I stared at his beautiful face, so tan and angular. I took a deep breath in, smelled the manly body shampoo he likes to use, and remembered how it smelled in bed with our bodies so close. I let my breath out slowly, as one of his beautiful green eyes popped open, and a huge smile crossed his face. "I'm not kidding about the later." He said it as I knew that would make what I had to do even harder. I forced a smile back, patted his leg and watched his eye close back, and his breathing go back to a nice even flow.

  I could have easily cuddled up next to him, but had told him no displays of physical lust on the plane in front of my employees. I did not want to make them uncomfortable. I decided to lay my seat back enough so that I can get a little shuteye. I was going to need my strength for later, and not in the way Trey was planning.

  The soft easy breathing next to him, told Trey that she had drifted off finally. He could not stop his mind from replaying their week together. He made quick note of her reaction to his later comment about her needing rest. Instead of her snuggling up, and making a sexual innuendo, as she had done all week, she seemed cold and unemotional. There was no sign on her face that gave him the indication that there would be a later. He had to prepare himself for the great Jennifer Everest blow off, because he was sure, what was coming next was a professional conversation of it was great, - the friend sex benefit, but I've got work, and you've got surf and your daughter.

  Shortly before boarding the plane, she had turned off her sensual erotic switch and was back to business as usual, which if he was not mistaken as soon as they landed and were alone she would cause him to feel like he just took one hell of a wipe out. What he would like to do right now is to turn her erotic emotions back on. Nothing made her happier than when he looked deep into her eyes and stroked her soft skin while telling her how beautiful she is, and he meant it. He knew her mind was sharp and business style was successful but when he tol
d her a joke, and her innocent laughter escaped her protected heart; her eyes would light up, and her smile would creep on her face with hesitation. Then as soon as his hand touched her, anywhere, he would watch her smile come alive, her eye's glow with happiness, and it was in those moments they shared that he knew, she was the one.

  He knew it would hurt when she landed the blow of no more them, but he could not help himself from fantasizing about there being 'a them', together. Having her meet his daughter and to spend some quality time together, almost like they were a family, would be something he could easily fall in love with the idea. However, he remembered her comments about kids and not being any room in her life for them, nor did she want a man in her life that expected her to be his maid, nanny, or even his cook. He had laughed and joked with her, but he knew he would never put those demands on her. He respected the fact that she worked hard. He also knew that his love of healthy cooking, his desire to make her happy would allow them to make everything work out if they ever wanted to take it that far.

  He let his mind wander back to the good times they shared. Even as far back to the day they met in person. When he handed her the flower, and her eyes lit up for a second before he watched her guarded heart take over and cool everything down. He knew that moment that a spark ignited between them, and he knew the moment she showed up at his place when the twins were there, he had it bad for her.

  When he could think of nothing more than her reaction to his towel falling, her sharp-witted comment that the right woman would only take one, he knew. Deep down, he knew that she felt it too, and that would be why as soon as they land, and she is alone with him; she will let him down. Slow and easy, he could only hope, but he would honor her decision and give her the respect she deserves. If in time, she reaches out to him, he knew, he would let her right back into his life, because for now, she already stole his heart.


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