Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2)

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Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2) Page 3

by Belle Winters

  She leaned her elbows on the counter and picked up her fork. She was pushing her breasts up and they were practically spilling out her top. I licked my lips, I wonder how bad it would be if I caved just this once and tossed her over my shoulder took her to her room and had my way. The girl was playing with fire. I adjusted myself in my pants beyond the point of caring about being discreet and I saw her eyes lower to my crotch area. I stood up and walked to where she was standing and her body froze. I kept going until I was right behind her. She tried to continue eating but I know I was distracting her. I leaned down over her but kept from touching her. Just as she was about to put the fork in her mouth I leaned over and ate the forkful. I didn’t pull my face back immediately. I moved my head so that our faces were closer and our lips were almost touching from both reaching for the fork. I could feel her breath against my mouth and her breathing was irregular. I saw her close her eyes and inhale deeply. She just fucking sniffed me. I wanted to close the space between us and rub my hard on against her plump ass to get some relief but I wouldn’t. She began to lean back like she was going to lean on me and I stood to my full height. Her eyes snapped open and I sighed. This is getting dangerous, I needed to get away from her before I did something stupid. Not to mention I’m still fucking pissed as hell at her for everything but I guess I miss her more.

  I walked over to Naiyla’s room door and knocked.

  “COMING OUT!” she screamed through the door. I moved back a few steps and leaned against the wall and kept my head angled down. The door opened and Naiyla came out. I looked up at her and saw her smile then headed towards the door.

  “Oh I want to introduce you to my roommate.” She said trying to catch up to me.

  I shook my head and opened the door for her, “she answered the door.” Was what I said as an explanation I just needed distance and fast.

  I heard Lucy’s whisper “you were serious” but I couldn’t look at her. The hurt was evident in her voice and I don’t think she meant to say that out loud.

  Naiyla walked out the door first and I left behind her. I took one last glance at Lucy before closing the door. She was standing in the same spot with both elbows on the counter. Her face was buried in her hands and her shoulders were shaking. She was fucking crying, shit. I closed the door softly to give her some privacy.

  Naiyla gave me the directions to some little Italian spot. We got seated right away and ordered. I wanted this to be over as fast as possible. I already got what I wanted out of this date and that was to be next to Lucy. After we placed our orders I realized I could get more information from her.

  “So, how’s college life so far? You girls been partying and stuff” I asked.

  She sighed, “I’ve been to a few but not many with some of the girls on our floor. My roommate prefers to stay in I have only been able to drag her out of the room for that party when I met you. I wish she’d come out more cause she’s a ton of fun. That’s why I wanted to introduce you guys so maybe we can all hang out together or something.” She said with a shrug.

  I shrugged, “I didn’t want to meet her.” I told her sourly. She raised an eyebrow and I shrugged.

  “She’s cool you would totally love her trust me. So tell me about yourself.” She urged.

  I groaned internally because I didn’t want to do this shit. I was saved by our drinks being brought over. I got lemonade and I’m sure you can guess why. I took a large gulp before I spoke again. “So you two girls are just over there living the single life?” I asked. Yes I know that was fucking corny but I couldn’t just come out and ask her what I really wanted to know. It would be weird as shit to ask straight out if Lucy was seeing anyone.

  She scoffed, “I guess you can say that. We’ve gotten hit on by plenty of guys here but nothing has worked out for me. She doesn’t even give it a chance. I don’t know her deal cause the guys love her and she told me she wasn’t seeing anyone but never elaborated anymore. I don’t get it but I’m trying to change her mind though. I’m confident I can do it.” A small growl escaped me and I wanted to toss this girl somewhere. How the fuck dare she try to hook up my girl – I mean Lucy, up with another guy. She’s going down as an accomplice for murder for setting this shit in motion. Her brows rose, “are you ok?” she asked. So she had heard it.

  I shrugged, “was just clearing my throat. Anyway do you cook?” I asked. Yes, ever since Lucy bust out that spaghetti in the back of my head I thought about all the meals I’ve missed out on. I wanted to know if she cooked frequently.

  She nodded. “I cook, but my roommate cooks most of the time. She cooks so much better than I do and she always makes too much. When I asked her about it she shrugged and said she’s used to feeding the football team. She laughed but I didn’t get it… but come to think about it, I’m pretty sure that cute football guy that was at the dorm for her on our first day has something to do with it. Maybe you know him?” she snapped her fingers, “He was actually next to you at the party. Big guy built like a truck with pretty like green hazel eyes.”

  I felt the anger rise. This was just not fucking cool, “Lucy is not fucking dating Ted.” I told her with a glare.

  She looked startled at my reaction, but that time I really couldn’t rein it in. I needed to stop with all things Lucy and just get through this night. Our food came and I asked her to tell me about herself. As soon as she started talking I zoned out and focused on this disappointing plate of spaghetti. Why did I torture myself and order it? Lucy should come teach them how to make it good. I thought of her crying and tried to figure out what triggered it. I would look up at Naiyla once in a while and nodded when I realized her lips were moving. Had I made her cry?

  “Landon…?” I heard and focused in on Naiyla.

  “Yea?” I asked.

  “You aren’t listening. I was talking to you and you weren’t saying anything so I asked if you prefer men just to see and you nodded. What’s got you so distracted?” she asked.

  I choked on my food and drank some lemonade, “I do not like men for the record. And nothing, I’m just not much of a talker.” I admitted.

  She laughed lightly, “or listener. Why are you here?” she asked.

  “What do you mean?” I asked her with a frown.

  “The only conversation you made with me had to do with me and my roommate who by the way I’m sure you know because you called her by her name and I never told you. I also know that you were in our room a hell of a lot earlier from when you knocked on my door. She also looked hurt and pissed so spill.”

  “Fine. Lucy and I have history, a lot of fucking history. We live together back home. We were dating but we broke up a couple of days before moving out here.” I told her with a shrug.

  She smirked, “and you asked me out as some type of payback I’m sure. I know when a guy is interested and you my friend are not. So what made you go through all of this?” she asked with a wave of her hand. She seemed genuinely curious.

  I sighed. “I knew you were her roommate, my friend from the team Ted told me. He’s from back home by the way that’s how they knew each other. When you approached me, I thought Lucy told you to do it or that she was ok with it and it pissed me the fuck off.” I told her honestly.

  She nodded, “I get it. I can explain to her that I asked you and stuff when I get back.” She offered.

  I shook my head, “don’t tell her anything. But you can call me if there’s ever an emergency with her. We’re going through shit and we’re not talking or anything but she’s still family. She doesn’t need to know about any of this.” I told her and that I was being serious about. After Dan fucking raping her and beat the shit out of her, then caught up with her in the locker room and tried to get her to be with him, then tried to kill her… well I am not taking chances. I’m not sure if Lucy’s stubborn ass would call me or Nick right now if she were in that type of danger and I would lose my shit if something happened to her and she could’ve been helped had it not been for this fight we’re having. She’s
still my family, so even if we don’t work out, she won’t be able to put me completely out of her life.

  Naiyla turned out to be cool. She didn’t speak too much which I was grateful for and she didn’t seem mad about the fact that I kind of used her. She did admit on the ride home that she wasn’t totally comfortable not saying anything to Lucy, but I convinced her it was for the best. If she knew that she was talking to me she would probably stay tight lipped. And to be honest with her not talking to me or Nick that seems like the only friend she has out here to speak to. Naiyla told me that she gets on well with the other girls but neither her or Lucy click with them on that level where they trust them, at least not yet. When I got home, I had a text from Naiyla saying that Lucy was in her room and she could hear her crying and she would try to talk to her. I went to bed that night feeling like total shit.


  I had my first basketball game today and I was on cloud nine. Mel called me last night to tell me that Erica surprised her that day with roundtrip tickets to fly out here. Erica coordinated with Lucy so that she can stay with her and Mel will stay with me. They’re staying for the whole weekend. I miss that girl something crazy. I sighed as I thought about what I needed to do next. I picked up my phone and dialed Landon.

  “Sup.” He answered.

  “Hey, you not busy right?” I asked. So what, I was procrastinating. I just wasn’t sure how he was going to take this. He told me about the date he went on with her roommate last week and what happened at the house. I wanted to ask Mel about it but knew I couldn’t, I wasn’t supposed to know.

  “Nah, I’m in my room. What’s up?” he asked. I could hear the annoyance in his voice that was screaming for me to get on with it. Fine.

  “Erica and Mel are flying up for the weekend today. They should be here in a few hours.”

  “For real… they’re coming for your game right?” I could hear the smile in his voice. “Does that mean you’re going to be unavailable after your game until you need to put her back on a plane?” he asked.

  I laughed, “Probably. Although I know she is going to want to spend some time with Lucy.” I told him trying to ease my way into it.

  I heard the sharp intake of breath, “right so what are you telling me right now Nick? Get to the point.” He said completely frustrated now.

  “Listen, you know Erica and Mel are going to want to spend time with all of us, and I’m not going to make them choose sides. They’re only going to be here for a bit they deserve to visit everyone they care about. This means we may need to be in the same room as Lucy at some points this weekend. I’m going to need you to behave yourself.” I scolded him.

  “Fuck you Nick. Don’t talk to me like I’m a child. I can behave around Lucy, I just don’t want to fucking be around her. It’s like a ticking bomb waiting to go off. Take that as a warning. If she starts her bullshit or does something to piss me off I’m not going to hold back.” He said.

  I sighed. I knew that he would only be able to tamp it down for a little while. Truth be told I was surprised he made it this long, but then again he’s been avoiding her. Ever since he saw her again he’s been more on edge. He’s still waiting for her to talk and it’s frustrating the hell out of him that she won’t. She hasn’t even tried to contact me which pisses me off so I understand. I don’t know what’s going on with her but she’s got Landon so crazy I don’t know when he explodes if he’s going to try to knock her up or knock her out. I shook my head, “message received.” I told him and disconnected.


  I was at the airport waiting for Mel and Erica. I was so excited because I had missed them so much. I needed the girl time and the feel of home. Naiyla is great but it’s not the same. She just doesn’t know me and my life that well. They did and they were exactly what I needed right now. I’ve been more depressed this past week then since I left home. I wished a few dozen times to reverse the clock and relive the days we were all together and happy. Like during last summer when we were having fun and life was drama free.

  “LUCYYY!” I heard on a high pitch squeal. I spun around to see Mel and Erica bouncing over to me. I smiled wide and waved. Mel ran up and hugged me tight before kissing my cheek. Mel snatched me from her and did the same. They were here for Nick’s first game and well because Mel missed him and probably had a massive boner for him right now. I could definitely relate to that. We had a couple of hours to pass before the game so we decided to head to my place.

  Naiyla was there when we arrived and I made introductions. Her and Mel instantly hit it off and started talking about track in the living room. I took Erica into my room to get her situated.

  “So Lucy, what’s been going on?” she asked.

  I shrugged, “nothing. Just school you know?” I told her.

  Her eyebrow went up, “you know what I’m talking about. Have you seen or spoken to Nick or Landon? You know we’re meeting Landon at the game and he’s sitting with us.” She told me.

  I sighed, how could I forget that? “I saw Landon.” And Erica broke out a smile. When she saw my wary stare her smile faded a bit. “He came over to pick up Naiyla for a date.” I informed her.

  She scowled. “He’s dating your roommate?” she asked.

  I nodded, “guess so. He came to pick her up to go out a week ago. I haven’t asked about it because it’s not my business and I don’t want to know.” I admitted and she nodded.

  “What are you wearing today?” she asked.

  I looked down at my Ohio State sweatshirt, jeans, and sneakers. “This.” I told her confused.

  Another scowl. She keeps that up her face is going to be like that permanently. “You are not. Now go wash your ass while I raid your closet.” I frowned and she crossed her arms and glared daring me to argue. I threw my arms up in frustration and went to wash.

  In true Erica fashion she picked out something stylish and sexy. I frowned at her.

  “Erica no.” I said shaking my head.

  She threw her hands on her hips. “And why not? It’s cute!” she argued.

  I raised an eyebrow in challenge. “I know you and your tricks. This is not cool.”

  Now she raised her eyebrow, “What trick Lucy?”

  “You know Naiyla is coming with us right?” I asked.

  She nodded, “yea and?” she challenged.

  I waved a hand at the clothes, “I know this is about Landon.”

  She gave me a confused look. “Who said anything about Landon?” she asked.

  I groaned. I knew I was right but she wasn’t going to cave. I got dressed and we all just hung out and talked until it was time to leave. We all piled in my car and went to the game. On our way there Erica texted Landon and he said he’ll wait for us at the entrance. When we got there it was packed, it took us a few minutes to find him. When we did Erica threw herself onto him and he caught her. There was no denying how much they loved each other, every time they saw each other it’s like they haven’t seen each other in years. He placed her on her feet and kissed her cheek. He hugged Mel next but this was more contained and then he gave Naiyla a hug. When he pulled back he threw his arm around her shoulders and started inside. He didn’t even fucking look at me. He might as well have stabbed me in the chest because that’s how the hurt felt. I thought back to the last time I saw him. I truly thought he was there to fight with me and was fucking with me until he actually went and got Naiyla. That shit hurt like fuck. I had to fight to wait for them to leave before I let the tears out. They were angry, sad, betrayed tears. I didn’t tell anyone about that day. It hurt too much to talk about it and now I’m going to have to watch them together.

  We found seats and Landon sat between Naiyla and Erica. Mel sat next to Erica and I was on the end as far away from them as possible. Mel kept sending me questioning looks but I ignored them. I didn’t want to talk about this. When the game started I let myself get absorbed into it. I couldn’t help but cheer for Nick because I was so proud of him. He was kicking ass and I’m sur
e a part of his performance was for Mel. At one point during the game Landon went and grabbed drinks and snacks for everyone except me. It was really like I truly didn’t exist to him. When the game was over I got up from my seat and headed straight to my car not waiting for anyone. I didn’t know who they were planning on riding with. Erica got to my car first and told me she wanted to ride with Landon to catch up. I nodded and Naiyla hopped in. I already knew that Mel would want to be with Nick so I took off and headed to the popular food spot that everyone goes to. It was packed today being a Friday, but we secured a table. Landon and Erica arrived shortly after and when I saw them enter I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I needed to get myself under control if I was going to have to endure this. When I returned Erica was sitting on one side of the booth and Landon had slid in next to Naiyla. Nick and Mel had just arrived and Naiyla slid out so that Mel and Nick could sit together and they moved in next to Landon. I let Naiyla get in first and I took the end so I was as far away from Landon as possible.

  Everyone talked and caught up. Nick was his usually ridiculous self, but he seemed restrained. He didn’t talk to me either so I spent most of the time with my attention in my plate. I remember this feeling clearly, the outcast. I was once again the one who didn’t belong. I wanted to leave but I sucked it up and endured it. Halfway through the meal some guys from the football team came in. When they saw Nick and Landon at our table they stopped in front to say hello.

  “Well, who are these lovely ladies you guys are with?” a voice said. I looked up to find a fairly handsome guy standing in the front of the others. He looked around the table taking each person in slowly.

  Landon raised his head and used his thumb to introduce everyone. “My sister Erica and Nick’s girlfriend Mel came to visit. Naiyla goes here with us.” He said. He didn’t bother mentioning me and the knife that he stabbed me with earlier tonight twisted. I couldn’t do this.


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