Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2)

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Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2) Page 4

by Belle Winters

  I grabbed my stuff and got up when the guy in the front gently grabbed my wrist. “And who are you?” he asked.

  I looked up, “Lucy.” I told him and looked towards the door in longing. I needed to go and fast then I remembered Erica, shit. Fuck it Landon can drop them off.

  His hand slid from my wrist into my hand where he grasped it. “I’m Dylan. It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve seen you around here.” He told me.

  I studied him to see if I could remember seeing him before and I couldn’t. “I’m sorry but I don’t remember.” I told him honestly.

  He laughed, “Well I don’t blame you. I’m not as beautiful as you. You’re not a face anyone could ignore.” That made me scoff… if only you knew.

  “It was great meeting you but I need to leave.” I told him trying to make my exit.

  Erica piped up, “how am I going to get to your place?” she asked.

  I spun around and I saw the mischief in her eyes. She knew damn well that neither Nick nor Landon would just leave her stranded. I scowled. Dylan spoke up, “I could give you a ride and your friend here can take your car.” He suggested.

  Before I could argue Erica spoke up again, “oh that sounds wonderful! Thank you. Lucy make sure you text me and let me know your home and all and I should be there soon.” She replied way too happily. I’m definitely going to smother her ass in her sleep tonight.

  I spun around to try to get myself out of this when Dylan spoke up again. “I have one condition.” I looked at him wearily and cocked my eyebrow in question. He gave me a megawatt smile, “You have to let me take you out to dinner tomorrow night.”

  This time Mel spoke up, “oh that sounds great.” I turned to look at her. She was giving me a knowing look and I could see Nick out of the corner of my eye with his head down.

  “Look at that, your friends agree, so what do you say pretty girl?” he asked.

  I sighed, “Fine. Let me just use the restroom real quick.” I conceded. He nodded and I walked off. While I was washing my hands my phone dinged. It was Erica. I opened it to see Dylan was totally checking you out when you left. When he got a look at that ass he practically drooled. Make sure you put a little sway on your way back. I rolled my eyes. She was a mess.

  I rummaged through my bag to find my keys as I walked back towards the table. I had just found them and looked up but it was too late. Someone in the booth behind ours left their book bag in the walkway. I tripped on it and knew I was about to meet my death... death by humiliation. This day couldn’t get any fucking worst. I felt arms wrap around me and pull me up until I was flush against a hard body. I looked down at the arm going across my breast then the one around my waist. I looked up and met brown eyes and buzz cut hair. Dylan had caught me and saved me from total mortification. Fine the dude earned his date. He slowly unraveled from me but instead of releasing me he let his arms and hands slowly work across my body grazing my breast and stomach until his arms were at his sides. I blushed, that was the most action I’ve gotten in a while and there were people watching. I got even redder when I saw Erica’s huge grin. I couldn’t even meet anyone’s eyes after that. I handed Erica the keys with my head down and walked towards the door. He came out behind me a few seconds later and led me to his car. He dropped me off at home and we exchanged numbers. We agreed to go out at around 7:30 the next night. With that he kissed my hand and I went upstairs. Erica and Naiyla arrived about 45 minutes later and were begging me to spill. I told them what happened not that there was much to tell. Before we went to sleep that night, Erica informed me that everyone saw him cop a feel of my breast. I knew who everyone was when she said that and I shrugged. He had a girlfriend of his own to worry about.

  We went out on a date and it was ok. I didn’t feel anything, but it was a welcomed distraction. He asked me out a few more times over the last few weeks and I’ve only accepted once. We were heading home for thanksgiving next week and I needed to finish up some papers. I headed over to the library intending to get some work done here so I didn’t have to carry a bunch of stuff back and forth. I found all the books I needed and was looking for an empty seat when I saw him. Landon was sitting with a couple of guys including Dylan, Nick, and Ted. There were a few girls there too. They all seemed to be involved in their studying and then I noticed the girl sitting next to Landon, it was Jasmine, she was fucking going here too? I can’t catch a fucking break. I put my head down and tried to walk past without being noticed but I wouldn’t have such luck.

  “Lucy?” I heard and groaned.

  I turned around and gave her a weary smile, “Jasmine.” Everyone had their heads up and their attention on me. Landon gave me a fleeting glance and returned to his book. I looked over the group, “Hey Teddy.” I said.

  “Hey there Lucy where you going?” he asked.

  I sighed. “I’m just grabbing some stuff and heading back to my room to study.” I told him. Now that I’ve been spotted no way was I staying. Ted’s gaze shifted from Nick to Landon then back at me. He scowled then grunted. Nick wasn’t looking at me either.

  “I can go study with you, keep you company.” I heard Dylan offer.

  Nick’s head popped up then and he swung his head to Dylan. Before he could say anything he was interrupted. “No.” an abrupt no came from Landon. He still hadn’t looked up from his book.

  My eyebrows shot up. I didn’t know who he was talking to. Dylan turned to him and asked, “What?”

  “You heard me.” Was all Landon said still not taking his eyes off his book. My free hand found my hip. Jasmine met my gaze and she paled. Oh yea, she knew what was about to happen. She’s been there before. Nick looked weary. For the first time since the last time he spoke to me he met my gaze full on and tried to give me a subtle shake of his head as if to say don’t. That pissed me off even more. You won’t speak to me or anything any other time and now… now you know I’m alive. I was seeing red.

  I flipped Nick off and turned to Dylan. “Sure, why not. Let’s go.” I told him. I didn’t really want the company but who the fuck does Landon think he is. Nick hissed and I rolled my eyes. I looked over to Ted and he was watching me with a smirk.

  Dylan looked from me to Landon then back again. I didn’t even look Landon’s way. Dylan looked weary, “is there something I don’t know?” he asked.

  I shrugged, “nope. Nothing that matters, so are you coming with?” I asked him.

  He looked back at Landon then me. “Then why does he look like he’s about to kill me?” he asked pointing a finger in Landon’s direction.

  I shrugged again, “I have no clue, but who cares? I don’t. And I really want some company tonight.” I told him with a smile. Okay so I know I was pushing it but I was fucking angry.

  “Lucy…” This was Nick.

  I spun to face him and pointed an accusing finger at him. “No! No you don’t Nick. You don’t get to talk to me.” His jaw ticked and I knew I was pissing him off and well I don’t care. They need to feel pissed. They need to feel a portion of what I’ve been feeling this whole time.

  “OK, this is getting a little tense. I’ll come with you. Cool?” Dylan said seeming like he was trying to defuse the situation.

  I nodded and a chair scraped. I looked over to see that Jasmine had moved her chair a little further away from Landon at some point and he was standing up with his palms on the table. He was giving me his death glare and I threw it right back. When he didn’t speak I grabbed Dylan’s book and closed it to put it in his bag. He needed to come on already because I really wanted out of here.

  “Lucy, you walk away from this table with him and somebody is going to need an ambulance.” He said so cold I would’ve gotten a chill had I not been so angry. I flipped him off because he wasn’t going to do shit. Then I looked at Dylan and sighed internally because I couldn’t make the same guarantee for him.

  “Lucy not right now.” Landon warned.

  I still ignored him until he was suddenly in my line of vision. He’d walked
around the table over to where I was standing. “This is what you want Lucy? You want to do this now?” he asked.

  “Fuck you Landon.” I practically spat at him. He nodded as if he made up his mind and the next thing I knew he had me by the throat. He wasn’t squeezing and he wasn’t interfering with my air supply but the position was just threatening. He walked me backwards until I felt the table behind my legs. “Landon get off of me and leave me alone you ass.” I told him.

  “No.” he said simply then pushed me back so that my back was on the table. Some of the people that were sitting at his table had already moved to make space. I guess they weren’t sure what was about to happen and truth be told neither did I. “You think this is fucking funny Lucy? This is fucking cool to you huh?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “It’s not about you mind your business.” I told him.

  He bared his teeth. “It is my fucking business Lucy. I don’t know how many times I have to go through this shit with you. I’m giving you space letting you work up the nerve to come and fucking talk but this shit you’ve been doing… it stops now. Do you understand me?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “No because you don’t get to dictate shit. Now get the fuck off of me and we’re going to my room to study. Just who the fuck do you think you are?” I spit back.

  I heard one of the guys in the background ask, “Aren’t you going to get him or something? He might hurt her dude he looks pissed.”

  I heard a sigh then Nick’s voice. “Nope I tried to stop it before it happened but they’re both damn stubborn. This is their shit and he’s not going to hurt her, at least not physically.”

  “You want to fucking study with somebody? Then come on let’s go fucking study Lucy.” He said letting me go and backing up off me. I sat up and turned to leave. He caught up to me a few steps after and tugged my arm. “Where are you running to now Lucy?” he asked.

  I spun around and punched him in the chest. When he didn’t flinch I punched him again until I reached up and slapped him in the face hard. My chest was heaving and I was flushed. He bent down and grabbed me throwing me over his shoulder. I fought with him for a few minutes but it was no use so I just let everything relax. I’m going to need all the fight I have soon enough. He carried me all the way to my door then put me down so I could open it. I tried to open it a bit and slip in and lock him out but he stuck his hand out and shoved the door so it opened all the way. I stomped into my room and closed and locked the door. He didn’t knock or come in or make any noise. After about 30 minutes I opened my door to check if he left because I would need to lock up. He was sitting at the counter eating the leftover food I made yesterday.

  I sighed in frustration. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” I asked him.

  He didn’t respond and just kept eating. I stomped over to him. “Answer me. Why are you here?” I asked him.

  He took another spoonful of rice and took his time chewed slowly. I watched him expectantly. He took a large slow drink of water and put the glass down. When he finished he met my eyes. “Are you ready to talk?” he asked.

  I sighed, “Talk about what?” I asked him.

  He shrugged and my anger grew to a whole new level. “There’s nothing for us to talk about Landon! What do you want from me?” I whined.

  He threw the fork down angrily and it bounced off the plate landing on the floor. He stood up and grabbed his bag and left my room without another word. I stood there staring at the door for a few minutes before locking it and going back to my room. We’re just getting worse by the day. I was losing any hope that I had left in us.



  We were heading back home today for thanksgiving. It was in two days and we would get to stay until Sunday. Nick and I decided to ride together. I haven’t seen or spoken to Lucy since I left her room that night. Was she serious in thinking that we don’t have unresolved issues that need to be discussed? That pissed me off so fucking much. I grabbed my bag to head out to meet up with Nick, thank god he was driving. I walked out my room and down the hall when I saw Dylan. I gave him a head nod in acknowledgement and kept it moving. That dude is rubbing me in all the wrong fucking ways. Something about him is setting off red flags and warning bells. When I first got here he was a cool enough dude, which was until we earned our spots on the team and I took his. He was a year ahead of me. He wasn’t happy about it but he played it off like it was fine. I noticed he’s been watching me a little too much for my liking ever since. I have a feeling he knows that I have a thing for Lucy. He was there at the party and I saw him watching me when she pissed me off. Then he asks her out and shit. He’s trying hard to be buddy buddy with Nick. A lot of these guys don’t know that Nick and I are actually related. We try to keep our private lives private. Most people think we know each other because we used to play together like how we knew Ted. Until the night when we were getting food I don’t think any of them even knew that we knew Lucy. I tried to contain myself that day in the library but she pushed me too fucking far. I didn’t want them to know that Lucy meant anything to me. It’s always been a habit of mine to try to keep the people I care about separate. I’m sure Dylan’s curiosity was peaked from that night. He was paying close attention to both of our reactions and he tried to prod Lucy with questions. Thankfully she was too pissed off at me to really give him anything; either way there’s no hiding it now. I couldn’t wait to get home and get some semblance of normal again.

  Lucy’s and James cars were there when we arrived. I was surprised she didn’t opt to stay with him. But then again knowing her she probably is just going to avoid us. We went into the house and Max charged us. I missed my little man. I’m not used to being away from him like this and I know it’s different for him just being him and dad. His enthusiasm showed how much he missed us. We went to say hi to James, dad, and Samantha then went up to play with Max. He told us Lucy was there but asleep. I don’t blame her. I was fucking beat from that long ass drive myself and I wasn’t even behind the wheel. Erica and Mel arrived soon after Mel’s parents. Lucy came downstairs about an hour after the girls arrived. She went off to play with Max and ignored us completely. Whatever.

  That night I was in my room going fucking crazy. Knowing she was right there down the hall in a bed we slept in together so many nights was fucking torture. I wanted so bad just to walk down the hall and let myself in but something told me even if I tried the door would be locked. Sure I could still get the other key and open it but I wouldn’t. I was up all night watching TV because I couldn’t sleep. Eventually I turned off the TV and imagined that first night I took her virginity and I jacked off to the images. I fell out after that.

  I got up the next day and went downstairs. Everyone was already awake but Lucy and Max was gone. I looked at the time and realized I slept through the whole morning. It was after 1 in the afternoon. I walked to the stove and found a plate of pancakes, sausage, eggs, and bacon there covered.

  Erica walked into the kitchen. “That’s yours everyone else already ate.” She told me walking to the fridge to grab a soda.

  I raised my brows, “what do you mean this is mine?” I asked.

  She rolled her eyes, “don’t play stupid. You know what I mean. Since when did she ever cook and not feed everyone?” she asked.

  She had a point. Even when Lucy hates my guts she still feeds me. I heated up the food and sat down to eat. “Where’s Max?” I asked her.

  She rolled her eyes. “Lucy is cooking tomorrow so she needed to go buy stuff. Max wanted to go with her, you can guess the rest.” She said.

  I nodded. She was right Max gets whatever he asks her for. She spoils him to death and he’s crazy about her. My seven almost eight year old little brother looks at Lucy like a mother and a Disney princess. But truth be told she treats him like a son. It frustrated me though that she read through me. I knew if Max was gone he’d only be with one of us. I knew he was with Lucy and I was fishing.

  “Next time
just come out and ask about her you don’t need to use Max. When are you two going to stop being assholes and patch shit up?” she asked bluntly.

  I scoffed. “She’s the one that’s given up. She’s done. She told me there wasn’t anything left for us to talk about. If you ask me, I think there is nothing left to patch Erica.” I told her.

  She rolled her eyes. “You two make me sick and get on my damn nerves. I should cut you both off until you come to your senses.” She said with her words trailing behind her as she left the kitchen. I finished my food and I was full. It’s rare that I’m full these days but Lucy knows how to feed me. That pissed me off some. So what if I’m being bitter I get to do that.


  We got back from shopping and we had a ton of things with us. As usual I was going to be making a ton of food tomorrow for thanksgiving. It was dark and dreary outside. There has been warnings of a bad storm coming in so I made sure to get extra snacks and stuff just in case we’re all stuck in the house for the entire visit. James and Samantha won’t be here this year. Samantha’s parents are older and well their time is limited. I told them that it would be ok with me if they spent thanksgiving with them so they can ensure to have Christmas with us.

  Me and Erica hung out in her room watching a bunch of chick flicks doing anything but talking about boys. She painted my nails and tried out different styles on my hair. This is just what I needed. I ended up falling asleep in her room that night. I woke up super early to start cooking because the menu was large and I was a one man army. I spent the entire day in the kitchen cooking and everyone stayed mostly out of my way. When dinner was ready I sent Max to spread the word and get everyone seated. Me and Erica transferred all the food into bowls and things and took it to the table. When everyone was seated we all made our plates and then we began to say our thanks.

  Max began. “I’m thankful for everyone coming back home. It’s so quiet now that it’s just me and dad and now I have more people to play with again. I’m thankful for my brothers Nick, Landon, and my sister Erica, and my aunt and uncle James and Sammy, and sweet cheeks, and my daddy, and my mom. I missed Lucy’s cooking it’s so good and my dad can’t cook like this.” He said. I smiled. He first called me his mother our first thanksgiving together two years ago. This would be my third being in this family. It shocked the shit out of everyone but after a while everyone gave up arguing with him. I noticed that he also referenced my biological dad and his wife as his aunt and uncle. They became permanent fixtures in all of our lives once he found out about me.


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