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Once Upon a True Love's Kiss

Page 51

by Julie Johnstone

  Having solved one problem, Patrick had turned all his efforts to winning back Aveline. How could he make her understand why he was so desperate to save his family?

  He stopped and stared into the empty fireplace. What could he…that's it. Patrick flung open the door and hurried through the dark to his study. He lit a couple of candles, then rifled through the drawers of his desk. He pulled out several sheaves of paper, and got to work.

  This was his last hope.

  Stolen Kisses from the Viscount: Chapter Seven

  AVELINE WAS TIRED OF VISITORS — FRIENDS wondering why she refused to attend social gatherings, and casual acquaintances wanting to know exactly what happened. But Lady Capers was by far the worst visitor she'd had dealt with over the past several days. She had been relentless in her questioning and insisted on giving her opinion on how Aveline should handle the situation, almost begging her to give Lord Leybourne another chance. Even Aunt Winnie had tired of her friend, asking Lady Capers to leave in a firm, but polite sweet tone.

  Aveline was certain she had received at least a dozen visitors thus far. She was exhausted. Poor Aunt Winnie was exhausted too and would probably be abed for days with a headache. At least her aunt had been able to retire upstairs after the last inquisitive caller departed. Unfortunately, just when Aveline thought her day was at an end, two more guests were announced.

  "Miss Leybourne and Miss Parnell are here to see you, Miss Redgrave."

  She sucked in her breath and steeled her nerves for what was sure to be a difficult visit.

  The almost identical sisters rushed into the room. Miss Leybourne went straight to Aveline and embraced her. "How are you?"

  "Patience, let Miss Redgrave breath."

  Aveline eased out of Miss Leybourne's embrace, took her hand and guided her to the sofa. "Come, let's sit."

  Despite her anger and hurt over what Lord Leybourne had done, she was not going to be rude to his sisters. It was not their fault their brother was a pompous ass.

  Miss Parnell took the seat across from her sister and Aveline. "You mustn't think so ill of our brother," Miss Parnell said in a most sincere tone that Aveline did not doubt. "He was just trying to protect us and Aunt Agnes. When Father…" she cleared her throat as if brushing over unpleasantries.

  Aveline was all too familiar with that motion. It was one she had perfected anytime anyone asked her something she did not want to answer, especially regarding her parents.

  Miss Parnell sighed, "When Father died, he left the estate in ruins. Patrick tried all sorts of things, but—"

  Miss Leybourne jumped in and finished where her sister left off. "He was unable. All he managed to do was pay off Father's debts, but there is nothing left. He did it to save us."

  Lord Leybourne's sisters clearly thought very highly of him, but Aveline was not going to be made to feel guilty. "He deceived me and used me for his own advances."

  "Our brother can be selfish." Miss Leybourne paused and gazed into the distance as if recalling a distant memory. "No, he used to be quite selfish and self-centered."

  "But since Papa died, he has changed," Miss Parnell chimed in. "And since he met and began courting you, he has been nothing but determined to win you over. Please say you will give him another chance."

  Miss Parnell's gaze shifted. "Where did you get that?" She pointed to the small ornate box on the side table. Despite the sender, Aveline could not dispose of the intricate blue and gold Florentine tole trinket box. Someone had lovingly toiled over the beautiful pattern.

  With hesitance Aveline answered. "Lord Leybourne sent it to me."

  A soft gasp exited Miss Parnell's lips. "Oh my."

  Aveline glanced back and forth between the sisters. "What?"

  Surprise laced Miss Leybourne's voice. "Patrick made it for Mother shortly before she died. Despite its value, he refused to sell it."

  Aveline was speechless. He had sent one of his most valuable possessions to her? He sent her something he had made for his mother? Her mind scrambled for answers. The anger that had been consuming her for days gave way to disbelief. Why would he do this?

  "Whatever is the matter?" Miss Leybourne said as she clasped Aveline's cold hand in hers.

  Aveline's world tilted on its side and began to spin. She blinked rapidly trying to focus on her guests, but all she could think about was Lord Leybourne. The fragile wall she had built around her heart had begun to crumble. She knew what his mother had meant to him.

  "Nothing." She swallowed the truth. "I believe it's time for me to ready for this evening."

  "Of course, Miss Redgrave," Miss Parnell said as she stood, nodding her head for her sister to follow.

  Miss Leybourne did not release Aveline's hand as she stood. She looked deep into Aveline's eyes and without flinching said, "I believe he truly loves you. Try and forgive him. These last few years have not been easy on him."

  Lord Leybourne's sisters departed, leaving Aveline more confused than ever. She stood for countless minutes, her arms wrapped about herself trying to find comfort. She worried at her bottom lip until it ached.

  Time stood still as events from the past couple of weeks played over and over in her mind. Anxiety, despair, and other unnamable emotions coursed through her body only adding to her confusion.

  Strolling to the side table, she picked up the beautiful Florentine box. The pattern was simple, yet so elegant. She imagined Patrick toiling away at the intricate details, wanting to make it perfect for the woman who had held a special place in his heart. Sadness crept into her heart. He loved his family and they loved him in return.

  "Miss Redgrave." Dunn entered the room for what felt like the hundredth time that day to announce yet another visitor. She looked up to the ceiling wondering who else wanted to hear what happened first hand, offer advice, or scold her for being too much like her late mother. Aveline wanted to break down and cry, or scream until she went hoarse. "Lady Leybourne has respectfully asked to have an audience with you."

  Aveline did not have to wait long before an elderly woman with a forlorn face trudged into the room. "Miss Redgrave, I'm Lady Leybourne, Patrick's aunt." She held her thin bony hand up to halt Aveline from speaking. "Please." Her voice quavered with emotion as she spoke. "It has taking me several days to muster the courage to speak to you."

  "Please have a seat." Aveline waved her toward the sofa then sat down beside her.

  No sooner had she sat down, Lady Leybourne blurted out, "It's all my doing."

  Aveline sat quietly and listened to his aunt's confession with bewilderment.

  "I am the one who made the list. I am the one who suggested your name."

  "But he was the one who made the wager." She argued against Lady Leybourne's confession.

  "To save us." Lady Leybourne grabbed both of Aveline's hand and held them firmly within her own. The gesture took her aback, she was not used to such affection. "Do you know what Patrick did that night after he left Lady Guildford's ball?"

  Aveline shook her head in slow measures, wondering what Lady Leybourne could possibly say that would change her heart.

  "Patrick meet with… with that no good…Pickering and called off the bet." Lady Leybourne seemed flustered and embarrassed by her words.


  Lady Leybourne's brows creased together. "Are you acquainted with him?"

  Her breath came in heavy gulps. "It was Pickering who delivered the news of the wager." Aveline leapt off the sofa, fighting to control her anger. "He said nothing about the bet being called off. The blackguard lied to me, made me believe Patrick did not care."

  Aveline's rant had discomposed Patrick's aunt who was red all over. The older woman was so similar to Aunt Winnie. "I'm sorry. I should not have spoken in such a manner."

  Lady Leybourne stood and smiled thoughtfully. "Do not worry, Miss Redgrave." She stepped away to take her leave before turning back toward Aveline. "Will you promise you'll at least think about why Patrick felt he had to do what he did?"
  "I promise." It was a vow she would not have any trouble keeping.

  After Lady Leybourne left, Aveline decided it was time to retreat to the confines of the upper floors, far away from any other possible visitors. After all that had occurred during the course of the day- the droves of callers, and the multitude of revelations and gossip- this was how she was to end her day, in hiding. She didn't know if she could handle any more confessions in one day.

  She had no intentions of going out this evening, but decided it was too early to sequester herself in her room. With the constant arrivals, Aveline had not had the opportunity to visit her uncle. Earlier in the day, Aunt Winnie had informed her that Uncle Arnulf was feeling better and Aveline was anxious to see for herself.

  Standing outside his study, she took a brief moment to gather her senses and conceal her emotions. She was not going to wear her heart on her sleeve. Taking in a deep breath, she stood tall and strolled into Uncle Arnulf's study with none of the confidence she was trying to portray.

  The sight of Uncle Arnulf sitting behind his desk halted her steps. No longer were his features sallow and gaunt, but a healthy glow. His eyes shone bright with life and purpose.

  "You look wonderful, Uncle." Tears of joy trembled on her eyelids. She hurried over to him and encircled her arms around his neck. He patted her back with a gentle motion.

  Uncontrollable tears streamed down her face, absorbed by his coquelicot banyan.

  "Now, now, Aveline. It's going to be all right." He pulled back, searching her eyes. "What has happened to cause you such distress?"

  Aveline was not going to burden Uncle Arnulf with all that had happened. She slid into the chair beside him. "Everything is fine. I believe I am just a little fatigued from all the visitors this afternoon."

  Her uncle adjusted himself, turning to face her. "I had a most interesting visitor this afternoon as well."

  "Oh?" She had been confined to the drawing room all day, why hadn't she noticed who'd come to call on her uncle?

  "Perhaps you know him?"

  Aveline was unsure where the direction of this conversation was going, but deep down she was not sure she liked it.

  "Lord Leybourne."

  Those two words shook her world sending the frayed pieces of her emotions into a whirlwind. "Why did…" She swallowed her question with hopeful anticipation as to why Patrick had requested an audience with her uncle.

  "He asked for a loan."

  "A loan?" Not exactly the romantic idea that first came to mind.

  "Lord Leybourne has some excellent ideas on how to turn around his estate, but needs funds in order to do so." She listened to her uncle, torn by conflicting emotions. "He is quite an intelligent chap."

  Aveline tried to hide her annoyance, but to no avail. "Is that all the two of you discussed?"

  Uncle Arnulf chuckled, sending a blush of embarrassment to Aveline's cheeks. "We also discussed you, dearest."

  She felt a little lightheaded. There were just too many emotions consuming Aveline. She did not know whether to laugh or cry.

  "Lord Leybourne has made his intentions known. He does not want your dowry. Only once he turns things around and pays back the loan will he court you."

  "That is his stipulation?"

  "Yes. He even drew up a formal agreement."

  Uncle Arnulf handed Aveline the paper. She scanned the contents, hardly believing what she was seeing. "This could take him years to pay back. What of Lord Redgrave's ultimatum?" Her voice rose with each word she spoke.

  Uncle Arnulf leaned in and whispered, "The choice is yours, Aveline."

  Without a doubt, the choice was clear in her mind.

  "Thank you, Uncle Arnulf." She kissed his cheek before running from the room. Tonight was the night she would seize her happiness with both hands and never let go.

  AFTER AN EVENTFUL DAY full of callers, Aunt Winnie had declared herself in no condition to emerge from her chamber and bid Aveline a very pleasant night. Uncle Arnulf had disappeared into the library, feeling more like himself than he had in weeks. It was just the diversion Aveline needed.

  Earlier in the evening, she had sent a note to Miss Leybourne asking for her assistance. The enthusiastic reply brought a smile to Aveline's face and warmed her heart. Both Leybourne sisters expressed their utter joy at Aveline's change of heart and were thrilled with the prospect of her becoming their sister-in-law. All that was left was to wait patiently for the appointed hour to arrive.

  Time seemed to stand still. Aveline paced the length of her room waiting for nightfall. Several times doubt had crept into her mind. What if she got caught? What if he really didn't want her? What if…

  When the clock struck ten, she gathered her things, peered out her door, and then snuck down the hall to the servant's stairwell, ignoring the protests in her stomach all the while. The house was quiet and her flight went unseen. Aveline had never ventured out alone at night, or even during the day for that matter. It was quite the adventure.

  Following the directions Miss Leybourne had given her, Aveline soon found herself at the servants' entrance to Leybourne House. A faint flame flickered in the window before the door opened slightly.

  Miss Leybourne peered around the door. "This way, Miss Redgrave." Her soft voice urged Aveline into the house.

  The butterflies in Aveline's stomach were fluttering about in ways that were alternately thrilling and frightening. She still could not believe she was sneaking into Leybourne House.

  The single candle Miss Leybourne was holding illuminated their path, guiding them through the cold dark residence. Several minutes later they stopped at the threshold of a long hallway.

  "Patrick retired a short time ago," Miss Leybourne whispered into Aveline's ear. "His door is the third on the left." It was almost impossible to hear the words over the rapid beating of her heart. Miss Leybourne raised a finger to her lips. "Shh."

  Following close behind, Aveline was careful not to make a sound. When they reached Patrick's door, Miss Leybourne smiled brightly before scurrying down the hall, disappearing into the darkness.

  Aveline contemplated her next course of action. Should she knock or would the element of surprise be better? She stared at the door for countless seconds before saying a silent prayer. She lifted her hand, knocked softly then entered the chamber.

  Patrick whipped around. The tenderness in his expression when their eyes met melted her heart. "Aveline." Her name rolled off his tongue like a melody. She had missed the deep sound of his voice caressing her soul. Any remaining apprehension vanished.

  "May I come in?" She did not wait for his response, but closed the door and then brushed past him.

  Forcing herself to remain calm, Aveline turned to face him. His dark brown eyes were wide with shock and confusion. He blinked several times as if he only imagined her presence. Patrick approached with caution, his eyes never leaving hers.

  "What are you doing here?"

  She pulled the paper that Patrick had given her uncle earlier in the day from her reticule. "I came to discuss the contents of the contract you presented to my uncle."

  "At this hour?" His dark tired eyes showed the dullness of disbelief.

  "Yes." She lifted her chin and uttered her rehearsed speech. "The terms are unacceptable." Patrick glanced away for a moment, his expression turning somber. Aveline's heart pounded and her hands shook as she held the paper up and tore it in half. "I will not wait to be your wife." He stared, complete surprise on his face.

  He closed the distance in two strides, and pulled her roughly into his embrace. She saw the fire and passion burn in his eyes moments before he took her mouth in an all-consuming kiss. His tongue explored with a hunger that matched her own. Patrick ran a firm hand down her back, possessively claiming her body.

  With a growl, he swept her up into his arms. His eyes smoldered with a desire that sent shivers down her spine. "I want you." She had waited her whole life to hear those words. "Marry me." With those two simple words
, he unlocked her heart and soul. Aveline was his forever.

  She drew his face to hers and kissed her reply across his lips, savoring the moment. Within seconds the kiss turned hungry as mutual desire consumed them. Without breaking the kiss, he carried her to the bed. With swift artful hands he slid her dress off her shoulders. Before she could gather her senses, he had stripped off her remaining clothes and was himself now lying naked beside her.

  "I have dreamed of you like this since our first kiss."

  Patrick explored her body, teasing, arousing. Her skin tingled with the heat of his touch demanding more. Hot lips brushed across her nipple before his tongue caressed, then claimed the hardened bud. Oh my. Aveline thought she would die from pleasure. She arched her back, offering herself to his skilled mouth.

  But it wasn't enough. Aveline wanted to explore his body and learn what excited him. She ran her hand across his broad chest reveling in the feel of his taut muscles. His sharp intake of breath as she brushed across his nipple delighted her. Feeling bolder, she lowered her head and explored his chest with her lips and tongue. His was an intoxicating scent that she could not quite place, but knew she wanted more of.

  Patrick raised her chin, demanding her full attention. All she could think about was him, his body pressed so close to hers, and yet still so far away. She wriggled closer, desperate to feel more of his hard body.

  Her hands caressed the strong planes of his back, moving upward and settling into his thick wavy hair. He gave a low growl before he moved his mouth over hers, smothering her lips with demanding mastery.

  His hand gently massaged his way down her belly, and lower still. Shivers of delight followed his touch as he slid a hand between her thighs caressing the sensitive flesh with his fingers. A shudder of excitement jolted through her body.

  "You are so wet for me," he whispered against her ear, before taking the lobe in a soft nibble.

  "Is…is that a good thing?" The moment the words left her mouth, she mentally scolded herself for being so naïve.


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