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Outlaw Revenge

Page 13

by London Casey

“Shay, it’s Blaine. Listen. We need a ride. Oh… okay, bro.” Blaine closed his cell and said, “Company is on the way. Miller knows we’re here.”

  “How?” Gaige asked.

  “Strokner was just at the clubhouse. You have a deal with him?”

  “I have no deals,” Gaige said. “My promise is to settle this score. And we do it right now.”

  Gaige walked and Nate and Blaine followed. Gaige eyed the building. There were cameras in each corner. They were watching the guys as they approached. It was a risky move, but Gaige had been around long enough to know what would happen next. Eight Under was try an ambush. Gaige went to the front door and pulled on it.

  “What are you doing?” Nate asked. “You saw him lock the fucking door.”

  “I did,” Gaige said.

  He turned and ran back to his motorcycle. He started the bike and cut around the gas pumps. Gaige set his sights on the large glass window. Nate and Blaine rushed out of the way as Gaige cut the motorcycle and let the ass end smack into the front window. Gaige dropped the motorcycle as the front window shattered into pieces.

  “Oh, shit!” Blaine cried out.

  Gaige stood and lifted his motorcycle. He let the motorcycle scream a few times and then he killed the engine.

  “My mistake,” Gaige said.

  He took out his gun and went into the small store. Nate and Blaine were with him and after two steps, gunfire rang out. The bullets were coming from the back, but nobody could actually see someone shooting.

  Gaige, Nate, and Blaine dropped to their knees.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Nate asked.

  “Finishing this,” Gaige said. “Now we sneak out of the front and get Vinny. He’s going to blast out on his crew because he’s fucked.”

  Gaige stood and started to shoot. He got off four shots before the gunfire returned. Nate took his turn doing the same and Blaine too.

  “I’m going out first,” Gaige said. “You two stay here and then come out. Unload your clip and reload. Got it?”

  “Sure,” Nate said.

  “This is fucking wild,” Blaine said with wide eyes. “I fucking love it.”

  Gaige stood again and saw someone with a gun a few feet away. Two shots and the guy’s head exploded backward. Another Eight Under dead. Good.

  Gaige slowly slithered his way to the broken front window. Nate stood and took his shots. When Gaige got outside, he hid next to his motorcycle. He waited and right on cue, one of the garage doors opened. Gaige jumped up and got on his motorcycle. By the time he started it, another motorcycle came rushing out and took off.

  It was Vinny. It was the motherfucker that shot Emily’s friend. A second motorcycle came out. The guy saw Gaige and took a few shots. That was the wrong thing to do.

  Gaige was right on their asses a few seconds later, chasing them down. It was a bad decision to go at this alone but logic slipped out of Gaige’s mind a long time ago. He didn’t want to blame Emily and her wicked body, her delicious pussy, and her perfect kisses, but the fact was, this was Emily’s fault because Gaige had definitely fallen in love with her.

  Vinny had skill on his motorcycle, cutting in and out of traffic with ease. The second guy didn’t have the same skill set. He kept looking back at Gaige, probably freaking the fuck out. Gaige let them have a small lead. He wasn’t going to be able to handle business in the middle of traffic. The chase continued to a desolate road and that’s when Gaige was able to make his move.

  He sped up and got along side the second shooter. The guy looked at him with a face full of fear. Gaige cut to the right and the guy almost dropped his motorcycle. That wouldn’t be good enough. No way in fucking hell.

  Gaige took out his gun and pointed it at the guy. Before the asshole could react, Gaige pulled the trigger. A bullet through the head was the fair punishment. Watching the motorcycle twist, turn, fall, and seeing the guy’s head slide against the pavement in a bloody, brain filled mess was the revenge for Emily and her deceased best friend.

  Now Gaige just had to deal with Vinny. He put his gun away because the same fate wouldn’t occur on the road for Vinny. There was something better waiting for him.

  Gaige caught up to Vinny within a few seconds. He cut to the right and Vinny cut right back at Gaige. This guy wasn’t going to go down without a fight. That was fine by Gaige. He wanted to fight. Right now.

  As they went around a turn, Gaige moved to the right and kicked at Vinny. He hit Vinny at his ribs and sent Vinny to the ground. The bike skidded with Vinny under it. Gaige hit his brakes and then turned his motorcycle around. He got off and slowly walked to Vinny as the man screamed in pain. Gaige knelt down next to Vinny and placed his gun to his head.

  “Scream again and I’ll blow your fucking brains out.”

  “Fuck you,” Vinny said. “Just fucking kill me if you want. But I have information. I didn’t make the call. I was put on the job.”

  Gaige stood and lifted the motorcycle off Vinny. He rolled it to the side of the road and let it drop. Vinny was already trying to stand. With one good punch, he sent Vinny back to the ground, out cold.

  Satisfied for now Gaige put his gun away and took out a smoke. He lit it and smoked while he waited for the rest of the guys to show up.

  They did a few minutes later, Nate and Blaine first.

  “Holy shit,” Blaine said as he stared down at Vinny. “Is he dead?”

  “Not yet,” Gaige said. “I have to deal with this.”

  “That’s a fucking mess back there,” Nate said. “You shot him while riding? That’s…”

  “I don’t care,” Gaige said. “They break rules, so do I. I’ll have Miller call Chief Jerry to clean that up. Make it a drug deal gone wrong.”

  “Fuck,” Nate said.

  A car pulled up a minute later and Shay climbed from the front seat. He looked at Vinny on the ground and there was no need for words. Shay and Gaige lifted Vinny and put him in the trunk of the car.

  Miller arrived next and climbed off his motorcycle with fire coming out of his eyes and ears. “What the fuck is this?”

  “Revenge,” Gaige said.

  Miller grabbed Gaige by his leather and pulled him close. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Solving problems,” Gaige said. “I need Vinny alive. I’ll take care of him at the clubhouse. I have to make Strokner happy.”

  “Shit,” Miller said. He released Gaige. “Shit. I don’t like fucking businessmen messing with us.”

  “Not for long,” Gaige said. “Trust me, Miller. I know what I’m doing.”

  “Yeah. I hope so. I’m going to call Jerry about the mess up the road. I want everyone else back at the fucking clubhouse right now. Got it?”

  Everyone nodded.

  Gaige said, “We’re there.”

  The ride back to clubhouse was a peaceful one. Gaige felt the relief come off his shoulders a little, knowing that at least half the problems were solved. Eight Under would receive the message loud and clear. They sent out two assholes to shoot at Back Down Devil and the revenge was complete now. It would take them time to fix their little shit hole of a gas station and get back to business.

  Now Gaige needed to get to Max and make it all go away.

  Back at the clubhouse, Gaige parked his motorcycle and waited for Shay. Shay backed the black car down the ramp to the underground garage. He and Gaige then carried Vinny from the truck into a small room that was labeled to be a janitorial closet. A lot of blood was spilled in that room. A lot of screams buried in the heavy concrete.

  They tied Vinny and left him there.

  Gaige shut the door and locked it.

  “You going to kill him?” Shay asked.

  “Soon,” Gaige said. “I need to do something else first.”

  “You need to see your woman,” Shay said. “She’s gotten to you, bro.”

  “Yeah, maybe she has.” Gaige started to walk and Shay put a hand out. “Don’t fucking do it,” Gaige warned. “I’m not in the mood.

  “No, brother, I don’t care where you stick your cock. I want you to know that Jace stuck up for your woman in there.”


  “That Strokner fellow had his hands all over her. Touching her. Saying things to her. Jace had a gun pointed at him and he still made a move. He took a nasty hit to the face too. Keep that in mind.”

  “Thanks,” Gaige said.

  They exited the underground garage. Shay got in the car and Gaige went to the clubhouse. Once inside, he looked around and started to feel comfortable. This was his home. These were his brothers. Even if they didn’t all get along.

  Gaige spotted Jace at the corner of the bar with a shot and beer in front of him. He saw the cut on his face and knew he needed to say something. He walked to the bar next to Jace and ordered a beer. He drank from it as he stared at the back of the bar.

  “What you did today…,” Gaige started.

  “I don’t want to fucking talk about it,” Jace said.

  “We’re not going to talk about it. I’m going to thank you for fucking helping me when I wasn’t here. This is a messy time right now and it’s good to know we all have each other’s back.”

  “Of course we fucking do,” Jace said. “That’s what the patch means, bro.”

  “Good. Glad we got that out in the open.”

  “But mark it in your fucking mind,” Jace said, “I don’t expect something in return. And you better not expect me to do it again. We’re all putting a lot of trust in you, bro. You better not fuck us over.”

  Gaige looked at Jace. Just staring at the son of a bitch made Gaige want to fight him. “The only thing I’m going to fuck is in the back of the clubhouse.”

  Jace lifted his beer bottle and tipped it toward Gaige. “Then cheers.”

  Gaige hit his bottle to Jace’s and walked away.

  “Fucking asshole,” he mumbled.

  At Griffin’s door, Gaige opened it and found Emily and Griffin hovered over his desk. He turned and nodded at Gaige.

  “In one piece,” Griffin admired.

  Gaige opened his leather. “Not even a fucking scratch.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Griffin said. “You’re fucking crazy.”

  “That I am.” Gaige put a hand out and smiled at Emily. “Come on, beautiful, quit doing his work. He gets paid to be the bitch.”

  “Thanks for your help, love,” Griffin said.

  “Anytime,” Emily said.

  The moment Gaige touched Emily’s hand, he pulled her close and lifted her up. He kissed her and let out a breath of relief. He rushed her out of the room and hurried down to his room. Before he could kick the door shut, he was reaching for Emily’s shirt.

  “Off, beautiful,” he ordered. “I had a fuck of a day and I need you right now.”

  Emily laughed and took her shirt off. Gaige began to match her. In silence, they turned it into a sexy game. Shirt for shirt. Pants for pants. Emily wiggled her perfect hips as she stepped out of her panties. Gaige stripped off his boxers, showing Emily what her body did to him. He was thick and hard. The only thing left was Emily’s bra. She unsnapped it and let it fall to the floor.

  Gaige swooped in, cupping Emily’s breasts in his hands. It was such a powerful feeling. His hands, just a short while ago, were guiding his motorcycle to chase down those assholes from Eight Under. With his right hand, he pulled the trigger of his gun to end the life of the second gunman. And now his hands held Emily’s warm breasts. His thumbs moved across her erect nipples with ease, causing Emily to moan with pleasure.

  Gaige kissed Emily and forced himself between her legs. He could feel the burning warmth of her body. She clung to him as he lifted, pressing harder. Emily reached down and gripped Gaige with both hands. She stroked him. Gaige broke the kiss and looked down, loving the sight of his thick cock sliding in and out of Emily’s small hands.

  “Fuck, are you trying to end this early?” he asked.

  “I can’t help it. I have to touch you, Gaige.”

  “Get on your fucking knees and taste me.”

  Emily’s cheeks turned red. She came forward and kissed Gaige’s chest. She ran her lips down his chest to his stomach as she bent her legs to get to her knees. Her hands still moved on him, sliding up and down his giving length. Finally on her knees, Emily took one hand off Gaige. She gripped him tight at the root of his erection and quickly slid her lips around him.

  As her warm mouth covered him, Gaige put his head back and groaned. It was fucking perfect. Just fucking perfect.

  Emily pulled back and came right back down. Gaige thrust forward with a grunt and Emily moaned. The vibration of her sweet little voice on his tough cock made Gaige want to explode in her mouth. He reached down with both hands and stroked her hair as she continued to suck him. She moved just as he wanted her to do; full of pleasure but not quite enough to force him to come. It was just for fun.

  Gaige stared down, switching between her eyes and the sight of her lips as she moved on him. Gaige enjoyed testing Emily, pressing a hand to the back of her head and thrusting forward, watching her eyes widen and her mouth stretch.

  When Gaige pulled from Emily’s mouth, she quickly went back to stroking him.

  “Up, beautiful, now,” he said.

  Emily hurried to her feet. Gaige pushed her to the bed and was there in a second, his hands on her knees, forcing her legs open. He watched her gentle folds opening, the erotic aroma of her sweetness filling the air in the bedroom.

  As Gaige came forward, Emily groaned. He touched her tight hole and pressed until she opened for him.

  “How the fuck are you so tight?” Gaige growled as he thrust deep into Emily.

  Emily couldn’t respond. She cried out and arched her back.

  Gaige put his hands to Emily’s hips and pulled back slowly. Inch by inch, feeling Emily’s insides. He hated to leave her body, but he had no choice. Gaige left Emily stranded for a few seconds as he took out a condom and rolled it down his length. Her hands were tight around the bed sheets, her eyes wide as Gaige came back at her. There was no slow movements now. There was no delicate passion.

  Gaige wanted to fuck Emily.

  He thrust so hard that the entire bed started to move. Gaige pressed his hands on Emily’s lower stomach. He brought his right hand down and gently massaged Emily’s clit with his thumb. Emily tried to squirm but Gaige’s strength was too much for her. Gaige smiled, enjoying Emily writhing in wicked pleasure.

  “That’s right, beautiful,” Gaige said. “Feel it. Never fucking forget it. Come all over me, Emily.”

  Emily growled and Gaige thrust harder. He took his thumb from Emily’s clit and ran it up her body to her left nipple. He swirled, leaving Emily’s wetness on her body. Her nipple became intensely hard.

  “That’s your juice, beautiful,” Gaige said. “So fucking wet.”

  “I want to taste,” Emily cried out.

  Gaige smiled. He cupped Emily’s breast and pushed. Emily cried out and looked down.

  “Do it,” Gaige ordered. “Right now.”

  He watched Emily bend her neck. Her mouth was already open from breathing heavily. She flicked her tongue against her own nipple, tasting the hard nub and the sweetness of her own body.

  Gaige was ready to explode. And there was no stopping it.

  Emily even went as far as to nibble on her nipple. For a split second, Gaige felt jealous. Those were his breasts and nipples to enjoy. He gently pushed Emily away from her own breast and then took control. His mouth was big and eager. Engulfing Emily’s breast, Gaige sucked until she grabbed his hair and twisted.

  “That’s fucking right,” Gaige said as he lifted his head. “Those are my tits.”

  Gaige ran his fingers down Emily’s body. He found a grip at her hips, holding her tight, pulling her body as he thrust. Emily’s body tightened as she started to come, throbbing and squeezing around Gaige.

  “Fuck, beautiful,” Gaige growled. “I can’t hold back.”

  Gaige spi
lled inside the condom with Emily’s deep body still clenching at him, pulling all the release from his body.

  Emily made Gaige feel thing he never had. He fell to the bed and began to kiss Emily. His tongue couldn’t taste enough of Emily. When she put her hands into his hair, his cock throbbed some more, threatening to harden again.

  When Gaige ended the kiss he ran his thumb along Emily’s bottom lip. He loved the way her lips looked after they kissed.

  “How could you be so fucking perfect?” he whispered.

  “How could you be so dangerous and addicting?” Emily asked.

  “I have something to show you…”

  Gaige stood from the bed. He admired Emily’s naked body at the glistening between her legs.

  “What?” Emily asked.

  Gaige offered his hand to Emily. “You need to trust me. And you can’t get fucking scared.”


  You need to trust me. And you can’t get fucking scared.

  They sounded like the kind of words that a smart woman would run from. But Emily’s heart had ruined any idea of acting smart. She looked at Gaige’s strong hand but her gaze quickly went back to Gaige’s body. Sweat shined on his muscles and his cock looked amazing. She wanted to peel the condom from him and bring him back into her mouth until he was hard again.

  Emily took Gaige’s hand and he pulled her to her feet.

  “Are we doing this naked?” Emily asked, smiling.

  “I fucking wish,” Gaige said. “I wish I could show the world what you look like. But then I’d probably have to kill them. I don’t share. I don’t even want anyone fucking looking at you when you’re dressed.”

  Emily exhaled and kissed Gaige’s chest.

  “And fuck… when you were licking your nipple… I wanted to kill someone.”

  Emily’s face flushed as she looked at Gaige. He was being serious.

  “Now fucking get dressed,” Gaige said. “I don’t have time to kill.”

  There was that word again - kill. Emily didn’t like that word to begin with, but something told her it was going to be part of her life now. There was nothing she could do about it because she needed to be protected by Back Down Devil. And she was in love with Gaige.

  How was she going to tell Gaige that? She wasn’t sure what his reaction would be. Would he laugh? Would he be angry? Would he care? Would he return the love?


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