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Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “Hi,” she said.

  “I was worried you wouldn’t speak to me.”

  She chuckled. “I’m so angry at him. You come as a double package, and I didn’t want to risk seeing him.”

  “Can I come and see you?” he asked. Drake needed to see her and remind her of the way he could make her feel.

  “I thought you were working tonight?”

  Drake told her about his accident and the sprained wrist.

  “You’re such a poor baby.”

  Laughing, Drake stood ready to leave. “I can be ‘round to your place in no time. Please, say yes.”

  She paused over the line. “Yes, come ‘round. Tiffany’s at work, and my father won’t talk to me.”

  “I’ll be there soon. I’ll grab a taxi.”

  He left a note for his brother then phoned for a taxi.

  Wendy went down to meet him. She opened the door and followed him up the stairs.

  “Did you come down to make sure Evan hadn’t followed me?” he asked.

  She closed the door to her apartment, chuckling. “No, I didn’t think that. Well, maybe just a little.”

  Drake watched as she went straight to the kitchen. She poured two glasses of milk. “I figured you’d need milk because of you being on pain killers.”

  “Milk is good.” He sat down at the end of the sofa waiting for her to join him. She placed their drinks in front of them before taking the seat next to him. Joy filled him when she snuggled against him. “What are you thinking?”

  “This is nice. Evan really pissed me off.”

  “Are you going to stop seeing us because of it?”

  She let out a sigh then shook her head. “I’m not that petty. I wish I could be, but I enjoyed last night. I don’t want to lose that, and I’m happy to see where this goes.” Drake stroked her arm loving her response. “That feels nice.”

  “So, you’re going to make him sweat a little.”

  Wendy shrugged. “I haven’t got a clue what I’m going to do. I don’t want him to think he can get away with going behind my back. I love my Dad, and what he did was wrong.”

  “He cares about you. Evan has always been this way. When he sees what he wants he goes for it without any questions.” Drake defended his brother as best as he could.

  “You’re going to defend him. You do everything together.”

  Drake chuckled. “He’s my big brother, and I love him. Without him, we wouldn’t have what we have today. In his way he cares, and I think you should trust him, but I also think you need to make him sweat.”

  “You’re a tease, Drake.”

  “Nope, I look forward to seeing my brother squirm. He’s used to getting his way all the time. Making him earn it will be fun.”

  She laughed, slapping his thigh. The sound went straight to his heart. Drake swallowed caught by the emotion in his chest. His throat felt tight.

  “You’re a bad man, Drake.”

  Shit, he barely knew Wendy, and yet he didn’t want to live without her. What the fuck had he done?

  Chapter Twelve

  Rolling up the note Evan threw it in the trashcan. He locked the front door then made his way up to his room. The bedding had been neatly arranged, and he imagined the scent of Wendy had been washed out. The cleaners he hired were efficient.

  After a quick shower Evan settled into bed. He sent a quick text to his brother making sure he was all right. The night had been long and drawn out. For most of the night he’d wanted to go home. Desire was successful, but he couldn’t seem to let go and let it run itself.

  He lay back against his pillow thinking about the day. Going to her father had felt like the most likely solution when in fact he’d only caused more problems.

  Slamming his palm against his head did little to ease him. He’d been heavy-handed for a long time. Being in control was important to him. Allowing others to take over his life wasn’t an option. All he was doing with her father was assuring their future, but Wendy had been right. What future? They’d not made any guarantees.

  His cell phone buzzed with Drake’s picture coming up on the screen. Accepting the call Evan rubbed his eyes. “Have you taken your pain medication?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’ve taken everything. Wendy is asleep. She looks so peaceful.”

  A punch to the gut wouldn’t have hurt more than his brother’s words. “I guess she kissed and made it all better.” To him, his words sounded full of bitterness. Shit, what was happening to him?

  “Not like that, Evan. We talked. Nothing else happened. She’s not like that, and you know it.”

  Letting out a sigh Evan nodded then realised his brother couldn’t see. “I fucked up big style.”

  “You can fix it and make it right. Wendy won’t hold a grudge.”

  “I wish she was in my arms now.” Evan admitted his yearning to his brother. He’d known her less than a week, and already he wanted her desperately.

  “We need to give her time. I’ve not touched her other than to kiss her.”

  “I better let you go. Will you be home tomorrow?” he asked. “I’m visiting Mom and Dad.” He’d bought flowers and left them in the sink. Visiting his parents’ graves was important to him.

  “Yes, I’ll be there.”

  They talked for several minutes more before calling off. Throwing his phone onto his bed side unit Evan closed his eyes waiting for sleep to claim him.

  He tossed and turned throughout the night, and the following morning his mood wasn’t much better. Drake had left him a text message saying he’d meet him at the cemetery. After a quick shower and breakfast, Evan grabbed the flowers then made his way out into the cold Sunday morning. The biting cold gave him little comfort. The winter wasn’t his favourite time of year.

  Drake was by the gates waiting for him. Evan started when he saw Wendy holding his hand.

  His heart sped up at the sight of her. She wore a pair of black trousers that shaped her legs perfectly. A large coat covered other parts. She wore a tri-coloured hat with little pompoms that dangled past her ears.

  To him, she looked so adorable and sexy.

  “I invited her along. I didn’t think you’d mind,” Drake said.

  Evan didn’t have much choice. She was there, and he wouldn’t be the one to push her away. Shrugging, he opened the gate letting them both in. Drake’s wrist was still bound up.

  “I’m sorry about your parents passing,” she said, moving toward his side.

  He nodded. He’d never been good at dealing with sympathy. Losing his parents hurt more than anything, but he’d learned to live with it.

  She took his hand giving him a gentle squeeze. Evan took the comfort.

  “We try to visit them as much as possible,” Drake said.

  “My Mom is gone. It’s hard. I struggle to visit her. Too many memories and they hurt too much.”

  She offered them comfort as they left the flowers cleaning up the last lot. Wendy didn’t force them to hurry, and when they moved away she embraced them both.

  Evan took them to a coffee shop that was open on a Sunday. The coffee wasn’t as good as his French café one. Evan sipped through it pleased with the company he kept.

  Drake left them to use the bathroom. Evan took the opportunity to apologise to her. “I’m really sorry about yesterday. I acted rashly, and I won’t let it happen again.”

  Wendy stared at him over the rim of her cup. “Your apology is accepted. I’m not promising anything, and I really don’t want you talking to my father again. This is about us, and I want to leave it like that.”

  “We’re not letting you go,” Evan said.

  She placed her cup on the table. The sound was hard and drew the attention of several customers. “You don’t know me, Evan Johnson. For the better part of the last six years since you bought my father’s shop, I’ve despised you. I’m attracted to you and Drake, I’m not denying it, but I refuse to be manipulated or manhandled.”

  He went to interfere, and Wendy held a hand u
p stopping him from talking.

  “Stop trying to take over my life and let this happen naturally. Drake told me you have to control everything. I’m not staying if you think you can control me. I refuse to stay, Evan.”

  Biting his tongue, Evan kept his thoughts to himself. The need to order her to his side was strong. He ignored every impulse to command she do as she was told. Drake returned after he’d nodded his head in agreement.

  They finished their coffee without argument. Wendy left them to walk back to her apartment.

  “Don’t fuck this up,” Drake said.

  Evan would do everything in his power to make it work. He enjoyed her company even though he’d spent so little time with her. Her requests were not unreachable, and in the end he’d get what he wanted.


  Several days later Wendy spilt her coffee over the kitchen counter when Tiffany slammed the door to her apartment. Her friend was cursing and throwing her shoes into the corner of their apartment. Wiping up the mess, Wendy stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

  “He’s a fucking bastard,” Tiffany said.

  Sipping what remained in her cup, Wendy waited for her friend. Tiffany stopped when she saw the vase filled with a dozen red roses.

  “Are these from your men?”

  Wendy nodded. Since Evan had been in her bad books he’d been doing everything in his power to get their again. She was sure he was missing her presence in his bed. Sleeping with them again wasn’t on her cards. She needed to take a step back to catch her bearings. Drake and Evan could easily take her over.

  Tiffany calmed down enough to inhale the scent of the roses. “They look beautiful.”

  She chuckled, waiting for her friend to explode once again. “Dare I ask who the fucking bastard is?”

  A growl followed by the clattering of her keys on the counter. “Mason. He’s the older brother of the head chef I was telling you about. He was at the restaurant talking to his brother. I couldn’t believe they were related. They look nothing alike.”

  Wendy moved out of the way when Tiffany breezed past to fill up a cup with the coffee left over in the jug.

  “Maybe that’s a good thing. You told Mason there was nothing between you, right? You and head chef would be perfectly free to do what you liked.”

  “You think? Richard told me that he and Mason shared their women. Apparently, he knew about you with Evan and Drake, and he figured I’d be more understanding. Mason pretty much told him I pushed you into their arms,” Tiffany said. She opened her arms wide emphasising every point she made with her arms.

  Wendy couldn’t contain her laugh for much longer. “You did push me into their arms. You think two men are wickedly kinky.”

  “I know, but I never expected to be fucking propositioned myself.”

  Tiffany downed the hot liquid while Wendy took a seat at the table waiting for her friend to speak.

  “Can I chat a while, or is hotness coming to pick you up?” Tiffany asked.

  Glancing at the clock on the wall Wendy saw she had three hours before Evan and Drake were picking her up. “I’ve got some time to listen to you.”

  She couldn’t wait to tell her men what had happened to Tiffany. They knew whatever she said was told in the strictest of confidences.

  “Richard invited me over to his place for dinner over Thanksgiving. Their parents have a big spread with a turkey and all the trimmings.”

  “He wants you to meet the family?” Wendy asked.

  “I don’t know if it’s meeting the family as girl material or as a friend. Mason is going to be there, but he wants to explore the chemistry between us. I’ve got ‘til tomorrow to give my answer.”

  “What are you going to say?”

  “I can’t turn them down, not after what I told you to do. I’m just annoyed. I got this feeling that Mason knew more about me, if that makes any sense?”

  Wendy frowned. She got that feeling with Evan and Drake. They’d known where she lived and worked. Shaking her head, she listened to Tiffany rant about the two men in her life. She couldn’t get over how quickly she’d become part of a threesome. Tiffany didn’t seem to mind whereas for Wendy it was all new territory.

  “Are you listening to me?” Tiffany asked.

  “I’m listening. Something you’ve said has got me thinking.”


  “Drake and Evan knew where I lived and worked. I never told them, yet they were there. Something like that couldn’t be a coincidence, can it?”

  Tiffany sat back thinking.

  “The only way that could happen is if they did some kind of background check on you.”

  “How do you know?” Wendy asked.

  “Hello, I have no love life, so I read a lot. Would Drake and Evan really do a background check?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe I’m looking for an excuse to be pissed at them.”

  Her friend squeezed her hand. “Everything will work out.”

  “I know even though I have my doubts about it.”

  She talked with Tiffany for a couple more hours before she needed to get ready. No matter how hard she tried, Wendy couldn’t shake the feeling that her men had done some kind of background check on her.

  They’d known way too much about her for it to be right.

  Ignoring her thoughts, she finished getting ready. Tiffany sat on the sofa eating more ice-cream as she walked out of her room.

  “You look nice. Where are they taking you?” Tiffany asked.

  “I’ve not got a clue. Drake gave me this dress and asked me to wear it.” If Evan had given her the dress, he’d have demanded she wear it.

  “How is your relationship going?”

  “Fine, I think. We’re taking the time to get to know each other.”

  “Which is code for, ‘Wendy refuses to put out until she feels better’? Am I hot or what?”

  Tapping her friend on the head Wendy laughed. “You’re probably right.”

  Their intercom rang letting her know they were waiting for her. “You’ll be all right alone?”

  “I’ll be more than fine. I’ve got a decision to make.”

  “You know the answer already. Call me if you need me.” Wendy kissed her cheek then left. Evan waited outside the door. He looked cold. The snow had started to fall earlier in the day. The salon had had several cancellations throughout the day because of the weather. She unlocked the door, and Evan merely stared at her.

  “You look beautiful,” he said.

  Heat suffused her cheeks. “Where’s Drake?” she asked.

  “He’s in the car. I told him I’d get you.”

  She saw the heat in his gaze and knew he meant more to his words than what she thought.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Drake couldn’t keep his eyes away from his woman. She looked so beautiful in the deep blue dress he’d given her to wear. Her raven hair was bound on top of her head with a few curls escaping around her neck. She wore barely any makeup, but what she was wearing highlighted the startling blue of her eyes and the fullness of her lips. She looked too tempting to ignore.

  He adjusted his raging erection as it pressed against his zipper. If he wasn’t careful the pattern of the zipper would be indented on his cock. They were gaining a lot of curious stares from the other diners around them. He didn’t care, and from the look on Evan’s face, he didn’t care either.

  The waiter placed their food in front of them. Wendy thanked him before picking up her fork.

  “This is a really fancy place,” she said.

  “Evan loves his food.”

  She gazed down the length of his brother. The heat in her gaze added to the pressure in his cock. If he wasn’t careful he was going to lose control of his sanity. They’d been over a week without her in their bed, and he was already panting for a piece of her.

  Drake enjoyed watching her eat. They’d spent a great deal of time together when they weren’t working. She wouldn’t spend the night with them even though they begged
her. They’d also offered her a job, which she’d turned down. Working for them was out of the question. But he liked the thought of her being close to them at all times.

  He had a good chuckle when she told them about Tiffany and the problems she was having with Mason.

  Evan laughed along with them. “It will teach him to brush her off so easily.”

  He agreed with his older brother. For far too long Mason had run through women as if they were his personal supply. It would be nice to see their friend hung out to dry. Tiffany looked like a woman who’d keep him on his toes.

  “Actually, I was wondering something, and I hope you don’t mind me asking but … did you run a background check on me?”

  She placed her fork on the empty plate as she voiced her question to them. The conversation had taken a dramatic turn and one he’d not anticipated. Glancing to Evan, he waited for his brother to answer.

  Evan took his time wiping his mouth on the napkin supplied. How would she take the truth?

  “Do you want an honest answer or a bullshit one?” Evan asked.

  “I’d like the right answer. Is that too much to ask for?” Her arms were folded over her breasts. Her defences were up.

  Resting his head in his hand Drake waited for Evan to answer. He’d been the one to organise the checks on her.

  “After you came into Desire, I phoned Mason and asked him to do the background checks on you. I wanted to know everything about you.”

  He expected her to shout or throw her glass of wine in his face. Instead, Wendy took a deep breath. “I thought something was amiss when you seemed to know everything about me. I know you knew my father from before, but that didn’t mean you had to know me.”

  Drake reached over the table. “This is not about Ronald. We’re not trying to get back at him by wanting his daughter. I didn’t know who you were when I hit on you at the club. I swear that to you.”

  “I know. You’re not a great actor, Drake.” She smiled.

  “You’re not going to curse us or rain down evil or whatever?”

  “No, I was wondering if you’d get the bill so we can go. I want to go back to your place.”


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