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Billionaire Baby Bump

Page 4

by Chance Carter

  "I hope you're not still going to use that," I joked, grabbing a few handfuls myself. I couldn't help but stare at her perfectly formed jean-clad ass. She turned to look back at me, a blanket of corn silk falling over her face.

  "No, I'll have to get new ice, obviously. I just don't want to make a mess."

  "It's just ice," I said, tossing some in the bucket. "It'll melt you know."

  The girl turned around and sat back on her heels to grab the rest of the ice. It wasn’t just her ass that was stunning. She was just stunning, period. She had a perfect little cupid’s bow mouth and high, diamond cut cheekbones. Her button nose and big green eyes, combined with her elegant stature, made her look a little bit like a fairy.

  "Yeah and then it'll melt and make a big wet spot. And then someone will step on that wet spot with their dirty shoes and it'll become a muddy spot."

  "Okay, okay," I said, scooping up a handful of ice and tossing it into her bucket. "Point taken."

  We finished scooping up the ice together. Her, with a self-satisfactory little smirk that made my cock take notice. Me, trying not to be obvious about how much I was staring at her.

  When she finally finished piling up the ice, the girl straightened and rose.

  "What's your name?" I asked, not wanting to let her walk away.

  She narrowed her eyes at me, obviously contemplating whether to tell me or not. Finally, having made up her mind, she spoke. "Aurora."

  "Aurora?" I said, savoring the word like a sweet treat. "That's a pretty name. Unusual, though."

  She shrugged. "My mom loved Sleeping Beauty. What's yours?"


  Aurora and I both had wet hands from the ice. I brushed mine over my suit and held it out for her. She followed my motion and took my hand, but instead of shaking it I pulled it to my lips and kissed her knuckles. I wasn't usually the type to participate in such old-fashioned displays, but there was something about her that made me want to charm her. Plus, it's not every day you meet a Disney princess.

  "What's the ice for?" I asked. "Have you got a bottle of champagne waiting to be popped?"

  She shook her head. "I'm afraid it's nothing quite so exciting. I just wanted a frosty glass of water."

  "Ah, I see." I winked. "You're one of those party girls."

  "Oh yeah. I'm all about those parties," she said in a dry tone. "I go crazy on the H20 every Friday night."

  "I knew it the second I first saw you," I teased. "I said to myself, Brendon, I don't care how beautiful that girl is, she looks like trouble."

  Aurora blushed and looked down at the bucket in her hands, as if she wished she could stick her face in it. When she looked back at me, her eyes had filled with warmth and humor.

  "And what about you? Is it your custom to knock over girls in hotel hallways with your rock-hard abs?"

  "I'm actually wearing a lead vest under here." I tapped my chest demonstratively. "I've found it's much more effective. You get a better bounce back this way."

  She laughed, and it was somewhere between a giggle and a snort. It was a laugh that put a smile on my face, and probably would every time I thought about it.

  Maybe I didn't need to go to room 69 at all. Maybe I could just cut my losses with the five grand and hang out with this chick instead. Why would I want to sleep with a prostitute when I had the chance to have a drink with Aurora? Hell, possibly even more. The air between us was charged with electricity and sexual tension, and I could tell she was curious to see if my abs really were as hard as she thought.

  They were, of course. I didn't spend hours at the gym each week is I could carry around a flabby belly like my brother Avery. He thought I was crazy for taking so many kickboxing and mixed martial arts classes, but there was no better way to hone your body into that of a prize fighter than fighting.

  "You're a funny guy, Brendon," she said. "And you're actually the first person I've met in New York apart from the hotel staff. You're probably not from around here though, are you?"

  The question in her eyes was almost pleading. She didn't want me to be from somewhere else any more than I would have wanted to find out she came from Atlanta. There was something about this girl that made my chest thump.

  "Actually I am," I said. "I had some business in the hotel with a friend who's staying here."

  The lie fell easily from my tongue. I couldn't very well tell her that I'd come to see an escort but had decided my time would be better spent with her. Neither she nor anyone else would ever know why I came here tonight. Except Peter, of course, but he could always be relied upon for his discretion. He wouldn't survive in his family if that weren't the case.

  "How fortuitous," Aurora said with a big smile. "I thought New Yorkers were supposed to be rude and mean."

  "I'm just setting you up for disappointment then," I replied. "It's a city of rough edges, though the people are good underneath it all. At least most of them are."

  "I'm sure I'll figure it out," she said. "Though there's nothing more stereotypical than a small-town girl moving to the big city and realizing that she's in over her head. I had that moment earlier today in a big way. This place is insane."

  "It can be," I said. "You just need to find a big strong New Yorker to help clear your path."

  "Why would I want that?" she asked, grinning. "Clearing my own path is half the fun."

  Who was this girl and where had she come from? I'd definitely lost all thoughts of the prostitute waiting for me in room 69. I was all about Aurora, and it seemed like she was all about me too.

  "This ice is melting," Aurora said, staring down into the bucket. "I'm going to have to toss it into the sink in my room and then run out for more. Would you like to join me?" She smiled hopefully. "I'm just down the hall. Room 69."

  My heart dropped like a stone into my gut. The girl at the front desk must've warned Aurora that I was coming up. Maybe they had some sort of first time special where the girl flirted and made you feel at ease with her first before any of the action started.

  Fuck. How could I have been so stupid?

  Of course a girl like her would be too good to be true. I mean, her name was Aurora for Christ's sake. What was I expecting?

  "Room 69, huh?" I mused aloud.

  This turn of events didn't have to be a bad thing. Sure, she wasn't the sweet, innocent girl I’d thought she was, but she was still beautiful and charming. I still wanted her, so much so that my cock was firm and tingling in my pants. I'd paid my money downstairs. Why not have a little fun while I was here?

  Aurora was talking throughout my contemplation, something about the strange room number. "...feel like a total weirdo staying in a room that's a sex position but what can you do, right? I mean—"

  I didn't let her finish. My mouth had covered hers before she even realized what had happened, and she tasted delicious. I groaned against her lips, tugging her tight against my body with my hands gripped firmly on her hips.

  Aurora at least pretended to be surprised. She gasped, but was soon kissing me back with equal enthusiasm. The bucket of ice fell to the floor, spilling all over the carpet. Neither of us made a move to retrieve it.

  Chapter 6


  If this was what living in the big city was like, I was going to like it.

  Running into a stranger and spilling ice all over the floor isn't an ideal way to spend an evening, unless, of course, that stranger happens to be a super sexy businessman with a well-cut suit and a smile so dazzling it could kill. From there, things just went up. He was funny and charming, and when he looked at me millions of butterflies took flight in my stomach.

  Then he kissed me.

  I knew I shouldn't be making out with some random guy I met on my first day in New York. That only turned out well in movies, and my life was far from a movie at present. If it were a movie, I assumed it would be a tragic comedy.

  Anyway, still not a good idea to kiss Brendon, not that I was given much of a choice about it at first. He held me so
tight to him that I worried if I wanted to back away I wouldn't be able to.

  Then, slowly, he loosened his grip on my hips and slid his arms around my waist, drawing me close in a more tender gesture. All the while, I was kissing him back but wondering if I should be.

  The more the kiss went on, the more my body longed to melt into his forever. It was a mind-numbing kiss. Brendon kissed me like no other man had kissed me before, an expert application of tongue and lip and teeth. He was at times hard and at times soft. He sucked my lip into his mouth and nibbled on it, and I couldn't help but moan.

  That was around the time I said fuck it. I'd already been heading off the deep end lately, so why not? Why not have sex with a stranger even though I'd just moved to a new city and left my old life, including an asshole boyfriend, behind? If Amy were here, she'd be cheering me on. Calypso probably would too.

  I started responding more, exploring more. I moved my hands from where they rested against his chest to loop around his neck, standing up on my tip toes to try to reach him better. The angle sucked. He was probably six feet tall and my measly 5'3" wasn't cutting it.

  As if sensing my concern, Brendon swooped down and hoisted me into his arms. My legs wrapped instinctively around his hips, and the evidence of his arousal ground into the sweet spot between my legs. I shuddered. My body filled with liquid heat, so intense that I thought I might die.

  Brendon walked forward until my back ran up against the wall, where he held me and started kissing down my neck. I sighed and closed my eyes, luxuriating in the feeling of his mouth gliding over my sensitive skin.

  Brendon's hot breath blasted my throat, sending tingles down my spine. He sucked and bit, working his way back up to my mouth and then taking me again in an all-consuming kiss.

  At this point, I didn't think I'd be able to stand if he put me down. My legs were wobbly even where they gripped his waist. My core was equally wobbly and felt like jelly. Who was Nolan again?

  "Hey, hey," I whispered against his lips. "Shouldn't we, uh, be moving this to the room?"

  I didn't like thinking that a John could walk around the corner on his way to see one of Calypso's girls and be treated to a free show. I was a PG-13 lady, after all.

  Brendon smiled and kissed the corner of his mouth, letting my feet gently down to the floor. "Lead the way."

  His voice was a rich baritone that made my heart do a happy flip. As expected, my legs were initially unresponsive, and it took a moment before I felt confident putting one foot in front of the other in the direction of my room. We left the ice bucket behind. I was the cleaner here now, I could fix that in the morning. And hey, maybe the ice would just melt and dry without causing a mess. Either way, it hardly seemed to matter now.

  I dug my key card out of my back pocket and slid it into the door. It opened with a little beep and I opened it, stepping through with Brendon close on my heels.

  "It's a nice room," Brendon said. "Not quite what I was expecting."

  I furrowed my brow quizzically. "It's a nice hotel. What else were you expecting?"

  Brendon shook his head, a wry smile ticking the corners of his mouth. "It doesn't matter. Come here.”

  I followed his command without question, my skin already craving his touch, even though he'd been touching me less than a minute ago. Who was this guy? Was it better that I didn't know? We could have one, beautiful encounter in a city of anonymity and go our separate ways and it would be kind of cool. Only thing was I didn't think I wanted to see him go.

  Anyway, I was thinking too far ahead. We still had this night and our unfinished kiss to attend to.

  Brendon's mouth claimed mine again. He wound his fists in my hair and held me there, probing with his tongue. I held the front of his shirt in a tight grip, but it was more like holding on for dear life than pulling him close.

  Brendon led me over to the bed and sat me down on it, pushing me back with a hand on my throat. It was exhilarating. Intoxicating. I waited, curious what he was going to do next. He unzipped my pants, pulling them down over my thighs and discarding them at the foot of the bed. Then, picking up one thigh at a time, he steadily trailed kisses from my ankle to my hip. I shivered. The moment was unexpectedly sensual. This wasn't going to be a quick fuck, which was good. I needed someone to treat me with kindness and respect, which was exactly what Brendon was doing. And shit was it turning me on.

  He raised my shirt over my head, leaving me in only my underwear. It hardly seemed fair that he was allowed to stay fully clothed when I was basically naked, but Brendon was methodical in his approach and I wanted to see where it went. I liked watching him work, liked the gentle caress of his lips as they explored my body while I lay panting. I was so unused to it that it was like he was from another world. Or maybe I was from another world, a world where the only guy I'd ever slept with favored any foreplay that involved his dick. Not to mention the fact that as far as I could remember, Nolan had never kissed me like this. Had never worshipped me like this. Was this what sex was supposed to be like? No wonder I'd never understood the hype.

  Brendon kissed up my stomach and over the tops of my breasts, hovering just over my face. His breath tickled my lips as he studied me. His eyes were a dark, deep brown. They were like a pit into his soul. I wanted to stare in them all day.

  I reached a tentative hand to the top button of his shirt and flicked it open. He didn't stop me. He bent his head to kiss me instead, rewarding me with every open button by nipping on my lip and sending another wave of heat between my thighs. When his shirt fell open, I lifted my hand to run it down his chest. His abs were rock hard. In fact, he may as well have had rocks lined up in the shape of abs and pecs under his skin. Just when I thought he couldn't get any sexier, he had to throw in a wicked body for good measure. This guy was going to be the death of me.

  Brendon shrugged out of his shirt and stood from the bed, unbuckling his pants and letting them fall to the floor. His cock strained against the fabric of his tight boxer briefs, and from the outline I could tell that this was no mere trouser snake. It was a full grown anaconda. Holy Moses.

  Brendon caught me staring and grinned. "Move up the bed."

  I shimmied further up the giant mattress, not stopping until I reached the pillows. I could've stopped halfway but I suspected he would need the room.

  Brendon crawled up toward me, grinding his bulge against my clit. My panties were sodden, and I wasn't sure why they were still there. Part of this whole taking his time thing, I suspected.

  Brendon reached a deft hand behind my back and popped open my bra, then pulled it from my shoulders and tossed it across the room. My boobs were a large B on a good day, but they suited my frame well. Brendon didn't seem to mind. He growled with delight and lowered his mouth to my nipples, already peaked from my arousal.

  His hot mouth felt so good on my breasts that I cried out in rapture. Everything he did felt so damn good. Maybe he was an angel sent down to reward me for finally leaving that ass backwards town and going out on my own. Though, truth be told, with the way he ground his hard body against me, I was getting the feeling he was more likely a devil.

  Brendon moved over to the other breast, drawing my nipple between his teeth and sucking. I arched up against him, wishing desperately that his cock was already deep inside me. I whimpered pathetically, and I could tell he picked up on my need because he looked down at me and smiled.

  I moved a hand between his legs and squeezed his impressive length. His smile dropped away as a quiver of pleasure caused his eyes to roll back in his head. The fact that little ol’ me could have an effect like that on big ol' him was indescribably erotic.

  Brendon hooked his fingers under the waistband of my panties and pulled them down, tossing them into the air. His fingers, which I'd been admiring while we were talking for their length and masculinity, slowly eased into my folds and began stroking my clit. I bucked up off the bed, trying to urge him inside of me. I needed something inside of me or I was going to explod

  "Brendon," I whined. "Please."

  Fire lit up his eyes. He plunged one finger into my channel and stroked my inner walls.

  I arched up and rode his finger as his mouth continued to pleasure me in ways I didn't realize a kiss could. I wanted more. I wanted it all.

  "Brendon, please fuck me."

  It was like I was some other girl, a girl not afraid to ask for what she wanted in bed and not worried about being laughed at or scorned. Something about him made me more comfortable than I'd been in several years of a relationship with Nolan. Why had I wasted so much time on him? Now that I'd tasted the forbidden fruit, there was no way I'd be going back. This encounter had only solidified for me how incompatible Nolan and I were for each other, even if we'd both made a habit of pretending otherwise.

  Brendon loved this sexy side of me, not that he knew it was a side. He had no idea that I'd never begged a guy to fuck me before. His boxers were gone in a flash, and in my lust fueled haze I directed his cock to my entrance without further delay and gripped his ass to help push him in.

  He hesitated for a moment, watching me. I wasn't sure why. Then, with a wave of embarrassment, I realized that I'd just put his dick in me without a condom. It was literally just the tip so far, but that was more than there should be.

  "Shit, sorry," I said apologetically. "I'm just used to it without. I completely forgot. I'm fine with it, though, if you are. I'm on birth control and clean and everything."

  This puzzled him even more. I felt like an idiot but I was too caught up in the moment to really care. Nolan and I didn't use condoms because he didn't like them. I'd never thought about how I'd need to pick some up if I wanted to start having sex with people other than him.

  All this happened in what seemed like a fraction of a second. Then, slowly but surely, Brendon began to slowly sink his cock into me. I gripped onto his back for dear life as the thing split me in two. At first there was a little pain, but as soon as he was sheathed to the root my body began to stretch to accommodate him.


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