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Billionaire Baby Bump

Page 40

by Chance Carter

  Jane wakes up and looks around, startled by her surroundings in the jet. She takes a deep breath in and out, trying to re-orient herself. She gets up and goes over to the bar to fix herself a drink, choosing gin and tonic with lime. She takes a couple of gulps and lets it settle within her.

  She heads back to her seat and looks out the window at the clouds. There’s a beautiful rainbow over-arching. Everything is going to be okay. She knows this in her heart.

  The plane descends into New York. She looks at the Statue of Liberty in a whole new way—a woman standing there saying that anyone can make their dreams come true in New York.


  Jane believes this whole-heartedly now. She reflects on where she was even a week ago, much less a month ago, and how everything took a huge turnaround. Now, here she is.

  A limo is there to pick up Jane from the airport. “Mr. Halliwell made sure you would be safe getting home,” says the driver, opening the door for her.

  “Oh wow. Thank you,” Jane responds in amazement.

  “You’re the future Mrs. Halliwell, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I suppose I am.”

  “Well, then, you need to get used to this kind of treatment. Congratulations, by the way.”

  “I guess news travels fast in Brad’s world,” Jane notes.

  “Not much is private in his world, Miss,” the driver acknowledges.

  She gets back to her apartment and notices the door is open and people are walking out with her boxes. Jane rushes up to them.

  “Hey, where the hell do you think you are going with this stuff? Get the hell back here! I paid my rent. You can’t evict me!” she yells.

  “No, ma’am, Mr. Halliwell has ordered us to move you. He’s moving you over to a condo on Fifth Avenue so you are more comfortable. I hope that’s okay with you. You don’t have to lift a finger,” one of the movers assures her.

  “Oh, I see,” Jane says sheepishly. “Wow, sure. Just as long as I know where the address is.”

  “We’ll take care of everything for you. Why don’t you go down to Le Paris Lane Bistro and the driver will come to get you when we’re finished.”

  “Wow, okay. I’m still a bit stunned by this, but okay,” Jane says, walking away to go to the Bistro. She wonders what the new place will look like. Much better than where she has been, that’s for sure.

  She sits down at a table by herself and orders a basket of bread, cheese, and a fine wine. She contemplates how she is going to tell her parents that she is now engaged to Brad Halliwell, the infamous billionaire. She knows she has to ease them into this.

  She picks up her phone and dials the number to her mom. She hangs up immediately and then tries again nervously.

  “Hi, Mom, it’s me, Jane,” she says. “Yes, I’m back in New York. It went pretty well. Everyone seemed to like the performance… I know, things are really taking off now. I don’t think I’ll be coming back home anytime soon… uh huh… yup... okay... hmmm.”

  Jane listens to her mom speaking about her life.

  “So Mom, I feel a bit weird about telling you this, but I actually started dating a guy. No, not in Iceland, before that, a few months ago,” Jane says, lying again. “Yeah, he’s pretty great. No, I didn’t want to tell you about him because I wasn’t sure how you would feel... I met him through ballet. He’s a patron,” Jane explains.

  Her mom asks a string of questions about him.

  “Oh, his name is Brad. Yup. He’s into business. He’s about 30 years old. I know, it’s a pretty big age difference, but we get along really well. He supports what I’m about,” Jane says, trying not to disclose too many details. “Well, I hope you’ll get to meet him one day soon.”

  They finish their conversation, with her mom giving Jane a ton of advice and showing concern, but in the end respecting her choices.

  “I love you, Mom. I hope to see you soon. Thanks for everything.”

  Jane reaches over for her wine, feeling more relaxed about what she shared. She eases back in her seat and orders more food, enjoying the scenery. She waits for the driver who shows up about an hour later to take her to her new, temporary home.

  “Life has a way of working out in your favor. It really does,” she thinks.

  Chapter 61

  Jane absolutely loves the condo, with wall-to-wall carpeting, a balcony overlooking the street, and a garden of flowers blossoming outside. She opens the windows and looks out at the horizon of office towers and monumental buildings. She feels like she is on top of the world.

  The doorbell rings. Jane walks over, feeling the smooth carpet underneath her feet, such a change from the gross, linoleum floors at the other apartment. She opens the door, and there is a man, dressed in a fine, white suit, wearing white gloves. He’s holding a bouquet of lilies in a crystal vase and a paper bag.

  “Madam Halliwell?” he says, reading the card.

  Jane is unsure how to respond to how he addresses her. She has to get used to her new name.

  “Umm, yes,” she replies.

  “These are for you. Quite rare and delicate lilies, I must say. You must be a very special lady,” he says calmly, entering the apartment and placing them on the side table.

  He leaves the room without turning for a tip. Jane imagines he must be a regular florist for Brad’s company.

  She walks over to the table and sniffs the flowers deep into her being. The scent takes her back to a time in Utah when she and her mom were walking through a field. They’d stumbled on the most remarkable flowers and spent half an hour smelling all of them. They were delightful.

  Jane takes a closer look at these flowers and realizes they are the same ones—lilies from Utah.

  Jane is blown away at how sensitive and classy Brad is.

  She opens the letter. ‘My Dear, I hope you like your new place. I know it’s small, and you deserve better, but I will be home soon enough. We will have a chance to live close together soon. I miss you deeply and can’t wait to run my hands all over that gorgeous body of yours. Love always, Brad.”

  Jane tears up, realizing how much she misses Brad’s touch. Life has felt so lonely without him in the last couple of days. It feels like forever until she will get to see him.

  She looks around at the apartment.

  “Small, my ass!” she says out loud. She runs through the apartment and into the bedroom. She jumps on the new, queen size bed, made up with expensive linens.

  “I can’t wait to maul you all over this bed, Brad… I’m going to push you down, strip off all your clothes, and fuck you until you can’t remember,” Jane says loudly.

  “Umm, ma’am, I’m sorry to interrupt you, but we’re still moving things in,” says the man at the door, looking to the ground.

  Jane turns bright red and crawls off the bed, fixing her skirt.

  “Oh, yes, of course. Sorry about that. I’ll get out of your way,” Jane says, trying to cover her shame.

  “No need to, ma’am,” he replies.

  “Oh, no, I have to go to class, anyway. Just, if you could give me a set of keys, then I will be able to come back in later,” Jane says matter-of-factly.

  “Yes, of course. There is an extra set on the table by the door.”

  “Thank you. Have a good rest of your day,” Jane says, holding her head up high and grabbing her bag to walk out the door.

  She races out, feeling so embarrassed and at the same time empowered, because she knows that being Brad’s fiancée is what lets her get away with things like this. She plays with the ring on her finger, feeling so grateful for this new life.

  The driver is outside waiting for her.

  “How did you know I needed a lift?” she asked.

  “In this world, Ms. Bryden, you will always have a lift. I’m your personal chauffeur,” he says. “My name is Robert. I think we’ll be getting to know each other for a long while.” He reaches out his hand to shake hers. “So, where can I take you?”

  “Nice to meet you, Robert. I’m looki
ng forward to getting to know you. To my ballet school, please,” Jane replies, scooting into the back of the car.

  As they drive to the school, Jane relaxes into the leather seats. It seems she is sheltered from the whole world, and is held safely in the cocoon of the tinted windows and decadent interior.

  The phone rings in the car. Jane isn’t sure if she should pick it up or not. She reminds herself that this is her car, that Brad has hired a personal driver for her. She picks up the phone.

  “Darling, is that you?” says the strong, male voice on the other end.

  “Brad?” Jane says, smiling, her heart uplifted.

  “Of course, who else would it be?” he replies.

  “I miss you so much, my dear.” Jane speaks desperately, tears coming to her eyes. “I think you are making me the happiest woman alive.”

  “It’s what you deserve, my angel. Do you like your new place?”

  “Like? I love it. I can’t believe you did that for me! When do I get to see you so I can ravage you on the bed?”

  “Well, it won’t be long. I have great news.

  “Really?! What is it?” Jane asks, really hoping it means Brad will be able to come home soon and this nightmare will be over.

  “Well, so do you remember that woman you saw in the hot tub that day?” Brad explains.

  “Ugh, the blonde bombshell? How could I forget?” Jane is only partly joking, wondering what this has to do with anything.

  “Yeah, her. Well, I thought it was odd that I’d never seen her there before. Then one day after the whole scandal was leaked to the papers, she turned up again. She sent me a key to her room. I initially threw it away, but after thinking about it a little bit, I had a sneaking suspicion about her. As it turns out, she was working for one of my arch-enemies, Todd.”

  “What happened?”

  “I took the key and searched her room when I knew she was out. I went through her stuff and found a whole suitcase of recording equipment, private files about me and even false evidence about me.”

  “Oh, Brad, that is awful! What did you do?” asked Jane, deeply concerned that somehow Brad was going to get in trouble for breaking into someone’s room.

  “Well, I took all the stuff out to secure it, locked her out of her room and called my lawyer, who immediately called the cops. Within 1 hour, she was detailed. It took some time for the two governments to work out the details, but eventually some detectives came from the U.S. to collect the evidence and escort her back to the United States, in custody. As it turns out, she didn’t trust Todd completely, so she documented everything in a very detailed way. So, very soon the charges against me will be dropped, and when that happens, I’ll be headed back to New York. It will take some time for the rest of it to come to trial, but it is very likely that both she and Todd may end up behind bars. It will be some time before the evidence can be revealed that would completely clear my name, but there will be enough to cast plenty of doubt.

  “So when do you think you’ll be coming back to New York. It is a matter of days, weeks or what?” Jane asks excitedly.

  “Days I hope, but either way it will be great. I want it to be a surprise for you though. Just be wearing something beautiful and sexy for me, whenever it is. Something I will love to tear off you the minute I get there. I think about you every day and I can’t wait to eat that pretty pussy of yours.”

  I promise I will wear a welcome-home number you won’t forget.”

  Will you do me a favor, baby? Reach down into your panties and play with yourself right now,” Brad says, starting to stroke himself.

  “Here? In the car?”

  Yes, why not? No one can see you. Get wet for me, baby,” Brad says, stroking faster. “Tell me what you are feeling down there. Tell me what you are doing?”

  “Well, I’m putting my two fingers down between my lips, and spreading my legs wide open for you. I’m softly stroking my fingers in and out, squeezing my pussy, going deeper and deeper, in and out, imagining your hard cock fucking me.”

  She turns Brad on so much, and he starts moaning and stroking until he comes.

  She also breathes deep and heaves, her fingers going faster, in and out, and her body shakes and turns all hot until she comes, her juices running out of her.

  “I love you so much, baby. You are the perfect match for me in so many ways. I’ll be home soon,” whispers Brad.

  “I love you, too, my dear. I’m dying to see you.” Jane whispers back, so relaxed and at ease to finally speak with him. “I gotta go, sweetheart. The car is slowing down. I think we’re at my school.”

  “Okay… goodbye, darling.”

  “See you soon.”

  Chapter 62

  Jane gets out of the limo. “Thank you, Robert,” she says, pretending like nothing just happened in the back seat.

  “Have a good class, Madam,” he responds.

  Jane walks with her bag over her arm, her head tall, and her back straight. She hasn’t seen the other girls since she left for Iceland, and no one knows she is engaged.

  She’s not sure if she wants to tell them that it’s to Brad Halliwell, because the good news hasn’t hit the stands, but she will have to explain the limo.

  She walks into the hall and sees them all gathered, sharing snacks before class starts. They all look over at her and go silent.

  Rebecca, one of the classmates, comes up to her.

  “Wow, Jane, what’s with the swanky limo you’ve got there. Was Iceland that good?”

  “It actually was,” replied Jane smugly.

  Valerie approaches Jane. “So, who did you fuck to get that treatment?” she says bluntly.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” replies Jane, taking Valerie aback.

  “Ohhhhh… Ms. Jane here has quite the voice all of a sudden,” Valerie announces. “Come on, Janey, who sucked those tits while you were away?”

  “My name is Jane, and my tits are my business,” Jane says confidently, looking over to the crowd. She turns around and makes her way to the change room, not caring what they think.

  “I think Jane got fucked this weekend. What do you think, girls?” Valerie laughs out loud and gets the rest of them going.

  Jane lifts up her middle finger and keeps walking, smiling to herself.

  They go into the ballet class and get lined up in front of the teacher, the only person who knows that Jane has been seeing Brad. She quickly notices the ring on her finger and looks up at Jane in acknowledgment. She’s not sure what to think, considering the news.

  “Jane, can I have a quick word with you?” motions the teacher.

  “Yes, of course,” Jane says, walking toward the door.

  “Oooohhhhh… someone’s in trouble,” Valerie says. Jane flips up her middle finger again as she walks.

  “Jane, I notice you have a ring on your finger. Is it what I think it is?”

  “Yes, it is. We are engaged.”

  “Oh, so soon?” asks Martha.

  “It seems soon, but we really are in love. I know it sounds crazy, but it makes a lot of sense for both of us.”

  “Well, you have seen the news, right?” The teacher continues grilling her.

  “Yes, and very soon you will find out that he’s innocent. It was all a scam by a crazy lady who has done this sort of thing before, backed by someone with a longstanding grudge against him. By the way, weren’t you the one encouraging me to give him another chance?”

  “You know, Jane, I know that money, fame, and a man showing interest in you can be tempting. It really can. I care about you, and don’t want to see you get roped into something you can’t get out of. I want to make sure you have a good head on your shoulders,” reassures the teacher. “And yes, that was me.”

  “Thank you for caring. I’ll think about everything you’re saying. I actually really didn’t trust him at first and nearly wrecked everything to begin with. I know in my heart he loves me and wouldn’t ever want to hurt me,” Jane replies.

  “Well, I wil
l have to believe you, Jane. It sounds like the two of you have gone through a lot together already,” acknowledges the teacher.

  “Yes, we really have. Thank you for reaching out.”

  “Okay, let’s head back inside, okay?”

  “Okay,” replies Jane.

  They go back in and continue the class. Valerie leers at Jane, but Jane doesn’t take it in. She performs better than she ever has before, a result of her new found confidence.

  At the end of the class, they are all sweaty and tired. They go to the change room, undress, and head into the showers.

  Valerie comes up to Jane. “Come on, Jane, do tell. You are different, and everyone can see it. You lost your virginity, didn’t you?”

  “Not this weekend, Valerie,” says Jane, matter of factly.

  “Oh, I knew it! You got fucked.”

  “No, I didn’t, Valerie. I made love. A big difference, but you wouldn’t know that,” Jane replies.

  “Well, well, well. Who caught that pretty little heart of yours there, Jane?” mocks Valerie.

  “None of your business, and honestly, matters close to the heart are not meant to be tossed to swine,” Jane retorts.

  Valerie notices the ring on Jane’s finger.

  “Holy shit. Is that what I think it is? Are you engaged?” Valerie’s eyes are wide open.

  “It took you long enough to notice,” replies Jane with a smirk on her face.

  “Some rich dude?” asks Valerie.

  “Well, you could say that,” smiles Jane. “I have to go now, Valerie. My ride is waiting for me,” she says, flipping back her hair.

  “Wow, Jane, I really underestimated you. You are damn sneaky,” Valerie attests.

  “People aren’t always as they seem, Valerie,” Jane says. “Have a nice life.”

  Jane walks down the hall with her bag over her shoulder, feeling very proud of herself. She goes to the limo and Robert opens the door. She looks up and sees Valerie peeking out the window at her. Jane waves at her and smiles, then crawls into the back.

  “Where are you heading next, Ms. Jane?” asks the driver.

  “Home, Robert. I’m going home,” Jane replies.


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