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Billionaire Baby Bump

Page 60

by Chance Carter

  In fact, only a few days before, we’d had a pre-work quickie against the refrigerator, and even now, I could hear her desperate little moans in my ear. Yeah, that was a good one, but then again, they were all good.

  I arrived back at our place and went to the fridge to grab some leftovers, then upstairs to choose a suit for tonight.

  I looked forward to a time when I would be able to hang up my suit jackets and wear more casual outfits., even though I knew Mona loved me in my suits.

  Not that I would have a whole lot of time to think about fashion while I was running around after a little one. At least, that’s what Mona’s mom kept warning me.

  I got dressed slowly, taking my time, doing up the buttons carefully, one-by-one, and pulling out a jacket I knew would go perfectly with the gray shirt I’d chosen for the occasion.

  I always put the effort in when it came to stuff like this because I knew it meant a lot to Mona. She carefully planned every detail of these events to make them seem effortless and run smoothly, and the least I could do in return was put my glad rags on.

  Besides, she liked me in a suit. It brought us back to the days when she was my assistant. I had been her boss, and we came up with some very enticing role play, when the urge to relive those days struck.

  I looked at myself in the mirror. I had never felt this content in my life before. Even though the Masterson group signing on with the company led to more work than I’d ever had before, it didn’t matter because we had laid all the groundwork for the future of the company ahead of time.

  I didn’t know why I waited this long to take some time off. The place wouldn’t fall apart without me. We had a great team. It was a strong ship.

  Besides I wouldn’t be far away. That’s what I kept telling myself and my family – Mona, Neil, anyone who thought I was sacrificing an enormous part of myself to do this.

  I couldn’t believe, at this time in human history, that a man leaving work to look after a baby was such a big deal, but it was. I couldn’t have given less of a damn. I was finally going after what made me truly happy.

  I rolled my shoulders back, ran my fingers through my hair, and grinned at myself. Yeah, I was looking pretty good, and I was looking forward to going out tonight with Mona on my arm. She was the start of it all, my true beginning, and I would never forget that.

  I pulled open the top drawer of my wardrobe and rummaged under my socks to pull out a small, square box.

  Popping it open, I looked at the diamond ring glittering inside and felt my stomach flip with nervousness and excitement.

  Suddenly, I heard the door open downstairs.

  “Oli?” Mona called from the bottom of the stairs and I quickly closed up the box and stuffed it back in the drawer.

  “Up here!” I called back and smiled as I heard her footsteps hurrying their way up the stairs.

  Chapter 27


  “How long has it been since we were last here?” I asked as I ran my finger along the rim of my glass.

  It was only sparkling water, but they served it in fine crystal, which made me feel at least a little like I was having a grown-up drink. It had been months since I had so much as sniffed a beer, and I actually didn’t miss it nearly as much as I had thought I would.

  “I don’t know,” he admitted, cocking his head and furrowing his brow as he tried to put his finger on it. “Maybe… was it when you told me?”

  “It couldn’t be that long ago, could it?” I widened my eyes.

  “I know, it doesn’t feel like that long ago,” he admitted.

  “Jeepers, so much has happened since then.”

  I leaned back and closed my eyes, thinking over everything that had transpired – the job, the townhouse, meeting each other’s families, moving in together.

  “Definitely,” he replied, and there was a flicker in his eyes that I couldn’t explain.

  “Come on, let’s get the bill and get out of here.” He called the waiter over, and soon enough, we had paid up, and he was helping me to my feet.

  “I’m not an invalid, you know,” I grumbled, but honestly, I didn’t mind the attention. I was getting so big now that sometimes, I had trouble getting up in a hurry, and the hand on my elbow was comforting.

  He wrapped an arm around my waist as we stepped out onto the street, and instead of flagging down a taxi, he turned a corner and started in a direction I didn’t recognize.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, but I suspected that he wasn’t going to give me an answer.

  “You’ll see.”

  He flashed me a smile and raised his eyebrows playfully.

  “Don’t worry, it’s not far.”

  “Thank goodness,” I sighed.

  My feet were already beginning to ache, but I didn’t care. I had a sneaking feeling about what was about to go down, and there was no way in hell sore feet were going to get in the way of it.

  After a few minutes, we arrived outside a park. He glanced at me with a wide grin and gestured for me to go in. I did as he asked, moving in front of him, placing my hands on my stomach and sighing slightly into the cool evening air.

  It was a nice night, the light from the street lamps surrounding us, bathing us in a warm, romantic glow.

  The park was gorgeous. In front of us stretched a long, meandering path that led to an enormous fountain quietly babbling with water a few dozen feet away. The place was lined with trees from top to bottom.

  I turned to find Oliver catching up with me, and he quickly found my hand.

  “What’s going on?” I asked suspiciously, and he shrugged, playing at being casual.

  “I just thought it might be nice to take a stroll after dinner,” he replied.

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Sure thing, Oliver,” I muttered, letting him know I knew there was something going on. I glanced around. “It’s really quiet here,” I remarked.

  He looked at me with such adoration and I felt something flare up inside me. Maybe it was just the pregnancy hormones, but the urge to have him right then and there overwhelmed me in a way that I never would have expected.

  “Shall we?”

  He grinned, playfully, and I raised my eyebrows, questioning his seriousness.

  I could have said no, but it would have been denying myself. Besides, the baby would be here in a matter of weeks. Why shouldn’t I indulge while I still had the time?

  “We’ll have to be quick,” I giggled as he pulled me into the small thicket of trees that surrounded us. “Someone could come along any minute.”

  “I know that,” he assured me and flipped me around, pressing me carefully against one of the thicker trunks around us, so as not to put too much pressure on my belly.

  He leaned across and kissed the back of my neck, and I melted at his touch. It hardly seemed possible considering how good the sex was when we first started hooking up, but it had just gotten better and better since then.

  He slipped his hand between my legs, and I parted them at once, welcoming him, needing him.

  “Mmm, you’re so wet,” he purred into my ear.

  I moaned softly. I didn’t care if someone walked by and heard us because, at that moment, all I wanted in the world was him inside me.

  “Stand on your tip-toes,” he ordered and I did what I was told at once, lifting myself slightly out of my flats and biting my lip as he stroked my clit while he unzipped himself.

  His fingers were soft and light, teasing, a precursor to the main event. Then, I felt him press himself against my opening. I cried out in pleasure, my body already sensitized by the air on my bare skin. He quickly pushed two fingers into my mouth to quiet me, and I tasted myself on his skin and sucked hard.

  “Fuck,” he gasped as he entered me, and had his fingers not been keeping me quiet, I would have let out a moan that would surely have alerted the entire neighborhood.

  He moved slowly, his strokes deep and long, and I flattened my hands against the trunk of the tree so I could brace
myself and push back against him. I needed him deep, and I needed him now.

  “I love it when you get this wet,” he moaned into my ear, the contrast of his hot breath and the cool air a fantastic sensation.

  “I always want you,” I managed in response.

  I had been getting better at dirty talk these days, gaining my nerve, and I knew he loved it when I talked back to him while he was taking me like this.

  “Your pussy feels so good on my cock,” he groaned, leaning back and holding my hips so he could move a little faster. “Fuck, Mona…”

  I closed my eyes and let myself get lost in feeling of him inside me. Something about being out here, knowing we were doing something so deviant, made it all the more hotter.

  His breath was coming fast, and I could feel his fingertips digging into my sides, the pressure telling me he wasn’t far from coming. A flicker of fear passed over me as I realized that anyone could walk past, anyone could stroll by and see us, and the panic mixed with the passion of feeling him inside me formed a potent combination. Just like that, I came.

  “Ah!” I yelped as the feeling tore through me.

  My pussy clenched and released over and over again around his cock, the sensation rippling out over my body like aftershocks from an earthquake, and I found myself slumping up against the tree for support as my legs threatened to buckle out from beneath me.

  He made three more long, deep thrusts, and then his cock exploded, buried up to the hilt in my pussy. I felt his body release, and he slowly pulled himself out of me.

  I reached down to quickly pull my panties up and glanced around to make sure no one had been watching. It seemed as though we’d gotten away with it. I turned to find Oliver regarding me, all doe-eyed.

  “Is that what you brought me here for?” I cocked my head in faux-scolding mode.

  “Actually, no,” he admitted, shaking his head. “Thanks for reminding me.”

  And just like that, he got down on one knee in front of me, in this quiet park, a slice of paradise in the middle of the city.

  He reached into his pocket, and I felt my breath catch in my throat.

  Oh my God, it was actually happening.

  “I know it’s been a crazy year,” he began, shaking his head with that silly grin I still couldn’t resist, even after all this time. “And I know that the immediate future is going to be just as crazy. But I don’t want any of it without you. Will you marry me?”

  “Of course,” I replied without thinking.

  I didn’t need to think. Oliver made everything feel utterly effortless. Being with him wasn’t just natural, it was obvious. He was the one for me. There was no denying it.

  As he got to his feet and slipped the ring on my finger, I felt as though my heart might explode with love for him, for our baby, for the life we had built together and the one we would build in the future.

  I didn’t expect any of this when I walked into that office all those months ago. Not in a million years. I still remembered reading all those articles about him, spying those grainy back-page photos of him with other women and wondering how they could fall for someone like Oliver, how they could be so taken in by him. But then…I met him. And I understood it. More than that, I lived it. I would have appeared on a thousand back covers on a thousand papers if it meant I could be with him. Everything in my life had changed for the better since I’d been with him – my career, my love life, my future.

  He’d given up so much to take on his new role as a father to our child, more than I ever expected from him, more than I ever dreamed he could give me. A year ago, Oliver was the kind of guy I’d have tried to talk myself out of a fling with. Now, he was a dedicated partner in business and in life, and was ready and eager to be the amazing father of our child. Everyone had noticed a big difference in him. It was impossible not to.

  I was excited for what was to come and grateful that I had been given the chance to start a family with someone as loving, as kind, as intelligent and as incredibly sexy as Oliver Paulson. My dreams had finally come true.

  Playboy Ever After


  Chapter 1


  I boosted the duffel bag further up on my shoulder and continued my slow progress toward the glass front doors of the apartment building. The suitcase behind me was heavy, laden with more than just my clothes and valuables. It, and the bag threatening to tear off my shoulder, were reminders of one painful fact—that even the best laid plans can wither and die in the time between two heartbeats.

  This morning I woke up Emma Valentine, steady girlfriend of Lance Anderson, and the hopeful future Mrs. Anderson. Now, at nearly seven o’clock in the evening, I was plain old Emma Valentine—homeless singleton with a broken heart.

  I huffed and puffed up the front steps and buzzed the apartment of my best friend Willow. I had texted her on the way over, providing a quick and sketchy version of what was happening and asking for a place to stay, but I hadn’t yet had the chance to explain more fully. She was fine with the short notice anyway, and understood that I too would have preferred a little more notice.

  “Hey hon,” Willow answered. “I’m buzzing you in now.”

  I made a mental note to give Willow a refresher course on apartment security, since I could be any random stranger buzzing her door, and she lived in Queens, not on the little farm her parents owned upstate.

  Right now, however, I had other priorities.

  The door clicked open and I shuffled forward and slipped through.

  At least Willow’s building had an elevator. It was a small win, but I would take any win I could get these days. That was the kind of thing you appreciated when everything else in your life was in shambles.

  No cardio today, life.

  Willow’s door was open when I reached the fourth floor and she was waiting to hug me before I’d even stepped over the threshold. I only got a flash of her blonde hair and sea blue eyes before she was throwing her arms around my middle, and squeezing the living daylights out of me and my poor duffel bag.

  “I’m so sorry about what happened, Em,” she said. “You can stay here as long as you need to.”

  “Thanks, Will.” I hugged her back, my forehead resting just atop her crown of pale curls. She wasn’t all that much shorter than me at 5’4,” but the four inches sure made a difference when we were hugging.

  “Come on,” she said, pulling back and smiling at me. “I’ve got a box of wine and all the kombucha you can drink.”

  I grimaced. “Just the wine, I think.”

  Willow laughed lightly, slipping around me to grab the suitcase so she could follow me inside. I dropped my duffel bag in the entranceway, my shoulder singing Hallelujah.

  Willow’s apartment was one of my favorite places to be in the world. It wasn’t all that spectacular, but she’d worn it in over the years until it was uniquely her own. From the blanket wall hangings depicting various groovy designs, to the gigantic bean bag chair in the corner of her living room, perfect for snuggling up on with a book, the space had an eclectic charm that I’d hoped to one day have in my own place.

  With Lance.

  I was crying before I even hit the sofa.

  Willow was an expert at dealing with other people’s emotions, which was more than I could say for myself. She gave me a little space while she poured our drinks and made a plate of snacks, then set the goods on the recycled driftwood coffee table and curled up against my side.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked.

  The curiosity was killing her. I didn’t blame her. Why, after two years of exclusive dating and six months of living together, would Lance suddenly toss me on the street? It didn’t make any sense. I was under the impression we were building a life together.

  “He, uh,” I sniffed. “He said that our relationship had grown stale.”

  My voice cracked near the end and I reached for the wine, downing a healthy gulp before I felt able to continue.

said he wasn’t happy, that he didn’t love me anymore. And that…”

  I didn’t know if I could say the last part.

  Willow must have sensed this. She immediately started rubbing my back with fervor, probably a little more than was necessary.

  “You don’t have to tell me now if you don’t want to,” she said. “Or ever if you really don’t want to.”

  “No, no,” I said, wiping under my eyes. “I think it would be good to talk about it. I don’t think I’ve started processing yet and I need to.”

  I gulped in a deep mouthful of air, then exhaled. My voice was small when I spoke.

  “Lance said that everything that went wrong in our relationship was m-m-my fault.”

  Willow immediately sat back, shocked, her ever-present bangles and earrings jangling with the sudden movement.

  “He said what now?”

  I stared at her balefully, not wanting to repeat it. She understood and grabbed the plate of snacks, handing me a slice of apple covered in peanut butter. It was good, though it didn’t fill the hole in my chest by a long shot.

  “Well, I don’t believe him,” Willow said. “You’ve done everything for him. You worked your ass off every day so you could help him with bills when he was in between jobs. You put up with all his crap.”

  She frowned, clearly puzzled.

  “I just don’t get it.”

  I shrugged.

  “Neither do I. But the heart wants what it wants, right? And Lance has made it very clear that his apparently does not want me.”

  “But to just kick you out like that! The nerve of him.”

  I took another swallow of wine. I couldn’t imagine staying in the same apartment as him anyway, after everything that had happened tonight. He’d been callous and cruel, almost unflinching as I reacted to the news. The rejection hurt too much for me to want to be close enough for him to inflict another attack.


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