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Billionaire Baby Bump

Page 94

by Chance Carter

  The figure had a decent head start on him. Roy raced across the dirt and into the cover of the dense woods circling the Dale property. He was quite familiar with the land around the house and made assumption on the intruder’s route based on that knowledge. He pushed on, branches whipping at his face and body.

  Somewhere up ahead, a night creature screeched. Roy took it as a sign that the animal had been startled and turned toward the noise. It didn't take him long to hear the crash of footsteps through the underbrush on the hillside a few yards ahead of him.

  Roy knew he must be gaining on the other man. The thudding of footsteps and snapping branches was getting louder as he hurried to his left. He could make out the faint sounds of the water running through the creek on his right. He was further along the Dale property than he thought.

  A twisted root took him suddenly by surprise and he lost his footing. The slope, still slippery from last night's rain caused his feet to move out from under him. He reached out frantically for something to hold onto, but each branch he found was too fragile to hold his weight. He had no other choice but to hit the ground hard. He cried out in pain, his back aching as he lay on the cold, wet ground. His right ankle throbbed where he’d caught the root.

  He fumbled with the pocket of his coat and found the badge still tucked safely away.

  He could still hear movement ahead of him, but it was becoming more distant. The stranger was getting away.

  Roy struggled to sit up. He cursed under his breath as his back roared with pain. He rubbed at his ankle with both hands. It had already started to swell, but he didn’t think it was broken. He pulled himself to his feet in the darkness and prepared himself for the long, painful walk back to his truck.

  * * *

  Jenny anxiously checked the clock one more time.

  It was very late. She thought Roy would have returned a long time ago. She didn’t expect him to find anything useful, but didn’t tell him so. He was a lot more positive than she was about their chances of solving this mystery.

  Jenny had tucked Isabelle into bed an hour ago. The dog had been adamant about sleeping at the foot of the bed, his weight pinning Isabelle's feet to the mattress. Jenny didn’t have the heart to discourage it.

  “Come on, Roy,” she muttered under her breath as she pulled aside the kitchen curtain and stared out at the still lake. “Where the heck have you got to?”

  The cabin at night was eery without his presence. She wished they’d had the good sense to leave Isabelle with Norma for the night. If anything went wrong she could help without having to worry about her niece.

  And if Isabelle was with Norma and Roy returned empty-handed and without incident, she could think of a few things they could do alone in the cabin.

  She imagined him taking her again as he had done last time, only more playful this time. She’d let him toy with her, play with her. She’d get on her hands and knees in front of him and crawl across the bed away from him, teasing him.

  “Come get me,” she’d say, wiggling her ass from left to right and tempting him to slide his massive shaft into her.

  She loved the sensation of him cumming inside her. She hadn’t been able to get that memory out of her mind since it had happened. It was a crazy thing to do, she knew that, but she didn’t care.

  If something happened, if he made her pregnant, it would only mean that it was meant to be. It was God’s will. That’s what she told herself as she imagined him cumming inside her again.

  She loved the wetness of it. The messiness. The raw animalness of it. His cum pouring into her pussy, filling her womb, getting deep into her body to places where it’s traces could never fully be erased again.

  She imagined gripping his cock tight in her hand and licking it like a lollipop. She’d like to lay him on his back and lick his cock, but not suck it. Just lick it, taking her time, toying with it, forcing it to get slowly to the point of no return, and then, when the time came, let him cum on her face. The naughtiness of it aroused her.

  She also imagined sitting on his face. She wasn’t sure if she’d be confident enough to do it in real life, but in her mind, the thought of sitting on his face and squirming her soaking wet pussy all over his mouth drove her wild. She’d gush on his face, dripping all over him, and he’d drink her juices and beg her for more.

  Then she’d lean forward, over his cock, and sixty-nine him until she had a mouthful of his delicious cum. She’d swallow every drop.

  She also imagined lying him on his back, his cock sticking up out of him like a pole, and then she’d squat over him, and sit right down on it. Only, instead of allowing him to slide into her wet, trembling pussy, she’d position herself so that it was her asshole that landed on the tip of his cock. She’d be all lubed up and he’d slide right into her, impaling her with such a feeling of pleasure that she’d reach orgasm just from the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of her asshole. Using her thigh muscles, she’d rise up and down on his pole of a cock, causing him to fuck her ass at exactly the pace and speed of her choosing. And as she bobbed up and down, he’d look at her and watch her reach the point of climax, her pussy squirting and orgasming right in front of him and spilling on his belly.

  She got hot and bothered just fantasizing about all the naughty, dirty things she wanted to do with him. For too long, she’d thought of herself as a good girl. The truth was, she was bad, and she had very naughty fantasies that she craved making a reality.

  A sudden movement outside the window caught her eye. She pressed her palms down flat on the wooden countertop as she leaned forward to see better. She searched the area for any sign of what it had been. Just then she saw a ghostly figure moving along the tree line. She watched as the figure moved within the cover of the trees. Whoever it was did not want to be seen.

  Suddenly, the trespasser paused and looked toward the house. They knew she could see them. She sank back, hiding from view. What was she going to do. What if this person was a threat to her and Isabelle.

  When she dared to lean forward again, she found the figure was still watching the house. The figure stared straight at the cabin. She couldn't be sure it was a man, but she had a sense that it was. And it felt as if he knew her. Her body begin to shiver despite the warmth of the fire in the living room. She wished Roy would come home.

  Even after the figure disappeared from sight, she could sense that she was being watched.

  Jenny closed all the curtains in the cabin and locked the doors and windows. She stopped in to check on Isabelle and the dog, finding them both soundly asleep. Not much of a watch dog, she thought to herself.

  She sat at attention in the front room wishing like hell that Roy would come through the door before someone else did.

  Chapter 23

  Roy cursed each bump and dip along the road, the pain from his fall growing worse with each passing mile.

  He almost forgot to drop the key back to Chief Miller and turned the truck around and up the stretch of road that led to the small house beyond the fire station. He couldn’t wait for this night to be over.

  He was dying to get back to the cabin so he could show Jenny the badge. In the morning, they could talk strategy.

  Adam was still up when Roy dropped down from his beaten up truck with a heavy sigh and half limped his way to the front door of the home. He knocked twice and waited.

  Chief Miller was dressed in a red shirt and boxer shorts when he opened the door. His television remote was still in his hand, and the sounds of a hockey game came from his living room.

  “Evening, Roy.”

  He raised his brow at the sight of Roy's disheveled appearance.

  “Had a bad night, did you?”

  “I had a great night,” Roy replied sarcastically.

  “I did find something interesting the master bedroom, though.”

  Chief Miller gave a curt nod of agreement.

  “I don’t wanna know,” Adam said shaking his head, “but I’m glad it was worth your while.”r />
  “I hope it’s all I need to prove Dale’s innocence.”

  “He was a rough nut, looking for attention any way he could get it, that’s for sure, but I don't think he’s a killer., Adam said. “But I’m not the one you have to convince. You have your work cut out for you changing that pig head Cartright’s mind. He doesn’t like to be wrong.”

  “I think what I have might change his mind,” Roy told him honestly. “If I have it my way, he’ll hightail it out of town when I’m through with him.”

  “Good riddance, if you ask me.”

  Chief Miller stepped out onto the porch and nodded his head toward the busted up window on Roy's truck.

  “I've always said you've got to carry a spare key, Roy.”

  “I'll make sure the next guy that breaks into my truck is carrying one. It will save me the repair bill.”

  Chief Miller let out a hearty laugh.

  “Well, I'm glad you found what you were looking for, anyway. If whatever it is gets Chief Cartright out of our hair, even better.”

  The two men said goodnight and Roy went back to his truck. It was two in the morning. Jenny must be worried sick. The police badge would make her feel better, he was sure of it.

  Finally, they were getting somewhere. Joey Dale would be a free man before he knew it.

  * * *

  Jenny had fallen asleep on the couch and awoke to Roy shaking her gently.

  She almost jumped out of her skin, remembering the stranger who had been creeping around earlier in the evening. Even though the curtains were still drawn, she still sensed that someone was watching.

  “Sorry, sweetheart,” Roy said to settle her.,“I didn't mean to startle you.”

  Jenny relaxed as Roy caressed her back.

  “Oh, it’s okay. You just scared me a little,” she said. “I’m just glad you are finally home. I have been worried about you.”

  Jenny sat up, yawning and stretching her arms out over her head. A little more awake now, she noticed the state of Roy’s clothes.

  “Jeepers, Roy, what happened out there,” Jenny gasped.

  “I'm fine, really.” Roy brushed off the concern with a wave of his hand. He was obviously hurt, but he was beaming.

  Jenny watched as Roy went to the kitchen to get the black windbreaker he had draped over a kitchen chair. He was digging around in the pockets.

  She was happy to see him in a good mood and was excited to see what he had turned up at the house.

  “Just wait until you see this, Jen. You won't believe it.”

  He retrieved the white fabric package and brought it to her.

  “I found this underneath the bed in the master bedroom. I hadn't even thought to check under the bed when I was in there the other day.”

  “Hurry, Roy. I’ dying to know what it is.”

  His excitement was wearing off on her. Jenny took the small, white package from his hands and unwrapped it carefully. She didn't know what to expect, but she knew it had to be something pretty good to have him acting like this.

  “It's big, believe me.”

  Jenny glanced up at his smiling face before she pulled back the final piece of fabric. She was confused to find a police badge.

  “Each badge has an individual number. When we find out who this badge was issued to, we will have our man,” he said, filled with optimism.

  “This is... unbelievable.”

  She shook her head in disbelief.

  “How are we going to find out who it belongs to?”

  “See the number I was talking about?”

  Roy leaned forward to get a better look at the object.

  “It's not Joey's police number. I was his partner long enough to remember his as well as I know my own. I think the one we have here belongs to Chief Cartright.”

  “Oh my gosh! If that's true then what happens next?” she asked as she wrapped the evidence up in the handkerchief and returned it to Roy.

  “Do we tell him we have it?”

  “In the morning, we call the police commissioner for the district and explain everything to him.”

  “What are the chances he’ll actually believe us?”

  “Finding the badge right there at the crime scene will help. If Chief Cartright can’t produce his badge, it’s going to add up, believe me.”

  Roy tucked the police badge away in the drawer of the living room dresser.

  “But you have to be the one to call him.”

  “What?” Jenny said as she sat forward in surprise. “Why me?”

  “We can't tell him that Chief Miller gave us a key so we could snoop around the house,” Roy explained as he took a seat on the couch opposite her. “We’re going to tell him you found it when you were cleaning up the house.”

  “It's really going to be that easy?” Jenny asked. She wasn’t sure she could pull it off. “Won't he start asking even more questions?-”

  “Even if he does, it doesn't matter. All he has to know is that it casts doubt over your brother's guilt. You just look like a concerned sister.”

  “I am a concerned sister,” Jenny reminded him.

  “Right, I'm sorry.”

  He leaned forward and touched a hand to her knee.

  “I didn't mean anything by it.”

  “It's okay. I'm just tired. It's just been a long night.”

  She knew he must have sensed something in her face because he suddenly looked concerned.

  “What happened tonight while I was gone?”

  Jenny closed her eyes as she took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “I thought I saw a figure on the property,” she said as she reopened her eyes. “In fact, I did see someone on the beach, and he saw me too.”

  “Who? Who was out there?” he said, leaning so far forward he was almost off the couch.

  “I couldn’t make out who it was, but it was a man for sure. I could tell from his movements that he didn’t want to be seen. When he spotted my face in the window, he stood still and stared back at me. Then after a few minutes, he disappeared back into the trees. When he was out of sight, I went around the house to secure windows and pull the drapes.”

  Roy took her hand.

  “I'm sorry I left you alone, Jen. No one is going to be coming around again now that my truck is back.”

  She nodded, giving him the benefit of a smile for his effort to make her feel better.

  “I think I saw someone out in the woods tonight, too.”

  “What? Who?”

  “Someone broke into the back of my truck and took a look around while I was searching the house.”

  “You're kidding me?”

  Roy shrugged. “I had nothing worth stealing from the truck. I think they were checking for anything we might have to help prove Joey’s innocence. We must be making someone nervous.”

  “And what about the person you saw in the woods?”

  “He was attempting a quick getaway when I was about to head out,” Roy explained. “I took off on foot after him and I was close to catching up with him when a root took me down. I had to pop a couple pills in the truck so my back pain would ease up.”

  “So that's why you look like you rolled around in mud.”

  Jenny shook her head, smiling.

  “You need a hot shower, mister.”

  Jenny watched as he stood back up. He put out a hand, and she gratefully accepted it. He pulled her up against him, and she pressed herself against his chest. It was the only place she wanted to be.

  He tilted up her chin and kissed her softly on the lips.

  “You care to join me?”

  Jenny hadn’t heard such a good offer in a long time.

  Chapter 24

  Roy couldn't believe his luck as Jenny took his hand and led him in the direction of the bathroom. He felt his cock stiffening as he watched her walking in front of him, her delicious ass swaying from side to side.

  Once inside the small room, she closed the door softly behind him, turning the lock to avoid any u
nexpected and awkward encounters.

  He pulled his shirt off over his head in that way only men can do. He couldn't help but laugh when she bit her bottom lip at the sight of his svelte body. She wasn't the first woman to find it appealing, but he certainly hoped she could be the last.

  She reached out and ran her hands over his chiseled chest, and the bumps of his abs.

  He wanted to feel the creamy softness of her skin beneath his touch. He needed to feel her warm, hungry body pressed against him. He waited eagerly as she pulled at the halter neck of her dress. He would rather have just ripped it off of her than to wait much longer.

  Eventually, the fabric gave way, and he watched with baited breath as she pulled it unhurried down past her breasts and over her stomach. He could feel his manhood reacting as the dress caught on her hips, the lacy line of her thong already coming into view. This game of striptease was doing everything it possibly could to destroy him completely.

  His cock pressed hard against the tightness of his jeans, begging to be let loose.

  Jenny's smile gave him butterflies. She truly was beautiful. He reached over and pushed a mess of her curly, blonde hair off her shoulder, delighting in how the simplest of touches made her shiver. He leaned in and pressed his lips to the small crook between her neck and shoulder. She moaned in response. He bit her ever so gently, just enough to make a statement.

  The low moan that escaped her lips made him harder than he had ever been before. At this rate, they may not even make it into the shower.

  Roy slid his hand up the front of her thigh. He brushed gently against her pussy lips, smiling when another delightful moan left her lips. He went up a little higher to where the remnants of the dress still sat propped up on her hips.

  He peeled the yellow fabric down with slow intent, careful to barely brush his knuckles in all the right places as he did. She stepped her feet side to side until the dress was nothing more than a distant memory in a crumpled heap on the floor.

  “I've got to set the water running,” he heard her murmur as he dipped his head down her chest toward her hardened nipples. He heard her sigh as his hands came up behind her back to release her breasts from their confines. The lacy, black bra dropped to the bathroom floor in an instant.


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