Lost in Time (Forever and Always #20)

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Lost in Time (Forever and Always #20) Page 11

by E. L. Todd

  “Change the subject,” Mike warned.

  “Rainbows!” Ryan waved his hands in front of my face.

  “What? Where?” I looked around the casino, trying to find the colored rays of sunshine. “Rainbows are so awesome.”

  “We need to get to the roof to see them,” Flynn said. “We should go.”

  I pointed my finger at his chest. “I’ve always liked you. You should be an astronaut or something.”

  Flynn nodded. “After I completed space training, I didn’t pass my final boards exam so I didn’t make it.” He shrugged his shoulders.

  “That’s not fair,” I said. “You couldn’t take the test again?”

  Ryan was laughing again.

  “Nope.” Flynn shrugged again. “But what are you going to do?”

  “Wait,” I said. “Sean can do something. He’s a Preston.”

  Sean smirked. “I’ll make a call in the morning. But for now, let’s go to the roof and see that rainbow.”

  “Wait,” Mike said. “Hey, Cortland. Did Scarlet say who has a bigger dick? You or Sean?”

  Sean gave him a death stare.

  “No,” I said, running my fingers through my hair. “But she said—”

  “Rainbows!” Ryan waved his hands in front of my face again.

  “What? Where?” I looked around the casino, searching for the magical rays.

  “Disaster averted,” Flynn mumbled.

  “Let’s get out of here before I kill Cortland,” Sean said.

  “Scarlet wouldn’t like that…” My words were slurred.

  Ryan grabbed my arm and helped me from the seat. “Come on, man. We want to see the rainbows up close.”

  “Good idea,” I said.

  We took the elevator to the top floor then took the stairs to the roof. We saw the skyline of Atlantic City. “Where are all the rainbows?” I asked, suddenly feeling sad.

  “They went to bed.” Ryan kept guiding me to the helicopter. The rest of the guys took up the rear.

  “Wait, let me call Monnique so I can tell her I didn’t see them.” I took out my phone then dropped it.

  Ryan put it back in my pocket. “Tell her in the morning.”

  I closed my eyes, suddenly feeling tired. “That’s probably a good idea.” I pulled out my phone again. “You want to see naked pictures of her?”

  Ryan’s eyes widened. “You’re going to show me pictures of your fiancé?”

  “She’s really hot,” I said. I pulled up the photos on my phone. “Here’s one of her in the shower.”

  Ryan snatched the phone away and put it in his pocket. “Show me some other time.”

  “Damn, he’s drunk,” Sean said.

  “I wish Monnique and Scarlet would make out again,” I said. “That was hot.”

  “Yeah, it was,” Sean said.

  Ryan got me into the helicopter then buckled my safety belt.

  “I love you, man,” I said to him.

  “Yeah,” Ryan said.

  The rest of the guys sat down.

  “No,” I said, resting my head against the wall. “I really love you. Like, all of you guys. You’re the best.”

  “We love you too,” Mike said.

  “My friends are so cool,” I said. “You guys took me to Atlantic City and…showed me rainbows. They are so pretty.”

  Ryan eyed me. “But we never saw any. Remember?”

  “But I did…”

  They all fell silent while they watched me.

  “What’s the point of living life without people who love you?” I mumbled. “I’d be nothing without you guys. My life is so awesome. Like, I feel like Superman. I got a perfect girl and I have you guys…yeah.”

  Flynn nodded. “We love you too, man. Close your eyes and get some rest.”

  “Rainbows…” I finally fell asleep.

  The next thing I knew we landed and Ryan was helping me out of the helicopter.

  “Did it do any flips?” I asked.

  “Yes,” Ryan said. “We almost died.”

  “So cool…” I nodded.

  Sean came to my other side and wrapped my arm over his shoulder. Together, they walked me from the building and back down to the road. They loaded me into the backseat of Scarlet’s car and I lay across the seat. I wanted to close my eyes, but kept looking out the window and watched the lights of the strip. I couldn’t think. Emotions and thoughts moved through my body but none of them made any sense.

  I drifted in and out of sleep as we headed back to Sean’s house. The sun was rising when we parked. My eyes burned from the light.

  “Let’s get him to bed,” Ryan said. “And I’m getting him a rainbow pillow for his wedding gift.”

  “I think Monnique might be a little freaked out by that,” Sean said.

  They got me out of the back and to my feet.

  “You guys are strong,” I said. “I weigh four-hundred pounds.”

  “Really?” Sean asked. “Four-hundred?”

  “Yeah. I’m buff.”

  “Sounds about right,” Ryan said.

  They helped me into the house and up the stairs.

  I looked at Ryan while he guided me in the room. “What are you doing here? You don’t live here, right?”

  “I just want to make sure you get inside safely,” he said while he dropped me on the bed.

  “You’re a good friend…” I stared at the ceiling, feeling the headache.

  Sean stared at me, his hands on his hips. “Should we undress him?”

  “I got it,” Ryan said. “You can get to bed and I’ll crash on the couch.”

  “Alright. I’m outta here.” Sean walked out and shut the door.

  Ryan got my clothes off then put me in the bed.

  “Don’t look at me naked,” I blurted

  “You’re wearing a shirt and your boxers. You aren’t naked.” He put the blanket over me.

  “I’m tired…”

  “That makes two of us.” Ryan set my alarm clock. “I’ll come and wake you if you sleep through the alarm.”


  He patted my shoulder. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  “Yeah…you always got my back.”

  “Yep.” He headed to the door.


  “What’s up?” He turned around.

  “If your mom tries to hurt you again, I got your back.”

  He stared at me for a second and then finally nodded. “I know, man.”

  I closed my eyes and fell asleep immediately.

  When I woke up the next morning, Ryan was shaking me. “Get up.”

  “Muh.” I turned on my side and kept my eyes closed.

  “Wake the hell up.” He shook me violently. “You’re getting married today.”

  I sat up. “Oh shit. I am.”

  “There you go.” He put his hands on his hips. “Now get in the shower. I just picked up your suit from the dry cleaner.”

  “Okay.” I rubbed my head, feeling a pounding headache.

  He handed me a glass of water with two pills. “This should help you start the day. Scarlet is making breakfast downstairs.”

  I swallowed the pills dry, not knowing what they were, and then downed the water.

  “Alright. Do you remember last night?”

  My mind was clear, but when I thought about the past, it became fuzzy. “Something about rainbows…”

  He laughed. “Yeah. Rainbows were there. Anything else?”

  “I think we went to a UFC fight and then…we gambled. That’s it.”

  “Well, you remember the important stuff. Now get ready.”

  I pulled down the blankets and saw me in my boxers. “How did I get here?”

  “I tucked you in like your mother.”

  “That’s weird…”

  “You were totally wasted, man. And you’re welcome.”

  I moved to the edge of the bed then stood up, feeling a little wobbly. “Damn, I have a hangover.”

  “Shower then have breakfast
. You’ll feel better.”


  I got into the shower and took a long time, trying to wake up. After I dried off, I did my hair and put on my jeans and t-shirt. I smelled the breakfast downstairs before I saw it.

  Scarlet was in the kitchen, pouring pancakes into the pan. “Morning, sleepyhead.”

  “That smells good.”

  She put down her spatula then hugged me. “Congratulations.”

  ‘Thanks.” I patted her back. “I’m still trying to wake up.”

  “I’m sure this breakfast will.” She grabbed a plate and set it on the table. “Eat up.”

  I sat down then dug in. I always liked Scarlet’s cooking. She was good at it. Sean was sitting across from me, sipping his coffee and reading the paper. He kept eyeing me, making sure I didn’t drop my face into my plate and drown in the syrup.

  “You doing okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I have a headache but it’s going away.” I shoveled the food in my mouth. “How’s Monnique?”

  “She’s getting ready with the girls. She’s very excited.”

  “She’s not running out on me, right?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not even going to answer that.”

  I downed my coffee and felt immensely better after the caffeine entered my stomach. “I’m going to get dressed. I’m ready to get married.”

  “We’ll make sure everything is ready,” Sean said.

  “Thanks,” I said as I walked out. I headed upstairs and put on my suit. It was solid black and I wore a gray tie. I stared at myself for a long time, unable to believe I was actually getting married. Years ago, I never thought I’d get married to anyone. When I was with Elizabeth, it was a passionless and loveless relationship. But I thought that was normal, how it should be. It wasn’t like the movies. It was empty and hollow.

  But then I met Monnique, a woman who made my heart beat the moment I saw her. We’d been through our dark times and troubles, but those hardships made this award all that much better. We conquered our obstacles and finished together, hand in hand. And even after all the pain, I still wanted to marry her. For me, there was no one else. She was it. She was the one.

  Ryan came into the room and stood behind me, wearing his suit. “You look spiffy.”

  “Thanks.” I kept staring at the mirror, my hands in my pockets.

  “You doing okay?”

  “Yeah.” My voice was weak.

  “What’s on your mind?”

  “I just…I didn’t think this day would ever come.”

  He nodded. “But it did. And that’s all that matters.”

  “I’m not sure what I did to deserve so much. I have everything; friends, family, a great job, and now an amazing wife. Sometimes it’s hard to believe.”

  “It’s not hard for me to believe. “

  “I guess…it’s just hitting me. Everyone is settling down and I can’t believe I am too.”

  He put his hand on my shoulder. “It’s a happiness you deserve. Just accept it and absorb it. It’s your time to shine, man.”

  “Yeah…” I patted his hand then dropped it.

  “You ready to do this?”


  “Then let’s hit the road.”

  We walked downstairs and met at the door. Scarlet kept smiling at me, her smile infectious. Sean patted me on the back but didn’t say anything. Mike nodded in my direction. All eyes were on me.

  “You got your vows?” Ryan asked.

  I patted my pocket. “Got them.”

  “Then let’s do this.”

  When we arrived at the courthouse, I felt immensely overdressed. Everyone was there for various reasons, dressed in jeans and t-shirts. I felt my heart beat in my chest while I waited for Monnique and her girls. I wouldn’t see her walk down the aisle but I was still anxious to see my bride. I knew she’d look beautiful in her dress.

  For the first time, the group didn’t say anything. Jokes were usually said or someone was being teased, typically Scarlet, but now we were silent. I felt my heart beat in my chest, it’s rhythm matching nothing in particular. The blood was loud in my ears. I waited. And waited.

  Ryan looked at his watch. “They’re late.”

  “They’re coming,” Scarlet said quickly.

  Why was the anxiety killing me? I stared at the door, waiting for her to walk through.

  And then she did.

  Wearing a simple strapless gown, she stepped inside with Cassandra, Janice, and Hazel. Her hair was pulled back slightly, revealing her slender neck and sculpted shoulders. The gown hugged her chest and waist then billowed out slightly toward her feet.

  She looked perfect.

  When her eyes met mine, emotions swelled inside them. She grabbed her gown and walked toward me. She was so beautiful I was rendered speechless. I swallowed the lump in my throat, feeling the emotion swell in my heart and my mouth.

  She stopped when she reached me, her eyes twinkling with joy.

  “You look beautiful.” My hands moved to her waist, feeling the lace of the dress. I pressed my face to hers and held her, letting the moment stretch in time indefinitely.

  “You look handsome.”

  “I look like a buffoon compared to you.”

  “Don’t call my future husband a buffoon,” she teased.

  I chuckled then moved my hand to her arm, feeling the softness. “You ready to marry me?”

  “I am.”

  My parents walked in the door. My eyes were glued to Monnique’s, but I heard my mother’s high-pitched voice. “Thank god! We aren’t too late. The traffic in Manhattan was ridiculous.”

  I was happy my parents were there, but Monnique had all my attention.

  Everyone introduced themselves while I held my bride. “Let’s do this.”


  I grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the door. I forgot about everyone else in the building, just thinking about she and I. We weren’t having an expensive wedding at a fancy hotel, but it was perfect for us.

  We checked in then were ushered to a private room. Everyone came with us, keeping their distance. A room was full of chairs and faced a podium. She and I walked until we reached the courtroom official. He nodded to both of us then folded his hands at his waist.

  Everyone sat down in the chairs and waited for the ceremony to begin. I stared at Monnique, my whole world, and held her small hand in mine. Now I wasn’t nervous. This is exactly where I was supposed to be. The marriage should have happened awhile go, so it was late in arrival. But it was here, nonetheless. “I love you,” I whispered.

  The crowd awed at my words.

  I smirked when I heard them.

  Monnique didn’t smile. Her eyes were full of emotion. When her hand squeezed mine, I knew she was anxious to be my wife. “I love you too.”

  The official began the ceremony, reading through the lines to make us husband and wife. I slipped the ring on her finger, feeling her strong pulse at her wrist, and then she slipped the plain band on mine. The white gold of my band caught my attention. The metal would cover my finger for the rest of my life. The heaviness suddenly felt light. It was a responsibility and a burden I wanted. I wanted to be Monnique’s partner for the rest of my life, to cherish her forever.

  Monnique cleared her throat then held my gaze. “I had a secret crush on you long before we spoke. I saw you working on one of the printers, and when you bent over, I got a nice peek at your goodies.” I laughed and so did everyone else. “I remember the first time you noticed me. Your eyes suddenly popped open, but you hid it just as quickly. It happened to fast I couldn’t be sure if it was real. But from that moment, you made me feel special. That I could catch your attention without doing anything to deserve it. And when you spoke to me, I wasn’t prepared for what came out. You were such a gentleman and so old-fashioned. I felt like I found a guy in the fifties, a man that didn’t look at my chest every second he could, someone who actually respected me. And that’s unheard of t
hese days.

  “After our first day, I knew you were a catch. I wasn’t sure how I got so lucky to catch your eye, but I didn’t question it. But I admit your constant need to pay for every little thing and open every door got annoying pretty quickly.”

  “I raised my boy right!” my mom yelled from her chair.

  I rolled my eyes while everyone laughed.

  “But it wasn’t just your treatment of me that made me fall in love. You always put me first, made me laugh, and made me feel cherished. For the first time, I felt like I was important to someone else, not just my parents. And that was a nice change.

  “I did a lot of things I regret in this relationship, things I’ll never take back. After losing you, I know I never want to go through that again, and I never plan on letting it happen ever again. I will spend the rest of my life making up for the pain I caused you. You’re the only man I want for the rest of my life. After the battle we’ve fought, I know our relationship is strong and undeniable. If we can get through that, we can get through anything.

  “I love you with my whole heart and I’m excited to start my life with you, especially in Greece.” She gave me a smile along with a blush.

  I interlocked her fingers with mine and held them firmly. “The last relationship before you was passionless and empty. Unfortunately, I thought that was how it was supposed to be. When I met you, you got my heart pumping like I never thought possible. You made emotions and feelings spiral through me in waves. The instant I laid eyes on you, I knew there was a connection I couldn’t describe. In just a single look, I felt more than I ever had before. I knew I had to talk to you, and I knew you would be mine whether you liked it or not.”

  She smirked at my words.

  “The relationship was perfect from the beginning. You were my best friend, the person I chose to be around more than any other. Ryan used to be the only person I could go out with and have an amazing time. But you replaced him pretty quickly.”

  “Thanks, man,” Ryan said sarcastically.

  I looked over my shoulder. “Like Janice didn’t replace me.”

  He shrugged. “At least I don’t say it in my vows.”

  Monnique glared at him. “Can we get married now?”

  “You tell me. I proposed first,” Ryan said. “You totally cut ahead of me.”


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