Lost in Time (Forever and Always #20)

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Lost in Time (Forever and Always #20) Page 12

by E. L. Todd

  “Then maybe you need to make up your mind about the wedding,” Janice snapped.

  “Okay…we’re getting sidetracked here,” I said. “We’re going to finish getting married now.”

  “Rainbows!” Ryan waved his hands in front of my face.

  The guys cracked up in the audience, laughing loudly.

  The gesture was lost on me and Monnique.

  Ryan waved me away. “Just wrap this up.”

  I turned back to Monnique. “Sorry about that.”

  She laughed. “It’s okay.”

  “Anyway…I know we went through hard times, but those obstacles only made me fall in love with you all over again. You’re the only woman I would work that hard for, be so patient for, and take heartbreak after heartbreak. There’s not a doubt in my mind that you’re the only woman for me—forever. And I’ll always work through the hard times—because you’re worth it.”

  Her eyes welled up at my words. “Cortland…”

  The official gave us a moment before we spoke. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  I leaned in to kiss her, feeling the flash from the cameras and the sound of clapping. Ryan whistled loudly and Scarlet shrieked with happiness.

  The first kiss with my wife was exactly how I predicted; warm, soft, and full of undeniable love. I cupped her face and felt her lips caress mine, never wanting the embrace to end.

  “Let’s save some for Greece,” Ryan said sarcastically.

  I pulled away then rubbed my nose against hers. “Thanks for marrying me.”

  She smiled. “You sound like I did something simple, like handed you the potatoes across the table.”

  “It’s definitely not simple. Any other guy would jump at the opportunity to marry you. But you chose me.”

  “You are special, Cortland. Very.”

  I held her to my chest and heard my mom cry. My dad comforted her and tried to keep her quiet, but she was wailing loudly. Everyone I loved was in that room, sharing that moment with me. Joy and happiness radiated through me. We may be in a courthouse, something ordinary and plain, but everyone in the room made it magical and unforgettable.

  Chapter 9


  When I woke up the next morning—I mean afternoon—I had a headache. The party after the wedding was a lot of fun, but partying hard two nights in a row was taking its toll. Hazel and I didn’t even have sex last night because I was too exhausted.

  I was surprised to see that Hazel was still asleep. She was usually up at the crack of dawn no matter how late she was up the night before. Looks like the tables have turned. Quietly, I got out of bed then walked out, shirtless and only wearing my sweatpants.

  “Have a good time last night?” Cade asked while he flipped pancakes in the pan.

  He’d been quiet lately. I’m surprised he was talking to me. I was even more surprised he wasn’t being an ass. “Yeah. It was a blast.”

  “Cool.” He slid the breakfast onto a plate and handed it to me. “Hungry?”

  I took it hesitantly. “What did you do to it?”

  He laughed. “Nothing, man.”

  I eyed it suspiciously before I took it to the table and sat down.

  Cade sat across from me and ate quietly. “How was your trip?”

  I barely got home in time for the bachelor party, and Hazel and I hadn’t spent much time together since then. But when I walked through the door, she clung to me like I just came back from a tour for three months. “It was good. I got a lot done.”

  He nodded. “Cool. That girl give you any problems?”

  “No. She knows I’ll quit the moment she pulls anything.”

  “Makes sense.”

  Hazel hadn’t complained about Cade while I was gone, so I assumed it went well between them. “You didn’t give my girl a hard time?”

  “No.” He stabbed his eggs with his fork.

  “What did you do while I was gone?” Other than sit on the couch all day.

  “Hazel and I went to the movies and out to dinner. Just stuff like that.”

  What? She didn’t tell me any of that. “My girlfriend, Hazel?”

  “How many other Hazels do you know?” he said sarcastically.

  “But, she didn’t mention that to me.”

  “I asked her not to.”

  I was growing suspicious. “Why?”

  “Because I wanted to talk to you first.”

  Where was this going? “If you tell me you’re in love with my girlfriend, I will kill you.”

  He smirked. “She’s a great girl, but no, she isn’t my type. You know I love brunettes.”

  “What’s going on, Cade?”

  “I’m ready to talk about why I’m here.”

  I didn’t touch my plate, no longer interested in eating. “Okay.”

  “I got fired from the studio.” He said it simply and with no emotion. “I had a shitty attitude, no one wanted to work with me, and I was just an asshole. The IRS took all my money because I didn’t pay all my taxes, and I don’t have a single person in the world to help me—except you. I didn’t want to talk about it because I was so embarrassed. I’m not sure how it got this bad. I just kept thinking I was better than everyone else until the point I actually believed it. But in the end, now that I’ve lost everything, I really have nothing. I’ve been treating you like shit, but you’re the only person in my life who let me crash at his place. I’ve been here for months and you’ve never asked me to leave. You’re…all I got.”

  I had no idea all that shit happened to him. I knew something was wrong, but I had no idea it was that bad. My brother had lost everything. He hit rock bottom. “I’m sorry, Cade.”

  “Don’t be,” he said immediately. “I don’t deserve your sympathy. I did this to myself. And seeing how much Hazel loves you just makes me realize I’ve never known a love like that. No one loves me like that, in a profound and unconditional way.”

  “I love you,” I blurted.

  He looked down before he returned his gaze to mine. “I don’t deserve it.”

  Cade really pissed me off for the past few years. He was mean and rude, a total dick. We used to be really close until he let fame and fortune go to his head. I wanted to gloat and tell him he deserved everything that happened to him. But I couldn’t. Sympathy washed through me. I got no satisfaction out of this. “Well, since we’re related, I have to,” I teased. “So, that saved your ass.”

  He smirked. “Thank goodness for the shared bloodline.”

  “Do Mom and Dad know?”

  He shook his head. “I knew they would only scold me then tell me to fix my own problems.”

  “That’s true, but this is serious, Cade. I don’t think they’d turn their back on you.”

  “I know they would,” he said bitterly.

  “So, how are your finances?”

  “I don’t have any money,” he said simply.


  “I have a few thousand dollars in my account, but that’s it. And no one will work with me because of my reputation.”

  I figured. He really burned a lot of bridges. “We’ll figure something out. Until then, you’re welcome to stay here.”



  He rested his elbows on the table. “I got to know Hazel pretty well. She’s a really cool girl.”

  “You’re telling me something I already know.” I smirked. “And she’s awesome in bed.”

  “I know,” he said with a laugh. “Walls are pretty thin.”

  I laughed. “I’m assuming you apologized to her?”



  “When are you going to ask her?” he asked.

  “Ask her what?”

  “Don’t play dumb with me,” he snapped. “You know what I’m asking.”

  I smirked then took a bite of a piece of bacon. “I haven’t decided.”

  “You got a ring?”

  I shrugged
. “Maybe.”

  “Come on, man. I won’t tell her.”

  “I don’t know…you’ve been pretty buddy-buddy with her.”

  “Because she’s important to you,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “Just spill it.”

  I nodded. “I got the ring.”

  “Seriously? Shit, that was quick.”

  “When you know, you know. Why should I wait when I feel this way? We’re already living together and I know she’s my forever. I’ve been with enough girls to know the winners from the losers. And so far, she’s the only winner I’ve ever met. She’s the one.”

  “You sound sure.”

  “I am. You’ll see what I mean someday.”

  “When are you going to ask?”

  “I haven’t decided yet. I’m still in the brainstorming stage.”

  “Let me know if you need help,” he said.

  “This is a solo project. I can’t really ask for help.”

  “Do you have any ideas?”

  “One,” I answered.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s a secret.” I winked at him.

  “You’re going to propose in bed.”

  I laughed. “No. I have a little more class than that.”

  “None that I’ve seen,” he teased.

  I finished my breakfast then sipped my coffee. “That was actually good.”

  “Hazel was surprised too. I cooked for her a few times.”

  “Thanks for taking care of her.”

  “I had to. She was so damn sad.”

  “She was?” I grinned like an idiot.

  “You like your girlfriend being sad over you?”

  I shrugged. “I admit I’m pleased by it.”

  “She moped around and did nothing the whole time. She cried like a girl when you left.”

  “She is a girl.”

  “You know what I mean. She was distraught.”

  “I was miserable too,” I said sadly. “I couldn’t sleep because I’m so used to having her beside me.”

  “I wish someone would love me like that.”

  “They will. Someday in the far, far, far away future.”

  He chuckled. “Thanks.”

  “So, we need to get you back on your feet.”

  He sighed. “I’m not sure where to start. I’m basically starting over.”

  “We all start over at some point in our lives. You aren’t alone in that.”

  “No one is going to take a chance on me again. I’ve screwed up.”

  I had one idea. It was a stretch, but it was all I could think of. “You could star in my show.”

  “The one on HBO?”


  He looked hesitant. “I don’t know…I doubt they would even let me.”

  “Well, I’m the writer so I get a lot of say in the casting.”

  “But the final decision isn’t up to you,” he argued.

  “But I have a lot of say.”

  He rubbed his knuckles while he thought for a long time. “I appreciate the offer but I don’t want you to stick out your neck for me then regret it.”

  “Why would I regret it?”

  He shrugged. “Because I’m an ass.”

  “You haven’t been one today.”

  He grabbed the handle of his coffee but didn’t take a drink. “I just don’t want to mess anything up for you.”

  “Then don’t,” I said simply. “All you need to do is not be an ass, respect others around you, and for once in your life, be humble. It’s really not that hard.”

  He smirked. “You would think.”

  “Come on. Let’s try.”

  “And what if they say no?”

  “You’ll have to get a real job.”

  He cringed. “God, no.”

  I smiled. “I have a buddy who’s a CEO of a software company. Worse comes to worse, you could work for him.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “And he would just give me a job like that? Without even meeting me?”


  “This guy sounds like he doesn’t know how to run a company.”

  “On the contrary, he’s just very generous. He gave Hazel a job, and she likes it for the most part.”

  “Wow. I don’t have a friend who would do that for me.”

  “Well, if you’re actually nice to him he can be your friend too.”

  He shook his head. “I admit I was an ass, but you’re a cocky jerk.”

  I shrugged. “I don’t have an argument against that.”

  Hazel emerged from the hallway, her hair a tangled mess. She wore one of my t-shirts and my boxers. Judging the squint of her eyes, she was hung over and searching for food.

  “Morning,” I said gently.

  “Muh.” She opened the fridge then closed it without grabbing anything.

  “There’s still food in the pans,” Cade said.

  I got up and made her a plate.

  Her eyes widened. “Oooh. Food.”

  I smirked then carried it to the table. “Cade cooked.”

  “Good,” she said as she sat down. “He’s good at it.”

  I pushed the coffee to her. “At least he makes up for the rent by feeding us.”

  She rested her head on her palm while she shoveled the food into her mouth.

  Cade smirked. “Crazy night?”

  “I shouldn’t have drank so much.” She rubbed her temple then kept eating.

  I grabbed the back of her neck then massaged the muscle, making her sigh. “My baby gets down when she’s drunk. I didn’t know you could dance like that.”

  “I danced?” she asked incredulously.

  “Yeah. You’re pretty good,” I said.

  “Oh. I don’t remember that.” She stabbed her eggs.

  I laughed. “I guess you don’t remember having sex in the bathroom either.”

  “No…” Her cheeks blushed.

  “Because my brother isn’t memorable,” Cade jabbed.

  Hazel smiled. “You two are getting along pretty well…”

  Cade shrugged. “I told him everything.”

  “Good. I’m glad you guys are being brothers again.”

  “Who said I forgave him?” I gave her a smirk.

  “Because you forgive everyone.” She kept eating.

  I shook my head. “I only forgive you because you’re so damn cute. Everyone else can go to hell.”

  “Well, I’m glad I don’t have to,” Cade said.

  “I’m letting you get away with this one time,” I warned. “And only because you’re my brother.”

  “Phew.” Cade sipped his coffee.

  Hazel finished her food then sighed. “I’m going back to bed.”

  “I’ll join you.” I gave her a cocky smirk.

  “I feel like I’m living with newlyweds,” Cade said darkly.

  “Pretty much,” I said.

  Hazel stood up then walked back to bed. I stared at her ass then followed her.

  When we were in the bedroom, she grabbed a towel then picked up her phone, seeing it light up. “Wow. I have five missed calls.”

  “You actually have friends?” I teased.

  She threw the towel at me. “Don’t be a jerk when I’m still half asleep.”

  “But when you’re fully awake it’s totally fine?” I asked with a laugh.

  “Well, just don’t be a jerk at all.”


  She rolled her eyes then looked at the phone. Her eyes squinted while she stared at the screen, and then a sadness crept into her face. Her lips sagged and her eyes lost their usual glow.

  “Everything alright?” I asked.

  “Umm…yeah.” She kept looking at her phone, reading a message.

  I knew something was up.

  She sat on the bed then lowered her phone to her lap, lost in thought.

  I sat beside her. “What is it?”

  She flinched, my voice bringing her back to reality. “My brother just passed his bar exam and my parents are throwing h
im a party. They want me to come…”

  Shouldn’t that be a happy revelation…? “That sounds like fun.”

  She sighed. “I’m proud of my brother. He’s a smart guy and a hard worker. But…nevermind. Forget I said anything.”

  “No, I’m not going to forget. Tell me.”

  “It’s just…my parents always put me down because I’m not as successful as my brother. The whole time I’m going to be ridiculed and insulted for my choices in life. I want to support my brother and let him savor his accomplishment but…I really don’t want to deal with that. I know that’s selfish but that’s how I feel…”

  I grabbed her hand. “That’s not selfish. You shouldn’t be insulted every time you’re around your parents. If anything, they are the selfish ones. They should accept you exactly as you are.”

  “Well, I don’t live in a universe where they understand that.”

  Hazel had confidence issues because of the people in her life, namely her parents. I was really sick of people always trying to tear her down. I’d give anything for her to see herself the way I see her, as a beautiful and strong woman. I did everything I could to make her see that, but I was battling an entire army who was working against me. I was getting tired of it. “Are you going to go?”

  “Yeah...I want to see my brother.”

  “Where do they live?”


  I nodded. “I’m assuming that’s where your brother went to school?”

  “Yeah. Harvard. Typical, right?” She rolled her eyes. “I went to a state school. Since my parents didn’t fund my education, I couldn’t afford anything extravagant.”

  I hadn’t even met her parents but I already disliked them. They were putting down their daughter in ways they weren’t even aware of. I wondered if she’d take me along. I wanted to come, but maybe she wasn’t ready for that. I decided not to push her like I normally would.

  She pulled her legs to her chest and rested her chin on her knees. “I really don’t want to see them, especially since I’m not even working in dance right now.”

  “Who cares what they think?”

  “As much as I don’t want to, I know I’ll always care. They’re my parents.”

  I could understand that. “How long will you be gone for?” That was my subtle way of asking if she was going alone.

  “Two days,” she said. “Can you get the time off work?”

  Warmth spread through me. “You want me to come?”


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