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Railroad! Collection 3 (The Three Volume Ombinus)

Page 36

by Tonia Brown

“I’m ready,” Boon said.

  When Dodger turned about again, he found Boon had already slipped back into his ethereal form. “You didn’t waste any time, did you?”

  “Does it hurt?” Sarah asked.

  “Not at all,” Boon said.

  “How fascinating,” Sir Rodger said. He reached forward but paused as he asked, “May I?”

  Boon shrugged, “Sure.”

  The knight ran a hand across Boon’s chest. The specter’s form crackled with lights as Sir Rodger’s hand swept through the spirit.

  “Fascinating,” the knight said again.

  “I don’t like it,” Al said with a snort. “Ain’t natural. No offense meant, son.”

  “None taken,” Boon said.

  “Wait up now,” Dodger said. “How come y’all can see and hear him?”

  “I think it’s because I want them to,” Boon explained. “I seem to have a bit more control over the whole thing when I’m in someone else’s, umm, kingdom?”

  “I see,” Dodger said, smirking at the man’s substitution of the word kingdom for the word mind. “You just figure this out? Or did you find this out from running around in other kingdoms?” He glanced to the wolf then back to the ghost.

  Boon’s wispy cheeks turned a pale shade of red. “Oh no, it’s not like that. This is all as new to me as it is you. Besides, there are some kingdoms I can’t manage to find my way in to. No matter how hard I try.”

  “Is that so?” Dodger said and crossed his arms. “You don’t seem to have a problem spying on mine.”

  “Perhaps some castles are more difficult to storm than others,” Lelanea said, an undeniable trace of humor in her voice.

  “Or maybe Boon’s just too polite to storm said castle.”

  “Perhaps it’s because said kingdom is more complex than yours?”

  “Or maybe it’s just because Boon is a man and said kingdom belongs to a woman. I’ve yet to meet a man that understands how any woman’s kingdom works.”

  “Do you two have any idea what they are talking about?” Al asked.

  Sarah and Sir Rodger shook their heads.

  “We can argue about this later,” Dodger said. “Boon, get on out there and see where we need to head.”

  “Aye, Sarge,” Boon said, and slipped off down the hallway.

  “Sarge?” Sir Rodger asked. “Are you a man of military ranking?”

  “Not anymore,” Dodger said. “All right, while Boon plans our path, we need to decide what we are gonna do when we find Rex. Sarah, I know you can handle a bow with some accuracy.”

  “I try,” Sarah said.

  “Try nothin’,” Al said. “The girly has talent with the bow.”

  “Can you handle a gun?” Dodger asked.

  “I know how,” Sarah said, “but Uncle Al won’t let me have one of my own. He said it isn’t lady like.”

  Dodger glanced to the Baron, who shrugged in response.

  “I stand by it,” Al said. “She knows her way around one, but I’ll be damned if I’ll let a princess own a pistol.”

  “Whatever,” Dodger said, unwilling to waste time arguing the point. “We better hope they still have your bow, then.”

  “And my blade,” Sir Rodger said, “Once I have my sword, I shall be ready to assist her in vanquishing the enemy.”

  “Baron?” Dodger said. “You any good with a gun?”

  “I’ve been known to hit a target on occasion,” the old man said.

  Dodger didn’t doubt that. “Lelanea?”

  “My teeth are yours to command,” she said, snapping her jaw for emphasis.

  “I’ll remember that when this is done,” he said, and shot her a wink.

  “I’m sure I will come to regret my choice of words,” she said. “Baron, can I ask you to swap clothes with that guard? No offense, but out of all of us, you truly look like a prisoner, and smell even worse.”

  Sir Rodger wrinkled his nose. “The lady doth speak the truth.”

  With a chuckle, Al slipped his shirt off and stepped toward the sleeping guard. “You try living in the same clothes for two years without a bath and see how you smell.”

  In the time it took the Baron to switch clothes with the guard, Lelanea explained what took place during Dodger’s absence. It seems that while Dodger was falling to his death, the rest of the company managed to get themselves ambushed by Rex’s men. Everyone gave a good fight, even the young Sarah, but in the end it was a matter of numbers and the party was overwhelmed. The gang found themselves blindfolded and forced to walk the rest of the way to Poison Peak. Once they arrived, their captors made them all bow for Rex’s grand entrance, which of course Sir Rodger refused to do, hence the shiner. Lelanea described Rex as pretty much the same little dog he was in real life, which made Dodger wonder.

  Why would the man show up in the child’s dream as a harmless mutt?

  Before Dodger could hear the rest of the tale, Boon returned with news.

  “Did you find anything out?” Dodger asked.

  “Sure did,” Boon said. “They have all of our weapons stored in an unlocked cell at the end of this hallway. The door is just standing open, like they are waiting for us to come and take it.”

  “Amateurs,” Dodger said.

  “Ain’t nothing amateur about it,” Al said. “Just plain stupid is all.”

  “Like Uncle Al always says,” Sarah said, “the criminal element is stupid and slow. Else they’d be able to get a regular job like normal folks and not have to rob no one.”

  Al giggled as he touched the end of her nose. “That’s right, little missy. And don’t you forget it.”

  Dodger repressed his own grimace at the familiar statement. It was hard enough hearing the imaginary Al spouting his bits of wisdom. Dodger dreaded returning to the waking world knowing the little girl would remind him of Al every time she opened her mouth.

  “Either way,” Dodger said, “we shouldn’t question our luck. What about the prince?”

  “That one’s a bit trickier,” Boon said. “No one is guarding the weapons because they are all gathered in the yard. Rex is sitting in this big chair on a stage of sorts. They’ve got a youngun in a pen on the stage too, and that mutt is giving everyone a speech about how killing the lad is gonna make Rex king.”

  “Kill the prince?” Sir Rodger said. “Not while I still draw a breath.” The man turned and made to run off down the hallway, but Dodger grabbed him by the arm before the knight took his first step.

  “Hold your horses, Sir Rodger,” Dodger said. “I know you’re all fired up to rescue the prince, but do you really want to go running in there alone, empty handed?”

  Sir Rodger just glared at Dodger, but didn’t speak.

  The man’s arm all but pulsed with pent up tension. This was a fellow that wanted to cut and run out there and lay his life down for that child more than anything in the world. And while Dodger couldn’t help but admire the knight’s code, he didn’t plan on letting anyone die today.

  Man or child.

  “Boon,” Dodger said. “How far along do you think the speech is?”

  “I think he just got started,” Boon said. “I can’t be certain, but I believe the crowd just gathered. I followed some of the men to the meeting and it was just getting into full swing.”

  “Did you hear that?” Dodger asked the knight. “If I know that mutt the way I think I do, time is on our side. He’s got a flare for the dramatics, and he’s a might bit longwinded. We need to prepare ourselves a bit first, Daniel, before we go stumbling into that lions’ den.”

  “Of course,” Sir Rodger said. The tension in his arm eased off as he relaxed just a bit.

  “Good,” Dodger said. “How many men were there, Boon?”

  “Fifty or so,” Boon said. “I had a quick whip around the whole place, and save for a few men watching the front gates, I’d say everyone is at the meeting.”

  “Fifty men and six of us?” Al said. He whistled low. “Them’s some mighty long odds.”
  “Yes,” Dodger said, “but we have the element of surprise on our side. Now, I have an idea that just might work. Are you with me?”

  “I’m with you,” Boon said.

  “As am I,” Lelanea said.

  “I will follow your lead,” Sir Rodger said.

  “I’m in,” Al said, then gave a short giggle. “Ain’t nothing else to do anyway.”

  The adults looked to Sarah as one, waiting for her pledge.

  “You don’t have to do this,” Dodger said. “You’ve been very brave so far.”

  “I’ll do what needs to be done,” Sarah said. “I want to finish this.”

  “All right then,” Dodger said. “In that case, here’s what we’re gonna do.”

  Dodger drew the group closer to him as he outlined a rough plan of attack.


  back to toc


  Chapter Seventeen


  In which Dodger leads the charge

  The plan was fairly simple; Sir Rodger and Sarah would sneak onto the stage and spring upon Rex, using the leverage of the dog’s life to bargain for the prince’s release. Of course, everyone had a part to play, but those parts were mostly backup for the young girl. Using Boon as a scout, Sir Rodger and Sarah slipped to the back of the stage, hopefully where they could take Rex by surprise. Meanwhile, Dodger and Al headed into the parapets to act as snipers, in case someone in the crowd decided to get frisky. After rolling about in the dirt until she covered most of her distinct markings, Lelanea intended to move among the crowd as if she were just some random stray, helping with a ground attack should the need arise.

  The Baron and Dodger easily made their way into the upper wall, sneaking past the clueless men as they remained tightly focused on Rex’s speech. And Dodger couldn’t blame them. The mutt had a natural charisma that kept everyone glued to his every word, speaking with a passion and fervor that Dodger hadn’t seen the likes of in an orator since his time with Crank.

  Tyler Crank. Now there was a man who could coax a crowd into doing his bidding. More than once Dodger witnessed Crank work his aural magic on those poor unsuspecting natives in some distant land. Many times it saved their hides, too. It was easier to escape from a bunch of tribesmen when they thought you were a god rather than a demon.

  “You really think this is gonna work?” Al whispered as he and Dodger followed the stairs that lead to the balcony.

  “Sure,” Dodger said. “Sarah is a heck of a shot with her bow and Sir Rodger talks a big game. Between the two of them I am willing to bet Rex will give in to their demands.”

  “Yeah, but do you think she will be able to pull it off. She’s just a whelp.”

  “You know her far better than I do. What do you think?”

  The man giggled softly for a few seconds. “I think she can do anything she sets her mind to. Including putting an end to this nightmare.”

  Dodger stared at the dream Al for a moment, unsure just what that was supposed to mean. He decided he was probably thinking about it too hard. “Go on to the east side. I’ll cover the west. Wait for Boon’s signal, then follow Sir Rodger’s lead.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Al said. The giggling man scurried off to the east side of the balcony.

  Dodger followed the opposite path, taking to the west side of the parapets. He picked a spot with a gap in the stonework, making it easier for him to watch the proceedings. As he crouched and waited, he listened as Rex sketched the plans for the future of the Kingdom of Baker. All in all it sounded like little more than a looting party followed by a slash and burn run through the land. Dodger couldn’t imagine what would’ve become of Sarah’s mind if this monster had been left to run through it unchecked. The knight had a handle on things, true, but not even the great Sir Rodger could deny the value of Arnold Carpenter and his crew’s assistance. In the middle of a rousing round of applause, Dodger heard someone shout his name from below. He peeked over the side of the balcony to find Boon giving him a thumb up; the signal that everyone was in place. Dodger signaled in return, set the hammers on his guns and waited for the fun to begin.

  Once the applause wound down, Rex returned to his speech. Mid sentence, the mutt’s words halted abruptly, and the booming voice of Sir Rodger filled the yard.

  “Gentlemen!” the knight shouted. “May I have your attention?”

  A cry went up from the crowd as the men realized they had been infiltrated.

  Sir Rodger strode bravely onto the stage, his sword still sheathed, guns still holstered, and his hands on his hips as he explained the situation.

  “Many of you know me,” the knight said. “And those who don’t, allow me to educate you. I am Sir Rodger Dodger of the Royal Court of the Kingdom of Baker. And you, my foul fellows, will surrender.” He turned and pointed to Rex as he added, “Especially you, Evil One.”

  Rex chuckled at the idea. “And what makes you think I will just roll over and show my belly to you, knight?” The mutt all but spat the last word, as if it left a rank taste in his little mouth.

  “Oh, I don’t expect you to acquiesce to me. You will bow to the rightful heirs to the throne, the prince and the princess. If you do not, I will arrange for the death of you and all of your men.”

  There came a short pause, after which the dog set to laughing. This prompted the other men to begin laughing as well, until the whole yard filled with the wild amusement of fifty or more outlaws, criminals and wrongdoers.

  Sir Rodger stood at the head of this group, empty handed, with a smile on his face.

  Dodger had to admire the man’s confidence.

  When the laughter trickled to a few giggles, Rex stood on his high throne, glaring at Sir Rodger. “And just how do you plan on doing that alone?”

  “I don’t plan on doing anything alone,” Sir Rodger said. “I plan on employing the best of help. The assistance of my friends.”

  “Showtime,” Dodger whispered, and stood from his crouch.

  Al stood from his hidden spot across the way, aiming Sir Rodger’s pistols at the crowd.

  The men below gasped at the sight of the gunmen.

  “Try not to be too shocked,” Al said. “I am sure your kind is used to being outsmarted.”

  “It’s Baron Jackson!” one of the men in the crowd yelled. “And Lord help us all, he’s got a gun.”

  “There’s that traitor, too,” another man said. “I hear tale he dropped a whole dragon with just half a dozen shots.”

  “I ain’t scared of them,” one of the men said.

  A sharp growling rose from the gathered men.

  “That wild devil dog is loose in the yard!” a man yelled.

  “She bit my gun right out of my hand!” another cried.

  “Attack them you fools,” Rex commanded. “They can’t kill you all at once.” He headed to the little staircase parked next to his throne, when an arrow came out of nowhere and landed with a soft thunk into the throne right between the dog’s paws.

  “I’d stay put if I were you,” Sir Rodger said. “Or the next shot Princess Sarah fires will land right between your beady eyes.”

  There came another pause, but instead of the yard erupting into another bout of laughter, the onlookers shook with fear.

  “I’m getting out of here while I still can!” one of the men shouted.

  “Me, too!” another cried.

  All at once, the entire crowd rushed toward the exits, trying to flee the sudden threat.

  “Get back here!” Rex cried to his men. “You cowards!”

  Not a single man drew a weapon. Not a one tried to defend himself. They all just turned tail and ran like the cowards they were. Sir Rodger took his turn to laugh aloud as Rex’s entire makeshift army took to the hills without a fight. Within minutes the crowd of thugs had vanished, leaving the poor doggy on his own. Sure, it was a fantasy reaction, but that was what Dodger was counting on. Rex’s control of the dream was slipping, leaving him exposed and helpless. Sarah
would soon be entirely in control again and she could finally awaken at last.

  “So,” Sir Rodger said, “are you ready to surrender now?”

  Rex sat on his haunches and glared once more at the knight. “Did you think it would be so easy?”

  Sir Rodger motioned to the empty hall. “Your men have fled. You are alone and helpless. I can’t think of anything easier than that.”

  “Then think again, knight. My idiot minions might have abandoned me, but I am anything but helpless.”

  Rex leapt straight up from his throne, rising a good ten feet into the air. There he hovered, holding his little doggy legs out, shaking all over like he had the fits. An ominous wind kicked up, whipping everything not nailed down all around the yard. Rex continued to shiver and shake while a bloody froth poured from his mouth.

  “What is happening to him?” Lelanea asked.

  “He’s changing,” the Baron said. “He’s taking on his true form!”

  “Not if I can help it,” Sir Rodger said.

  Sir Rodger took a few steps back, drew his blade then ran for the levitating mutt. He swung his sword at Rex, only to have the strike repelled by some unseen force. Dodger fired at the beast, and to his surprise his well placed shot fizzled out the moment it came into contact with Rex’s skin. Another shot rang out, this time from Al, and yet again the flames died once they touched the dog, and the bullet clattered to the stage. Sarah even tried an arrow, but the wind snatched it away before it could reach its target. After this display, Sir Rodger sheathed his blade and scrambled from the stage, wisely choosing a tactical retreat.

  The little dog opened his mouth and a thunderous voice poured forth. “Your weapons are useless against me. Everything is useless against me. Behold! The true form of the Evil One!”

  What happened next was a little hard for Dodger’s mind to follow. It was a lot like witnessing Michael Walking Bear turn into a wolf, only instead of a larger dog, Rex became something entirely different. His body split down the middle, and out of the husk that was the little Chihuahua, there crawled an enormous monstrosity.

  The thing had to be twenty times the size of Rex, with tree trunk sized haunches and massive claws that pulled the remains of the little dog apart on its way into Sarah’s nightmare. Three long, scaly necks slithered into view, each sporting its own snarling head. Each head bore the familiar face of the Chihuahua, only on a much larger scale, with gigantic teeth and huge burning red eyes. It cackled in triple time, all three heads bellowing with a deep, evil laugh. All in all it reminded Dodger of a creature he had read about a long time ago, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on the name of the thing.


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