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Midnight Action (Hollywood Nights Book 2)

Page 6

by Amelie Black

  “I guess you’d like a rest before we go again?” she asked politely.

  “I’ve created a monster,” Logan groaned into a pillow as Lexi grinned back at him.



  The last week at Lofthouse had felt like a dream.

  Logan had loved and fucked Lexi in just about every way conceivable and yet, he still wanted more. Though he had tasted every bit of her, over and over again, his need for her was insatiable. It was as if he were a starving man, and she, the only sustenance. In fact, Logan had come to a troubling conclusion, one that he had never come to before.

  He was hopelessly, desperately in love.

  Lexi made him feel things that he had only heard about through his happily married friends, things he would previously mock them for. With her in his arms, he felt that he had found his place in the world, and that place was to protect and love her.

  They didn’t step foot outside the suite. It became their private heaven, their place of bliss. Each day, Lexi checked in with her parents so they wouldn’t worry (or worse, turn up on their doorstep unannounced). Amanda was in the final days of her film shoot and Stonewall was in the process of finishing his own projects so he could take a break and be with his family. Logan was constantly aware of a ticking clock, knowing that his private time with Lexi could end soon.

  He tried not to let it spoil their time here.

  The sun streamed into the room, as Logan watched Lexi, sleeping beside him. Her mouth was a little open, and an arm flung carelessly over her head. She looked both adorable yet utterly fuckable and Logan felt that familiar ache in his groin as he pulled the sheet down to reveal her milky globes and rosy nipples. It shocked him how he couldn’t get enough of seeing her, or tasting that luscious body. His breathing sped up as the blood pounded through his veins.

  Logan just reached over to rub the tit of one pink peak when his phone rang. It was Wilson. Logan knew as he had given the man his own ringtone. Sighing in disappointment, he pulled his hand away from Lexi as he answered the phone.

  “Yeah, what do you want?” he said, not bothering to hide his displeasure.

  “Is that how you speak to the man who saved the day?” Wilson’s voice came over the line, triumphant.

  Logan sat up in bed, on high alert. “You have the guy?”

  “Yeah. You’re good to take her home now,” Wilson replied.

  A pain struck Logan in between his temples. He rubbed it, staring down at Lexi, still sleeping, blissfully unaware that their time was up. “So, who was it?”

  “One of Stonewall’s execs, if you can believe it.”

  Logan blinked. “On his employ?”

  “Yeah,” Wilson said. “Turns out, this whole thing wasn’t even personal. The guy had dug himself into a hole due to a gambling addiction. Faced with the possibility of losing not just his home, but also his wife and kids, he came up with the idea to kidnap Lexi for a large ransom after a work meeting at the Smiths’ house. He’d spoken to their housekeeper, a nice enough woman, but who likes to gossip about things that don’t concern her…”

  “Marcella?” Logan asked.

  “I see you’ve met her yourself, but yes. Somewhere between pouring the man a drink and fetching Stonewall for their meeting, Marcella had informed him of their devotion to their only daughter who they were planning to spend a small fortune on a birthday party for. The idiot came up with the rest of the idea from there. He never intended on hurting her — she was just collateral damage. All he wanted was the money to buy his way out of trouble.”

  “How did you get him in the end?” Logan wanted to know. Despite knowing he hadn’t had any intention of hurting Lexi, Logan still wanted the guy to hurt.

  “I caught him trying to break in again, this time he was disguised as a gardener. One round of interrogation tied to a chair in a dark room and the guy had sung like a bird, telling his sorry tale in-between sobs. He was pretty pathetic,” Wilson supplied.

  “Good,” Logan said, feeling slightly better about things. “Are they pressing charges?”

  “The Smiths? No. Stonewall was all ready to tear the guy apart but his wife took pity on him, if you can believe that. She knows him, knows his whole family actually. Said he has four young kids at home. Amanda decided instead of having him arrested, they would secretly help him to pay off his debts instead. Stonewall didn’t take too kindly to the suggestion initially until Amanda made him stand in the other man’s shoes. Faced with losing his own wife and child, Stonewall caved…”

  “Wow,” Logan said. “I guess we know who really wears the pants that relationship.”

  “For real. Any way, you’re good to bring the girl home. She’s off your hands.” Wilson said, not having a clue how hollow his words were making Logan feel.



  The drive back home was full of silence.

  After Logan had woken her and given her the news, all Lexi could do was try to think of a way for the two of them to stay together. Her mind went through a million options — from running away to eloping — but she scratched them all, knowing that even if she loved Logan, she couldn’t hurt her parents by doing any of those things.

  No, Lexi knew she only had one choice in the matter.

  As soon as Lexi stepped foot into her house, her parents came rushing over to greet her.

  “There she is!” Amanda cried as Stonewall gave her a big smile and the two crushed her to their chests. Despite everything else, Lexi was happy to see them. She loved them too, after all. She just hoped they loved her enough to handle what was coming next. After they released her, Lexi took a step away from them, towards Logan, who was yet to say anything. Then, very deliberately, she took Logan’s hand into her own.

  Stonewall’s reaction was immediate.

  The smile dropped from his face as his expression turned thunderous. “What in the hell is this?!” he demanded. Amanda seemed lost for a moment before the sight before her sank in. She looked shocked too, though nowhere near as outraged as her husband.

  Logan looked at Lexi, unable to hide his own surprise at their coming out. But Lexi just gave him a shrug and a sweet smile that he returned. Puffing up his chest, Logan stood a little taller and addressed Stonewall.

  “Mr. Smith, I know this might have come as a shock — God knows, I wasn’t expecting this myself — but Lexi and I, we love each other.”

  “And we’re going to be together,” Lexi filled in in a voice that had no room for disagreement, surprising them all.

  “Like hell you are!” Stonewall cried. “She’s my little girl… do you know how old she is? I’ll fucking kill you, you pervert!” He lunged towards Logan, meaning to make good on his threat. Lexi screamed as Amanda shouted at him to stop. Logan, however, simply stepped aside as Stonewall roared clumsily towards him, so that the other man missed him, stumbling into thin air.

  “Mr. Smith, there’s no need for that—“ Logan began but Stonewall went for him again. He got closer this time, as Stonewall swung a fist in Logan’s direction. Logan’s arm came up and he deflected the blow as easily as if he were swatting away a fly. It only served to make the older man angrier. He went for Logan again when Amanda suddenly called out in a stern and commanding voice.

  “Oh, stop that you fool. The man’s a trained marine. Calm down and let’s discuss this like civilized people,” Amanda said.

  Stonewall whirled on her. “Civilized? The man’s in his thirties! She’s not even eighteen yet! There’s no way he isn’t taking advantage of her! How can you stand there and let this happen?”

  “Because we raised Lexi better than that. Why don’t we go into the study and talk about this?” Amanda’s reasonableness only seemed to make Stonewall madder.

  “I’m going to destroy you until you’ve got nothing left!” Stonewall threatened Logan until Lexi couldn’t stand any more of it. She ran between the two men, protecting Logan with her body.

  “Stop it! Stop talking to him like that dad!
Logan and I are happy and we will be together. You just have to accept it,” Lexi cried.

  “Or else what?” Stonewall demanded.

  “Or I will go away with him and you’ll never see me again,” Lexi said. Despite her love for Logan, just hearing herself say these words caused her eyes to mist up. She loved her parents and couldn’t bear it if they made her choose between Logan and them.

  Hearing her say those words, and seeing how she meant them, all the fight left Stonewall. He deflated, seeming suddenly small. Amanda put a hand on his shoulder and stepped forward. She turned to Logan.

  “You really love our daughter?” she asked.

  Logan nodded. “As much as I never expected to, but yes. She’s my life.”

  Amanda’s eyes suddenly turned misty of their own. “Well, OK then.”

  Stonewall looked startled by her response. “OK, what?”

  “OK, they have our blessing.”

  “No, they fucking don’t! She’s much too young,” he began but Lexi interrupted him.

  “Dad, I’m the same age as mom was, when you two got together. And you were in your thirties then, too,” she said gently but firmly.

  “That’s different,” Stonewall argued, but Amanda shook her head.

  “Honey, give it up,” she said. “It’s a lost cause. You only have to look at them to see how they feel about each other. And you can't go on about the age difference. Of all people, we really can’t talk.”

  And with those words, Stonewall knew he had lost.


  Several months later, Lexi found herself standing in that giant party on their property after all, except this wasn’t to celebrate her birthday…

  It was to celebrate a different occasion.

  Flower petals were strewn along a path leading to a small stage where an arbor decorated with climbing roses and white muslin curtains sat. Rows of seats filled with The Smiths’ nearest and dearest Hollywood friends were there to witness the wedding of Lexi and Logan. Lexi stood beneath it in that beautiful white, off-the-shoulder empire dress she had picked before as Logan promised to love and cherish her for the rest of his life.

  Both Amanda and Stonewall had tears in the eyes. While Stonewall would need a while longer to get used to the idea of his only daughter becoming a woman and a wife, he couldn’t deny that Logan loved her as much as he wanted any husband of hers to. He had even gotten over his urge to kill him, which Lexi was grateful for.

  After the ceremony, the happy couple had been showered with best wishes and gifts. In truth, neither Lexi nor Logan knew half of the people at their wedding personally — many were business associates who wanted to be at the star-studded affair — but they were so happy to be together that they didn’t care. They stayed at the party until neither could wait anymore.

  And as Logan picked up his bride to whisk her away to their honeymoon, Lexi whispered in his ear.

  “I’ve booked us our suite at Lofthouse. Since we’re taking the studio jet for our honeymoon, I figured they could wait for us… we could have some fun first, you know, for old times sake.”

  Logan grinned at his ingenious wife. “We could just christen the plane too though, you know. What’s the point of a private jet otherwise?”

  “But it’s my dad’s work plane and he’ll probably have spies.”

  “True,” Logan said as he settled his new wife into the limo. Tapping the divider, he grabbed their driver’s attention.

  “Lofthouse Member’s Club, please. And for the love of all that’s holy, make it as fast as you can,” he said.

  Turning back to his wife, Logan proceeded to kiss Lexi until she forgot everything else but him.

  Also by Amelie Black


  Red Carpet Affair (HN #1)

  Midnight Action (HN #2)

  Animal Attraction (HN #3) - October 2017

  Casting Couch (HN #4) - November 2017

  Extreme Close-Up (HN #5) - November 2017

  Body Double (HN #6) - December 2017

  Plus many more to come!

  Find out more at:

  About the Author

  Amelie Black is a pseudonym for my erotica work.

  In my other life, I'm a consultant for the movie industry, dividing my time between LA and London, however, this wild and sizzling side of me has been longing to burst out. Unable to stop her, Amelie was born and having spent years being repressed and a good girl, she's ready for some filthy playtime.

  If you like short, smutty tales of famous Alpha men and the innocent, inexperienced girls they ravage, you'll love my books. Safe, hot and always with a HEA, come and visit the side of Hollywood that has -- until now -- been kept under wraps.

  Get ready for your hearts to thump and your panties to melt...

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