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Rain (Stranger in the Woods Book 1)

Page 18

by India R. Adams

  His smile lights up my heart. “Tonight then?”

  My tummy flutters with excitement. “Tonight.”

  We stare at each other with anticipation. And because of a magnetism I can’t begin to describe, we rush to kiss again. Ryder laughs as he puts his hands on my shoulders. “This is not going well with you close to me. You stand there.” He makes me take two steps back, then he takes two steps away. “I’ll stand here.”

  I quietly whine. “Too far.”

  As if my whine was a command, he takes one step forward before he catches himself. “No.” Ryder shakes his head to clear it. I grin with a feminine pride. “You’re not allowed to know the location of the village, but this won’t always be the case.”

  I need to meet Isolde, and Ryder has to keep his village secret until more is known about me and my connection to the Demons. I put my hands in front of me to show I will not attack him for another kiss. “I feel your guilt, so stop it. No worries. I understand you have to do this.”

  A perfect smile crosses his face. “You do?”

  “Yep. Do you need to blindfold me?”

  With hesitation, he shakes his head. “No, I-I need to have you sleep.”

  I smirk because I’m frisky. “Not feeling especially tired at the moment, Ryder.” I step to him and place one little kiss on his neck. Teasing him is too much fun to resist.

  His breathing becomes labored again. “I-I can help you become sleepy.”

  “I’m intrigued.”

  “You’re not mad?”

  “Nope, just intrigued. When is this taking place?”

  “Uh, now, if-if, you don’t mind.”

  “Umm, how am I to get there? Sleep walk?”

  “I’ll carry you.”

  “All the way?”

  “It’s very common.”

  “Don’t know what you mean, but let’s roll.”

  “Roll? I prefer running.”

  I burst out laughing. “Sorry. I mean, I’m ready.” Blaze is right. My elf is not up on much lingo.

  Ryder pulls something from his pocket and pops this squishy-looking brown grass in his mouth and chews. “I need to hold you so you won’t hit the ground.”

  “Damn! How are you putting me out? Knocking me over the head?”

  Ryder scoops me into his arms as if I’m weightless. “Not quite.”

  I look at the strong arms and shoulders surrounding me. “So far so good, muscles. Do I need to drink something?”

  Whatever he’s chewing on, he holds it between his teeth. “This.”

  No longer turned on in the slightest, I wince, and my stomach turns. “Please tell me I don’t have to eat what you’ve been gnawing on.”

  His chuckle is delicious. “No, I will blow the herb to you.”

  “Oh. Hope it’s minty, for good breath and all. Wait, if the scent alone will make me sleepy, how are you still awake?”

  “I need a much stronger dose. Morning Star thinks—since you are human—my exhale should be enough. Ready?”

  I nod, almost excited for this experience. Looking into my eyes, Ryder gently blows into my face. I inhale and smell something incredible, floral. That thought gets lost as my vision begins to change. Everything goes hazy in a relaxing way. I imagine this is what it would feel like to be high with a little marijuana. Lights beam off every object in the forest like a kaleidoscope. “Wow, is this stuff legal?”


  “You could make millions with this, nature boy.”

  “Umm, you should be asleep by now.”

  “I’m extremely out there, if that helps. I don’t think I could find my own way home at this point, much less retrace my steps to yours from your vullagggg.”

  “You mean village?”

  I touch his face with admiration. “Hev I turld yu how cuut yu r?”

  “Well, you’re definitely under the influence.”

  “Ner, feel feene.”

  “You need more herb, but you can’t eat it. I’m going to try something without over dosing you.” He swallows what was in his mouth and leans his face to mine. “I need to be in your mouth.”

  “Urkay.” Sounds like a great plan to me.

  Full lips open and come to mine. Even though this kiss has another purpose, it’s still sensual. His tongue softly rubs a sweet film onto mine. I thought I would have to ingest his gift, but I never even get a chance to swallow. My eyes shut, and I feel my mouth going slack in a not-so-sexy way.

  Ryder pulls back. “That should do it.”

  Ryder’s personal scent ignites me, stirs me to the point I can hardly focus on anything but him when he’s near. He’s a distraction that can focus me, if that makes any sense at all. That’s why, when my cheek is rubbing on his bare shoulder and his smell doesn’t calm me immediately, I know I should be alarmed.

  Voices are getting louder. I force myself to become conscious again because the voices speak a foreign language and because I feel a familiar sensation that is most concerning—has been for some time now. Ryder keeps walking with me cradled in his arms. My eyes refuse to open, and I’m uptight. Frightened.

  I remember Gunner asking, “Are you nervous at night again?”

  I Reflect Ryder, I can’t open my eyes.

  You will in moments.

  The sun is going down, isn’t it?


  My body instinctively knows, doesn’t it? I’m in danger.

  A warm, sultry voice joins us. “Is this your Rose?”

  Ryder sounds proud and extremely respectful. “Yes. She is waking.” My nerves are rattled, and my heart pounds. He pulls me closer, leaning his head over mine. “It’s okay.”

  “Hey, brother. We got a visitor?” I recognize Blaze’s voice and feel an ounce of comfort, although much less than when I met him yesterday, in the daylight.

  The voices get louder, nearer. Some are low, some are gentle, but none are understandable due to the language barrier. I struggle to open my eyes. Everyone sounds so interested in the visitor. Me.

  I become restless in Ryder’s arms. I wish I’d stop responding to his people—who I’m sure wouldn’t harm me—like this, but I can’t. That alarming sensation continues to roll around me, causing fear to violently ripple through me. Ryder’s arms around me tense up. The next noise makes me feel even worse. It’s barely audible to my human ears, but Ryder has a low rumbling coming from inside his chest. Everyone goes quiet. I force my lethargic arm to reach for his neck, attempting to hold onto him. Feeling weak, I grasp one of his blond braids, intertwine it between my nimble fingers, and hold on the best I can. “Are we in trouble?” My vocal cords sound the way my scratchy throat feels.

  The warm, female voice speaks again. “Easy, everyone. Give Ryder some room. Let’s give them a minute for Rose to acclimate to her new surroundings.”

  My eyes finally flutter open with much effort. The first thing I see is the sun going down. Then I see Ryder’s neck. It has tiny drops of florescent blue liquid forming foreign shapes. I suddenly flash back to this happening the night of my birthday party—our first night in the woods. My fear triples. Ryder breathes heavily through his nose because it seems his jaw is locked shut.

  I’m about to ask about the blue liquid when I hear, “Learn, Ryder, learn to control it.”

  I look for the source of the calm female voice I keep hearing, and it is the black woman with a flower in her hair from Ryder’s memories. Nora. Her posture and presence show she is refined and exquisite. I want to be polite, so I squeak out a hello to her. The surrounding voices all start talking again, making me jump. Ryder growls, and they all quiet.

  Over his shoulder, I see many sets of beautifully colored eyes staring back at me. Some purple, silver, some so intensely green with shimmers of silver and the
n brown ones with shimmers of gold—like Gunner’s! I gasp. Ryder spins quickly to see what is behind him. My drugged, weak neck slams my head back to his bicep. Stunned at his unnatural speed, I decide not to fix my possible broken neck and take in the view of the tree canopies above me. I squint, convinced I truly have head trauma because I swear I see little homes on the thicker branches.

  Ryder speaks—more like growls—the foreign language I’ve been hearing around me. It rolls from him with such ease. I know it’s nothing any humans are familiar with, and it also explains his accent, his way of placing English words on his tongue. It’s my language that is foreign to him.

  “English for Rose’s sake, please,” says Nora.

  A young woman with purple eyes carefully speaks my language. “Sorry, Ryder. First human to ever come here.”

  Realizing you’re the only one of your species is overwhelming, to say the least. I take cover in Ryder’s chest. “I’m scared.”

  Ryder trembles.

  “It’s okay, Rose.”

  “Blaze?” I hope he can help Ryder and me. He has approached us and gets between Ryder and the others. “This doesn’t feel right.” My free hand grips the leather strap across his chest.

  Blaze raises his palms to me, but he’s seriously studying Ryder. “Rose, you’re safe here. You are heavily guarded. I promise. But I need you to do me a favor. If you calm”—Blaze gestures to Ryder—“he may calm.”

  From behind us, Nora says, “Ryder, you must focus. Center yourself, Warrior.”

  He growls. “I’m trying. I was not prepared for this. I feel like I’m going to—”

  Ryder reverts to his own language to finish his sentence. Feet quickly shuffle away. Both my arms go around his neck. “I’m trying too, Blaze. I’m sorry.”

  Blaze says, “Come on, brother. Look at her. She’s safe in your arms.” Ryder pulls me in tighter. “Yep. Just feel her, Ryd.”

  I don’t want to continue to offend anyone, but I’m too confused and drugged to let Ryder go.

  Nora tries again. “Warrior, remember our peaceful ways.”

  As Ryder turns back around to face Nora, I get to view more of this village. A fire pit is the middle of a small clearing that looks like it gets a lot of foot traffic. Trees circle this area, and men—er —males pile wood into a smaller flame. There are so many natural, pleasing-to-the-eye colors which is surprising with the weather cooling. Flowers grow from tree barks and places you would not expect, especially with spring and summer long gone. Vines, beautiful, full green vines, hang everywhere.

  I wave when I see Chase beside Blaze because the more Guardians who appear, the calmer I somehow become. Chase’s silver eyes dance against the fire’s light. He goes to wave but stops when he gazes at Ryder.

  I study Ryder again. “Are you okay?”

  He still looks pissed. His eyes are wild with live electricity going through them. “Are you?”

  “I think so, but why are you shaking and with glowing designs on you?”

  Blaze takes a deep breath. Sounding more casual, he says, “’Cause he’s a Tied male. A little dangerous, huh, Ryder?”

  Ryder sounds concerned. “I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

  “Why would you hurt one of your own?” I ask.

  “Because you trump all, dear Rose.” Blaze cautiously reaches to Ryder’s neck, “Don’t bite me, brother.” He wipes his fingers across the fluorescent shapes then smears the fluid on each of my cheeks. “That should help.”

  Nora grumbles to Blaze, “How’s does Morning Star put up with you?”

  Blaze proudly smiles. “It’ll help. Watch. Ryder, look at your female now.”

  Ryder seems to be struggling to move his head. “Is this what it is like, Blaze?”

  “Yes, sir. Sucks to be so out of control, don’t it? Look at Rose, please.”

  Ryder’s fluid glows under my eyes. Ryder stiffly moves his neck, finally managing to glance down at me. He catches a glimpse of my cheeks, and tension eases from him, melting away. Relieving, deep breaths enter his lungs. Ryder affectionately nuzzles himself to me. By the time he’s done, I look like a damn glowing Smurf! Blaze laughs at my disdainful expression.

  “Wow.” Nora sounds relieved too.

  Blaze nods. “Yeah, she softens him, right?”

  I ask, “What do you mean?”

  Blaze shrugs. “Ryder is a very intense male—”

  “But you are his balance,” adds Nora, sounding deeply affected.

  Ryder smiles at her as if proud to have made her proud. Very different from the smiles I receive. Pride vibrates through me. I give Ryder something his family values. I put my finger in the air for a firefly to land on. “Why do you attract the bugs, Ryder?”

  Little giggles echo around us. The villagers have returned for some reason.

  Nora smiles graciously. “The wood fairies—fireflies, as you call them—have always been around Ryder a little more than most.”

  Blaze picks up a little girl and holds her. “Sometimes, they’re a sign Ryder is centered again.” He touches her tiny nose. “Isn’t that correct, Sunrise?” She giggles, looking happy for the attention, and plays with his Mohawk. “Sorry to have rubbed his blood on you, Rose. It’s barbaric, I know, but Ryder needs you marked when he feels you’re threatened.”

  “Marked?” That’s a new one.

  Blaze puts the little girl down. “Oh, you know. Showing his feathers as a warning to quickly retreat.” I’m still too herbed up to completely understand what Blaze is talking about. I stare at him and am entranced by his wicked, green eyes. “What is it, Rose?”

  “I think the herbs I’m on are messing with me.”

  “We could sell that stuff, couldn’t we?”

  “That’s what I said!” I glance at Ryder. “Aren’t you tired of holding me yet?”

  Nora giggles. “Not completely aware of what’s holding you, Rose?” She’s even more beautiful than Ryder’s memory. Her skin is caramel and looks soft as silk. Now that I think of it, everyone in this village seems to have beautiful skin.

  “I have more to learn?” I ask.

  “Rose, this is Nora.” Ryder’s voice vibrates from his chest.

  I wiggle in his arms. “Ryder, put me down so I can be properly introduced.”

  He attempts to warn me as he fights to hold me. “I don’t think your—”

  When my feet hit the ground, my knees buckle. I should have hit the ground, but someone’s reflexes have a blur kind of speed. Back in Ryder’s arms, surrendering to the fact I might not be ready to stand, I hold out my hand. “So nice to meet you, Nora.”

  Nora studies my hand with a puzzled expression. Blaze chuckles and mimics my hand, trying to show Nora what to do next. Hesitantly, Nora reaches out her hand and holds mine in an I-don’t-know-what-to-do-but-wish-for-you-to-feel-welcome kind of handshake.

  The sun is almost down, and the darker it gets, the more Warriors arrive. Hunter walks up behind her, smiling, witnessing her awkwardness with his badass turquoise eyes. His dark skin makes them intense and incredibly alive. “Nora does not interact with humans often and does not know your customs.”

  I wave. “Hello, Hunter. I see Nora has another beautiful flower?”

  He kisses Nora’s cheek. “Do you blame me?”

  “Not for one second.”

  Parker approaches, looking almost identical to his brother. They are both mammoth males with black Mohawks. “Hello, Rose.” His face falls. “Ryder has marked you already? What happened now?”

  Blaze pats his back. “Nothing. We just got near her.”

  Parker gives out accusing glares. “Two bulls running amuck. You know what this means, don’t you?”

  The males answer in unison. “More training.”

  I settle back i
n Ryder’s arms, figuring I might as well get comfy. “Two?”

  Parker takes a formal stance, putting his hands behind his back. His tone changes to a military voice, rich with authority. “Both Blaze and Ryder have Tied recently and need to learn to control the aggressive behavior that follows.”

  “Sorry.” I wince. “I’ve recently been herbed and I’m a little out of it. Tied?”

  Sage, with his practically white Mohawk and matching skin can’t be missed when he joins us. “That’s soot for you, a powerful herb in your system. Hello, Rose.” Sage’s wisdom makes him seem older than he looks. His violet eyes have much to say. “When a Linked Warrior’s female is under heavy threat, the male sometimes will become Tied. This means a deep protective instinct comes forth and has to be understood and managed—”

  “Or he becomes a pain in my ass,” mumbles Hunter.

  Nora bows her head slightly. “That is why Warriors’ females stay in the village. If they all Tie—”

  “Not so good.” Blaze winks at me. If I wasn’t already nuts about the guy—er —male holding me, I would leap from his arms for the winking handsome devil.

  “Warrior Ryder,” a mature voice calls out.

  People part without even seeing who has called his name. An elderly woman with long, silver hair and gold eyes waves us to her. She is a little hunched over, maybe because of age. Ryder follows her command as if he would not dare ask why he has been summoned. I struggle in his arms again. He tightens his hold again. “Please excuse Rose. She seems to feel disrespectful to be in your acquaintance and not on her own two feet.”

  “Yes, ma’am, I—”

  “Rest, child. Your energy speaks clearly of your intentions. I am not offended in the slightest.”

  She has a strong presence like Nora, but it has a much harder edge. I’m instantly insecure and whisper, “Thank you.”

  The elderly woman turns from us and walks through hanging vines. It’s some sort of tent, resembling something between a teepee and fairy home. The beautiful vines shield this home from sight. I jerk to look around and see many more homes blending with nature. You really have to be searching for it, or you could waltz right through this campsite, never knowing what you’ve missed. I quickly glance up to double check what I first suspected to be hallucinations. Now I realize there are literally little homes in the trees. I’m amazed at the creativity I’m witnessing. I can’t help thinking of Gunner and how much he would appreciate the woodwork. Oh, I guess his talents are for a reason.


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