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Souls of Three: Book Two of the Starseed Trilogy

Page 27

by Ashley McLeo

  “I’m taking out your gag, but don’t try anything funny. I’m a witch and am prepared to defend myself.”

  The man nodded, his blue eyes wide and earnest.

  Lily’s hands found the back of the man’s skull and a slight tingle ran through her. Weird, she thought untying the gag. As soon as she pulled the cloth from his mouth, the man let out a huge exhale and licked his lips.

  “Thanks. My mouth is so dry. It’s excruciating,” he said.

  A bottle of water on the table caught her eye. “Open,” Lily said grabbing the bottle and squirting its contents into his mouth.

  “Ah, that was heaven,” he said.

  “Who are you? And why are you here?” Lily asked, unwilling to beat around the bush now that the man’s basic needs were met.

  “I’m Roman Simons.”

  Lily inhaled sharply and Roman raised his eyebrows.

  “I see you’ve heard of me. I’ll assume it wasn’t flattering. Judgin’ by your appearance I’m guessing you’re Lily. I, too, have heard of you, mostly from Nora. Surprisingly, some of it was flattering—which is sayin’ something, because it’s hard to impress that woman.”

  “Enough rambling! Tell me why you’re here,” Lily said, her frantic tone in sharp contradiction to Roman’s mix of relaxed southern twang and straightforward city speak.

  “Right. Sorry ’bout that. It feels like an age since anyone has visited. And that guy’s not much of a chatter as he’s been asleep this whole time,” He nodded toward the man on the bed. “I’m here ’cause Rena found me unconscious and locked up in the basement of Peacock Manor. They brought me here with the rest of the injured but once it became apparent no one recognized me, they isolated me. When Brigit found out she interrogated me and here I am.”

  Why didn’t they tell us they’d taken a hostage? Lily barely had time to wonder before she answered her own question. They’re still deciding what to do with him, which means he has a story to tell.

  “Tell me what you told them.”

  Roman spoke with urgency, as if his life depended on convincing her of something. Lily listened as he told her about his family’s debt to the vampires. The celebrated business deal with Locksley Enterprises. The vampire twins’ proposal and subsequent threats. The whirlwind courtship with Evelyn punctuated by clandestine meetings with the Acolytes. Finally, the eventual betrayal that led to Evelyn’s imprisonment. The story rang true, and tracked with Evelyn’s, but it made no sense why Roman was here and unharmed. Then, words spoken by another of Roman’s kind, Alistair Levi, the old incubus that had trained Roman came flooding back to her.

  “He was grinning from ear to ear and couldn’t stop talking about the girl he was seeing. If I had to guess, I’d say Roman has fallen for Evelyn.”

  “You told Brigit you love Evelyn, didn’t you?”

  Roman diverted his gaze to the ground. “Once I was of no use to them, the Acolytes released me, but I stayed. I tried to break her out once but that damn werewolf Felix caught me and locked me up. At first the relationship was all a ploy, a way to protect my family. But within a week I’d started to care about Evelyn. After two I was a goner. I love Evelyn more than anything or anyone, even myself, and if I had to do it again, I’d give up my life for her.”

  Lily blushed. She didn’t know how to respond to such a blatant declaration so instead she turned to the man in the bed. “And who’s he?”

  Roman followed her gaze. “Oh, he’s the groundskeeper at the manor. The Acolytes were not informed he lived there when they rented the place. Apparently, his room is out of the way of the guest rooms. They threw him in the basement because it was easy. Once it became clear Evelyn needed vampire blood to heal, Empusa and Amon used the both of us to feed off of and keep their own blood levels high. Fiona has him in an enchanted sleep so he’ll heal faster from the bites. And so he won’t remember anything he sees here, of course.”

  Lily nodded. “I’m putting this back on you. Don’t tell anyone I was here. If you do, I’ll make you regret it.”

  Roman sighed, nodded, and opened his mouth.

  Goddess be, Evelyn will be pissed when she finds out. Lily tied the gag tight and walked out of the room without another word.

  Some Things Take Time

  “Are you sure you’re up for doing this? We can always wait another day and do it at home. That way you get a wee bit more rest,” Brigit suggested, her face creased with concern.

  “Fiona said my labs came back impeccable and I’m tired of waiting,” Evelyn replied, unwilling to budge.

  “She’ll be fine, Brig,” Fiona guided Brigit away from Evelyn’s bedside to allow herself access to the nightstand on which sat a jumble of tubes, needles, and plastic tubs. “It’s better this way. She’ll be tired but that’s normal after donating blood. This way she may actually get a full night’s rest before getting on the plane.”

  “I’m sure the Locksleys would reschedule the jet if we said we needed a couple more days,” Brigit said, looking desperate for a reason to delay.

  “No need, Mom.” Evelyn tried her best not to put emphasis on the term that signified bonds of love that she’d been withholding from Brigit since they met. Bonds she could no longer deny, despite Evelyn’s tendency to keep new people at arm’s length for as long as possible. It felt wrong to call Brigit by her given name when her sisters so openly called her Mom—even more wrong when Evelyn considered how much the woman she’d wanted so badly to blow off when they’d met now meant to her. We’ve been through a lot of shit for sure.

  Everyone in the room turned to stare at her. Lily’s mouth hung open and Sara smiled broadly at Evelyn, like she wanted to wrap her in a bear hug.

  So much for not making a big deal about it.

  “I already talked to them and they’re having Vici meet us at the hanger tomorrow,” Evelyn continued as if she’d never dropped the M-bomb. “I still have to tell her I’m a witch, and I don’t want to put it off any longer. I got the feeling my parents want to hear the whole story from me, too, and not just Sara. They were so relieved I was alive when they visited and I was so weak that they didn’t push it, but I could tell they wanted to know. Especially Dad. These are the best conditions I can leave under, and I’m taking it. It’s time for me to get out of the city and back where I belong.” A lump rose in Evelyn’s throat as she said the words.

  Brigit gave a small nod and wiped the tears streaming down her face.

  Selma appeared at Evelyn’s side and took her hand. She always knows when I need a little bit of strength.

  It still surprised Evelyn how close she’d grown to the siren in the last few days, though Mary and Fiona had both assured her that for those with siren powers bonding strongly was normal. It was an evolutionary hack full-blooded sirens had developed to tamp down other sirens’ fierce emotional states and ward off madness that often plagued their kind.

  But Evelyn recognized what she and Selma had was more than just a siren bond. Selma had made it a point to sit with Evelyn in the brief periods when Lily was gone or sleeping. In those moments she’d told Evelyn all about Lily growing up. Every story tempted a green-eyed monster within Evelyn that she’d been trying to douse, for Lily had led what Evelyn considered a life full of adventure and love. But the stories also allowed Evelyn to understand Lily better. It was obvious that was Selma’s intent, but Evelyn didn’t view it as manipulative. She thought it was nice that Selma loved both of them enough and wanted them to heal together.

  “Alright, then. Selma, I need to get in there. Evelyn, arms out. Lily, Sara, come over here,” Fiona instructed.

  Selma squeezed Evelyn’s hand one last time as Lily and Sara gathered round her. Lily, Evelyn noted, already looked queasy.

  Without preamble Fiona walked over and slipped a needle into Evelyn’s right arm, then her left.

  “I still can’t get over how strange it looks,” Sara said studying the blood flooding the tubes with academic detachment. “Will our blood look like that too, Fiona?”
  “Perhaps if you drank enough. But we’ll be giving you only enough to release your pneuma. In time, Evelyn’s blood should return to normal. It’s the raw vampire blood mingling with her own that is giving Evelyn’s blood that color,” Fiona answered.

  “That’s a relief,” Evelyn said, a smile spreading across her face. “Can you imagine going for a checkup and the doctor drawing this out? How would I ever explain that?!”

  Lily swallowed loudly and Evelyn noticed the green tinge of her sister’s face had deepened. She’s going to pass out just from thinking about drinking blood. We need to change the subject . . .

  “So, Lil, tell me about this guy Alfred. Sara said he seemed very interested in you during the rescue mission.”

  Lily’s eyes darted to Sara, who had the good grace to look sheepish.

  “Sorry, Lil! She wanted to hear the whole story and well . . . It kind of popped out,” Sara said with a small grin on her elfin face.

  “What a bunch of gossips I have for sisters,” Lily grumbled, but Evelyn could see the distraction had worked. A faint stain of pink had spread on Lily’s cheeks at the mention of Alfred’s name, muting the unattractive green hue from minutes prior.

  “It appears so,” Evelyn smirked. “But now you have to tell me. Men are, after all, my speciality. You never should have tried keeping something man related from me anyhow!”

  Lily’s eyes widened, and she bit her lip. “Uh, yea, you’re right, silly to keep man related stuff from you. Um . . . well . . . let’s see, Alfred is . . .”

  Jesus, no wonder Amon was her first boyfriend. He probably charmed the pants off her and manipulated their entire relationship. She can’t even talk about a guy she likes.

  “Charming?” Evelyn supplied. “That’s what Sara said.”

  “Yes! Yes, he’s charming. And a daemon, and,” Lily sighed and Evelyn could practically see her pulse slow, “really, really handsome. I saw him before we left for the manor and thought he was hot but knew it wasn’t the time. Then he latched onto me and wouldn’t leave me alone when we were trying to rescue you. At first it was weird and a little humiliating.”

  “The girl blushed more times than a maid on her wedding day,” Aoife teased.

  “Well, yea! Who expects to be hit on when they’re going into battle? And with all their family around! Not to mention how damn honest he was with his intentions of wanting to get to know me . . .”

  Evelyn refrained from laughing though the picture in her head warranted it. “Are you two going to keep in touch?”

  “We’ve been texting and he stopped by a couple times while you were still out of it,” Lily admitted.

  “Did you use any of the tips I taught you, Lil? Tips of how to gain a man’s interest forever?” Selma leaned forward, dark red lips curved upward and light brown eyes shining.

  “No, Sel! The safe house is hardly an appropriate place to use my womanly charms on Alfred. Especially with all of you noseys around,” Lily whacked Selma in the shoulder.

  “Well the lad seemed impressed enough as it was. He requested the cottage address, so Lil may be receiving a few courting gifts soon,” Brigit interrupted, her lips turned up slightly.

  “You gave it to him?!” Lily asked incredulously.

  “He’s a lovely man, and so earnest. I didn’t think you’d mind,” Brigit said with a shrug.

  Rena roared with laughter and a slow smile spread on Annika’s lips as Lily stared at Brigit, mouth agape and palms to the sky.

  Evelyn laughed so hard the needles throbbed in her arms. “Well, I hope it works out for you two, Lil. I’m taking a break from men myself, but I can be your and Sara’s wingwoman! I’d help catch you guys all the best men. Hey! We’ll go to the Drunken Duck together when we get back to Fern Cottage now that we’re out in the open! It will be great flirting practice for next time you see Alfred, and we’ll find Sara a burly Irish hottie.”

  “About that,” Sara said with a pronounced cough.

  “Don’t tell me you picked up man candy at the battle, too?” Evelyn asked. “You guys! You have a siren for a sister and you’re not even going to take advantage of it!”

  “It’s not that. I’m just not sure your magic will work for me.” A pink stain spread across Sara’s cheeks and her rosebud lips extended in a small smile. “You see, I’m attracted to women.”

  “What! Why didn’t you tell us before? We’ve shared so much . . . Oh my Goddess! Did you think we’d react badly?” Hurt flashed across Lily’s face.

  “No! Not at all! I mean Lil, your mom is gay and Evelyn is so cosmopolitan, and Gwenn had that fling with Rena,” Sara shot Annika an apologetic look. “No, I never thought any of you would be homophobic about it. I just wasn’t ready yet. We’ve only known each other five months, and to be honest I’ve only told three other people my entire life—two of whom I was in relationships with. Not even my adoptive parents know, and I don’t see telling them anytime soon. Plus, it’s a weird thing to bring up. Now was the first time it felt natural,” Sara shrugged.

  “Some things take time, Lil,” Rena said, stepping forward and placing a hand on Sara’s shoulder. “You of all people know that.”

  The distress melted from Lily’s face as Rena’s words sunk in and she nodded.

  “Well, Sara,” Evelyn said, her grandiose tone shattering any of the remaining tension. “You’ll be happy to know my charms do, in fact, work on women of your tastes. I always got a couple biters when I did siren practice at the bars, so we’re all set there!”

  “Of course, you did!” Aoife guffawed. “Brig, these girls are going to turn our quiet little hamlet upside down if Evelyn has anything to say about it!”

  “It needs shaking up anyhow,” Brigit chuckled. “There hasn't been a real scandal since . . .”

  “Since we were in our twenties!” Mary finished, a mischievous gleam in her eye.

  “I can only imagine,” Rena remarked glancing at Gwenn with a wicked smile.

  “No need to be going into the past. I don’t do this often but I’m exercising my eldest sister rights and forbidding any tall tales!” Gwenn held up her hands.

  Evelyn leaned back into her mound of pillows listening to the laughter rise and fall all around her, “I can’t wait to get back to Fern Cottage. It’s been so long since I did magic I wanted to do. I was missing it more than I thought I would. Especially when I was stuck in that freaking basement.”

  “I’ll bet,” Sara said with a sympathetic smile. “We’ve been doing mock battles since you’ve been gone. Lily has these sneaky moves that I won’t spoil because she’ll definitely try to use them on you. She got me so you better get ready.”

  “Hell yea,” Evelyn said, her tone impressed. “Can’t wait to learn them. She must have loved beating you in something too.” Evelyn winked at Sara and Lily grinned.

  “Sorry to interrupt, girls, but was this about how much you drank, Evelyn?” Fiona pointed to the glasses now half full with dark purple blood.

  “Looks about right,” Evelyn confirmed.

  “Alright then, girls, you're up,” Fiona clamped the tubes attached to Evelyn’s arms and lifted each glass to inspect its contents. “Here you are. Try not to waste any. If this doesn’t work today, it will be a couple days before Evelyn can give blood again. Do either of you want a nose plug?”

  “We got this, right Lil?” Sara asked taking her glass without hesitation.

  “I’m so sorry, chicas. I wanted to be here for moral support but I can’t watch this,” Selma walked quickly from the room, her warm olive skin faded and clammy.

  Evelyn watched as Lily’s eyes tracked Selma, her face wistful, like she wanted to follow. Instead, she reached out with a trembling hand to take her glass from Fiona.

  You can do this. I promise it isn’t so bad. Evelyn pushed the thought toward Lily.

  Lily smiled a tight, closed-lipped smile and Evelyn knew the message had been received. “Cheers, Sara.”

  The Blood Drinkers

glasses clinked, sloshing the purple-red liquid up the sides. Lily watched the legs as they ran down again, thicker than molasses. She brought the glass to her lips. Sara was already chugging and Lily heard the glugging of liquid down her sister’s throat, the moment she came up for air, and the thunk of her glass on the table.

  “It’s not so terrible, Lil. Try to focus on the hint of spiciness. Think of it as tea.”

  Lily glanced up at Sara over the rim of her glass. Her lips, now dark purple, looked ludicrous against the white of her skin, like a child playing dress up.

  “Bottoms up, Lil,” Evelyn said, leaning forward and tilting the glass up so the blood threatened to spill from it. “Three, three, three right? We need to be on the same page. You can do this,” Evelyn lowered her hands, allowing Lily to have the final say.

  She could have lowered the glass back down, waited until she was ready, but Lily knew she’d never feel ready. It was better this way, with her sisters urging her on, pushing her to become what she needed to be. Before she could change her mind she tilted the glass upward and hot, thick liquid caressed her lips. It pooled at the entrance of her mouth and Lily commanded her lips to part. They did so infinitesimally, allowing a thin stream of blood to trickle in between her teeth. It tasted like nothing she’d ever had before. Metallic, but also spiced with an undertone of . . . sugar? Lily allowed her lips to part further, her curiosity piqued. Definitely sugar—hot, syrupy sugar.

  OK. I can do this. It’s like drinking syrup. She trained her eyes on what remained in the glass and commanded herself to chug.

  But blood, it turned out, was not an easy chugging beverage like the cheap beers of her college days. It stuck to the sides of her mouth and teeth, its cloying sweetness lingering on Lily’s tongue like a stalker as she pulled the liquid down her throat as fast as her testy stomach would allow. A bead of sweat trickled down her forehead and off her cheek to land on her collarbone.

  After seconds that seemed like hours, the last of the blood slipped into her mouth and Lily swallowed, grateful the ordeal was over. She set the cup down and wiped her hand across her mouth, wanting to eliminate any evidence that she was a blood drinker.


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