Book Read Free


Page 21

by Christian, Claudia Hall

  “Over Yvie?”

  Abi nodded. Rodney chuckled. He rolled over and sat up.

  “Where am I?” Rodney asked.

  “Job site,” Abi said.

  “Why can’t I see anything?” Rodney asked.

  “The last tremor took out the generators,” Abi said. “It’s very dark, and your people are scared.”

  “The military people!” Rodney jumped to his feet. “They were buried by the quake.”

  “Don’t worry.” Abi flew up and landed on his shoulder. She spoke in his ear so he could hear her. “They were wearing beacons and oxygen tanks. Their fellow soldiers have almost dug them out. Take a look.”

  Rodney walked to the edge of the sinkhole. The methane fire burned near one end and ten or so headlamps moved around the hole. The helicopter flew above casting a bright spotlight for the military people digging their team members out.

  “Headlamps,” Rodney said.

  “That’s what they call them,” Abi said.

  “My team?” Rodney asked.

  “Scared,” Abi said. “I was asked to wake you. They need your leadership.”


  “If we don’t get those men out of the trailers soon, they will die,” Abi said. “The medics were knocked off the ends of the trailers. They’ve fallen between the trailers and are trapped in the mud. Do you know what to do?”

  “Yes.” Rodney nodded.

  His walkie talkie flew in the air to him.

  “Where’s that ugly dude?” Rodney asked. “Looked like something off Notre Dame.”

  “The men are looking into something,” Abi said. “You’re stuck with me. Oh, and the blue fairy. She’s over there.”

  Abi gestured to where the military people were digging out their team member. Now that Abi mentioned it, he could see a distinctive blue glow under the helicopter’s spotlight.

  “Blue fairy?” Rodney asked.

  “She always does whatever she wants,” Abi said. “There’s no reasoning with her.”

  Abi smiled. Rodney scowled at her and tried the walkie talkie. He wasn’t surprised when it didn’t work.

  “Doesn’t work,” Rodney showed the walkie talkie to Abi. She waved her bright wand, and the walkie-talkie squawked with static. Rodney smiled his thanks and adjusted the channel.

  “Get to work!” Abi commanded.

  She laughed at her own efforts. Rodney smiled at the tiny peel of laughter.

  “This is Rodney,” he said. “Who’s on the line?”

  “Rodney!” Jerry yelled. Rodney heard a cheer come up from behind him. “We’re going in after MJ and Colin.”

  “Nah,” Rodney said. “Let’s pull them out.”

  “We have no idea where they are,” Jerry said.

  “They’re wearing beacons,” Rodney said.

  Jerry laughed. After a few minutes, Jerry yelled, “Let’s pull ’em out, boys!”

  Feeling movement on his shoulder, Rodney glanced around for little pink Abi. She was cheering.

  “What’s next?” Rodney asked.

  “I’m so glad you asked,” Abi said. “How would you like to save some men?”

  “You sure my Yvie doesn’t need saving?”

  “Positive,” Abi said. “I’m incapable of lying.”

  “Fairies can’t lie?” Rodney asked.

  “Not us wee ones,” Abi said. “Lying is too heavy of a weight. We couldn’t fly.”

  “So the big ones are liars?” Rodney scowled. “I knew it.”

  “Oh no,” Abi said.

  “What?” Rodney scowled at the fairy.

  “Fairies pay a heavy price for lying — big or small.” Abi nodded for emphasis. “It disrupts our powers and our ability to fly. It’s happened once or twice in our long history that a fairy gave up his or her powers and wings to lie and cheat. They always regretted it. But fairy-kind is part human.”

  Abi’s tiny face screwed up with anger.

  “They are liars, cheaters, cruel, and . . .” With every word her pink glow became darker and darker. She shook herself like a dog and until all of the dark light was gone. She gave Rodney a bright pink smile. “Some of them are not very nice.”

  “You don’t have to tell me that,” Rodney said.

  “Yes,” Abi said. “Are you ready?”

  “Ready for . . .” Rodney started.

  Abi pushed him off the edge and into the dark sink hole below.


  Jacob was sitting in a white quartz box in the back of a cairn on the west coast of the Isle of Man. He could hear the ocean waves crash against the beach and the rain tap on the ground outside. Delphie must have said something funny, because everyone outside the box laughed.

  He was supposed to find the fourth section of Queen Fand’s human body. His mother, Celia, was confident it was in this cairn. Jacob had crawled through a two-foot hole to get to this white quartz chamber. The chamber was just big enough for him to sit with his knees bent and his back against the wall. So far, he’d found nothing, and intuited less than that. He was using the time in the box to rest.

  Much to his surprise, a phone rang. He looked around the small compartment until he noticed that one of the white quartz walls had a new feature—a 1950s-era wall phone hung on the wall.

  “Hello?” Jacob asked.

  “Jake? It’s Seth,” Seth said. “Where are you?”

  “I’m sitting in a cairn trying to find some bones,” Jacob said.

  “Queen Fand’s human body, by any chance?” Seth asked.

  “That’s right,” Jacob said. “How did you know?”

  “Dionne read me the rest of the kingdom of Marle book,” Seth said.

  “The gargoyles told me the rest,” Jacob said. “It didn’t help.”

  “The gargoyles could only tell you what happened,” Seth said. “The book was written to pass down clues to your task.”


  “A lot of old books were written not only to pass down what happened, but also to convey how to fix it,” Seth said. “The monks and storytellers trusted that there would come a time when someone would be able to right the wrongs of this world. They left details in the books, and in this case, they left them in the images in the books.”

  “Images?” Jacob asked.

  “Dionne’s book is an original copy of the kingdom of Marle picture book,” Seth said. “She scanned the books and emailed them to me.”

  “Are you still getting your blood done?” Jacob asked.

  “Just finished,” Seth said. “The story tells of the defilement of the queen of Marle—meaning rape—but the drawings show Celtic people burying pieces of her corpse around an oblong island.”

  “The Isle of Man,” Jacob said.

  “Exactly,” Seth said.

  Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty-six

  Hand drawn

  “We’ve found four sites — well three, because I’m sitting in one and can’t find it.”

  “Which one?” Seth asked.

  “West coast,” Jacob said.

  “So you found the one on the end?” Seth asked. “Looks to be near a Celtic fort and maybe an old burial ground.”

  “We found her inside a Viking ship.”

  “Huh,” Seth said.

  “Huh what?” Jacob asked.

  “I guess these drawings predate the Vikings,” Seth said. There was a shuffling in the background. “I’d guess they copied them over and over again. I wonder how old the book is.”

  “Seth,” Jacob said. “I’m sitting in a stone box looking for bones so that I can rescue my wife and sons.”

  “Right, right,” Seth said. “Sorry.”

  “You were telling me where the bones were placed,” Jacob said.

  “Yes,” Seth said. “There’s a set under something in a city on the east coast under something that looks like a white rock obelisk or quite possibly a giant white penis and testicles.”

  “The White Lady,” Jacob said. “Yes, we found them and a set of ribs
at the fort in the north, Cronk Surmark.”

  “You’re on the west coast?” Seth asked. “Devil’s Elbow.”

  “Devil’s Elbow?”

  “That’s what it’s says here,” Seth said. “Did you find the white stone room?”

  “White quartz, and it’s a box,” Jacob said. “I barely fit in it.”

  “It’s a drawing, I can’t really tell,” Seth said. “The bones are just under the floor.”

  “Good to know,” Jacob said. “Where’s the last one? We haven’t been able to find it.”

  “If you connect the location of each of the bones, they form . . .,” Seth said.

  “Celtic cross,” Jacob said.

  “Right,” Seth said. “The last set is in the direct center of the cross.”

  “Dad said Manannán is walking in a circle around the island,” Jacob said.

  “That’s good, because the author and artists of this book didn’t know his location,” Seth said. “But it does say you have to ‘raise Manannán’s army’ for him to return.”

  “Any idea what that means?” Jacob asked.

  “There’s a drawing of what looks like ghost cavalry near the tip of the island,” Seth said. “Just west of the Viking ship.”

  “I’ll ask Jimmy,” Jacob asked. “These bones in the center of the cross—any idea where they are?”

  “It says ‘King’s Forest.’”

  “Of course it does,” Jacob said. “Anything else?”

  “I think you have to look for some white quartz,” Seth said. “Says here they thought they could hold the queen in place with white quartz.”

  “Got it,” Jacob said. “Do you have any idea how Jill is doing? We have a sense that things aren’t going well for her.”

  “Bumpy, Dionne, and the midwife . . .”

  “Camille?” Jacob asked.

  “I guess so,” Seth said. “They’re on their way to the Castle. They picked up some cleaning uniforms. They’re going to pretend to be the cleaning crew.”

  “Will that work?”

  “Maybe,” Seth said. “It’s the best we could come up with.”

  “And Jill?”

  “As far as we know, she’s all right, but I’ll let you know when I know anything.”

  “Can you do me one more favor?” Jacob asked.

  “Sure,” Seth said.

  “Can you mentally send Delphie the images from the book?” Jacob asked.

  “How would I do that?” Seth asked.

  “Think ‘Send to Delphie’ and look at the paintings,” Jacob said.

  “And we think that will work?”

  “Delphie says that you and she are . . .”

  “Siblings in many past lives,” Seth and Jacob said in unison.

  “I guess you’ve heard that before,” Jacob said.

  “Once or twice,” Seth said.

  “Think ‘Send to Delphie’ and stare at the pictures,” Jacob said. “She should get it.”

  “It’s worth a try,” Seth said. “Good luck.”

  “Thanks, I’ll need it,” Jacob said, and hung up the phone.

  Reaching behind him, he used his psychic skills to call to the bones. They resonated back to him. He crawled out of the small compartment. Turning around, he wrenched the white quartz stone at the bottom of the box and retrieved the queen’s feet.

  “Got them!” Jacob said.

  “I just had the weirdest thing happen,” Delphie said.

  “Seth sent you some images?” Jacob asked.

  “That’s exactly right,” Delphie said. “They’re of our quest.”

  “He found an original copy of the kingdom of Marle book,” Jacob said.

  “Did they have the last set of bones?” Sam asked.

  “Yes, they are in the center of the cross,” Jacob said. “In something called the King’s Forest.”

  “That’s right by the Highlander,” James said.

  Everyone turned to look at him.

  “There can be only one!” Valerie said. Gilfand laughed.

  “Pub,” James said. “Great food, beer. I doubt they’re open.”

  “Gilfand?” Delphie had just said his name when they were suddenly standing outside the Highlander restaurant in the center of the Isle of Man. It was closed. Gilfand smirked at Delphie, and she said, “Thanks.”

  “Where to?” Jacob asked Delphie.

  “This way.” Delphie pointed across the street. They waited for a car to pass and crossed the street. They walked a short distant down the empty road before turning into the forest.


  Friday night — 10:45 p.m. MST

  Denver, Colorado


  “Did you hear that?” Katy whispered to the tiny, baby-blue fairy sitting on her knee.

  “Shh!” The baby-blue fairy put her finger up to her lips. She flew up to stand on Katy’s left ear.

  “That was a gunshot!” Katy whispered. “I know because I went to the firing range. I didn’t like it. I didn’t like it one bit. Scares me.”

  Katy shivered with fear. The air crackled with static electricity.

  “Did you do that?” the baby-blue fairy asked.

  Katy nodded. Her eyes were huge, dark, and round.

  There was a pop! The room outside the compartment went dark. A man started yelling and Katy shivered.

  “What would make you feel less afraid?” the baby-blue fairy asked.

  “I don’t know you.” Katy shook her head so violently that the fairy flew off her ear and hit the wall.

  The tiny fairy was dazed for a moment. Her blue taffeta skirt was askew, her wings looked bent, and her long hair was mussed. She gave Katy a hard look.

  “Sorry,” Katy whispered.

  “That’s okay,” the baby-blue fairy said. “I’m Edie. I’m responsible for keeping you safe.”

  “I’m Katy,” she whispered. “I’m s’posed to stay safe.”

  Like she knew she should, Katy held out her hand to the fairy. Edie shook her little finger.

  “Nice to meet you,” the baby-blue fairy said. “If I fly up to your ear, will you do that again?”

  “I’ll try not to,” Katy whispered. “I’m really, really, really scared.”

  “What would make it better?” the baby-blue fairy asked.

  “I wish Paddie was here,” Katy said.

  “What’s a Paddie?”

  Katy covered her mouth to keep from giggling. The tiny fairy gave her a scolding look, which made Katy giggle more.

  “Did you hear something?” one of the men said outside the compartment.

  Katy swallowed her giggle. Edie flew to the entrance of the compartment to be ready in case they found the door. Katy sat like a statue for what felt like forever. Finally, they heard the men move away. Edie flew back up to her perch on Katy’s ear.

  “Paddie is my best friend.” Katy nodded.

  “Is he big?” Edie asked.

  Katy shook her head.

  “Why don’t you just bring him here?” Edie asked.

  “How?” Katy asked.

  “You can move things, right?” Edie asked.

  Katy nodded.

  “You move him cell by cell,” Edie said. “It’s beginning fairy. Didn’t you take beginning fairy?”

  “I’m not a fairy,” Katy said. “I’m a girl.”

  “But not a normal girl, right?”

  “Mommy loves me very much.” Katy nodded.

  “Yes, I’m sure that’s true.” Edie gave a rueful shake of her head. “I can’t believe no one taught you the basics.”

  “Basics?” Katy asked.

  “Fairy basics,” Edie said.

  “But I’m not a fairy,” Katy said.

  “You’re a fairy and a human.” Edie shook her head. “It’s irresponsible.”

  “What is?”

  “Not to teach you how to use your abilities.” Edie nodded.

  Katy shrugged and went back to being scared.

  “We can fix this,” Edie said.r />

  “I’ve taught beginning fairy for a long, long time,” Edie said. “I can teach you how to do all kinds of things.”

  Katy scowled at her. Edie gave her a bright smile.

  “I wish my mommy was okay,” Katy said. “That’s all I wish for. My mommy and me, we’ve been through a lot together. and she needs my help, not because she can’t do everything, but because . . .”

  Katy’s eyes welled with tears. She nodded.

  “Your mommy is pretty great,” Edie said.

  “My daddy too,” Katy said. “But Mommy is . . . Mommy.”

  “Your mommy would want you to be less frightened,” Edie said.

  Katy nodded.

  “Then I’ll teach you how to bring this Paddie here,” Edie said. “How ’bout that?”

  “Okay,” Katy said. “Will it hurt Paddie?”

  “Not in the slightest.” Edie smiled. “Your daddy, auntie, grandfather, and Delphie are moving around my homeland this way.”

  “Can Daddy do this?” Katy asked.

  “He can,” Edie said. “He just doesn’t know he can.”


  They heard Jill moan.

  “Mommy!” Katy said a little too loudly.

  Edie waved her wand and the sound disappeared. Katy shivered with fear, and the air popped with electricity.

  “Let’s focus on bringing this Paddie here.” Edie smiled.

  Katy nodded.

  “All you have to do is focus on having him next to you,” Edie said.

  “I don’t have a wand,” Katy said.

  “You don’t need one,” Edie said. “Just focus like your life depended on Paddie being right here next to you.”

  Katy nodded.

  “Close your eyes,” Edie said. “It helps.”

  Katy closed her eyes. She put her right hand out in a cupping motion, and a chocolate chip brownie appeared. Katy gave a quiet cheer.

  “Hey,” Edie said. “That’s cheating.”

  “I need brownie power.” Katy smiled.

  The tiny fairy laughed. Katy took a bite and offered it to Edie. The fairy took a bite, and half the brownie was gone. Katy looked offended.

  “I’m tiny, but I eat a lot,” Edie laughed. “Takes a lot of energy to be this small.”

  Katy smiled at her and ate the rest of her brownie.

  “Now, focus,” Edie said. “We want this Paddie here, right here, in the cupboard.”


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