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The Retreat

Page 2

by Jojo Brown

  “Your assistant will help you find your way around, keep you apprised of events and assist you in any way that you need. It is not my task; mine was to see that you made it to this point safely.”

  “No maps or printed schedules around here, I guess.”

  The look on his face said it all; he didn’t even lower himself to make a comment. He clearly did not appreciate her sarcasm; especially in light of the past few minutes. “This is your key. Enjoy your stay.”

  Not if everyone around here is like you, I won’t. Luckily, her brain engaged before her mouth and she left the snide remark unsaid.

  She looked down at the key in her hand and then at the door in front of her. The key was a metal rectangle, about the size and shape of a credit card. There did not appear to be any corresponding hole or slot on the surface of the door that she could see. “Great. Mister Big-Tease-Stuck-Up could have at least stuck around long enough to show me how to get into my room.”

  For lack of a better idea, she slammed the key against the door with the palm of her hand, intending to force the door open. The metal card vibrated softly. The door glowed a warm rosy colour, before swinging in.

  She stood there, stunned.

  Chapter Three

  Her hand still felt the residual tingle of the vibration from the key and door, but that was not what had her so stunned. It was perfect. The room was exactly as she had described it on the questionnaire. Everything she had written down was in that room. How was that possible? Were her sensual fantasies so common place that they already had a room created for it? Or had this one perfect room with the luxuriously thick carpet, billowy sheers, king-sized four-poster bed complete with just the right sheets and mountain-waterfall-view through a window that wasn’t visible from outside, really been made just for her? It had to be — it was too perfect to be anything else.

  Gliding silently over the softness of the carpet, she bent to the drawer in the bedside table. Just check this one thing and if my suspicions are correct, then I’ll know that this is really all for me.

  Her hand trembled as she reached into the depth of the open drawer to trace her fingers over the contents. It was all there — the silk scarves, the feathers, lotions, powders, and various-sized dildoes and vibrators. Her imagination had soared when she was filling out the form; all of this was a part of her wildest fantasy.

  The soft cough behind her, made her breath catch in her throat. For the briefest of moments, she expected to turn and find a growing group of stud-muffins jostling for first position at her doorway. But, she hadn’t written that down, had she.

  The young, drab woman standing there alone came as a bit of a disappointment as well as a shock. She couldn’t be a day over eighteen and she had the look of someone trapped in a b-rated horror movie — bored, but with a slight fear around the edges. The girl’s mousy brown hair hung limply over her pale face; her deep-set eyes carried blue-veined bruises of sleeplessness beneath them. She stood there — arms dangling at her sides, bare feet buried in the carpet, shapeless grey tunic hanging from her slight shoulders — and stared at Lexie, clearly waiting for some sign.

  Somehow embarrassed under this strange visitor’s gaze, Lexie lifted her foot and slid the drawer behind her shut. “Are — are you my assistant, or guide, or whatever?”

  “I am here to see to your needs, and guide your steps through your time here. I am yours to make use of in all ways in that I can be anyone you choose, and give you all you desire.”

  “What do you mean all that I desire and anyone I want you to be? You are who you are, an individual, a person in your own rights. How can I change that?”

  “As you see me now — I am simply the clay for you to form. We all start out this way; it is the way of our kind. We are here to bring you greater pleasures than your kind has ever known. We want only for you to be happy, to be fulfilled and satisfied. Answer one question for me.”

  Lexie shaken by what she suddenly knew to be fact, not so much what her companion had told, but what she knew, sat heavily on the side of the big soft bed. ‘We are not in Kansas anymore, Toto.’ This girl is a part of this place, not an employee or slave; she is a part of this place, as much as the furnishings. “If I can.”

  “Are you afraid?”

  “No,” she wasn’t. For some reason she really wasn’t afraid, more curious than anything. “I suppose more than anything, I am wondering that you do not look as though you are comfortable here.”

  “I can help with that.”

  The girl took a slight step forward, lifted her hands to the top of her head, raised her face toward the ceiling and slowly slid her hands down the back of her hair. As her hands lowered over the strands, a transformation took place. The mousy lank hair changed; soft waving brown tresses, shot through with ebony and crimson highlights, bounced free of the smoothing fingers. Her legs and arms miraculously lengthened, she slowly became at least four inches taller; her hips filled out, as did her breasts. The small points that had been barely noticeable under her tunic, inflated to two full, pink-tipped globes, as the grey cloth dissolved into a sheer sweep of wispy material. The transparent toga-style outfit did nothing to hide her to-die-for body; even the small neat triangle of trimmed hair between her legs was clearly visible.

  Lexie watched transfixed. Somehow, deep inside, she knew this would happen.

  As the girl/woman lowered her arms, her face also lowered and her eyes opened to fix Lexie with a soft, loving deep green gaze. The full lips parted to allow the tip of her pink wet tongue to trace over them. “Is this more in line with the person you expected in an assistant?”

  “Yes, I — I suppose it is. But how — I don’t really understand…”

  You don’t need to understand our ways or us. You simply need to enjoy yourself. Here at The Hermit’s Retreat, it is about making all of your wishes come true. I hope you kept in mind the old saying ‘Be careful what you wish for’, when you filled out the questionnaire.”

  A slight shiver traced up the back of Lexie’s neck as she thought about just how outrageous she had gotten with the questionnaire. She could really be in for a very strange and exhausting week, but after the kind of year she’d been having, she was ready just to let loose and get down and dirty with some strangers.

  “My name is Ayudante, but if you called me Dante — it may be easier for you. Now if you are ready I shall begin your tour of our facilities. After that we shall return here to your quarters and I shall help you prepare.”

  “This place is about me getting everything I could ever desire; is that right?”


  “Well a tour is not what I desire, at this moment.”

  Without any visible movement on her part, Dante let her toga open and whisper down to the carpet. “This day has been hard on you. Let me still the tremors that ravage through you.”

  Fuck, yes. Lexie had her t-shirt and bra off before Dante crossed the small space between them. As the assistant’s fingers closed on the button of her jeans, Lexie reached up to press one hand over the perfect breast and pulled her soft mouth to hers with the other on the back of her head. Her mouth tasted like warm peppermint; and something else — something that was simply her. Their tongues duelled in the urgency to explore and memorize the soft recesses, hidden within their anxious mouths.

  As soon as Lexie felt the sodden jeans and panties hit her ankles, she kicked out of them. Dante guided her gently down onto the heavenly softness of the bed and traced soft fingers over her. “You have a beautiful body, Lexie. You should never hide it, or feel that you are any less than what someone would want.”

  Enough pillow talk. I need release and I need it now! Lexie grabbed, impatiently at Dante’s hand, but halted when the younger woman took control. She knew what Lexie wanted. She straddled her waist, pressed her arms out, and silently told her to lie there. Her mouth slid across Lexie collarbone and down between her breasts. Lexie’s eyes squeezed closed as the first shiver ran through her. The touch of Dant
e’s tongue and lips on her painfully hard nipple was exquisite. She rolled it with her tongue, sucked and pulled, precisely the way Lexie needed at that moment.

  With the agility of a gymnast, Dante moved to lie beside her, never breaking the contact with her breast. Her hand smoothed over Lexie’s stomach, to cup the slight rise of her mound. As her nimble fingers pressed between the soaked cleft, Lexie filled her hand with Dante’s breast again. The moan that raced up her throat, as soft fingers found and circled her clit, screamed more sexual tension than words could ever say. When Lexie’s hand pressed down, past Dante’s flat stomach, the girl shifted again. Her fingers pressed into the quivering tunnel, Lexie found hers and probed deeply, as their tongues collided again.

  Lexie thrust her hips higher and faster. The feel of Dante’s slender fingers fucking her was only made more erotic by the sensation of her pussy clenching her own pounding fingers. Dante moaned softly into her mouth at the first building shudder to rage through Lexie. With the same quick agility, Dante twisted around and added her mouth to the onslaught of her fingers. Lexie screamed as she sucked her engorged clit into her mouth. The instant orgasm that raced through her came in spine-shattering waves. Dante’s touch softened and slowed, as she rode the undulating waves. Rather than the crash and burn she was used to, Lexie moaned her way through countless minutes of shuddering ecstasy.

  When the final soft shudders eased, Dante slid her fingers out, sucked the moisture from them and looked up at her. “Thank you. That was amazing,” Lexie whispered breathlessly. “But, I feel bad that you did not find the same relief.”

  Sitting cross-legged on the bed beside her, Dante stroked feather-touch fingers over Lexie’s body. “Don’t worry about me. To give you pleasure is the greatest joy to me.”

  With one more quick kiss, she helped Lexie to her feet. “Your bath is waiting. After you have freshened yourself, I shall give you that promised tour.”

  Chapter Four

  The first stop on the tour was a room Dante called the Playroom. As far as Lexie could tell, it was not much more than a large rec room, the likes of which she remembered from her childhood in every parent’s basement. Four large soft-looking couches stood in a square in the centre of the room, a cozy meeting area around a large low square table. Piles of oversized pillows were stacked in every corner. A long gleaming bar lined one wall with tall stools before it and a lit mirror positioned behind an open backed shelf lined with bottles. There was no television, stereo or reading material anywhere. She wondered precisely what type of games people played within the soft blue walls.

  As their tour continued through countless halls and arched doorways, Lexie realized that she had not seen another guest or attendant, anywhere.

  “Where is everyone?” she quietly asked Dante as she bent to trace her fingers through the warm bubbly ‘mud’ in one of the ornate baths.

  “Whom do you wish to see?”

  “Well, no one in particular. I just assumed that there would be other guests wandering about, or enjoying all the wonderful facilities. It just seems eerily quiet, that’s all.”

  “Each guest arrives at their own time, but it is seen to that their time is the right time to allow for a private tour. The rest of the guests are in their personal quarters, being prepared for this evening’s festivities. You are luckier than most who come to us. You have arrived at a special time. Tonight is the beginning of the Celebration Moon. You will be a part of the feasts and the excitement. There are not many allowed into the inner circle at this time. You must be a very important person to have been invited.”

  Dante grew more animated and excited with every word that fell from her lips. Lexie’s own excitement grew along with hers. She had no idea what the ‘Celebration Moon’ was, but clearly, it meant there was going to be some excitement around here. Only one thing puzzled her.

  “Why would you think that I am an important person, Dante?”

  “Because your invitation brought you here today.”

  Before she realized where they were, Dante showed Lexie back into her room. “I think there may have been a mistake of sorts.”

  The quizzical look on her companion’s face made the hairs on the back of Lexie’s neck stand up. There was something much more than mere curiosity in that look — it was almost anger. “The Hermit’s Retreat never makes a mistake.”

  “Perhaps not, but I think that I may have. You see, I didn’t check my mail for a long time and then I put off opening the coupon, so maybe I am not really supposed to be here right now.”

  “Oh Alexandria,” Dante’s laughter wrapped around the room like a growing fog that filled the space and encompassed Lexie in its warmth. “You are not here by happenstance or mistake. You are here because it is meant for you to be. Now come and let me help you prepare to accept the fruits of your wishes.”

  * * * *

  The preparations were nothing like Lexie could have expected. First Dante led her into the bathroom — again, the ornate, gold-footed, deliciously deep tub had been filled with warm, scented water in readiness for her. Dante’s fingers against her skin were soft and warm as she stripped her clothes from her.

  Lexie stood still as the other woman removed each piece of clothing from her body, without making a move to assist her or stop her. The memory of the mind-numbing orgasm at the touch of those same fingers, washed over her. She felt the familiar heaviness in her groin and let a soft moan waft from her throat.

  She watched in a state of bored interest as the last of her clothes disappeared into a hidden hole in the bathroom floor. One of the tiles simply dissolved as the thin material of her favourite panties touched it — as soon as the wisp of silk slipped through the void, the tile reappeared. “Every house should come equipped with that.”

  “What, someone to undress you, or the laundry receptacle?”

  “Both,” she laughed as she pulled Dante into her arms. The kiss was deep and heated. Dante’s hands soothed down her back, cupped her ass and pulled her close. When their mouths parted, Lexie gasped for breath.

  “Step into the tub and relax Lexie, your every need will be taken care of.”

  She leaned back into the heavenly warmth, with a sigh. The thought — I wish I had a pillow to rest against — had no more formed in her mind when she felt the plump softness of a waterproof pillow behind her head. With her eyes closed, she let the soft motion of the water lull her into a deep state of relaxation. A deep ripple in the water tickled up her side at the same time as another similar one made its way between her thighs. God, that feels so good. As it feathered along the sensitive folds of her pussy, she let her legs float further apart and enjoyed the sensation — so gentle — so unlike any man’s touch, or woman’s for that matter — so unlike any touch she had ever felt in her life — so perfect.

  The same heat she had felt before her tour raced through her, again Lexie could not remember ever being so ready for sex, so quickly before in her life. All she wanted at that moment was to be filled with a wonderful cock and thrown into the abyss of mindless orgasm. With some effort, her eyes fluttered open to discover what was causing the wonderful ripples in the water.

  Strangely, she could feel the warm wetness of the water all around her, but there was none in the tub. She was surrounded with tiny pinpoints of blue light. They danced all over her — tickled up and down her sides, over her breasts, along her arms and legs — swirling all around, leaving her feeling refreshed and cleaner than she ever had. The light glowed brightest between her thighs, where the vortex of her heated need sat. Thousands of the pinpoints clustered there — they delved into her folds, brushed, vibrated over and around her sensitive clit, stroked along the length of her moist slit, came together to form a phallus. The penetration was deep, full, fitted to her as nothing could be. The constant motion of jostling clustered lights found and manipulated every screaming nerve ending in her.

  Lexie’s eyes drifted shut as her body drifted beneath the swirling blueness. Her fingers gripped t
he hard edge of the porcelain tub — the only connection to any type of reality as her body raced full steam ahead into the churning waves of ecstasy, brought on by tiny blue lights. Her mouth fell open as she gasped for breath. Her back arched as the clenching intensity of the orgasm shook her to the core. Her hips blurred through the gathering of the lights as they rode the waves with unbelievable vigour. A woman screamed in some far off world, she cried out a man’s name with the throaty voice of pure carnal pleasure. She screamed again.

  Lexie heard the screams and the name — but never knew they were coming from her own straining throat. She never would, either — the only witnesses to her ultimate release were tiny pinpoints of blue light.

  Slowly the pressure deep within her lessened and her body’s convulsing eased. She dug her fingers harder against the hardness of the tub and slid back up to the waiting pillow. As she opened her eyes, she found herself covered in steaming water to her throat again. Her hands lowered into the water and closed on her pussy. She felt the soft thrumming against her gently probing fingers as her body fought to relax and her mind tried to understand what had just happened.

  “Did you enjoy your cleansing?” Dante asked meekly from the doorway.

  A good amount of water splashed over the side onto the sparkling white tiles as Lexie shot to her feet in mortification and uncertainty. Where was she during that little fantasy? For surely it had to be simply that, a very intense fantasy... Lexie wondered as she snatched the offered towel, with a bit more surliness than intended. Dante’s face showed no sign that she had witnessed anything or that Lexie’s sudden ill temper had hurt her feelings. In fact, she had a look of complete comfort and composure.

  Two or three deep breaths and Lexie was able to face Dante and answer her. “I feel wonderful. I don’t know what you have in the water around here, but I feel cleaner than I ever have in my life.”


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