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No More Waiting (The James Family Book 3)

Page 7

by C. M. Steele

  “Vanessa, I love you and I plan to make an honest woman out of you. Will you marry me?”

  I nodded like a mad woman, squealing “Yes,” over and over again, I hugged him tightly then kissed him. “You know I will. Tim! I love you,” I cried out as he slipped the ring on my finger. “It’s huge! You shouldn’t have.”

  “I wanted to missy. So, thank you for saying yes, not that I was going to let you say no anyway.”

  “So, what if I said no?” I asked itching to get him riled up.

  “Well, all it would take is a screaming orgasm, baby. You know how compliant you get when you come for me.”

  “Damn, I guess I should have said no then,” I teased, wanting to mess with him.

  “No you shouldn’t have. If you want orgasms, I’ll give you a lifetime of them. Please don’t tell me you don’t want to marry me.” I hadn’t expected fear in his voice. I felt like a jerk.

  “I didn’t mean it,” I whispered, reaching for him and pulling him until our bodies locked tightly together. His cock sank in home. We rocked slowly, making love again. It wasn’t long before our bodies, tired and sated, passed out snuggling in each other’s arms.



  We woke up in the morning wrapped up in each other. Her body was on top of mine, resting with our legs intertwined and my arms hugging her close. I’d waited for this for so long that I didn’t know if I could let her go back to school. She was mine and being without her was too much for me. With my arms holding her tighter, I squeezed a little too hard. “Tim, are you okay?” Vanessa asked in a sleepy voice.

  “I’m feeling wonderful, why?” I lied. What if after yesterday she had changed her mind? The shock and then the pleasure clearing her head.

  “Because you’re all tensed up,” she replied looking at me with her chin resting on her hands that were on my chest.

  I sat up taking her with me. Her thighs on the outside of mine. “I’m sorry. What are your plans for school?”

  “Do you want me to stay?”

  “That’s a stupid question. Of course I want you to stay, but that’s not the issue. Do you want to stay or do you want to go back?”

  “After our first kiss, I didn’t want to leave.”

  “You know where this is going right?” I had to remind her where I’d been leading us with every call. There was no doubt in my mind that marriage and a hoard of children was my ultimate goal.

  “You want me to be your girlfriend?” she asked teasingly.

  “I want you to be my wife,” I growled, pressing my hips up into her mound, causing her to moan.

  “Oh. Are you sure?”

  “Baby, I haven’t been more sure about anything in my life. You’re the one. We’ve talked about this over and over again. I’m not letting you go. I’m yours, but before we go any further, I need to talk to your father.”

  “Does it have to be right now, or can we…?” She rolled her hips on stiff cock.

  “We can.” I flipped her onto her back and immediately moved my hand to her sweet spot. She was wet as fuck. I parted her curls thinking about how freaking delicious she was and how I planned to have her sit on my face and ride the fuck out of me.

  “You’re so wet. You make me thirsty. Fuck, I want that pussy on my face baby,” I growled working my way down her body, planting kisses on her soft pale flesh. She moaned the moment my lips sucked on her pussy lips. I groaned, our sex still lingered on her and sent a straight shock to my cock. I felt the first spurt of cum hit the sheets. I needed to be in her. Like an animal, I climbed on top of her and sunk into her depths.

  Taking her mouth, I bit at her lips making them part and granting me access to her tongue. She sucked on my tongue and thoughts of her sucking on my cock sent another stream of cum into her core. Like a trigger, my cum caused her to cry out, “I’m coming.” Her walls pulsed and squeezed every drop I had and gripping onto my length her pussy rubbing that vein at just the right time, unloading more cum.


  After our last round, I carried her to the shower and we scrubbed up really good. As we washed, I spotted the damage I did to her fair skin. She had love bites all over with a big ass one on her neck. Thankfully her long hair would cover it. But it was the short growing beard coming in that burned her flesh. Red patches covered her chest and inner thighs. What could I say, I loved eating her pussy. Before we leave, I’m going to have to shave. Can’t have her pretty body complete marred from my fur.



  We’d gotten back to the hospital in time to learn Cam was coming around and only thinking about Natalie. After visiting him, I stepped out of the room to have the talk with Simon James, Sr.

  “Mr. James, I’d like to have a word with you.” My countenance gave away my trepidation.

  “Sure, by the giant mark on my daughter’s neck, it’s necessary.” We walked into a private waiting room that happened to be empty. I locked the door because I didn’t want anyone else listening in on this.

  Before I could speak, he said, “Vanessa is an adult, a sheltered adult, but an adult nonetheless. You’re a good man, and your constant calls to her are proof that you can’t leave her be. Don’t worry, I don’t have her phone bugged or anything, but I do look at the phone bill. Just so you know, you’ve already got my blessing for what it’s worth.”

  “Thanks, it’s worth a lot. I don’t want her to be pushed away because she chose me.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with you. Most people aren’t as wealthy as us. So please don’t let that get to you. Cameron told me that your family treated you like a peasant.”

  “It wasn’t that. I actually have more money than I let on. Between years in the service, financial planning and a not so small family inheritance, I’m worth over hundred million.”

  “Wow, but you live in a small apartment?”

  “I didn’t need more than that, besides that my inheritance is new. Now, that is going to change We’re going to need more space. I want to give Vanessa whatever she wants.”

  He chuckled a bit. With a shake of his head, he added, “My wife and I saw this coming from the first time we saw you with her.”

  “Damn, it was that obvious?”

  “Boy, only Cameron was oblivious, but it was written all over your face. I assume you’re not going to let her go back to school.” His eyebrows scrunched as he waited for an answer.

  “Actually, I gave her the option.” He laughed because he knew Vanessa was opinionated as they come. If she was hell bent on staying, I couldn’t make her come home. I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated by the battles she planned to give me. Stubborn was just one of her qualities that turned me on and worked my nerves.

  “What if she decided to stay there?” he asked, wondering if I was strong enough to hold onto her.

  “Then we’d have our own place there and I’d let her follow her dreams within reason. Thanks, sir.” We gave each other a quick hug of congratulations.

  “So, before you knock my baby up you better get the wedding in order,” he said in warning.

  “Absolutely.” I turned to go back to Vanessa and let her know that it was all good, but then I remembered about Cam. “Mr. James, what about Cam? He’s been against her dating. With his injuries, I don’t know if it’s right to tell him.”

  “You’re right. Let’s try to keep it under wraps until he’s a little more recovered.”

  “I’ll do all I can to let him recover without flipping out, but once he does, I’m sure he’s going to give me shit.”

  “You can count on it, but she’s worth it.”

  “Damn right,” I said before searching for Vanessa.

  I found her outside in the room and silently asked what was going on. “He’s on the phone with Natalie. He doesn’t want her to panic so he’s not telling her the truth.”

  “That’s going to backfire on him one day.”

  “Yes, it is. I’m glad you understand that now, so we don’t have issues

  “Oh, yeah? Come here and give me a kiss.”


  “Woman, are you going to start giving me shit already.”

  “No, but I like when you work for it.”

  “Damn, princess.” I pulled her into my arms and kissed her hard until I heard a cough behind me. Simon was standing behind us with a big ass smile on his face.

  “About time, just don’t let Cam find out.” He walked passed us and into Cam’s room shaking his head all the way into the room.



  Time flew by fast, but we kept our little secret, all the while planning the wedding. Cam’s life had only begun to suck after the accident. Things went awry when Natalie broke up with Cam. He had no idea what he did wrong and we didn’t either. Natalie changed her number, so once Cam was able to travel, we went back to the school so he could find out what happened and tie her to him as soon as possible.

  We’d just landed in the private jet when Vanessa got a text message from Natalie’s best friend, Emmy.

  “Oh shit, Cam. Emmy sent me a pic,” she said, turning the phone toward him. The picture was of Natalie dressed provocatively. They were headed to a party. Vanessa was able to get the info we needed and we headed over there. Even with his cane, Cam wasn’t going to be stopped. He decked some guy that was just about to kiss Natalie.

  We dragged her out of the party with Cam limping out after us. She started to pound on him, and I had to hold her ass back. She was so mad at him, but we had no freaking clue why.

  Dropping them off at their hotel room, I warned her to leave him alone that he was still recovering. It took her a moment to comprehend that he was seriously hurt. Once we left them to talk it out, I flipped my woman over my shoulder and took her back to our hotel room. Since Vanessa booked the rooms, Cam didn’t know that we were sharing. I was ready to tell him the truth, but Vanessa was still worried that he needed time. Especially because he was going through hell with Natalie.

  “Put me down, mad man.”

  “I will…when we get in bed.” I swatted at her bottom and unlocked the door to our room. Something about seeing all these young college jocks and the one hanging on Natalie got me jealous. She was there in college before we got together and even though her pussy was untouched that didn’t mean she didn’t want any of those fucks or maybe they looked better to her now that we had time together.

  “Mine.” I flopped her down on the bed and climbed on top of her. My heart was racing as I stared down at Vanessa. Her eyes were wide, but eager. The past few weeks had been intense. I actually stayed at their place because we learned that his accident wasn’t one. His car had been tampered with, and I wasn’t going to leave her unprotected. Her parents didn’t complain because I gave her a huge rock which she showed them after her father’s blessing. She put the ring on a necklace that she wore all the time until we told Cam.

  “Mine,” I reminded her.

  “Prove it.” I took her face in my hands and kissed her hard. She tugged on my hair, pulling and clawing. Breaking away, I moved down to her jaw, nipping and kissing her until I reached the break between the hem of her shirt, and the top of her jeans. I kissed the bare spot before unzipping her jeans, slipping them down her legs until I reached her feet, while leaving her panties on. I love the feel of my cock against the silk of her sweet snatch and her tiny cloth that hid what was mine. Flipping off her heeled boots, I took her pants all the way off. I loved her so much.

  “Baby, you’re going to get nailed to the bed, pinned to me. Possession is nine-tenths of the law, babe. I’ll own that pussy.” I stood up after placing a kiss on her covered mound. Taking off my clothes slowly, I licked my lips and watched her thighs rub together.

  “What’s up, baby? You like me taking my time?”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m ready to be possessed.” Her hands moved to the hem of her blouse and she splayed her hands along her flat abs. The tip her of fingers brushed against the edge of her panties. She bit her lip, while watching me intently.



  After waking up from a night of delicious fucking, I eagerly wanted more. Jumping in the shower for a quick cleaning, I was trying to sneak into bed before Tim. That wasn't going to happen. I stepped out of the bathroom and Tim was facing the window with his bare back to me. I sauntered up to him letting my towel fall to the floor, then wrapped her arms around him, my bare breasts pressed against his sexy back. "Tim, come back to bed."

  Tim whipped around and that was when I saw the cell he had in his hand. Immediately, I knew the cat was out of the bag. Cam roared on the other end of the line. Tim didn't know what to say and I felt like an idiot. We didn't have anything to hide. I was an adult, and even though he was a lot older than me, we loved each other. Cam needed to hush up and deal with it. After last night, I knew that he could handle the truth. Hell, he saw his woman in the arms of another man.

  "It's okay. I don't need to work for him. I liked adding to my income, but now that I inherited more than I could ever earn, I have time to spend with you."

  "Fuck that. Cam needs to grow the fuck up. We didn't tell him because he was hurt, but we're engaged. There's nothing left to hide. I love that we can relax and enjoy each other without you having to work, but it should be on your terms."

  "I'm not afraid of your brother, I just don't need the bullshit,” Tim grumbled, bending down and kissing me. It turned into dirty passionate kiss our chests pressed tightly against each other. His cock told me that Cam wasn’t even a thought in his head right now, which was what I wanted, but I was afraid my hotheaded brother would march his crippled ass down here limping and all to start some shit. I broke our kiss and placed my head on his broad, strong chest.

  “Then, let’s go up there and deal with him. I’m tired and I really prefer to go back to bed where I can be served breakfast—particularly some sausage,” I whispered planting tiny kisses and slowly sinking to the floor. I nipped at his boxers.

  He growled and picked me up off my knees. “Damn it, not now. I’d love to have breakfast in bed, but we’ve held off long enough. Get your sexy ass dressed and we’ll deal with your brother.”


  We pounded on the door, but my brother refused to answer it. “Fuck, go away,” he shouted, sounding really pissed, but that wasn’t going to stop me. He fucked up my naughty morning with my fiancé.

  “Cam! You open the door this instant,” I shouted back. Fuck if I was going to give in.

  I heard footsteps that halted, then I heard a lighter step, must be Natalie coming to the door. For months, we hid our relationship because of him. I wasn’t going to let him push me away because he hated that I was all grown up.

  Natalie opened the door and gave me a warning, “Vanessa, calm down. Whatever you need to yell at him will have to wait. He’s in pain.” Instantly, I was in panic mode. The doctor advised against taking this trip, but Cam’s hardheaded ass decided that it didn’t matter. He said that all that matter was Nat.

  I rushed to his side and ranted like a worried mother. “Damn it, Cam, they told you to take it easy. Have you used the cane? Of course you haven’t. You fight with guys when you’re broken. You don’t need a cane.”

  Nat rushed over to go get Cam’s pills, forcing him to take them. Although at the moment, I don’t think he needed to be forced. Before any of us could react he pulled Nat onto his lap. “Don’t move. I’m trying not to kill this bastard here,” Cam snarled, looking directly at Tim while holding tightly onto his woman.

  “Cam, get over it. I’m not a kid anymore.”

  Nat looked confused so Cam explained what happened to her. I twisted my lips, I didn’t give a shit that he was bitchy. He was lucky he was hurt. Cam had always been overprotective and that was what made him angry. He needed to understand that Tim was perfect for me.

  “Cam, please. Tim and I are happy. You’d be happy for us if I wasn’t your sister.”

  He looked a
t me angrily, but Tim pulled me close, not letting Cam take out all his anger out on me. “I wouldn’t give a shit if you weren’t my sister, but you are my sister.” His expression hardened when he aimed it at Tim, “So fuckhead, are you going to let my sister talk for you? I guess so because you’ve had a month to be a man and tell me the truth.”

  Tim tried to calm down because he knew that Cam was being irrational. “Look, I know that you’re pissed. If I had a sister, I’d be pissed, too, but I love Vanessa. I would have told you as soon as it happened, but you were knocked out, and we were busy looking for the fuck who tampered with your brakes,” he hissed.

  “For someone who kept a secret from the woman you claimed to love, you’re being a bit of a hypocrite just because they kept a secret from you. I forgave you,” Nat said as she turned his face to her and gave a pout. He was putty in her hands. I tried not to laugh, but Tim wasn’t fazed.

  “Cam, you need to understand that I’m not going anywhere. I’ve asked your sister to marry me, so you’d better get used to the idea,” Tim said as he stuck out his hand to my brother trying to end the argument.

  Before Cameron could even raise his own hand, Nat jumped out of his lap and squealed as she saw the rock on my hand. We squealed together, and the guys actually laughed at us. At least they were getting along for that.

  “Dude, I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you about us. I’m not trying to hide our relationship. We’re all worried about you, so we thought it was best not to say shit until you were better,” Tim said and stuck out this hand again. I hoped my brother doesn’t continue to be an ass.

  Cameron shook his friend’s hand, but let him know he still wasn’t gravy yet. “I’m not happy, but at least you put a rock on her finger. It makes it a little better, but just wait until I’m better. Then we go in the ring.” Tim nodded in agreement. We shared a smile thinking about what we had said before about letting Cam win a round.


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