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Page 8

by Blair Grey

  I needed Draven – he was the only one who could handle this.

  And, I trusted he would.

  He was the only one I could trust.

  Chapter 14


  “I just thought you deserved a break after your week,” I said.

  “I appreciate it, but this is too much, don’t you think?” Jade looked around the restaurant, and I waved my hand with a shake of my head.

  “No, of course not. When’s the last time you’ve been taken out and treated like you deserve to be treated?” I asked.

  “Well…” she let the word hang in the air. I knew she hadn’t been out on a date in quite some time, and I wanted to give her a nice night. For more reasons than one, if I were perfectly honest with myself.

  I wanted her to know she was protected and appreciated by the club first of all. She had been really worried about the fact those men had approached her at the bar the Friday before.

  Of course, I had brushed it off as nothing, but the fact of the matter was that I was worried about it, too. She brought up some really good points, and she was right. It didn’t make sense that they were able to pinpoint her as the one they had to talk to if they were after pills.

  That meant they found out, and I wasn’t sure how that was possible. I wasn’t sure how anyone would be able to figure it out without being part of the plan directly, but everyone who was part of what we were doing were men I would trust with my life.

  No, something else had to be going on, and I wasn’t sure what it was. I spent most of the week trying to figure it out, but with little luck. The more I dug into it, the muddier the situation had become, and I wasn’t sure what to do from here.

  I wasn’t worried about her safety. I knew she was going to be okay, and I was going to get it taken care of. I just wasn’t sure when. And, with each passing day, I knew it was better to get this wrapped up sooner rather than later.

  Sure, I wanted her to keep getting the pills for us as long as possible, but when it came down to it, I wanted her to be safe first and foremost, and I was willing to cut off the supply of pills to the MC rather than keeping putting her in danger. Jett would understand, and so would the rest of the men.

  I was more than happy with what we had earned from the pills so far, and I wanted her to know it, too.

  So, after she had gotten off work on Friday, I told her we were going to out to dinner. Of course, she tried to decline, and then she tried to tell me she should be looking better first, but I wasn’t listening. I thought she was still the hottest woman in the world, and I wanted to get to the restaurant before it got busy.

  We settled into our table, and I smiled at her, thanking her on behalf of the entire MC for what she had done.

  “I’m glad I was able to help,” she said. “But you know that I did this because you helped me first.”

  “I’m glad that we were able to help you,” I told her. “You know it means a lot to the MC to be able to help the members of the community. I know we get a bad rep most of the time for what we do, but there’s a lot of times when we really want to see people happy, too.”

  “If you had told me that before I really got to know you, I would have laughed at you,” she said with a shake of her head. “But now that I’ve really gotten to know you a bit more, I can agree with you. I’m glad that you are able to help people when you can. I mean, that you do anyway. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

  “Well, I wanted to let you know that I made another payment toward that loan, and you don’t owe us anymore,” I said. I hadn’t been sure how I was going to break it to her, but the words came out before I had a chance to stop them. They hung in the air for a moment, then she looked at me with a bit of confusion in her gaze.

  “I thought I still had a few more payments to make,” she said. “I mean, a few more weeks, anyway. I’m not there yet. I’ve been keeping track at home, and with what I gave you to put into the account yesterday, I should still have a couple more.”

  “I know you’re supposed to on paper,” I told her. “But I talked to Jett and Blade about it, and we are all in agreement that this not only went better than we thought it would, but that you went above and beyond anything we could have asked you to do. You made a lot more money in a shorter amount of time than we were thinking, and well, we can call it even.”

  I smiled, and before she had the chance to reply, the waitress came back around and refilled out drinks. We never talked about this sort of thing in front of people, so Jade knew better than to say anything about it while the waitress was standing there.

  But, I could see by the look on her face she wanted the woman to hurry up so she could talk to me again.

  “I’m going to pay you back the rest of the way,” she said as soon as we were alone again. “I know how much I owe you, and I’m not going to walk away from it now just because of the fact I’m almost there. I know we made more with this than we thought, but that’s just a bonus for you.”

  “Shouldn’t you be in on the bonus?” I asked her. “You are the one who has been doing the hardest part of the work.”

  “The bonus for me is that my father is doing better than ever. I didn’t think he was going to respond this well to the medication, but he’s surprising everyone. If things keep going like this, I think he might pull through altogether.”

  She smiled a bright, genuine smile, and my heart skipped a beat. That was the best news I’d heard all day, and I had to admit, it surprised me how happy it made me that she was so happy.

  I cared about her father, but more than that, I cared about her. I wanted nothing more than for her to be happy, and she was. To think that we were able to provide that for her made me feel on top of the world, that was for sure.

  I wanted to make her happy, and I would do anything to keep making her happy.

  “Well, isn’t that enough for you?” I asked. “You could use the rest of the money that you would owe us and put it toward something nice for the two of you.”

  “No,” she said with a shake of her head. “If there was one thing my father taught me when I was young, it was that we paid back our debts. I don’t care who it was to or what it was for. I told you I would pay you back for what you’ve done for me, and I’m going to do it.”

  “Even though things might get harder with these other MC?” I didn’t want to bring it up, but that was part of the reason why I wanted to release her from having to pay back the rest of the debt. I knew she was worried about it, and the last thing I wanted was for her to have to do something she didn’t want to do.

  But, to my surprise, she brushed it off with another smile.

  “I know they’re interested,” she said. “But I’m being careful. I don’t know what they think they’re going to do, but I’m not going to be working for them. Nothing they say or do is going to change my mind on that. I’m going to get through this, and I’m going to pay back what I owe. Then I can be done with this, okay?”

  “If that’s what you want,” I said with a smile. I shook my head. If there was a way for me to like her more, then I would have, but I didn’t know if that was possible. The fact that she was going to insist on paying us back the money when I gave her an easy way out was an even bigger turn on.

  I knew she was good, and I knew she was reliable, but to pay us back even when she didn’t have to just proved that she had a good work ethic. I had to admit, I likely would have done the same thing. That was just the sort of guy that I was.

  “But,” Jade said with a smile. “There is one thing I wanted to do for you to thank you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “For all that you’ve done for me,” she said with a sly smile. I gave her an inquisitive look, but she just glanced around the restaurant before slipping under the table. I gasped as she worked with my pants for a moment, pulling out my cock and taking me in her mouth.

  Of course, I was almost instantly hard when she touched me, but the fact that she was blow
ing me under the table in this restaurant was almost too much. She worked on me with her tongue, pleasuring me quickly and with as much passion as she could give me.

  The fact that we could be caught at any moment made it the hottest oral I’d ever received, and I could hardly control myself. As I came in her mouth, I knew this was the woman for me. Everything she did was a turn on, and I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

  I didn’t think it was possible to like her more, but with the way she had just done that in the middle of this restaurant, I knew this was the woman for me. With a grin, she wiped her mouth as she climbed back into her chair, acting as though nothing had happened when the waitress returned to see how we were doing.

  I just looked at Jade with an awestruck expression. I hadn’t ever been with a woman as amazing as her, and I couldn’t wait to see what she was going to do next. For the first time in my life, I was considering making a woman my old lady, and I had to admit, I couldn’t have made a better choice.

  This woman was perfection, and I had managed to make her mine. No, I had claimed her as my own. She was mine.

  No one else had a say in the matter.

  Chapter 15


  I couldn’t get my date with Draven out of my mind. It had been a few days, and I had to admit, the weekend had been much the same as all the rest. There wasn’t anything out of the ordinary with it, and I just went about things as usual with my dad, but something felt different.

  There was a new tone that seemed to settle in on my relationship with Draven. As much as I wanted to believe nothing had changed, I knew I was starting to fall for him in a whole new way. This was more than just falling for him as my hero, or crushing on him in the way that I had been for the months he was just another customer at the pharmacy.

  No, there was something new about this. Something so much greater. I was almost afraid to admit to myself just how much I enjoyed what was going on. I really liked Draven, but as the more time went by, the more I really enjoyed him.

  I could almost picture our lives together – more than just what we had going on with the pills and the pharmacy. The more time we spent together, the more I started to feel like this was beyond what I had been doing for him.

  This was more than him just laying claim to me and making me his own. This was so much more than all the other things that were going on. I hated to think that I might actually be in love, but I had a feeling that was the only way to really explain it.

  After all, I did really enjoy the time I spent with him, but after the date, I realized there was more than just the primal thrill that ran through me every time I saw him. Now, there was something a lot more innocent. Sure, we were having sex every chance we got, and I still couldn’t wait until the next time I could spread my legs for him, but at the same time, I was starting to get butterflies every time I saw him.

  I was starting to really care what I looked like when he came in, and I wanted to know what he thought of this look or that. There was so much more to it now that we were progressing, and I didn’t understand it.

  But, at the same time, I didn’t want to over think it, either. For the first time in as long as I could remember, this was the happiest I’d been. I wasn’t worried about my father. I wasn’t worried that I was going to lose my job. I wasn’t worried I wasn’t going to be able to pay back the MC.

  All I could think about was how happy Draven made me, and how I was moving forward in my life. I was happier than I thought possible, and for the first time in my life, I wasn’t just waiting for the shoe to drop.

  If my dad got better, he would be able to take care of himself. I would be able to better live my own life, and I would be more of a daughter to him again than a caretaker. He would be proud of the life I was living, and though I wouldn’t ever tell him the full truth about Draven, I knew he would be happy that I was happy with someone.

  I would work my way up in my job, and though I knew I should get out of this side of things eventually, I knew I would make a lot of money in the pharmaceutical world eventually. It was all going to work out for me, and I was going to be happy for good now.

  I dared to think that maybe I had been past all the hard times in my life. God knew I had been through enough to last a lifetime, that was for darn sure, and I was ready to move on with my life and just be happy. It was a good feeling, and I couldn’t wait to see where life took me next.

  I was so happy with the way things had been going, I didn’t give it a second thought when the door buzzed and two men walked in. It wasn’t until they had reached the front counter that I realized they were part of the rival MC. Hell’s Crusaders, as I remembered.

  My heart thudded and my voice caught in my throat. I was the only one up front, and I wanted to tell them to get out right then, but I knew I had to be professional. For all I knew, they might have their own prescriptions, and I might be allowed to fill it.

  I didn’t want to cause a scene, especially if they were real customers. But, there was something about the way they looked at me that told me they weren’t there for medication. At least, they weren’t there to get their own. No, they had come for what they had asked me for a few weeks ago, and I worried they weren’t going to leave until they got it.

  “Can I help you?” I asked before they had the chance to speak. I wanted to maintain the upper hand as much as I could, and if I was the one who opened the conversation, I at least maintained the appearance of having the control.

  “I think you know what we’re here for,” one of the men said.

  “Well, if you want a prescription, I’m going to have to see the slip from your doctor,” I told him.

  “From what I understand, you aren’t too worried about that,” he laughed. “And, we’re here to tell you that it would be smart for you to start helping us out. I would hate for you to need to bring a doctor into your own life, if you know what I mean.”

  I knew he was threatening me, and it made me sick to my stomach. I didn’t know how much about me these men knew, but I had a feeling it was a lot. There was a part of me that wanted to demand they tell me everything. I wanted to know how they knew what I was doing for the Steel Wings, and I wanted to know how much they knew about me besides that.

  Hell, if they had done much research on me at all, they would know that I was with Draven, and he wasn’t going to put up with any of the shit they were trying to pull on me now.

  “Do you want me to call for my manager?” I asked. “Because I’m not sure what you’re talking about, and I’m not going to be passing out medication to anyone who doesn’t have the proper paperwork.”

  They looked at each other again, and my stomach dropped. They weren’t going to back down, I could see that now. I knew I was going to have to think of something, and fast, if I was going to make it out of this. For all I knew, they could have guns and be ready to rob the place.

  Hell, they could shoot me where I stood and get away with it, taking away my chance at ever being happy in life. I hated to think that it could be the case, but there was always that chance, and it made me sick to my stomach to think so.

  They continued talking, and I did my best to focus on the moment. I knew to get through it, I had to be present. I couldn’t panic, and I couldn’t let the fear set in. They were already doing a great job of scaring me, and I knew that’s what they wanted.

  If they were able to get me to give them the medication, all I was saying would be lost. They would get their way, and they would be able to use it as leverage against me in the future. I hated to think of what they would do if I really called the cops.

  But then, they might know that I wasn’t going to do that. After all, if I were to call the cops, I would be risking them finding out about the truth. If these men had proof of what I had been doing, then it would all be for nothing.

  My world would come crashing down around me, and I knew it would all be lost. I had to keep my head on straight, and I had to think of a plan. Finally,
something came to me. It wasn’t much, but I knew it was my best shot at getting out of there.

  When the man finally took a break, I sighed. “Alright, you want your medication, I’ll get you some. But I’m only doing it this one time, and if I ever see you around here again, there’s going to be trouble.”

  “Alright,” he said with a nod. I slipped toward the back, my palms sweaty. I knew he was watching me, but there was no way he would be able to see me once I went through the door toward the supplies.

  As soon as I was out of sight, I ducked through the back door and into the alley. It was the only thing I could think to do, and I knew I was going to have to act quickly. Pulling out my cell phone, I tried to call Draven. I wasn’t sure what I was going to say, but I knew I could get him to come down to the pharmacy faster than anyone else.

  I needed him there. He would know what to do with these men, and I could go from there. All I had to do was hold them off a little while longer.

  The phone rang, but before he answered, a strong hand grabbed me. I tried to scream, but another hand clamped down over my mouth.

  “There’s going to be none of that,” a voice laughed. I looked around to see more MC members around me, but they were all with the other MC. My heart sank. I was surrounded, and I didn’t know how I was going to get out of this. They could kill me, and I had a feeling they might.

  But as though my willing it into the universe made it happen, before they had the chance to do anything to me, Draven appeared. He flew into the alley throwing his fists and dragging the men off me, his gun drawn and pointed at any one who dared to move.

  “I thought I told you men to get the fuck out of here,” he growled.

  “Pretty bold of you to come against us all on your own,” one of the men said, but Draven didn’t back down. He continued to threaten them.


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