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Dragon Protectors

Page 12

by Kristin D. Van Risseghem

  “Sorry, I didn’t even think to train you on that. Since we’re all males, it never occurred to me.” Staten presses his lips in a thin line.

  “It’s okay. I know how now.”

  We eat our dinner and then head out of the restaurant. The sun is setting, splashing dark blue and purple waves in the sky. The short walk to the park entrance gives me an uneasy feeling. The farther we head on the road that cuts through the property, I notice that the lawn is groomed, the shrubs are trimmed, and tall trees line the streets. The park is well cared for.

  Taking a left off the main street, we run across the sports grounds and past a building. We press up against a dense thicket.

  “Brooklyn, no matter what happens tonight, stay close to one of us,” Staten says. “Do as you’re told, so we can worry less about you.”

  “I don’t need codd—”

  He holds up his hand. “Call your magic up, and keep it hovering all over your body, pressing it against yourself, so it’s ready in case you need to change. I’ll lead. Manny and McQueen, take her sides. We’ll stay in human form as long as we can, so we’re not showing aggression toward them.”

  “If it comes to fighting,” I say. “I’m not sitting it out. I won’t have you guys die for me.”

  “Babe.” McQueen squeezes my hand. “It’s what we are. We are your protectors, and we need to keep you safe.”

  “That does not mean you have to die for me. It doesn’t mean that you do all the fighting for me. I’m not a child. I may not be able to change as fast as you guys, and I may not be able to kill another dragon, but I’m bigger than most others I’ve seen, so I can use my body weight.”

  Manny’s mouth opens but I stop him. “I’m not done.” He smirks. “If I’m to really become the Pride Leader, then I have to be willing to take risks for the whole group. That doesn’t mean putting you in front of me all the time. I will be next to you. Treat me as an equal. That’s all I’m asking.”

  “I was just going to tell you,” Manny finally says. “That you are wearing the earrings that Staten gave you and the necklace I gave you for your birthday, and that you’ll want to keep them safe.”

  I drop my eyes, “Ah, thanks.” So he had noticed but didn’t say anything about them. I twirl the ring on my right hand, thinking of keeping it safe for Bronx, so he can see me wearing it the next time we see each other.

  After my little rant, we continue forward in the dark. The trees hide our shadows and without any city and streetlights, there is only the moon and the stars out to guide us to our destination. I have no idea where that is, so I’m following behind Staten.

  As we make our way, up ahead on a small hill stands a cross. It soars high into the sky. The white stone, or whatever material it’s made from, has no lights highlighting it.

  The park has long since closed as we climb the hill to the base of the monument. From up here, we can see for miles in all directions. I bet on a clear, sunny day, it’s even farther. On the opposite side is a staircase leading to parking lots. It’s lined with trees and a forest behind that.

  My boys tense but don’t grab for any of their hidden weapons. Peaceful contact is what Staten said. They scan the area, making me become alert and look for any strangers in our midst.

  And then we see them, stalking out of the tree line. Five dragons. From this distance, I can’t tell their coloring. Their heads are held high. There could be more behind them.

  As large as they are, they don’t make any sounds. If I hadn’t seen them with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have known them to be in the park with us. They continue to advance, and we hold our ground. Could they communicate with us since we’re from different Prides?

  The center one keeps walking while the four flanking his sides stop. The dragon before us is varying shades of blue. His black eyes roam over each of my companions. His head angles to see me better since I’m still stuck behind Staten and sandwiched between Manny and McQueen.

  I shove my way through them, taking two steps forward. The dragon growls. My boys answer with their own loud snarls, which in turns sparks the rest of them to do the same.

  “Stop it,” I say. “I’m guessing that you can understand me, so you’ll need to show me a sign.” I point to myself. “I’m Brooklyn Bryer, and I’ve come to see your Leader.” The blue dragon nods his head. “You will take me to him, along with safe passage for me and my protectors.” I wave to my boys. The dragon shakes his head as loud rumbling sounds emit from him. His wings extend and flap. “I don’t mean you or the Pride harm. I just need to speak to your Leader.”

  “It’d be easier if they shifted to human form, so we’re not having this one-sided discussion,” Staten says.

  “I know, but I understand why they aren’t.” Turning back to the beast in front of us, I say, “We’re from New York’s Pride.” He nods. “And it’s imperative that I get guidance from your Leader. He needs to teach me or show me how to command the Pride.”

  The rest of the dragons rustle their wings. They must not like what I said. Perhaps they think I’m a human who wants to be in charge of all dragons. Should I show them? It might put them at ease.

  Magic hums around us. It’s strong, more potent than I’ve felt in a long time. It’s old and strange, but not. The snout and jaw we’ve been looking at morphs into a human mouth, but everything else remains the dragon. That’s good to know that I might be able to do that, too.

  “What are you?” he asks.

  “We are dragons,” Staten says.

  “I know you three are, but what is she?”

  “I’m a dragon,” I say.

  “There is no such thing.”

  Our focus has been on the animal standing before us, so we didn’t see some of the others follow suit. They look strange with human lips.

  “Trickery or something,” someone shouts.

  “No, I swear it’s not a trick. I’ll prove it.”

  Before my boys can stop me, I take a step forward and let my magic take me. I’ve had it out and on the ready since we walked into the park. The shift is almost instant.

  The Irish dragons back up. Some take to the sky. But the blue one holds his ground and rears up. Smoke blows out from his nose.

  I hear my boys change. They answer with their own billowing smoke.

  And then it begins. Exactly what we didn’t want to happen.

  The five Irish dragons charge us, three from the ground and two from the sky.

  Staten meets the aerial attack while we take on the rest. Despite all my big words from earlier, I’m scared shitless. This is real. This is life and death. My boys could die. I could die.

  I wish Bronx were here. Not to die with us, but to even the odds. He’s a great fighter, and I’m lucky to have him in my corner. But I can’t think of him right now. I need to focus on what’s happening in front of me.

  Manny and McQueen charge the blue dragon since he’s the immediate threat. I leave them to it so I’m not distracting them or getting in the way. Instead, I let the two others come to me. I lead them away to give us room to maneuver.

  I’m a head and neck taller than my opponents. I remember my training with McQueen about using my height and weight as the advantage over more experienced fighters. I’m not as quick as they are. My large tail swings back and forth, and my black leathery wings expand, trying to make me look as threatening as possible.

  I fill my chest with the building heat. Once they come near, I’ll unleash fire. It doesn’t take long for them to be in range. I shoot fire toward them. They dodge it easily, as if they’re ready for it. I won’t be the needy girlfriend who needs saving, at least not yet. But I don’t want to kill these guys.

  I have no idea how Staten is faring with his two foes, nor how Manny and McQueen are doing against the blue dragon. The two I’m battling are trying to corral me. I remember what happened last time I was herded. My dragon didn’t like it. I didn’t know anything back then, and I won’t be sidelined now if I can at least hold my own.
br />   I spare a glance at my boys, even though I know exactly where they are because of our connection. They look to be okay. They aren’t dead, so that’s a plus.

  The cream and the lavender dragons don’t need to come to me. I rush the purple one on my right, catching him off guard while I throw all of my weight into his chest. He stumbles and goes down. I roll so I don’t face-plant, using the momentum to spring back onto my legs. I’m ready for the cream-colored one as he charges me. I slam my tail into his legs. He leaps over it and doesn’t expect my neck to be so long as I’m curled into a tight ball. My teeth graze his wings, shredding them.

  A horrific screech fills the night.

  I don’t let up. As sad as it makes me seeing another dragon in pain, I snap at his neck. Using my claws, I scratch along his body. Blood pools around us, making the ground slippery. I’m so focused on the animal on the ground that suddenly, I’m thrown off balance.

  I’m exactly where I don’t ever want to be: beneath a dragon baring his teeth against my neck.

  My magic builds again. It’s flickering since I’m so scared. This is it. I barely made it out of my teenage years. I’ve been the Pride Leader for all of a couple of days, but I’ve experienced love on a level so deep that I’m glad I have my boys. All of them.

  He’s pulling his head back, jaws opening, ready to make the kill.

  “Brooklyn!” Manny screams. “Get up! Don’t stop fighting. We’re coming.”

  A different kind of burn starts in my heart and courses throughout my body. Bright green magic glows on my scales. It’s pulsing, building.

  “Babe, fight. Remember what I taught you.”

  It all happens so fast. I hear my boys in my mind. I see them coming toward me. They are bringing the three others with them.

  “Be who you are meant to be,” Staten says.

  The lavender dragon’s head nears mine, saliva dripping into my face.

  I don’t close my eyes. Instead, I growl at my attacker. I’m not a coward. I’m a freaking Pride Leader. The only female dragon since the beginning. I don’t need saving. I can do this on my own. With renewed energy and gusto, I launch my attack. My body moves, trying to buck him off of me. My tail swings as my legs kick. Fire erupts from my mouth, and I send it toward the dragon in front of me.

  Everyone lands around me, shaking the ground.

  Teeth break through my scales. Liquid runs down my neck. My vision is fuzzy. None of this stops my fighting. I can feel my body growing weaker by the moment. No amount of magic will save me. Or will it?

  The familiar flame ignites. I let it fill me, let it overtake me. And when I can’t contain it any longer, let it blast out from me.

  Pressure from my chest lessens. Then the purple dragon is off me. I turn my head and see blurry forms around me. They’re going to kill my boys, and I don’t have the energy to stop them. My magic is waning. My scales are turning back to human skin. My snout is pressing back into my face. Black hair hides my view of them.

  From the sandalwood smell to my right, and the lavender and lemongrass to my left, I know my boys surround me, watching me pass to wherever dragons go. I wish again Bronx could be with me.

  I’ll miss them all.


  Boroughs, I can still hear them. This dying must take forever.

  “Brooklyn?” Manny’s sweet voice. My first boyfriend.

  “Get up.” Staten’s harsh voice. Of course, he can’t be nice to me even when I’m on my deathbed. “You’re not dying. It’s only a scratch.”

  I flip my hair out of my eyes and see eight pairs of eyes staring at me. A collective gasp is released. I lift my arm to see for myself that I’m still whole. I’m glad to see that I’m fully clothed in my badass warrior outfit.

  Manny kneels next to me and extends his hand out. I take it, and he guides me to a sitting position. He’s such a gentleman.

  Everyone takes a step back.

  “What happened?” I ask. “How am I not dead?” I look at the five new guys who are hovering. Then my fingers graze my neck.

  “I can explain that.” A red-haired guy steps forward. “I went in for the killing blow, but your body was turning back into its human form. Something caught my eye, and I stayed my claws. Something told me not to kill you when I saw the jewelry you wear. They glowed and pulsed with something I’ve never seen before. A blue square line connected them. I immediately turned human so your protectors wouldn’t kill us. Shortly after, everyone changed, and we’ve been waiting for you.”

  “Can you stand?” Manny asks.

  I nod, and he helps me up.

  “Hello, I’m Declan. May I see your jewelry?”

  I look at Staten. He bows his head ever so slightly. I step forward, toss my hair back, and tilt my head up. Declan traces a finger around my ear, down my neck, and arm, landing on the ring and bracelet on my right hand. My boys growl. He shrugs but then lifts the silver wings with his fingers. “Yeah, you’re going to want to come with us,” he says.

  Declan and his group escort us across the park and toward the Farmleigh House. We walk on a dirt road leading up to a three-story mansion. It’s beautiful. I can’t wait to see it in the daylight. White and yellow daffodils dot the lawn. A pillared awning covers the main door.

  We don’t enter through the double wooden doors but rather use a hidden side door in the back. The entire house is dark as we descend into the basement. After two long flights of stairs, we stop before two massive white doors.

  “I haven’t announced your arrival,” Declan says. “Pride Leader Sean might not be here, but we’ll get to that.” He pushes the solid panels and motions us through.

  Is he leading us into a trap? Do I trust him? The enormous room is lit with dozens of sconces hanging from the ceiling. All the walls are white marble, with honey-colored flooring, and dark furniture accented by dark green fabrics.

  It has a very old world feeling. I love it.

  If this room was on the main floor and it was a castle, the throne would be in the room as royalty overseas a glamorous ball or wedding. A nice seating area is arranged in the far corner.

  “I’ll go see if I can find Sean,” Declan says. “Please stay here. The guys will make sure that you don’t wander off.”

  We watch as Declan exits through an archway. This has been a turn of events that no one expected. We found the dragons, I’m about to meet with Pride Leader Sean, and then we can hurry home and find Bronx.

  “Hey, Bronx, we’re still in Ireland and now about to meet with their leader. Looks like tomorrow we’ll head home and start looking for you. Hang in there.”

  I don’t expect a response, but I’m also reminded that I should check in with Noelle when I get a chance to see what she’s found out about the drones.

  “Staten?” I opt to communicate with my boys mentally until we know we can trust the Irish Pride.


  “When we get some down time, you should check in with your dad to see if there is anything new?”

  He nods.

  The wait is killing me. My leg bounces, and then I’m up pacing the room. I feel the eyes of everyone watching me. The Irish guys because they’re curious about me being the only female dragon. And my boys, well, they always watch me.

  Then the large door that Declan went through opens and in steps an extremely tall man. He has jet-black hair, broad shoulders, and eyes that narrow in on me.

  It’s late in the evening and not a hair is out of place on him. This, I assume, is Sean. He’s wearing dark gray business pants and a crisp, white shirt that’s rolled at the sleeves. To say he’s intimidating doesn’t even cover it. He radiates anger. His head is held high as his shoulders press back. Only his eyes flicker to me and then to my protectors.

  Sean’s Pride loosely gathers around him. Mine does the same to me. I wait for him to address me.

  “Sit,” Declan says to us.

  We do as we’re instructed. Staten to my right and McQueen to my left. Manny k
eeps watch behind us on the couch. “Hello. I’m Brooklyn Bryer from New York.” Sean nods. “I’m sure that Declan has told you what happened earlier?” He nods again. “Good. I’m here on behalf of the New York Pride. I need training, and Mr. Queen suggested your name. As a prominent and respected Leader in the dragon community—”

  I’ve heard my dad spew words to dignitaries and diplomats to placate them. I thought it was appropriate for this situation as well.

  Sean holds up a hand. “You can stop with the ass kissing. I know very well that Queen did not send you to me. I was probably your last choice since none of the others would be willing to degrade themselves to teach another Pride’s dragon to become its leader.”

  “Actually, Mr. ... I didn’t get your last name. Declan didn’t provide it to me.”


  “Mr. O’Dell, you are my first choice. I’ve heard great stories about you and how you run your Pride.”

  “Oh, really? Do tell me some of these stories.”

  I blanch. He’s calling my bluff.

  “Pride Leader O’Dell,” Staten says. “You are one of the youngest leaders on the oldest Council in Europe. You transitioned about nineteen years ago, when you were twenty-one years old.” Oh my, that would make him only forty, my parents’ ages. “You have tight control over your members,” Staten continues. “But they respect you since you give them a vote in all major decisions. Brooklyn thought you’d be the best to learn from.”

  “Are you really a dragon?” Sean asks.

  “Yes, I am. Didn’t Declan and the others tell you?”

  “They did, but I need to know for myself.”

  “Would you like me to show you?” I stand. He stands, too, and nods.

  “Clear the room.” It doesn’t take a second command; his dragons leave us. They don’t turn back. “Did you not understand?” he asks.

  Oh, he means my Pride, too. I look at my boys and from their faces, they don’t want me in a room alone with Sean. Manny and McQueen both have their arms crossed. I don’t want to be by myself either, but we need him to teach me. I’ll give him anything, almost anything, to get that done, so we can go home and find Bronx.


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