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Crime of Passion

Page 13

by Roy Glenn

  “Desireé and I met at a pool party at my house. I met her a couple of days later and we made love by the pool.” India said, apparently enjoying the fact that she was making Carmen feel uncomfortable. “She came there with Roland. When he was ready to leave, Desireé made up some excuse and she stayed. She told me afterwards that Roland knew why she wanted to stay.”

  “Roland knew?”

  “Yes, Carmen,” India laughed lightly. “Roland knew all about me and Desireé. We've made love while Roland watched. He liked to watch me make love to Desireé.”

  “He just liked to watch?”

  “Roland is impotent. She said he got off on watching people make love to her.”

  Carmen held up her hand. “Would you like a drink, India? I sure need one right about now.”

  “Anything you have is fine,” India said and giggled.

  “All I have is Bacardi and Hennessy.” There she goes again with her hand on my thigh, Carmen thought getting up from the couch.

  “Hennessy on the rocks is fine,” India smiled and repositioned herself on the couch so she could watch Carmen walk as she went for the drinks.

  Carmen poured herself at shot of Bacardi and drank it down. She poured herself another one, this time on the rocks and a Hennessy for India. Carmen checked on her roast and returned to the living room and handed India her glass. When she sat down she noticed that India had unbuttoned another button on her blouse, exposing more of her cleavage. India took a sip of her drink.

  “I know this is a little overwhelming for you to find out all this about Desireé.”

  “I think we can definitely mark that down as an understatement.”

  “Desireé was a very sexual woman. With very strong desires.”

  “I've always known that she was,” Carmen said, and then she tried to clean it up. “That she was very sexual, I mean.”

  “But you didn't know that she was bisexual or that Roland was impotent and liked to watch; did you, Carmen?”


  “Have you ever made love to a woman, Carmen?” India asked as she inched just a bit closer to Carmen and put her hand on Carmen’s thigh.

  “No, India, I haven't,” Carmen replied with attitude. “And I'd appreciate it if you took your hand off my thigh.”

  “I'm sorry,” India said removing her hand, allowing it to linger once again. India smiled, “I could make you feel things that a man can't.”

  “Can you really, India? And just how might you do that?”

  “I know what a woman wants. What she needs, and I'm very good.”

  “Yes, I'm sure you are. But you know something, India; there is something to be said for penetration.”

  “I can give you that, too,” India eagerly told Carmen.

  “Yes, I'm sure you can. But there's nothing I like about having a real dick in me. Feeling its warmth and its smooth texture when it slides in and out of me,” Carmen said slowly turning the tables on India. Now it was India who began to squirm. “To feel my man’s dick throb when he gets excited, because I know I'm really throwing this pussy at him. And there's nothing better than feeling his shaft expand and his head swell when he explodes inside me,” Carmen smiled at India. “It just makes me cum in ways that a woman never will.”

  “Oooh, stop it, Carmen. You're making my clit hard.”

  “You started it girlfriend.”

  “I see you're sexuality is as strong as Desireé's. She was always very descriptive about how she wanted to be satisfied, too.”

  “Maybe, but the difference is, I like feeling some dick in me after I get my clit licked.”

  “So do I honey and so did Desireé,” India agreed. “She and I have shared a man, too.”

  “I thought you said Roland was impotent?”

  “He's not the only dick in town.”

  “Did you two ever share Rasheed Damali?”

  “Yes,” India frowned.

  “Why you say it like that?”

  “I didn't like him.”


  “Because Desireé was in love with him.”

  “Were you in love with her?”


  Damn, Dez, you just had all these women sprung. “Can you tell me anything about him?” Carmen asked.

  “Like what?” India asked.

  “Like, was he involved with somebody, or something that could have caused her death?”


  “Well what can you tell me about him?”

  “Only that she loved him.”

  “You know where he was from? Anybody he knew?”

  “We didn't spend a lot of time talking,” India flirted.

  “I guess he never brought along a fourth to y’all’s threesome?”

  “He wanted to once, but Desireé wouldn't have it. She said a fourth would take attention away from her. And Desireé liked being the center of affection.”

  “That's sounds like Dez.”

  “Didn't you say you had a man coming over tonight?”

  “Yes, what about it?”

  “All this talk has got me craving to feel some dick.”


  “I was thinking maybe I could stay for dinner and we could all play afterwards.”

  “I don't think so, India. That's not what I had in mind for tonight.”

  “Okay then, Carmen,” India said as she got up from the couch. “I'm going to go now. See if I can't find a couple of people to play with me.”

  “I'm sure that won't be a problem for you,” Carmen said sarcastically, walking India to the door.

  “Carmen, it was a pleasure to finally meet you. I was hoping that you and I could become friends.”

  “Sure, we can. You'd be fun to hang out with.”

  “I'm lots of fun, Carmen. Try me sometime. I just might change your mind.”

  “You're something else, India. Bye.” Carmen closed the door and rolled her eyes. “I need another drink.”


  Marcus rang Carmen's doorbell at exactly seven o'clock. When the door didn't answer he paced back and forth in anticipation. When the door opened with a flourish, Carmen stood before him dressed in a red sculpted single shoulder Donna Karan dress.

  “Good evening, Marcus.”

  Marcus smiled as he looked at Carmen. “Good evening, Carmen. You look beautiful tonight.”

  “Thank you, Marcus. Please, come in.”

  “I didn't know if you wanted me to bring anything, so I brought these,” Marcus said taking his hand from behind his back and handed Carmen a dozen long steam yellow roses.

  “Thank you, Marcus. How did you know I loved yellow roses?”

  “Good guess.”

  “Well, it was an excellent guess. I'd put them in water but I don't think there's a vase in here. But I'll find something to put them in. Have a seat, Marcus. Dinner is almost ready,” Carmen said on her way to the kitchen. “Can I get you a drink?”

  “Thank you, Carmen.”

  Carmen searched through the cabinets for something to put the roses in, but all she could find was a big pitcher.

  “That is going to look so tacky.”

  Carmen poured his drink and handed it to Marcus.

  “Thank you. This is a nice place, Carmen.”

  “Thank you, I'm glad I found it,” she said and returned to the kitchen to finish preparing the meal. She peeked around the corner at Marcus. That is one fine man; she thought and got to her task. Carmen removed the roast from the pot, placed it on the cutting board, and cut it into slices. She got a serving platter from the cabinet and placed the slices in the center. Then she arranged the steamed vegetables and potatoes around the meat. Carmen opened the can of tomato paste and poured it in the pot that she had cooked the roast and vegetables in, and left it to simmer for five minutes. She went into the dining room to light the candle and dimmed the lights. Once her sauce was ready, she poured it over the meat. She took the platter into the dining room and placed in the center of the tab
le. Carmen went back into the kitchen to get the wine and the corkscrew.

  “Marcus,” she said standing in the doorway.

  “Yes, Carmen.”

  “Dinner is served.”

  Marcus took another swallow of his drink and joined Carmen in the dining room. Once Marcus was seated, she turned off the living room lights and she sat down. She handed Marcus the bottle of wine and the corkscrew. “Would you do the honors?”

  Marcus looked at the bottle, “Côtes du Rhône. Excellent choice, Carmen,” he commented as he opened and poured the wine.

  “Are you familiar with this vintage?” Carmen said in a snotty voice.

  “Isn't everybody? It's a French wine made from Grenache, Moutvèdre and Carignan grapes.”

  “I'm impressed, Mr. Douglas.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Taylor. I'm impressed by this meal. It all looks delicious,” Marcus observed as he raised his glass. “To my radiant and charming hostess.”

  “To my handsome dinner companion.” They touched and then sipped from their glasses. “Would you like me to serve you, Marcus?”

  “I would be honored.” Carmen served Marcus his meal and then her own. They ate in silence until Marcus said, “Carmen, this is delicious. What do you call it?”

  “Beef En Daube.”

  “Whatever you call it, I love it, Carmen,” Marcus proclaimed and continued to eat. “Whatever you call it, it was to die for,” he said and took a sip of his drink. He looked back at Carmen. “Is something wrong, Carmen?”

  “No,” she uttered quickly without looking up at Marcus. When she did look up, Marcus was looking in her eyes. “When you said, to die for, it made me think of Dez.”

  “I'm sorry, Carmen. Really poor choice of words.”

  “It’s okay, Marcus,” Carmen declared reaching for his hand. “Really, I'm fine. It's just that I found another letter that she started writing me. It was written two years before she died. She would start writing me these letters, but she never finishes them.”

  “What did it say?”

  “About her contemplating suicide. She wasn't happy in her marriage, with her life. She called it a life of lies. I know if I go through all her files I'll find more. But, Marcus, I never had any idea how depressed she was. She was reaching out to me with these letters. And it hurts me that I wasn't here for her.”

  “Carmen, I can't even imagine what this must be like or how hard it must be on you, but can I offer you a little friendly advice.”

  “Well, you do owe me for giving you such good advice,” Carmen smiled at Marcus and squeezed his hand.

  “Try not to beat yourself up too bad.” Marcus smiled. “You need to forgive Carmen for not being here and move on.”

  “That's not fair,” Carmen said jerking her hand away. “Giving me my own advice.”

  “At least you know it came from a good source.”

  “Good recovery, Marcus.”

  “Thank you, Carmen, I'm a lawyer you know, words are my business,” he said with a bow. “Did you find out anything else today?”

  “Yes.” Carmen looked curiously at Marcus.

  “Well what did you find out?”

  “I'm trying to think of a delicate way to put this,” Carmen tipped her head from side to side. “Fuck it, there isn't one.” Carmen sat up straight and cleared her throat. “My sister Desireé was bi-sexual.”

  “You're right, Carmen, there was no delicate way to say that,” Marcus said shaking his head.

  “I met India today, one of her lovers. She told me that Roland is impotent and he liked watching India have sex with her.”

  “I tell you what; you definitely made up my mind about what I'm going to do tomorrow.”

  “What's that?” Carmen asked innocently.

  “I'm going to spend it with you. Your days are definitely more interesting than mine.”

  “Why, how did you spend your day?”

  “I slept through most of it.”


  “After I dropped you off, Garrett came by. And we went out.”

  “Did he have something for you?”

  “No he just needed to talk. His wife left him.”

  “I'm sorry to hear that. Was he cheating on her?”

  “No,” Marcus lied. “He wasn't spending enough time at home.”

  “Sounds like she may be cheating on him.”

  “Not Paven. I can't believe she would do that.”

  “Believe me, Marcus, a woman; any woman will creep on her man if she's not happy.” Carmen could tell by the look on Marcus's face that he was thinking about Randa.

  She was about to change the subject. “What do you want to do with the rest of the evening, Carmen?” Marcus said, saving her the trouble.

  “I don't know. What do you wanna do?”

  “I was going to take you dancing, but it's raining pretty hard now.”

  “That would have been nice,” Carmen commented, knowing that wasn't what she had in mind for the rest of the evening. “I know what we can do,” Carmen said jumping up from the table. She turned the radio to an old school party mix; The Funkadelic's Knee Deep was on.

  “Come on, Marcus, show me what you got.”

  Marcus got up and took off his jacket, while Carmen pushed the coffee table out of the way. They danced to the long version of Knee Deep, then the Electric Slide came on, and you know what had to happen then. They took turns laughing and talking about one another because neither one could keep the steps together. A commercial came on and the weary dancers took a much needed break. Carmen refreshed their drinks. As soon as she sat down, the commercial ended and the Isley Brothers For The Love Of You came on. Marcus quickly rose to his feet and extended his hand.

  “May I have this dance?”

  “Yes you may,” Carmen said, accepting his hand. They swayed back and forth to the music; Marcus began to sing the words softly in Carmen's ear. “Oooh, you go, boy.”

  Carmen closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest. When Marcus stopped singing, Carmen looked up at him, he was looking at her. They stared into each other's eyes. Carmen closed her eyes and tilted her head back as Marcus kissed her. Delicately pressing his lips against hers. Marcus drew Carmen closer to him and touched her face. Carmen opened her eyes and Marcus kissed her down to her neck and then up to her ear lobes. Carmen kissed him on the cheek.

  “I never did give you the tour of the apartment,” Carmen whispered as she walked backwards. Marcus continued to kiss Carmen as she led him into the bedroom.

  She stopped in front of the bed and began to loosen Marcus's tie, allowing it to drop to the floor. She unbuttoned his shirt and unbuckled his pants. Marcus quickly kicked out of his shoes while Carmen took off his shirt and his pants dropped to the floor. She gazed into his eyes as she slowly pulled down his underwear. Marcus was lost in her eyes. Carmen sat Marcus gently on the bed.

  By this time For The Love Of You was over and Hangin' On A String by Loose Ends was playing. Carmen danced around the room and began to remove each item of her clothes. Each movement more erotic than the last. Marcus watched as each garment of clothing fell to the floor around Carmen.

  When she was naked, Carmen laid down in bed next to Marcus. He ran his hand across her breasts and touched them, held them, squeezed them, and teased them with his tongue. Marcus slid his tongue slowly around her beautiful dark circles, coming close but never touching her nipples. Carmen spread her legs and Marcus fingered her clit. He felt her clit getting harder under his touch. Carmen moaned her approval. She reached out to him and slowly began to massage his hardening length with one hand while fondling his balls with the other. Carmen kissed him passionately, and continued to stroke his erection. Marcus guided his tongue along her eyebrows, and then kissed her eyelids. Marcus stopped to look at her face. Inches from her face, Carmen looked more beautiful than she had at any point since they'd met.

  The sensation of hands gave way to the sensation of her lips, soft and wet, against his chest. As he lay on
his back, eyes closed, enjoying the taste of her tongue darting playfully in and out of his mouth and across his chest. gliding her hands across his skin to his now throbbing hardness. His excitement built as he relied on only his sense of touch and smell. Each seemed heightened as Carmen took him into the soft, wetness that is her mouth, sliding her tongue up and down his erection. Marcus reached out for Carmen and gently moved her body so he could taste her. He ran his tongue along her lips, proceeded to lick and sucked her clit. She moaned her pleasure, while continuing to slide her hand up and down his shaft.

  Once again Carmen lowered her head and took him into her mouth. His back arched. The movement of his tongue increased to a pace, which coincided with hers. Her body shook.

  “Marcus, I don't want to cum yet.”

  Carmen repositioned herself and straddled his torso, as Marcus looked on with great anticipation She lowered herself onto him. Taking his erection into the wetness between her thighs. They stared into each other's eyes, as they moved in unison, each movement, was agonizingly slow and deliberate to heighten their mutual pleasure. Carmen rolled off of Marcus; he watched her crawl around on the bed and enjoyed the perfection that is Carmen's ass. Marcus crawled over beside her and ran his hands along her back, around her perfect ass, and squeezed her firm thighs. Carmen spread her legs and he fingered her clit and played with her lips. Marcus got up on his knees and entered her from behind. Her pussy was so soft, so wet; he could barely control his passion. He felt her ass buck, pounding against him. He felt the muscles inside her tighten around him. Carmen screamed, “FUCK ME HARDER!”

  Marcus complied with her request until they both collapsed from exhaustion.

  Carmen smiled and touched his face, and then she curled up in the fetal position. Marcus ran his hand over her shoulder and down her arm. Her skin was soft and smooth. Marcus paused to admire each curve, studying each nuance of her body. Carmen began to move in response. She rolled into his arms and she kissed his lips. He tasted her tongue. It glided slowly and smoothly over his. Marcus broke their embrace and spread her legs. He kissed her inter thighs and once again tasted the wetness between them. Carmen held his head in place as his tongue slithered along her lips and making circles around her clit. Her grip grew tighter, her stomach muscles locked and her head drifted back in quiet ecstasy. Carmen sat up and Marcus eased her on her back and entered her. He placed the weight of his body on his arms and Carmen arched her back and rotated her hip in perfect unison with him. Moving slowly, then fast and then slowly again. Her body began to quiver as she stretched out her legs, seeming to anticipate his movements. Their heartbeats quickened along with pace, until their bodies shook and they screamed together.


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