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Stolen Kisses

Page 5

by Merryn Dexter

  Not sure if she should take it as a promise or a threat, Sadie flashed a weak smile and scurried from the room. Exhaustion struck the moment she closed the bedroom door behind her. Twenty-four hours previous, she’d been sliding sideways into a snowdrift and now she faced the prospect of life in a new pack, surrounded by a new family, and had met her potential mate.

  Hot liquid spilled onto the back of her hand, and she steadied her mug. Deciding it would be best to be in bed before surrendering to the panic attack lurking at the edges of her mind, she placed her drink carefully on the bedside cabinet and stripped off her clothes.

  The soft flannel of her pajamas cocooned her like the best comforting blanket, calming her jittery nerves a little. She nestled into the bank of pillows behind her and took a sip of the hot chocolate. Sugary sweetness filled her mouth, and she turned the act of drinking into an exercise in mindfulness, keeping all her attention on the mug in her hand to block out the jumbled thoughts in her head. The warmth seeping into her palms, the sticky melt of marshmallow on her tongue, the scent of chocolate rising in the steam. Her racing heart settled with each slow taste until the tension seeped from her muscles and she truly relaxed.

  A quiet tap on the door disturbed her meditation. “Come in.”

  The door swung open to reveal Jessie, clad in a pair of stripy pajamas with a stuffed animal under one arm. Her pensive expression drove Sadie’s own cares away, and she sat up. “What is it, sweetie?”

  Jessie twisted one of her long curls around her finger. “I had a bad dream.”

  Surprised the little girl would seek her out rather than her parents, Sadie placed her mug on the cabinet and lifted the edge of her quilt. “Do you want to talk to me about it?”

  Jessie hurried across the room and jumped into the warm space Sadie made for her, burrowing into her side. Whatever her dream had been about, she was seriously spooked. Sadie tucked the quilt around them both then tugged the bedraggled toy bear out of the way to give Jessie room to cuddle closer. Giving her time, Sadie stroked her back and murmured soothing words.

  When Jessie heaved a sigh, Sadie took her cue. “Do you want to tell me about your dream?”

  “It was dark, I was in the house, but I couldn’t find the right door to get back to my room. I was scared I would hurt someone, that I wouldn’t be able to protect them. Then I was hungry, but I couldn’t find any food. I ran along the hall and had to stop because my legs felt funny. I tried to open the doors, but they were all locked and my chest hurt, like when I’ve run too fast, and then I saw a light and heard your voice telling me to come in.” Her words tumbled out in a rush, her scent full of panic and worry.

  Sadie hugged her tight. “Shh. It’s all right, now. You’re all right.”

  Hannah had mentioned her daughter had inherited her own healing ability with an empathetic twist. She’d also warned Jessie might try to “help” if Sadie was feeling sad or worried about something. The family tried to discourage her from using her gifts while she was still too young to control them or understand her limitations. Maybe she’d picked up some of the anxiety and high emotion flying around the place. Between Sadie’s arrival, the news of Caitlyn’s pregnancy, and excitement over the scavenger hunt it wouldn’t be surprising that Jessie had become caught in the emotional overload.

  “I’ve got some hot chocolate left. Would you like some?” The sugar and warmth would settle Jessie. She helped the little girl sit up and made sure she had a good grip on the half-full mug.

  A floorboard creaked out in the hall, a deliberate warning to Sadie someone approached. She caught an evergreen scent and was already watching the door when Caleb appeared. He folded his arms across his chest and rested his shoulder against the frame. “Ah, here’s my little lost cub.”

  Jessie peered at him over the earthenware rim. “Hello, Daddy. Did you have a bad dream, too?”

  “No, pumpkin. Your momma got up to see to Micah and I went to check on you. I was hoping for a cuddle but looks like you don’t have any to spare.” Caleb turned his mouth down in an exaggerated pout, making Jessie giggle.

  Sadie barely grabbed the mug in time to stop the last of the chocolate from spilling as the little girl bounced out of bed. “Silly Daddy. I always have cuddles for you.” She ran toward him, taking a flying leap into Caleb’s outstretched arms. Hugging her close, he looked past her toward Sadie and raised an eyebrow.

  “I think we overwhelmed her today. I know I’m pretty wiped out from all the sudden changes.”

  Caleb nodded. “It’s been a hell of a day, for sure.”

  “Daddy, you’re not supposed to say hell!” Jessie giggled, and Sadie bit her lip so as not to grin at the wince on his face.

  “Shh. Don’t tell your momma, or she’ll put me in time-out.” His earnest plea sent Jessie giggling again, and Sadie gave him a wave as he pulled the door closed behind them both. Feeling much more relaxed thanks to a combination of hot chocolate and little girl snuggles, Sadie smoothed the soft cotton pillowcase and lay on her side.

  She’d stayed in bed as long as she could the next morning, listening to the family moving around as they prepared themselves for the day. By the time she made it down to the kitchen, showered and dressed in a warm sweater and jeans, only Marjorie remained in the house. Accepting a cup of coffee with a grateful smile, she sat in the chair indicated and waited for the interrogation to begin. At least it came with waffles.

  The kitchen door opened, and two laughing women entered, both around the same age as Marjorie, although gray streaked the human woman’s hair. Shaking a mop of messy curls, her wolf companion helped herself to a drink and plopped down on a spare chair. Sadie recognized her from the meet and greet at Easton’s caravan and racked her brain for a name. Something masculine, Robby…no, Rory. She smiled at Sadie from underneath her bangs. “Good morning. You survived the first twenty-four hours, I see. Assimilation is much easier after that.”

  The human laughed. “Assimilation, you make them sound like a cult.” She patted Sadie on the shoulder and took the seat next to her. “I’m Bridie, Hannah’s mother, give or take a bit of biology.”

  Marjorie stared down her nose at them. “I don’t know what you two are babbling on about.” The sparkle in her green eyes said she wasn’t the least bit offended by the friendly teasing. She turned in her seat. “So, Sadie. What are your plans today? Are you meeting Easton?” There was something sly in the way she said his name, and it didn’t help that Sadie jumped in her chair at the mere mention of his name.

  “Oh, umm, I guess so. We didn’t make firm plans, but we need to make a start on the hunt.”

  Bridie leaned forward, face glowing with excitement. “You two are in the scavenger hunt?”

  Marjorie shook her head at her friend. “Never mind that. I want to know why our Sadie came in smelling like our favorite handyman and yet doesn’t have any plans to see him today.”

  Feeling the heat burning her cheeks, Sadie dropped her head forward to study her lap, letting her long hair swing down to shield her. “He ran away,” she mumbled.

  Someone sniggered, Rory, from the direction of the sound, and received a loud “Shush!” from Marjorie. “Ignore her, darling. What do you mean he ran away?”

  Sadie peered up from under her brows. “He kissed me and then left.”

  “And was it a good kiss?” Bridie asked.

  “The best.”

  Soft sighs greeted her declaration, encouraging Sadie to lift her head. “I think he might be my mate.”

  Marjorie clapped her hands. “Spoken like a true Burrows. They always fall fast and hard.”

  Rory snorted. “Not all of them.”

  “True, dear, but Sander always was a bit slow on the uptake.”

  Laughter filled the air, chasing the doubts from Sadie’s mind. Maybe it wasn’t too soon to take a step with Easton. She was a Burrows. Not a King.

  Chapter Six

  Bright laughter drifted to him, carried o
n a fresh breeze from the open door layered in a scent that made the wolf inside him sit up and beg. Easton straightened from his task of re-setting the table and his heart stuttered. Sadie stood between Bridie and Rory, head thrown back, eyes bright and merry, the creamy length of her neck bared. More than one head turned in their direction, and he stepped deliberately into the line of sight of a pair of males who watched her with open admiration. He hadn’t realized he’d growled until one of them held his hands up in surrender and switched his attention to the short stack on his plate.

  He sensed her behind him a moment before her fingers brushed the back of his arm, was already turning to face her so her touch slid across his belly, turning it into something far more intimate than she probably had intended. Eyes darkening to wet slate, Sadie popped onto tiptoes and brushed a kiss on his cheek. “Good morning.”

  High color spotted her cheeks, but she met and held his gaze, and something settled inside him. Having cursed himself for leaving her standing, he’d spent a restless night tossing and turning in sheets still carrying a hint of her scent. His wolf was half-crazed with need, and the man not far behind it. It didn’t matter how many times he told both halves of himself they had to take it slow and steady, the mating need burned like a brand inside him.

  And here she was. The tentative smile on her lips and promise shining in her eyes sent his good intentions crumbling to dust. Curling his arm around her back, he leaned down, pulled her tight into the heat of his body, and picked up their kiss where he’d left it the night before. The sights and sounds of the restaurant faded into the background as he bent his entire focus on the welcoming, wet heat of her mouth. A man could die for a kiss like this, and die with a smile on his face.

  They were both panting when he finally let her up for air, but she didn’t look unhappy with his actions. Raising a hand to acknowledge the appreciative applause from the men behind him, Easton steered Sadie toward a corner booth, well away from everyone else. His wolf pressed hard beneath his skin, and he knew the beast would not tolerate any male too close to their mate until things were settled between them. “I’ll be back in a minute.” She nodded, and his chest might have puffed out a little at the stars shining in her eyes.

  Rory and Bridie waited for him beside the main counter, neither woman making any attempt to hide their wide grins. Bridie leaned her head toward her friend, keeping her eyes on Easton. “See, this is why we hired him. It might take a while, but once he gets started, he always does a thorough job.”

  Rory cackled. “Did you see the way he held her chin? Good attention to detail, I liked that.”

  Easton did his best to stay on his feet rather than curl into an embarrassed ball on the floor. “Kill me now,” he muttered then put his game face on. “What can I do for you ladies this fine morning?”

  Bridie laughed. “You can get that apron off for a start. Rory has some free time so she’s going to cover your shifts here today. Marjorie spoke to Caleb and he’s going to help Ven at the gas station, so the day is yours to do with as you wish.”

  He shook his head but reached behind to unfasten the ties of the apron around his waist. Once the family started plotting, he knew better than to try and resist them. “You didn’t have to do this, you know.”

  She patted his arm. “We know. Happy hunting.”

  The blue sky overhead carried a few wisps of high clouds, and the fresh smell of evergreen filled the air from the tall trees crowding behind the scattered buildings on Main Street. Although the warmth of the sun was weak, it provided enough heat to negate the need for hats. Sadie wore a pair of thick woolen gloves, and Easton removed the one closest to him to claim her hand. She laughed and cuddled closer into his side when he tucked their clasped hands into his coat pocket to keep them warm.

  Curious expressions followed their progress, and more than a few people stopped to say hello, angling for an introduction to the new wolf, although no one could have any doubt who she was. Wolves loved gossip like they loved the howling at the full moon. Sadie took it in stride, politely repeating her story about paying her family a visit. Yes, she might look to stay longer, but of course that was up to the alpha. Speaking of which….

  A dark-haired man stepped out of the door of The Den at the other end of the street, the aura of power around him as much as his faint limp telling Easton it was Drew Tao. He turned his attention back to Ogden and Lara, the owner of the local lumber mill and his musician mate. “If you’ll excuse us, I should introduce Sadie to Drew.”

  Ogden offered his hand. “Of course. So can you spare me some time tomorrow to get the tree in position?”

  “Absolutely. And we will see you soon, Lara. I’ll bring Sadie to your next show at The Den.” They said their good-byes and did a silly one-two shuffle when both couples stepped to the left at the same time.

  Drew waited for them on the sidewalk in a wide space naturally created by the other wolves in the street, giving their alpha a wide berth. Not because they feared him—Drew was nothing like the cruel monster his father had become. Solid and fair, he had worked wonders to bring peace to their shattered pack. Families like the Burrows were making their way back home, breathing new life into the town. Old traditions were being reinstated and new ones created to reinforce the pack bonds. The upcoming Solstice run was eagerly anticipated by old and young alike.

  “Drew.” Easton inclined his head in a mark of respect then placed a hand on Sadie’s back to encourage her forward. “This is Sadie Burrows-King.”

  The alpha returned his nod, the neutral expression on his face giving no indication of his thoughts. With his hands tucked in the front pockets of his jeans, his posture could be mistaken for relaxed, but the way he canted his head to one side gave the impression of a predator studying potential prey. Not scary, exactly, certainly nothing like the terror Ryker, the pack enforcer, could instill with the twitch of one eyebrow, but there was no mistaking Drew for anything other than a wolf at the very top of pack hierarchy.

  “Welcome to Los Lobos. I understand you had something of an eventful arrival. You’re not injured?”

  Sadie tipped her head up and to the right, keeping her eyes averted from Drew’s while offering him a glimpse of the vulnerable skin of her throat. An instinctive act of submission from one wolf to another. “I thank you for your welcome, Alpha, and the kind hospitality of your pack.” Sadie gave a rueful smile. “And nothing damaged other than my car and my pride.”

  The alpha rolled his shoulders, shedding the tension in his body, and the atmosphere around their little group became less strained. “Are you here for a visit, or is it your wish to join the Tao Pack?”

  Sadie lowered her head. “I have no family elsewhere.” She paused. “No other family I am aware of, I should say. My grandfather and father both roamed from Cedar Creek long ago. I have no idea whether either is still alive.”

  Easton clenched his fists and turned his head to study the people drifting up and down the street. Anger boiled in his veins at the idea of any man, wolf or not, who would abandon his family so.

  “Our pack needs stability,” the alpha said, his tone grave. “I won’t lie to you, Sadie. I’ve spoken to your alpha at Cedar Creek and he had few kind words for the King family. He also made it clear he’s cut ties with you.”

  Easton’s head snapped around, Sadie had referred to things being difficult with her old pack, but he hadn’t expected that. She shrank into herself, and the bitter scent of defeat hovered around her. His wolf growled inside his head, urging him to move closer. Drew flicked him a warning look, forcing Easton to maintain his distance.

  The alpha untucked his hands and folded his arms across his chest. “Before I accept you as one of mine, you need to take some time and figure out who you are. A Burrows or a King. Stefan’s family is precious to me, and I won’t have them hurt if you decide to run again.”

  He tapped Sadie under the chin to make her meet his gaze. The stern expression on his face softened a
nd his next words held a kinder tone. “Circumstances forced me to abandon my mate once and it almost broke us both. Don’t make the same mistake I did.” He looked between Easton and Sadie for a long moment. “I’m not saying this to hurt you, but protecting every member of this pack is a duty I take seriously.”

  The alpha held Easton’s eyes; the care he read in Drew’s eyes as much as his dominance compelled him to look away. His wolf shifted uncomfortably beneath his skin. Caught between the demands of his leader and his desire for Sadie, he struggled to find the right words.

  Warm fingers curled around his own and squeezed them. “I thank you for your wise words, Alpha. Los Lobos feels as though it could be home for me, but I will not rush into making promises I cannot keep.”

  Drew nodded, apparently satisfied with Sadie’s statement. “Be welcome among us. Enjoy the holiday season and the comfort only friends and family can bring.” A hint of a smile creased his cheek. “I hear you volunteered for Gee’s scavenger hunt. Good luck.” The alpha turned away, and there was no effort to disguise the laughter in his voice. “You’re going to need it.”

  Sadie stared at her feet, driving the wolf inside him mad because they couldn’t read her expression. Her scent held a confusing mix of emotions, and Easton dragged her into his arms to claim her mouth, needing to see bright laughter shining in her eyes once again. She melted into him, their bodies molding together in perfect harmony. They broke for air, and she raised a hand to her glowing cheek. “What was that for?”

  He leaned forward until they were nose to nose. “I like kissing you.”

  A soft laugh huffed between her lips, caressing him with her warm breath. “I like you kissing me.”

  Tangling a hand in the dark curls cascading down her back, he tilted her head up to meet his eyes. “Then let’s go somewhere private so I can do it again.”

  Need flashed gold over gray, and spicy vanilla perfumed the air around them. “Easton Quaid, are you trying to seduce me?”


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